Flight 1E attracted 347 players and we know another 35 names of day 2 participants. Biggest stack from this flight belongs to David Safrany who bagged 1,829,000. Highroller event attracted 147 entries and prizepool got to amazing 68,145€. Tommorow there are three fligts on schedule. Flight 1G starts at 12:00, flight 1H at 17:00 and flight 1I- Turbo at 22:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1E:
1:25 Flight 1E is done in quite brutal way...
On the flop Js 5h 6h Patric Sarca got his 258,000 in with pocket aces against pocket eights held by Ben Nun. Turn 8s and river 4h sent Sarca out of the tournament in very uncomfortable way and flight 1E is over.
1:15 In short timespan we lost few players
Libo, Prowizor, Shitrit and Walter busted within three minutes. We are playing hand for hand now.
00:55 Shimon Benaim eliminated
Benaim got his 138,000 behind the line with pocket tens against Tamas Horvath with Ax Jx. Board Qx 2 x2x Ax Jx eliminated Shimon close to day 2.
00:45 Mateo Seremet loosing one
Mateo bets 30,000 into a pot of around 120,000 on flop 9h 7h Kc. Yaniv Shitrit makes it 150,000 and Mateo folded after short while.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 385,556, ent.: 45/347
Break 15 min
HR Payouts:
1. 17,015€
2. 10,650€
3. 8,550€
4. 6,460€
5. 5,240€
6. 4,190€
7. 3,140€
8. 2,440€
9. 1,850€
10-12. 1,470€
13-15. 1,120€
16-18. 840€
HR event created 147 entries and prizepool got to massive 69,825€.
00:05 Miloš Zerzevski crippled
Miloš opens to 20,000, David Safrány 3-bets to 80,000 and Miloš 4-bets to 220,000. Safrány calls and on the flop 8h 4h 3x Miloš got his around 600,000 in. David held little bit less and made the call with Ah Kh and Zerzevski tabled pocket aces. Turn was a brick but third hearth on the river brought flush for Safrány and Miloš fell to shortstack. Few hands later he lost last chips.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 315,455, ent.: 55/347, HR ent.: 31/147, 1F ent.: 64/87
23:45 Creative bet
On the turn Tx Jx 2x Ax there was around 170,000 in the pot and one of the israeli players bets 222,000. His opponent tanked for few minutes and folded his hand.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000 avg, 247,857, ent.: 70/347, HR ent.: 35/147, 1F ent.: 67/83
23:20 Janošovský shoves
On the turn Jh 6c 2d 9d there ias about 80,000 in the pot and Janošovský is facing a bet of 35,000. After short while Jakub announces all in of around 130,000. His opponent folded his hand after some thinking.
23:10 Brian Van Heezewijk busto
On the flop Qc Jd 6h Brian´s stack flew in with Jd 9d and Libo wth Ah Qh called. TUrn Ax and river 4x didnt improve Brian´s hand.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 219,620, ent.: 79/347, HR ent.: 43/147, 1F ent.: 63/70
22:55 Janošovský Vs. Ram
On the flop Kc Kd 7d Janošovský cbets 12,000, Stefanos called and Ram raises to 25,000. Janošovský calls, Stefanos folds. Turn 2s brought a bet of 30,000 from Ram and Jakub calls again. River Jd was checked swiftly and Ram tabled Ad Jx. Janošovský mucks his hand.
22:45 Zerzevski busting Koskas
On the flop Ks 4s 3h Koskas moved his 84,000 behind the line with As 8s and Miloš called with Kx Qx. Turn Jc and river 8c didn´t brought any outs for Koskas and Miloš is eliminating this opponent.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 168,932, ent.: 103/348, HR ent.: 57/143
Break 20 min
21:55 Flip !
Boris got his 10bb in with Ax Qx against other player with pocket eights. Board Ax 4x 5x 9x 9x brought a double up for Boris.
21:45 Turn checkraise
On the turn 2x 9x Tx 4x there was around 50,000 in the pot and Theo bets 30,000. His greek opponent raised to 75,000 and it took whole three minutes for Theo to fold.
21:30 Turboflight starting in 30 minutes
If you prefer faster tournament structures at 22:00 there is scheduled flight 1F – Turbo. All conditions are same but blind levels will take 15 minutes.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 142,562, ent.: 121/345, HR ent.: 69/140
21:20 Denis Kagalovsky double up through Janošovský
Kagalovsky got his 35000 in with Ah 9h against Qd Jd held by Jakub. After runout 3x Qx 8x Ax 8x Kagalovsky doubled up.
21:05 Eliran Vaknin survived
Eliran shoved his shortstack and two opponents called off. On the flop 2x 5x 6x Gasparovski c-bets about half the pot and third player in hand folded. Eliran tabled Ax Kx and Gasparovski held pocket jacks. After turn 4x and river 3x Eliran didn´t got his double up, but at least wasn´t eliminated.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 116,897, ent.: 145/339, HR ent.: 77/129
20:50 Bogdan double up
On the flop Ac 7c Th pot was 15,500 and Bogdan bets 7,000. Fragoudakis rejams for about 80,000 and Phiniotis folded. Bogdan made the call with Ax Jx and Fragoudakis flips over Ax 7x. Turn jx and river Qx doubled up Bogdan.
20:40 C-bet almighty
On the flop 8x 8x 5x there was five players in and around 25,000 in the pot. Daniel c-bets for 15,000 and all his opponents folded.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 103,416, ent.: 161/333
20:20 Flop raise
On the flop Th 6h 6d Eran Lin bets 7,500 and Shimon Azulay raises to 20,000. Eran tanked for a fair bit and decided to fold in the end. Shimon shows him pocket queens.
20:00 Shay Harari out
On the flop Ax 4x 3x Shay got his about 70,000 behind the line after series of raises and reraises with Frank Drefahl. Shay tabled Ax Qx and Frank held Ax 4x. Turn Jx and river 9x didn´t improve Shay´s hand and he hass to leave his seat.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 93,931, ent.: 173/325, HR ent.: 84/118
Break 15 min
19:30 Aleksander Stoev done
On the river 6x Tx 9x 7x 7x there was about 30,000 in the pot and Stoev shoves for about same ammount of chips. Maciej Czajka called with Kx Tx and that was more than enough against Qx Jx held by Stoev.
19:20 Kare Kaukomaa reshoves
Sikic opens to 3,400, David Israel calls and on other side of table Kare Kauomaa jams for his 29,300. Both opponents folded.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 84,511, ent.: 184/311, HR ent.: 88/112
18:50 Joel Wolff busto
Joel got his aroud 40,000 in with pocket threes against his opponent with Qx Qx. Board Kx 9x 8x Kx 9x didn´t brought any help for Joel.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 74,121, ent.: 199/295
18:30 Interesting hand for Tamaškovič
Ont he flop Jx 2x 5x Tamaškovič bet 7,000 into a pot of 12,500. Michal Stojka folded and Yossef Laber jammed 34,900. Tamaškovič made the call with Ax 5x, Laber tabled Ax Kx. Turn Ax and river Kx brought bit unexpected double up for Laber.
18:25 Pot for Valent
On the flop 5c 8c Qh Adam Lengyel bets 2,600 into a pot of approximately 6,000. Valent made a quick call and turn 4c was checked. River Kc brought a bet of 5,000 from Valent and Adam after short while folded his hand.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 67,299, ent.: 211/284, HR ent.: 80/89
18:10 Pot for David Israel
On the flop 9x 5x Kx there was 16,000 inside and David made a bet of 6,500. Harari Shay folded slowly.
17:55 Nasty way out for Michalakellis
On the flop 9s 5d 3h Michalakellis bets 7,000 into a pot of 13,000, Nimrol Fridlin raises to 17,000 and after long time Michalakellis called. Turn 7x was quickly checked, river 6x brought all in of around 25,000 from Michalakellis and Nimrol snapcalled with Qx 8x. Michalakellis held lower straight with pocket fours and had to leave.
17:45 Highroller event started during dinner break
In first level there is 67 players already registred, which means that guarantee was smashed in very first level. Late registration to Highroller is open until 22:45 !
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 61,137, ent.: 211/258, HR ent.: 60/64
Break 30 min
17:00 Flip
Ben got his last 15,000 in with pocket sixes against Peter with Ax Jx. After blank board Ben doubles up for now.
16:50 Highroller starting in 10 minutes !
Buy in is set to 550€ and guarantee is 25,000€. Nice structure and one day event is ready just for you !
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 57,990, ent.: 194/225
16:30 Mario Knezevic climbing up
Preflop four players agreed on sum of 2,200. On the flop Kc 6c 7d Gasparovski bets 2,200, Častvan folds and Knezevic with Libo called. TUrn 5s brought a bet of 6,500 from Knezevic, Libo called and Gasparovski folded. On the river Qc Knezevic bets again, this time for 10,200 and Libo folded.
16:15 Michal RUtkowski took nice pot
On the flop 5d 6d 4c there was around 6,500 inside and Antonios bets 2,400, Rutkowski calls and Bumba after some thinking made a call too. Turn Jd was checked to the Rutkowski and he made a bet of 6,200. Bumba folded, Antonios called. River 7d brought only two swift checks and Antonios tabled pocket sevens for riverred set, but that was not enough against 3d 2d held by Michal.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 52,273, ent,: 176/184
16:00 3-bet pot
Malinovský opens to 1,100 in ep, Konstantinou and El Bar called. Liviu Paval in bb 3-bets to 8,400, Malinovský and Konstantinou called. On the flop As 4c 3d Liviu fires all-in of 23,800 and both opponents after long thinking folded their hands.
15:45 Manfred Walter winning smaller pot
On the flop and turn As 2s 8x 6x Walter with Ben checked, on the river 4c Walter decided to bet 3,000 into a pot of 5,000. Ben calls but can´t beat Ax 2x held by his opponent.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,299, ent.: 167/168
15:25 Yossef took one right from start
On the turn Kx Jx 4x 7x pot was around 20,000 and Yossef bets 15,000. His opponent tanked for quite a while but decided to fold.
15:15 Right from start we can see
Hohr, Laczkovich, Malinovský. Častvan, Riemer, Vettas, Stopka and many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 128/128
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 200€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
Banco Lottery v hodnote 150.000€ - vyhrajte každý deň až 1.000€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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