Seven days full of poker in Slovak Poker Open 200,000€ GTD ended up with triumph of Sebastian Kotowicz, that won without any deal 34,460€. Tournament logged 842 entries, so it was tough road for everyone. This weekend there are two one-day events with total guarantee of 45,000€ as Warm Up before next week´s Bounty Hunter Days 100,000€ GTD. For more information about upcoming events, check our website or social networks. We are looking forward to see you all !
Player results at Final Table :
1. Kotowicz Sebastian - 34 460 €
2. Katsikas Dimitrios - 21 190 €
3. Iles Csaba - 14 770 €
4. Stopka Lukáš - 11 560 €
5. Berdis David - 9 340 €
6. Vettas Christos - 7 120 €
7. Šerák Tomáš - 5 630 €
8. Lamell Mattias - 4 140 €
9. Matyasi Lajos - 2 650 €
21:15 Second place finish belongs to Dimitrios Katsikas for 21,190€
Dimitrios limped, Kotowicz raised to 1,700,000. Dimitrios jammed for about 10,000,000 and Sebastian called with Ax Qx. Dimitrios held 5x 5x and board 7x 8x 8x Kx Qx was last one in Slovak Poker Open main event.
Level 33: 250,000 - 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 21,050,000, ent.: 2/842
20:55 Kotowicz strikes back
On the flop 2c 4c Jc Dimitrios bets 1,000,000. Sebastian raises up to 2,900,000 and after short time to think Dimitrios return cards to the dealer.
Level 32: 200,000 - 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 21,050,000, ent.: 2/842
20:45 Dimitrios take something
On the turn 2c 2h 5c 5h Sebastian bets 800,000 into around 2,000,000. Dimitrios called and on the river Kh leaded out for 2,000,000. Sebastian folded.
And we are headsup now..
Kotowitz holds 30,500,000, Dimitrios Katsikas 12,100,000.
20:30 Csaba Iles eliminated in third place for 14,770€
Dimitrios jammed sb with Kx 7x and Csaba called from sb for last 3,100,000 with sixes. Runout Kx 9x 3x Tx Jx eliminated hungarian player.
20:25 Dimitrios double up
Dimitrios went all in preflop with Ax Tx for 3,125,000 and Sebastian found Qx Qx. Board Ax 8x 6x 7x Jx meant, that greece player is going to double up through chipleader.
20:20 Lukáš Stopka done in fourth place for 11,560€
Lukás jammed little bit shy of two millions with 7x 6x. Csaba called with Ax 6x out of bigblind and runout 3x 4x 9x Kx 4x means seat open for last slovak player in tournament.
20:15 Kotowicz is completely destroying final table
So this is how total endless destruction looks like...
Seat 1: Kotowicz Sebastian - 34,500,000
Seat 2: Katikas Dimitrios - 2,900,000
Seat 3: Stopka Lukáš - 1,950,000
Seat 8: Iles Csaba - 2,800,000
Level 31: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 10,525,000, ent.: 4/842
Break 15 minutes
Another huge event in Banco Casino will be Polish Poker Championship with total guarantee of 333,000€ !
19:50 Dimitrios take down little one
Dimitrios c-bets 400,000 on 6h 2d Qd flop into around 1,300,000 pot. Csaba folded after a while.
19:45 Deal didn´t get through
We are playing this out
19:30 There is ongoing deal-discussion
19:15 Csaba ain´t scared
Csaba opens button to 425,000 and Kotowicz makes it 1,075,000. Dimitrios in bigblind tanked a bit but folded. Csaba after little longer tank called and on the flop 9h 3h Ts Sebastian bets 750,000. Csaba ships his 3,175,000 and after couple of minutes Kotowicz found a fold.
Level 30: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 10,525,000, ent.: 4/842
18:55 What a unpleasant day for David Berdis
David didn´t had his day, and despite chiplead from beggining of day, he was bleeding chips left and right since very beggining. Whatever he touched was either burning or directly exploded and last 1,500,000 ended up behind the line with Kc Tc and Kotowicz, that runs like jesus today called with pocket sixes. Runout 6x 7x Kx 9x Jx meant seat open for sad David and i´m sure 9,340€ cashout is in this case pretty much dissapointment.
By end of the may Bounty Hunter Days series will take place in Banco Casino Bratislava.
Everything that KO lovers need.
18:40 Dimitrios moves in
Dimitrios opens to 325,000 and Stopka with Iles called. Kotowicz 3-bets out of bigblind to 1,225,000. Dimitrios responded by ultraquick all in for wonderful 4,000,000. Stopka and Iles passed their hands back to dealer immediatelly, Kotowicz tanked couple of minutes and folded face-up eights. Dimitrios showed Qx Qx to the table after the hand.
18:25 Kotowicz executed Vettas
Vettas got his stack of 2,125,000 with Kc Qc and Kotowicz happily snapped with Ax Ax. Board 8d 5d 4s 5s didn´t gave slightest chance to this greek player and will take home 7,120€.
Level 29: 100,000 - 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 7,016,667, ent.: 6/842
18:05 Tomáš Šerák eliminated in 7th place for 5,630€
Šerák shipped about 2,500,000 wih Ax Qx and Kotowicz found pocket kings. Board 6c 2d Jh 5h Js confrims dominance of polish player and Šerák left his place.
17:55 Csaba all-in
Csaba raised first in out of smallblind for 350,000 and Sebastian raised bigblind to whooping 900,000. Csaba didn´t hesitate and jammed for 4,725,000. Sebastian folded after short tank.
17:45 Mattias Lamell eliminated 8th for 4,140€
Mattias shoved 2,100,000 with pocket nines and Kotowicz one seat after him found Ax Kx. Board Qd 8d Jh 8h Th brought straight to polish player and Mattias is on his way to cashdesk for his 4,140€.
Stacks before the break:
Seat 1: Kotowicz Sebastian - 12,650,000
Seat 2: Katikas Dimitrios - 5,600,000
Seat 3: Stopka Lukáš - 5,975,000
Seat 4: Vettas Christos - 3,125,000
Seat 5: Berdis David - 5,675,000
Seat 6: Šerák Tomáš - 2,150,000
Seat 8: Iles Csaba - 4,275,000
Seat 9: Lamell Mattias - 2,700,000
Level 28: 75,000 - 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 5,262,500, ent.: 8/842
Break 20 minutes
17:00 A massacre
Stopka jammed for 1,990,000 with Ah 8h, Vettas rejammed with pocket kings for about 3,600,000 and Berdis rejamed for 11,000,000 with queens after longer tank. Board As Js 4h 9d Td brought triple up for Stopka, Vettas ended up about breaking even and Berdis is loosing.
16:55 Kotowicz took down one
On the turn 5h8d 4d 8h there was about 1,300,000 inside. Vettas bets 450,000 from the button and Kotowicz called rather quickly. River 2d brought leading bet 530,000 from Sebastian Kotowicz and Vettas folded.
16:50 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
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16:40 Csaba Iles double up
Csaba got it in with jacks against Ad Qd held by Dimitrios for 2,100,000. Blank board held for Csaba this time.
16:30 X-bet wars
Dimitrios opens to 255,000 and Berdis 3-bets to 740,000. Dimitrios didn´t like that and 4-bets to 1,850,000. Berdis tanks for couple of minutes and folds.
Level 27: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 5,262,500, ent.: 8/842
16:15 First victim of Final Table is Lajos Matyasi
Matyasi got his 1,020,000 in with sevens against Ax Kx held by Vettas. After runout Kx Jx 7x Tx Qx Matyasi will receive 2,650€ for his 9th place finish.
Level 26: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,677,778, ent.: 9/842
From level 26 there is twelve minutes and two seconds left. All future levels will be 45 minutes long.
16:10 So we begin ...
After few formalities battle for big chunk of cash begun.
15:55 We will be starting in little while
Players are slowly surrounding final table and in little while they take their seats.
Today we crown Slovak Poker Open Main Event Champion!
Before final table start, best chances are at David Berdis´s 11,815,000, but as all of us experienced before, lady luck can turn around at any moment. On other side there is Lajos Matyasi with little bit above one million and touching the top-buck might be painful but not impossible road for this hungarian gentleman.
Winner will take 34,460€ and we will find out his name in upcoming hours. Stay with us !
Final Table stacks:
Final Table payouts:
1. 34 460 €
2. 21 190 €
3. 14 770 €
4. 11 560 €
5. 9 340 €
6. 7 120 €
7. 5 630 €
8. 4 140 €
9. 2 650 €
All players on Final Table will get 185€ ticket to Bounty Hunter Days 100,000€ GTD and these money are already added to their payouts.
Slovak Poker Open 200,000€ GTD Main Event:
- Late Registration : 12 levels
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 225€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
- All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
- Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
- 10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Slovak Poker Open 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 333,000€ GTD:
Greek Poker Champions 150,000€ GTD :
France – Benelux Masters Main Event 150,000€ GTD:
CODE HUNTER - otvorte trezor a vyhrajte progresívny JACKPOT!
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 56,555€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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