A total of 126 players registered for flight 1G, and Niko Kvasai advanced as the chip leader with a stack of 1,300,000. In flight 1H, 63 out of 144 players are currently battling, with late registration open until midnight, and flight 1I – Turbo just started a little while ago with fourteen players. The overlay is currently over 90,000€, and the last opportunities to advance to tomorrow's day 2 will be the morning hyper turbo starting at 10:00 and the Flip 'n' Go tournaments beginning at 12:30. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1G: -
22:20 Bubble boy is Milan Sajanek
Milan pushed about 150,000 with Ax Kx, and Jan Erik called from the big blind with Ac 7c. After the board 7x 9x 8x Jx 4x, Milan is eliminated on the bubble.
22:10 Peso double up
Peso pushed his short stack with Kx Jx, and Jan Erik called from the big blind with 8x 5x. After the board 7x Qx 3x 4x 2x, Peso secures a double up.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 450,000, ent.: 14/126, 1H ent.: 67/138
21:40 Silence before the storm
There hasn't been much action in the last few minutes, and the game has significantly tightened up.
21:20 Rýchla smršť seat openov a hráme hand for hand
V priebehu niekoľkých minút nás opustili Zigrossi, Skryp, Roslan, Krizka a Gašperan. Do konca flightu 1G nám tak zostáva posledná eliminácia.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 331,579, ent.: 19/126, 1H ent.: 72/130
Break 15 min
21:00 Turbo flight starts in an hour!
The overlay is still nearly 100,000€ and flight 1I – Turbo is one of the last opportunities to secure a spot in tomorrow's day 2!
20:50 Li Nu eliminated
Li Nu went all-in preflop for about 300,000 with Jx Jx. Niko covered him slightly with Kx Kx, and after the board 7x 3x 2x 2x 7x, there were no surprises.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 315,000, ent.: 20/126, 1H ent.: 74/124
20:30 Jan Erik victorious
On the flop Qx 2x 2x, there was about 50,000 in the pot, and all three players checked. On the turn 3x, Edmondo bet 50,000, Martin folded, and Jan called. The river 6s was checked, and Jan from the big blind revealed Qx 7x. Edmondo immediately threw his cards into the muck.
20:20 Linda Huber all in
Linda opened from early position, and Matúš 3-bet from the big blind to 45,000. Linda responded with an all-in for more than 200,000, and after a moment, Matúš folded his cards.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 252,000, ent.: 25/126
20:00 Multiway pot for Jakub
On the flop Ax Tx 8x, Jakub bet 30,000 into a pot of about 70,000. However, both opponents folded without a word.
19:45 Flip
Ivo went all-in preflop for his 10bb with sixes, and one of the opponents called with Kx Jx. After the board Kx 2x 9x Tx 4x, Ivo was eliminated.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 217,241, ent.: 29/126, 1H ent.: 91/115
19:30 C-bet was enough
On the flop Kx Jx Jx, Matúš bet 20,000 into a pot of about 40,000. His opponent immediately folded.
19:10 Massive overlay becomes a reality!
Registration for flight 1G has just closed, and the current overlay stands at €03,000.€ The last opportunities to join and fight for a spot in tomorrow's day 2 are flight 1H with late registration open until midnight, flight 1I – Turbo at 22:00, or the morning Hyperturbo starting at 10:00. The final chance for qualification will be the Last Chance Flip 'n' Go, which starts tomorrow at 12:30
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 175,000, ent.: 36/126, 1H ent.: 79/95 -
Break 15 min
18:40 Bomb on the river
On the river Ax 5x 4x Jx Ax, there was about 50,000 in the pot, and Pawel bet 120,000. His opponent agonized for almost 5 minutes but ultimately folded face up Kx Kx.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 177,143, ent.: 35/124, 1H ent.: 77/88
18:10 Andreas Pavli victorious
Libor opened to 6,000, Linzer called, and Pavli joined from the big blind. On the flop Js 4c 5h, everyone checked. On the turn 3c, Pavli bet 3,000, Libor folded, and Linzer called. On the river 3s, Pavli continued for 7,000, and the last opponent folded as well.
18:00 3-bet
Sebastian Kotowicz opened to 6,000. A few seats over, Andrea Zigrossi 3-bet to 15,000. Kotowicz folded, and Zigrossi showed Ax Ax.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 131,111, ent.: 45/118, 1H ent.: 57/59
17:55 Peter Halo with a small bet
Halo limped, Edmondo raised from the button to 6,500, and a player from the big blind joined. On the flop 7d 2d Ts, Halo continued with a bet of 3,000, and both opponents folded their cards.
17:45 Peso loses a pot
On the flop Ks 8c 3h, Edgaras bet 7,000, Peso raised to 17,000, and Sabol folded. On the turn 6h, both checked. On the river Qs, Edgaras bet 15,000, and shortly after, Peso folded his cards into the muck.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 112,500, ent.: 52/117, 1H ent.: 39/39
17:25 Li Nu improves stack
On the flop 4d 5h Jc, there was about 15,000 in the pot, and Vasiljevic bet 6,000. Li Nu called, and the turn Qd was checked. On the river Kh, Vasiljevic bet 6,500, and Li Nu called again. Vasiljevic held 5x 3x, which was not enough against the river Kx 8x.
17:15 Flight 1H is underway!
To kick off this flight, 25 players entered, and late registration is open until midnight!
17:00 Flop raise
On the flop Qx Qx 9x, there was about 7,000 in the pot, and Andreas bet 3,000. Xu Jie from position decided to raise to 13,000. Andreas needed some time to think but eventually folded his cards.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 98,429, ent.: 57/109
Break 30 min
16:20 Sad bad beat
Jaro went all-in preflop for about 45,000 against a Lithuanian opponent holding Kx Kx. Jaro had aces, but after the board showed 2x 4x Kx 5x 5x, he surrendered his stack to his opponent.
16:00 Flight 1H starts in an hour
The overlay is still gigantic, and the last flight with long levels begins at 17:00!
15:40 Multiway pot
On the turn Ax 5x 4x 8x, there was just over 20,000 in the pot, and Jakub bet 15,000. Both of his opponents smoothly folded their cards.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 77,889, 61/95
15:20 Flip
Damian repushed about 20 bb into his opponent's open raise with Ax Jx. His Polish opponent immediately called with nines, and after a blank board, Damian is out for now.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 66,418, ent.: 67/89
14:50 Vukicevic wins multiway pot
On the flop Js 8d 6d, there was about 8,000 in the pot, and all five players checked. On the turn 3c, one of the players bet 2,200, and everyone called. The river Kc was checked again, and Vukicevic turned over Ax 6x. All opponents folded their cards.
14:40 River overbet
On the river 3s 4ds Jh As 2d, there was just over 7,000 in the pot, and after a long consideration, Bielskis bet 13,200. Baier also needed some time to think and eventually folded his cards.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 60,169, ent.: 59/71
Break 15 min
13:50 Daniel c-bets
On the flop Kx Qx Ax, there was about 8,000 in the pot, and Daniel bet 5,000. However, both opponents hesitantly folded.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 56,481, ent.: 54/61
13:30 Radu Pitic double up
On the river 9 4x 3x Kx Jx, there was 22,000 in the pot, and Radu pushed for 36,100. Andrea Zigrossi struggled for several long minutes and finally decided to call with Ax 9x. However, he was not enough against his opponent's Jx 3x and lost a significant portion of his stack.
13:20 Peso victorious
Marjan opened to 1,500, and Peso called from the big blind. On the flop 9h 2d Js, both checked. On the turn 3c, Peso bet 3,500, and Marjan sadly folded Ax Kx. Peso showed him Ax Jx.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 51,136, ent.: 44/45
12:55 Janicijevic losing
On the flop 9h 8c 5s, there was 4,500 in the pot. Marjan bet 3,000, Roslan called, and Knyzas decided to raise to 9,000. Marjan called, and Roslan folded. On the turn 4s, both checked, and on the river Ac, Knyzas bet 15,000. After a lengthy consideration, Marjan called but was not enough against his opponent's 9x 8x.
12:45 3-bet pot
Gašperan opened from the small blind to 900, and Bielskis 3-bet from the big blind to 3,100. Gašperan called, and on the flop 5d 8d Th, he faced a bet of 2,500. Shortly after, he folded his cards.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 24/24
12:25 Pawel victorious
Pawel opened to 500, and two opponents called. On the flop Jx 9x 4x, Pawel continued for 900, and his opponents quickly folded their cards.
12:15 Players have joined the tournament
Bartáloš, Pekár, Sabol, Šestina, Kechagias, and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 21/21
- Slovak Poker Championship Main Event 200,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 200€
- Starting stack: 50k
- Late reg.: 12 lvls
- 10% of the field qualify for the Day 2
- All players qualified for the Day 2 are ITM
- 10% + 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
The end of the year will bring the beloved TheFestival with 500,000€ GTD Main Event!
Hrajte s Banco Kartou a získajte bonus až 10%!

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