A total of 102 players registered for flight 1E, and ten of them advanced. Tomáš Štvrtecký took the lead with a stack of 1,028,000. In flight 1F Turbo, 25 players registered, and three of them will advance to day 2. Before the more intense day, there is a massive overlay of over 147,000€ in the Main Event. Today, we have flights 1G at 12:00, 1H at 17:00, and 1I – Turbo at 22:00. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1E:
1:55 Bubble boy of flight 1E is Roman Čech
Roman got into a preflop all-in with Qh 8h for his 180,000. However, Christoph Hillinger held Jx Jx and eliminated his opponent after the board showed 8x 4x 3x 2x Ax. Flight 1E thus concludes.
1:45 We are playing hand for hand!
Leopold Grabovsky pushed his short stack with Ax 9x and Ioannis behind him called with Ax Jx. The A-high board, however, did not help Leopold, and we begin to play hand for hand.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 425,000, ent.: 12/102, 1F ent.: 8/25
1:25 Roman Čech all in
Roman from Co pushed about 200,000. However, none of the remaining opponents found cards to call.
1:15 River all in
On the flop Ah 5c 7h, Štvrtecký bet 15,000 into a pot of about 60,000. Nanos silently called, and both checked the turn Qd. On the river Tc, Nanos pushed 230,000, and Štvrtecký needed some time to think. In the end, he folded his cards, not entirely enthusiastically.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 425,000, ent: 12/102, 1F ent: 8/25
1:00 Vadym picks up a pot
Vadym opened to 25,000 from early position, and Roman called from the big blind. On the flop Ah 5h Jc, Vadym bet 18,000, and Roman folded his cards.
00:45 Muratovic takes a small pot
Muratovic opened to 24,000 from the cutoff, and Noro Bugár called from the big blind. On the flop Ks 7s Jc, Muratovic made a continuation bet of 20,000, and Noro quickly folded.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 318,750, ent.: 16/102 1F ent.: 15/24
Break 15 min
00:00 Štvrtecký takes the pot
On the turn As 8s 8h 7s, there was 72,000 in the pot, and Knyzas bet 45,000. Tomáš called slowly, and on the river Jh, Knyzas checked. Štvrtecký bet 130,000, and shortly after, his opponent folded.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 268,421, entries: 19/102, 1F entries: 16/22
23:40 Vitalii is eliminated
Vitalii shoved his last 6bb with pocket fours, and Savelloni had aces. After a blank board, Vitalii was eliminated.
23:30 Vitalii loses chips
On the flop Th 5h 4x, there was 56,000 in the pot, and Vitalii bet 20,000. Savelloni called, and on the turn 2h, Vitalii continued with a bet of 50,000. Savelloni shoved for 125,000, and Vitalii called with Ah 7x. Savelloni revealed Qx Tx, and after the river 6x, he held on to win the hand.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 204,000, ent:: 25/102 1F ent.: 14/17
23:00 Vadym eliminates
Hornok opened from early position to 12,000, Murat called, and both Štvrtecký and Vadym joined as well. On the flop Ad 2h 4c, Murat bet 25,000, and only Vadym called. On the turn 5c, Murat continued with a bet of 25,000, and Vadym moved all-in for an effective 113,000. Murat quickly called with Ax 6x, but Vadym held 5x 4x, and after the river Tx, he eliminated his opponent.
22:45 Ernst Strau all-in
Asko Muratovic opened from the cutoff to 12,000. Ernst, on the button, announced an all-in for about 120,000, ending the hand.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 188,889, ent.: 27/102, 1F ent.: 14/15
22:40 Flight 1F – Turbo is underway!
Twelve players joined the Turbo at the start. Late registration is open until 1:40.
22:30 River raise
On the river Qs 4s 7h 7d 8s, there was about 50,000 in the pot, and Lorenzo Riva bet 25,000. Vitalii Shcherba decided to raise to 100,000. After a brief thought, Lorenzo folded his cards.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 141,667, ent.: 36/102, 1F ent.: 8/8
Break 15 min
21:50 Roman Čech boosts his stack a bit
Kotryna opened from the button to 10,000, and Roman called from the big blind. On the flop 6d 3d 8s, Roman led out for 10,000, and Kotryna called. Both players checked on the turn Qd and river Td. Kotryna showed Ax 6x, but it wasn't enough against Roman's 6x 2d, and he took down a small pot.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 122,500, ent.: 40/98
Last level for registration and re-entry into flight 1E!
21:20 Unsuccessful bluff
On the river Qd Jd 5s Js Jh, there was more than 50,000 in the pot, and Andreas Roder shoved for about 45,000. Ioannis quickly called, and Andreas revealed Ts 8s, which was not enough against his Greek opponent's Qx 9x.
21:00 Leopold Grabovsky takes the pot
On the flop Kc 2c Jd, Lucky Poker bet 8,000 into a pot of about 20,000. Grabovsky called, and Rott folded. On the turn Kd, Grabovsky led out for 12,000, and after some thought, Lucky Poker folded his cards.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 111,905, ent.: 42/94
20:45 Rejam
Giorgi opened to 4,000, and Matúš Čerep shoved his stack of around 45,000. Giorgi quickly folded his cards.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 104,545, ent.: 44/92
20:20 Manfred Walter double up
On the flop 9h Jd 2d, there was 6,000 in the pot. Murat bet 5,500, Jakub raised from the small blind to 15,000, and Walter shoved from the big blind for 19,000. Murat quickly folded, and Jakub called with 9x 2x. Walter revealed a set of twos, and after a blank turn and river, Walter secured a double up.
20:00 River bet is enough
On the river 5h 8h Jc Th Kh, there was about 15,000 in the pot, and Matúš bet 5,000 from position. Štvrtecký thought for a moment but eventually folded his cards.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 95,652, ent.: 46/88
Break 15 min
19:15 All-in and a call
Miro shoved 15bb from the button, and his Austrian opponent quickly called from the big blind with Ax Qx. Miro held only Kx Qx, and after a blank board, he heads for a re-entry.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 90,426, ent.: 47/85
19:00 Halloween raffle at Banco Casino!
18:40 Jakub wins on the turn
On the turn Qx Jx Jx 5x, there was just over 20,000 in the pot, and Jakub bet 10,000. Rudolf immediately folded his cards.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 73,636, ent.: 55/81
18:20 Flop raise
On the flop Jx 5x 9x, there was about 8,000 in the pot, and Peter bet 4,000. After a long thought, his opponent decided to raise to 15,000. Peter folded his cards after about a minute.
18:10 Čeky is eliminated
On the flop Kx Kx Jx, Čeky's stack went all-in with Kx Qx. However, his opponent held Kx Jx, and after a blank turn and river, Čeky was eliminated.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 65,741, ent.: 54/71
18:00 Obrtlík wins
On the river Kc Tc 3d 3s 6s, there was about 42,000 in the pot, and Robo bet 26,000 from position. Cristina thought for a while in the big blind but eventually folded her cards.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 67,000, ent.: 50/67
Break 30 min
16:45 Jan takes a multiway pot
On the flop Kx Qx Qx, there was about 15,000 in the pot, and Jan bet 7,500. All three opponents folded their cards one by one.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 58,511, ent: 47/55
16:30 Dmitri flips
Dmitri went all-in preflop against Alan for an effective stack of about 10,000. Dmitri held pocket tens, and Alan had Ax Kx. After a blank board, Alan heads off for a re-entry.
16:20 Marcin wins
On the turn Ax 5x 5x Kx, there was about 10,000 in the pot, and Marcin bet 8,000. Both of his opponents quickly folded.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 53,191, entries: 47/50
15:55 Ernst Strau takes a big pot
On the river Tc 9c 5d 6d 2h, there was just over 30,000 in the pot, and Ernst bet 21,000. Sykora called almost instantly, but Ernst revealed a set of sixes, and Christian quickly mucked his cards.
15:45 SPC full schedule:
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 51,429, ent.: 35/36
15:25 Lorenzo Riva wins
Kotryna Mazeviciene opened to 600 and received a total of 5 calls. On the flop Qc 2c Kh, Lorenzo bet 1,200, and only Obrtlík called. On the turn 7h, Lorenzo continued for 3,000, and Robo quickly folded his cards.
15:10 Joining the tournament at the start
Hluchý, Stiller, Libo, Vettas, Hammer, Lohnický, and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 15/15
- Slovak Poker Championship Main Event 200,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 200€
- Starting stack: 50k
- Late reg.: 12 lvls
- 10% of the field qualify for the Day 2
- All players qualified for the Day 2 are ITM
- 10% + 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
The end of the year will bring the beloved TheFestival with 500,000€ GTD Main Event!
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