SOPC Main Event and flight 1G attracted 200 players and today´s chipleader is Klas Reevcrona with a stack of 1,655,000. Flight 1H attracted 229 entries and late registration is open until 00:05. Flight 1I started while ago and late registration is open until 1:40. In this moment tournament has gigantic overlay of almost 70,000€ and if you miss these flights, your last chance to qualify for day 2 is with morning hyper turbo flight 1J, which have scheduled start at 10:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1G:
22:50 Bubbleboy is Peter Fally
Peter put his last 8,000 behind the line with Ac 4c, Jankovič Hansen and Reevcrona limps, Christiansen in bb shoves for bit more than one million. Jankovič with Hansen folded but Reevcrona surprisingly calls his 801,000. Hansen shows 8x 7x, Reevcrona tabled pocket queens and after board 5x 2x Jx 5x 8x took full double up and eliminated shortstack. Remaining players are bagging their chips.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 476,190, ent.: 21/200, 1H ent.: 105/229, 1I ent.: 23/23
22:20 Marek Prusizs eliminated with a badbeat and we are playing hand for hand
Marek got his about 250,000 in with Ax Kx against Tom Hansen who had more and held Ax Jx. Runout 3x 3x 4x 6x Jx was last for Marek and we also lost Maxence with Marek Zimny and hand for hand has started.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 416,667, ent.: 24/200, 1H ent.: 114/220
21:55 Safet Aradinovic without fear
Safet opens button to 28,000 and Gil Arenstein raises to 88,000. Safet calls and on the flop Jd 2c 7h snapcalls bet of 100,000 from Gil. On the turn 9d Gil checks and Safet bets 175,000. After long tanking Gil ended up folding his hand.
21:40 Hard spot for Gabor Deak
Gabor opens to 30,000 and Reevcrona 3-bets to 100,000. Gabor 4-bets to 225,000 and his opponent calls. On the flop Ad Kd 5d Gabor checks and Reevcrona shoves for about 300,000. Gabor was tanking several minutes and ended up calling time on himself. In the beggining of countdown Gabor folded his hand and Reevcrona shows him Ah.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 400,000, ent.: 25/200, 1H ent.: 123/209
Break 15 min
21:00 Joszef Dobos eliminated
Joszef got his short in with Kx Tx against Marek Jankovič with Ax Kx. Board 3x Qx 9x 4x Qx was last one for Joszef.
20:45 Vlado Sirotnak busto
Maxence opens, player behind him calls and Vlado flatcalls in bb. On the flop Kd Td Ax Vlado shoves for around 140,000, Maxence calls with Kx Tx and third player in the hand folded. Vlado shows 8d 6d for flushdraw but after turn Qx and river 3x didn´t hit any of his outs and is eliminated.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 277,778, ent.: 36/200, 1H ent.: 127/195
20:30 Nasty badbeat for Marek Zimny
Jozef Krajan got his 146,000 in with pocket nines against Zimny behind him with pocket kings. Unlucky runout Ax 9x 2x Tx Qx left Marek with around 70,000 behind the line.
20:15 Peter Fally took another pot
On the turn Ac Kc 5s Td Fally bets 17,000 into a pot of 50,000. Both Skurzynski with Rasmussen folded quickly.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 250,000, ent.: 40/200, 1H ent.: 130/179
20:00 Peter Fally rejams
Karolina limps, so does two more opponents and Peter reshoves for 86,000. All three opponents folded.
19:50 Painful hit for Bent Soerensen
On the river 8x 7x 9x 5x Tx Bent jammed effetivelly for 243,000 and Safet Aradinovic called with Ax Jx. Bent shows only Kc 6c and lost huge part of his stack.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 217,391, ent.: 46/200, 1H ent.: 134/167
19:30 Milan Svačina done
In first hand Milan lost around 80,000, hand after one of his opponents opens and Milan jams last 16 bb with Ax 9x. His opponent calls with Ax Qx and after board Ax 3x Tx 7x Kx is Milan aswell eliminated.
19:15 Istvan Varga busto
Istvan jammed his last 42,000 with pocket jacks and Tomasz Glos in bb decided to call with Ax 6x. Board 4x 5x 2x Ax 4x eliminates Varga.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 174,561, ent: 57/199, 1H ent.: 125/156
Break 15 min
After this break registration to flight 1G will be closed !
18:45 Tomáš Beňadik victorious
On the flop 5c 6c 8h pot was more than 40,000 and Anders Christensen bets 15,000. Tomáš calls and turn 8c is checked through. River 3c was valued to a 45,000 by Tomáš and Anders after while folded hi hand.
18:30 Flop bet sucessful
On the flop As Ts 4h pot was around 60,000 and Alexander Nikolic bets 30,000. Bent Soerensen folded without a single word.
Level 12: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 146,970, ent.: 66/194, 1H ent.:113/127
This summer at Banco Casino Bratislava is going to be insanely hot !
18:00 Flop raise
On the flop Qx Jx Tx Tom bets 20,000 into a pot of about 50,000. Mike raises to 70,000 and after two minutes Tom folded his hand.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 130,822? ent.: 73/191, 1H ent.: 96/103
17:45 Flight 1H has started too
At this moment in this flight there is exactly 100 players. Overaly is still massive almost 100,000€ !
17:40 Lars Halkier 3-betting
Gabor Deak opens to 5,000, Marek Jankovič calls and Lars 3-bets to 17,000. Gabor calls and Marek folded. On the flop Ad Jd 4c both players checks on the turn Qc Lars bets 10,000 and Gabor instantly folds.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 115,853, ent.: 82/190, 1H ent.: 74/76
17:10 David Klein eliminated
On the turn Kx Qx 3x Qx there was around 50,000 in the pot and David got his remaining around 30,000 in with Jx Tx. His opponent tabled Ax 9x and after turn 5x is David eliminated.
17:00 Reentry for Svačina
Milan opens from Ep to 3,500, his oponent in Co calls and so does sb. On the flop Qx Jx 5x Milan bets 5,000, Cutoff folds and Sebastian in sb raises to 16,000. Milan jams for rest of his stack and gets called from Sebastian with Jx 5x. Milan shows Kx Qx and after blank turn and river has to take reentry.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 95,745, ent.: 94/180
Break 15 min
16:25 Simple bet was good enough for Erik
On the turn Ax Kx 8x 7x pot was around 25,000 and Erik bets 25,000. Both of his opponents folded quickly.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 92,473, ent.: 93/172
16:00 Piotr Gorski víťazne
Na turne 4c 5c 7s Th bolo v strede asi 35,000 a Gorski betoval 11,000. Dragan Jovanovic zahadzoval a pot sa tak posúva ku Gorskemu.
15:45 Peter – Ludwig Pichler zobral pekný pot
Na flope Js 4c 5d bolo v pote 44,000 a Pichler z buttonu betoval 21,000. Kizzik nad tým chvíľku uvažoval a zahodil. Maceják karty posunul za čiaru okamžite.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 80,769, ent.: 105/169
15:30 Joakim Olin jams
On the river 6h 9h 4s 8c Ks there was about 50,000 in the middle and Joakim shoves for his approximately 60,000. Henrik Olsen needed short while and folded face up 9x.
15:15 3-way all in
Csaba Illes got his about 35,000 in with pocket queens, Patrik Boehm calls with pocket jacks and Alexander Nikolic covers both and held pocket kings. Board Ax 9x 3x 7x 4x didn´t brought any surprises and Csaba with Patrik are eliminated.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 73,333, ent.: 105/154
14:55 Reeves loosing small one
On the flop Kc 5c 7c Reeves bet 2,500 into a pot of 6,000, Tibor Hoffmann calls and Claus Michaelsen folded. Turn 2d was checked through and so was river 3c. Tibor tabled Kh Qc and his opponent mucked instantly.
14:45 Bence Doktor tanking
On the turn Qd 3d 2d 5h Bence bets 6,100 into a pot of 12,000. Gasowski raises to 20,000 and Bence tanked for around three minutes before he gave up on his hand.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 66,667, ent.: 108/144
Break 30 min
14:00 Konstantinou with a nice pot
Nowacki opens to 1,500, Konstantinou calls and Junie Larsen 3-bets to 4,000 from bb. Both opponents calls and on the flop Td 7d Ah Junie bets 6,600. Jakub folds, Konstantinou calls and on the turn Kh Konstantinou bets 15,000 and Junie calls. On the river 6h Konstantionou bets 20,000 and Junie after short while folded.
13:40 Goth Vs Janicijevic
On the flop Qs 9s 5h Ac Goth bets 4,000 into a pot of 8,000. Marjan calls and on the river Qd both players swiftly checks. Goth tabled Ax 8x and Marjan mucked his hand.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 60,577, ent.: 104/126
13:20 3-bet pot
Bence Doktor opens to 1,200, Brian calls and Gasowski 3-bets to 5,200. Both opponents calls and on the flop Kh 3h 2d Gasowski bets 7,000. Bence folded and Brian raises to 14,000. Norbert folded and Brian took the pot.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 54,167, ent.: 96/104
12:55 Jakub Nowacki with a pot
On the turn Ad Qd 6c 4c Nowacki bets 4,500 into a pot of 12,000. Ulitinas calls and Junie Larsen folds. On the river Ts Nowacki bets for 8,500 and Ulitinas folded quickly.
12:45 Gejza took the multiway pot
Five players agreed to pay 1,400 preflop. On the flop 4c 5c 4h Gejza bets 5,500 and all four opponents folded their cards.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,000, ent.: 90/90
12:30 Daniel Fanta without showdown
On the flop Qs 7s 7d pot was 6,500, Fanta bets 3,200 Nikolic calls and Chwastek folded. Turn 2h brought a bet of 8,000 from Fanta and Nikolic folded.
12:15 At start we can see
Kizzik, Častvan, Martinez, Halo, Olin, Wochnik and many others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 71/71
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 185€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Scandinavian Poker Open Championship 250.000€ GTD
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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