465 players joined flight 1G, and we welcomed another 47 qualifiers for day 2. Today's flight concluded with Lukasz Kotwica leading the pack with a stack of 1,124,000. We managed to surpass the 250,000€ guarantee today, promising an even bigger prize pool. Late registration for flight 1H is open until 00:30, and for flight 1I – Turbo until 1:40. Today also marked the start of the highroller, which crushed its 50,000€ guarantee, offering a prize pool of 77,775€ for the 183 players who entered. The winner of this tournament will be revealed late tonight. The PPC Main Event continues tomorrow with its final three flights. Flight 1J begins at 12:00, flight 1K at 17:00, and the last flight 1L opens its doors at ten in the evening. We look forward to seeing you there!
Chipcounts 1G:
22:50 Bubbleboy of flight 1G is Pawel Kapczynski
Pawel went all in preflop with about 250,000 with Ax Kx against nines held by Vladyslav Karaulnyi. After the board Jx 7x 7x 3x 2x, Pawel busts out as the last one for today.
23:40 Hand for hand play begins
Shortly after the start of the level, Krzysztof Ludwinek busted from the tournament, and we begin playing hand for hand. In the first hand, Michal Wargin, as the big stack, went all-in preflop with Q9, and Emil Niebrzydowski called with AK for his last 116,000. On the board 6-3-3-4-3, Emil secures a double up, and we are still searching for the final player to bust out.
Level 18: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg 379,592, ent.: 49/465, HR ent.: 45/183, 1H ent.: 172/437, 1I ent.: 68/74
22:30 Multiway pot for Artur
Kerekes opened for 26,000 and was called by Lederhilger, Niebrzydowski, and Kostkiewicz. On the flop Jh 8d 9s, everyone checked. On the turn 4d, Artur Kostkiewicz bet 22,000, and only Lederhilger folded. On the river 4s, Artur bet 25,000, Kerekes folded, and Niebrzydowski called. Artur showed AJ, and Emil mucked his cards.
22:15 3-bet
Szirmay opened from early position for 23,000, and Pempkowiak from the cutoff 3-bet to 61,000. Szirmay called, and on the flop 4d 4h 7c, Pempkowiak bet 60,000, prompting Szirmay to quickly fold.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 332,143, ent.: 56/465, 1H ent.: 189/422, HR ent.: 33/35
Break 15 min
21:40 Split pot
Nagrabecki from early position went short with Ace-4 of hearts, and Adamczyk from the big blind called with Ace-3 of clubs. However, the board ran out Ten-Nine-Six-Queen-Jack, resulting in a split pot.
21:25 Broda Vs Giera
On the flop Queen of hearts, Six of hearts, Seven of clubs, with 44,000 in the pot, Broda bet 18,000. Giera, after some thought, decided to raise to 44,000, and after a long pause, Broda called. On the turn 5 of clubs, both players checked, and on the river Ten of diamonds, Giera bet 75,000. Broda, after much deliberation, eventually called, but couldn't beat his opponent's King-Ten.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 304,918, ent.: 61/465, HR ent.: 74/180, 1H ent.: 209/412
20:45 Damian doubles up
Damian went all in preflop for approximately 180,000 with Ace-King against Adam's Ace-Queen. The board came blank, maintaining the balance of power, and Damian secures the double up.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 269,565, ent.: 69/465, 1H ent.: 225/400, HR ent.:: 88/180
20:30 Romuald Truszkowski takes down another pot
A player limped from the cutoff, Lukasz completed from the small blind, and Romuald raised to 22,000 from the big blind. Nowacki called, and Lukasz folded. On the flop 6d 5s Jh, Romuald quickly bet 15,000, prompting his opponent to fold immediately.
HR gallery:
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 208,989, ent.: 89/465, HR ent.: 97/174, 1H ent.: 258/359
20:00 Rejam
Dariusz Giera opened to 12,000 from the button. Yossef Laber reshoved for 134,000 from the small blind, causing Giera to contemplate for a while. Ultimately, he decided that folding was the best option.
19:45 Romuald Truszkowski Double Up
On the river 5h 9c 3c Kd 2s with approximately 140,000 in the pot, Romuald shoved from the small blind for the remaining 46,000. Johny Moermans took a moment to think and then called. Romuald revealed two pairs with Kc 2c, and Johny, with his As 3s, had to part with a portion of his stack.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 160,345, ent.: 116/465, HR ent.: 110/165, 1H ent.: 252/319
Break 30 min
18:50 Flop Bet
On the flop Jx Tx Tx with approximately 45,000 in the pot, Pawel bet 30,000. Daniel contemplated for several minutes before ultimately folding his hand.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 137,313, ent.: 134/460, HR ent.: 106/138, 1H ent.: 221/256
18:30 Attila Almasi giving some back
Attila went all-in preflop again, this time with pocket fours, but unfortunately ran into Jazzie Hoebe's pocket queens. The board came Kx Jx 6x Kx 3x, and after counting the stacks, Attila had to surrender 52,000 to his opponent.
18:20 Adrian Treszczotko Eliminated
Adrian went all-in preflop for just under 40,000 with pocket fours against Attila Almasi's Ah 6h. The board ran out Jx 3x 5x 5x Kx, and Adrian is eliminated from the tournament for now.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, ag. 123,514, ent.: 146/457, HR ent.: 110/136, 1H ent.: 208/231
18:00 Tadeusz Shoves on the Flop
On the flop Qx Jx 9x with about 50,000 in the pot, Tadeusz pushed for about 70,000. His opponent thought for approximately two minutes and ultimately folded a face-up set of nines.
17:50 Walter Doubles Up
Walter from Mp pushed his 35,000 with Kx Qx, and Martin from the big blind called with Ax Tx. With the board Kx 2x 3x 3x 8x, Walter continues in the tournament.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 102,955, ent.: 176/453, HR ent.: 113/130, 1H ent.: 171/176
17:30 Artur Kostkiewicz Hits a Beautiful Flop
On the flop Ts 9s 7s with about 10,000 in the pot, Artur bet 4,500 from position. Maric and Blonski folded. Artur showed Jc 8s to the table.
17:20 Maciej Wylandowski Doubles Up
The action started with Patryk Chaciak opening to 5,000, and Thomas Brauner 3-betting to 15,000 from the cutoff. Maciej Wylandowski called behind, and Patryk folded. On the flop Jc 6c 9h, Thomas pushed all in for the remaining 21,500. After some thought, Maciej called with sevens, and Thomas showed Ax Kx. With the turn 3x and river 4x, the paired board held, giving Maciej a double up.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 85,882, ent.: 204/438, HR ent.: 96/103, 1H ent.: 85/85
Break 30 min
16:30 Bartolomiej flipping
Bartolomiej from early position pushed his 12 big blinds into the pot, and Lukasz called a few seats down with pocket nines. Bartolomiej showed Kx Jx, and after the board ran out Qx Qx 4x Ax Kx, he secures the necessary double up.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 75,221, ent.: 226/425, HR ent.: 63/63
16:15 Successful Move by Ludwinek
Krzysztof Ludwinek opened to 2,800 from the button, and Jozo Lukanovic called from the small blind. On the flop 9d 7d Kh, Ludwinek continued for 3,000, and Lukanovic called. The turn 4d and river 9h were checked by both players, and Ludwinek revealed Kx 8x. Lukanovic tossed his cards across the line.
16:00 Dlutowski Vs. Igkor
On the flop Kx 8x 4x, the pot was around 25,000, and Dlutowski bet 7,000. After a lengthy consideration, his opponent sighed and folded.
PPC Highroller kicks off at 16:00!
This Highroller event comes with a guarantee of €50,000, and the buy-in is set at €500. Late registration will be open for ten levels!
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,333, ent.: 240/398
15:20 Romuald Truszkowski barrels
On the flop Ac Qc 2s with 12,000 in the pot, Romuald leads from the big blind for 2,500. Mario Mende folds, and Adrian Treszczotko after a brief thought, calls. On the turn Ad, Romuald bets 5,000, and Adrian calls much quicker. On the river 9s, Romuald bets 15,000, and his opponent mucks face up with Tx.
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in April!
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 57,318, ent.: 261/374
15:00 Hommers flops it
On the turn 8c 7c 9s Kc with about 20,000 in the pot, Dylan bet 5,000. His opponent thought hard and eventually called. However, both players checked the river 7h, and Dylan showed Jx Tx. His opponent, disappointed, mucked his cards.
14:45 Mikolaj Grycner claims a smaller pot
On the flop Tx 8x 6x, Mikolaj bet 2,600 and Hubert Zackowski hesitantly called. They both checked the turn Kc, and on the river Js, Mikolaj bet 4,000. Hubert quickly folded his cards.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 53,281, ent.: 253/337
Break 30 min
14:00 Maciej Ziolkowski eliminates two opponents at once
Maciej, holding aces, went all in preflop as the chip leader. Bialkowski had tens, and the third player in the hand had Ax Qx. With a blank board, Maciej knocks out both opponents.
13:45 Lukasz Bartosiewicz doubles up
Lukasz went all in preflop for 19,500 with nines, and Pawel Wozniak called with Kx Qx. The board came 6x 6x 5x 5x Jx, giving Lukasz the much-needed double up.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 47,719, ent.: 228/272
13:25 Small bet takes it
On the turn Kx Jx 8x 7x, with about 10,000 in the pot, Jozef bet 1,500. Both opponents reluctantly folded.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,640, ent.: 197/210
13:00 Split pot
On the turn Ax Qx 5x Jx with just under 5,000 in the pot, Kosiorek bet 2,000. Tsitiridis called, and on the river 8s, both checked. Kosiorek showed Ax 6x, while his opponent revealed Ax 7x, resulting in a split pot.
12:40 Szymon Debski takes a nice pot
On the river Jd 9d 5s 4s As with almost 40,000 in the pot, Szymon bet 12,000. After some thought, Danijel Roglic called, and Szymon showed Ts 9s. Danijel mucked his cards.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 41,151, ent.: 139/143
12:20 Lukáš Stopka rises early
On the flop Ah 9h 5s with about 2,000 in the pot, Lukáš bet 800. Bartosiewicz called and Czuba folded. On the turn Kc, Lukáš checked and his opponent bet 2,100. Lukáš decided to call, and both checked the river 6s. Lukáš showed Ax 2x, and his opponent mucked.
12:10 Already seated in the tournament:
Jaskulski, Hrytsyk, Duda, Lederhilger, and many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 110/110
PPC ME 250,000€ GTD :
Late Registration: 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444.444€ GTD!
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in April!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
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Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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