Today, a total of 164 players joined Flight 1B of the PPC Main Event, which has a guaranteed prize pool of 250,000€, and 16 players advanced. Stevica Despotovic bagged the highest stack today with 696,000. The Main Event continues with its Flight 1C at 18:00, but starting from 16:00, the Deepstack event with a guaranteed prize pool of 25,000€ and a buy-in of 250€ also kicks off. We look forward to seeing you there!
Winter Polush Poker Cup schedule:
Chipcounts 1B:
3:20 No Bubbleplay Today
In quick succession, Vaillant, Zlatanov, and Iversen were eliminated from the tournament. In the last hand of the ongoing play, Roman Malina went all-in preflop for approximately 150,000 with Qx Tx, and Thomas Ward called with Ax 5x. After the board showed Kx Kx 8x 3x 2x, Flight 1B identified its sixteen advancing players.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 328,000, ent.: 20/164
3:00 Kevin all in
Elvinas opened from the hijack for 16,000, and Kevin pushed his stack of 142,000 across the line. Elvinas contemplated for a moment but eventually folded. With the bubble approaching, the gameplay becomes much more cautious.
2:45 3-bet
Thomas Ward opened for 16,000, and Peter Horvath quickly 3-bet to 50,000 from the button. The others folded, and Ward asked Horvath about his stack. Horvath counted out 394,000, and Ward reluctantly folded.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 – 8,000, avg. 262,400, ent.: 25/164
2:30 Stevica Despotovic wins
On the turn 8d 9d Ac Kh, there was approximately 70,000 in the pot, and both Despotovic and Zlatanov checked. On the river Ad, Despotovic bet 30,000 and after a brief moment, got called. Stevica revealed Kd Jd, and his opponent mucked their cards.
2:10 Roman Malina double up
Marcell Matusz opened for 12,000 from the cutoff, Kiknaveldize called from the small blind, and Roman shoved all-in for approximately 70,000 from the big blind. Marcell reraised to just over 100,000, and Kiknavelidze folded. Roman held sevens, and his opponent revealed Ax Ax. After the board showed 7x 6x 6x 6x 4x, Roman secures the much-needed double up.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 211,613, ent.: 31/164
1:55 Bogdanski all in
Kiknavelidze limped from early position, Matusz from the button, and Maciej Bogdanski on the small blind declared all-in for approximately 100,000. However, both opponents folded.
1:45 3-bet pot
Zlatanov opened for 12,000 and Fuentes 3-bet to 38,000. No one else joined, and Zlatanov called. On the flop 7h 3h 8c, both players checked. On the turn Tc, Fuentes bet 55,000, and Zlatanov folded immediately
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 172,632, ent.: 38/165
Break 30 min
00:50 Aziz Takes It Back
Aziz found himself in a preflop all-in situation this time for 86,500 with Ac Kd against Lakatoš's As Ah, with Bogdanski joining the fray with Js Jh. After the board ran out 8c Qc 9c 7c 3c, Aziz scored a triple up. Alan, after splitting the side pot, was left with 16,500 behind the line, which he lost in the next hand.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 147,907, ent.: 42/159
00:40 Roman Malina Takes the Win
On the flop 8x 2x 5x, Roman bet 7,000 from EP, Attila raised to 15,000, Aziz folded, and Vytautas called. Roman reluctantly called as well. The turn Ac and river Th were checked through. Vytautas showed Jx 8x, Roman showed Kx 8x, and Attila mucked his cards.
00:20 Alan Lakatoš Triple Up
Alan found himself in a 3-way all-in situation with approximately 40,000 holding Qh 9h against Aziz's Ks Qs, with a third player covering both, revealing Kh Td. After the board showed Qc 4h 8h Kc 3h, Alan completed his flush, Aziz took the side pot, leaving him with approximately 80,000 after the hand.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 116,923, ent.: 51/152
00:00 Simple Multiway Pot
On the flop Ax Qx 5x, the pot was about 30,000, and Maciej pushed from the small blind for approximately 25,000. Both opponents quickly folded.
23:50 Grangel Fortea Busted
Fortea shoved their stack with Ax Qx, but Sandor Mate found Ax Kx, and after a blank board, Fortea was eliminated.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 94,839, ent.: 62/147
23:30 Kevin double up
Thomas Ward otváral z Ep na 4,000, Fortea dorovnal a Kevin z bb posunul za čiaru 49,500 s osmičkami. Ward zahodil a Fortea s desiatkami dorovnal. Po boarde 9s 8s 3h 9c 4h Fortea stráca značnú časť stacku a chvíľku na to z turnaja vypadáva. Kevin si spokojne na konto pripisuje.
23:10 Despotovic Vs. Nanos
Na turne 3d 6s 2s 8s bolo v pote 11,000 a Despotovic betoval 7,500. Nanos dorovnal a na rivri Kd obaja checkovali. Despotovic otočil Jx 8x a Nanos nespokojne karty zahodil.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 83,636, ent.: 66/138
Break 30 min
22:40 Liška Eliminated
Avitan opened to 3,500, Juraj Liška blind-raised to about 20,000, and then Erik sent 36,000. Avitan looked sour but folded. Juraj showed Tx 5x, Erik showed Tx 9x. With the board Kx Jx 8x 6x 3x, Juraj is out for now.
22:20 Rubin Okotie Eliminated
Rubin blindly sent the remaining approximately 5,000 into play, and Iliya Ganev raised to 10,000. The others folded, and Okotie showed Qx 7x. Ilya had sixes, and after the board ran out 4x Ax 3x 9x 9x, this flip ended better for the Bulgarian player.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 72,222, ent.: 72/130
22:00 Turn Bet
On the turn Jx 8x 7x 5x, there was around 20,000 in the pot, and Roman bet 15,000. Both of his opponents thought for a while, but eventually folded.
21:40 This didn't quite work out
Peter Horvath started the action with an open to 2,700, Častvan Szarnowski and Suer called. On the flop Td 3h 6s, Horvath bet 7,600 and was called only by Szarnowski. On the turn Ts, both checked slowly, and on the river 4s, Piotr Szarnowski bet 9,600. Horvath called, but Szarnowski, upon the showdown request, mucked his cards.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,486, ent.: 74/123
21:20 Nothing with nothing
On the turn 9c As Jd 5d, there was 19,500 in the pot, and Okotie bet 10,000. Hillinger folded, and Ido Fine called. On the river 4s, Ido quickly checked, and Okotie thought for quite a while. He eventually decided to check, and Ido showed 7x 8x. However, Okotie held Tx 8x, taking the pot.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 57,778, ent.: 72/104
21:00 Tomáš Bugár doubles up
On the flop Qx 4x 3x, Tomáš pushed his 10,100 with Jx Jx and was called by Dawid Janas with tens. After a blank turn and river, Bugár adds to his stack.
20:40 A bit of a big squeeze
Andras Reti opened from Mp to 2,000, Szymon Bednarz called, and Fuentes, after some thought, went all in for about 70,000. All involved players immediately folded.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 57,313, ent.: 67/96
Break 30 min
19:50 Elvinas Vitkevicius eliminated
Na flope Ac Ks 3s bolo v pote 13,000 a Dieter Leiner vsadil 10,000. Elvinas poslal all in za asi 30,000 s K xíx a Dieter snapcallol s Ax Qx. Po turne Ax a riveri Qx tak Elvinas nateraz končí.
Slot Machines rewarded one of playrs with Gold Jackpot !
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 46,780, entrants: 59/69
19:25 Beatrix Haller takes the pot
On the flop of Jc 8c Qd, with around three thousand in the pot, Beatrix bet 4,000. Marcell mateusz immediately folded his cards.
19:15 Eugen Štefčík doubles up
On the river of 7h 9h Ks 6s 2d, with approximately 25,000 in the pot, Eugen went all-in for about 15,000 against Sándor, who had Ax 8x. However, Eugen had Kx 5x and thus won the pot.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 44,912, entrants: 57/64
18:45 Flop raise
On the flop of Tx 4x 2x, with around 5,000 in the pot, Jozef bet 2,000. However, his Polish opponent raised to 15,000, and after about three minutes of consideration, Jozef folded his hand.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 40,000, entrants: 46/46
18:25 Maciej suffers an early setback
Preflop, Maciej opened to 500 and received three calls. On the flop of Ax Tx 9x, Maciej continued with a bet of 1,300, which only Dawid called. On the turn of 8x, Dawid from the first position bet 4,000, and Maciej reluctantly folded.
18:10 Tournament begins with players including
Rusu, Ganev, Suer, Shaker, Safrany, Bugár, Leiner, and others.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, entrants: 44/44
PPC ME 250,000€ GTD :
Late Registration: 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444.444€ GTD!
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