PPD Main Event with guarantee of 200,000€ attracted 3,735 players in total and prizepool was amazing 380,970€. Biggest chunk after this one week long ride belongs to Kacper Kuzior who destroyed final table and took home 64,540€. Cyprus Series of Poker begins tommorow with flight 1A at 18:00 and guarantee is set to 250,000€ with buy in of 250€. For more information check our webpage and social media. We are looking forward to see you.
Final Table results:
1. Kuzior Kacper - 64 540€
2. Lewandowski Tomasz - 37 835€
3. Kuehnel Julian - 24 480€
4. Edmondo - 17 805€
5. Nanos Ioannis - 13 715€
6. Filipowski Mateusz - 10 375€
7. Svatek Ondrej - 7 040€
8. Spozio Mateo - 4 610€
9. Balogh Andras - 3 610€
18:50 Tomasz Lewandowski took 37,835€ for second place
Kuzior was putting pressure on Lewandowski for few hands and in last hand they got it in for remaining 9,300,000. Last board of tournament 9h Ac 8c 3c 2x decided the winner is Kacper Kuzior !
Headsup Kozior Vs. Lewandowski will begin shortly
Lewandowski holds 26,300,000 against 122,800,000 in possesion of Kozior. Might be short.
18:22 Julian Kuehnel finishes in 3rd place for 24,480€
Julian got his 25,000,000 behind the line with Ax 4x against Kuzior with Ah 6x. Board 9h 7h Jx Qh Kh brought flush for Kuzior and we are going to play headsup !
18:10 Edmondo done in fourth place for 17,805€
Edmondo got last chips in with Ax 3x against Kuzior with pocket sevens. Board Qx Qx Jx Kx 5x couldn´t save Edmondo this time and fourth place is his.
Level 40: 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 / 2,000,000, avg. 37,500,000, ent.: 4/3,735
17:50 Ioannis Nanos done in fifth place for 13,715€
At first Nanos jammed 4,400,000 with Ax Qx and Kuzior called with sixes. Board Ax Tx Tx 4x Qx doubled up Nanos at first, but few hands later Nanos jammed his 12,000,000 with Ax Jx and ran into Ax Kx held by Kuehnel. Board Kx Ax 4x Tx 5x was clear enough and Ioannis Nanos is eliminated too.
17:40 Edmondo double up
Edmondo jammed last 4,400,000 with Ax 7x and ran into Kx Jx held by Kuehnel. Board 5x 4x 9x Tx 7x held Edmond in game.
17:20 Mateusz FIlipowski out in 6th place for 10,375€
At first Filipowski jammed his 8,600,000 from sb with Kh 4h and Nanos made the call with Ks 8d. Board Ax Ax 9x Ax 2x meant pot will be split between these two. Couple of hands later Filipowski got it in with Kx Qx against Kuzior with pocket deuces. Board 7x 4x Tx 5x 8x eliminated Mateusz.
Level 39: 800,000 – 1,600,000, avg. avg. 24,900,000, ent.: 6/3,735
Break 15 min
Upcoming months will be loaded with poker action in Banco Casino Bratislava:
16:40 Kuzior took a bit off Edmondo
Ed completed his sb and Kuzior checks. On the flop Jx Qx 2x Edmondo minbets and Kuzior calls. On the turn Jx both players checks and river 8x brought a bet of 2,000,000 from Edmondo. Kuzior shoves and Edmondo instantly folds.
16:25 Nanos Vs Kuzior
Nanos opens to 2,500,000 from Hj and Kuzior in sb made the call. On the flop 7c 5c 4d and also turn 5s both player checks. On the river 8x Kuzior bets 10,000,000 and Nanos slowly folds.
Level 38: 600,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 24,900,000, ent.: 6/3,735
16:05 Seventh place and 7,040€ belongs to Ondrej Svátek
Ondrej jammed his last 2,400,00 with Kx 8x from Hj and Edmondo from bb called with Tc 2s. Board 5d 3c 9c Ts 5h eliminated Ondrej.
15:40 Matteo Spozio eliminated
Kuehnel shoved his 12,000,000 from Co with Ah Th and Spozio in bb called his last almost 7 bigblinds with Ax 8x. Board 6d 7h 2h Jh Qs brought a flush to Kuehnel and Spotio is done in 8th place for 4,610€.
15:34 Filipowski double up
Edmondo opens to 2,100,000, Kuzior calls and Filipowski in bb shoves 8,600,000. Edmondo folded and Kuzior with Ac Kc calls. Filipowski tabled pocket eights and after the board Tx 9x 4x 5x 9x doubles up.
Level 37: 500,000 – 1,000,000 / 1,000,000, avg. 21,342,857, ent.: 8/3,735
8-handed chipcounts:
Live Report will run alongside with live stream
14:37 It took a while
Six hands since last hand. In first hand Edmondo lost part of his stack Vs Kuzior, in second and third hand Kuzior jammed both times. Next hand Filipowski jammed his 4,300,000 with pocket aces and Matteo called with Ax Qx. Blank board brought double up for Filipowski. Hand number five brought a shove from Andras Balogh with Ax Tx and one of shorter stacks called with Ax Qx. After the board 8x 3x Qx 4x Kx András is left with last 2,500,000 and jams with Jx 3x from Ep. Edmondo called with Qx Jx and after board Ax Tx 5x 9x Jx we are moving to the official final table. András Balogh took home for 9th place 3,610€
14:15 Matteo Spozio double up
Matteo jammed his 4,000,000 with pocket jacks, Nanos made the call with Ax Qx. Board contained both an ace and a jack, Matteo took early double up.
Level 36: 400,000 – 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 16,600,000, ent.: 9/3,735
From this level we need to finish 24 minutes, All other levels will be 40 minutes long and stream will start 8-handed.
Final Table chipcounts:
Final Table stream:
Left to play for :
1. 64 540€
2. 37 835€
3. 24 480€
4. 17 805€
5. 13 715€
6. 10 375€
7. 7 040€
8. 4 610€
9. 3 610€
Polish Poker Days ME 200,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 120€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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