Flight 1G produced another 349 entries and 35 more players will join the field in day 2. Flights 1H and 1I are still ongoing, and late registration for flight 1H is open until 1:30, registration for flight 1I untill 3 am, so there is definately still some time to join the tournament. Highroller recorded amazing 197 entries and prizepool of 83,725€. Today was definately a big day, but Saturday is going to be huge one aswell ! Flight 1J will start at 12:00, Flight 1K at 17:00. At 20:00 PPD Mystery bounty will start and at 23:00 flight 1L will take place. Flight 1L will be also a last chance how to secure your seat for Sundays day 2. For more information check our webpage and social networks. We are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1G:
00:10 Bubble has been solved
Bubbleboy was Maciej Kosmala after he jammed his around 90,000 with pocket sixes and his opponent found pocket jacks. Board Td 8s Qc 4c Ts ended flight 1G !
23:50 Svatek double up
Svatek got his 321,000 in with pocket aces against Kocáb with Kx Kx. Board Ax Kx 9x Jx 8x brought nice double up to Ondrej, but Kocáb is still operating with fairly more than 400,000.
Level 18: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 377,297, ent.: 37/349, 1H ent.: 215/515, 1I ent.: 73/78, HR ent.: 66/197
23:35 We are playing hand for hand !
Eliao Piker busted out two minutes ago and we are looking for bubbleboy of flight 1G !
23:15 Pawel shoves
On the turn Kx Kx Qx Tx pot is around 220,000 and Pawel shoves for almost 300,000. His opponent folded instantly.
23:05 Stingy way out for Dietmar Huber
Dietmar got his approximately 150,000 in with Ax Tx against Ax 4x held by Wojciechowki. Runout Kx 7x Kx Qx 4x was very unlucky and last one in flight 1G for Dietmar.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 340,488, ent.: 41/349, 1H ent.: 251/501, HR ent.: 79/197
Bubble is getting really close in flight 1G !
Break 15 min
22:25 Toľko kriku pre nič
Budnik otvoril na 23,000, Bednarz 3-betol na 48,000 a Bukša cold 4-betol na 100,000. Budnik ide z cesty a Bednarz platí. Na flope Kc 2s 4d Bukša c-betne 95,000 a Bednarz pošle 302,000 do hry. Po dlhom premýšľaní Bukša s Ax Kx dorovná a jeho súper otáča tak isto Ax Kx. Turn Tx ani river Tx už nič zmeniť nemohli a tak má pot dvoch majiteľov.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 303,478, ent.: 46/349, 1H ent.: 266/491, HR ent.: 97/193
22:00 Flip
This time two austrian players got their stacks in. Shorter stack with pocket sixes against Jx Tx held by bigger stack. Blank board was better for paired combination at this time
21:45 Set not good
On the river Ax 4x 3x 9x 8x Marcin bets 100,000 and Maciej after long long thinking made the call with set of threes. Marcin shows with 5x 2x out of bb and took the pot down.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 253,828, ent.: 55/349, 1H ent.:285/461, Hr ent.: 108/187
21:35 C-bet almighty
On the flop Ax 4x 5x Mateusz c-bets 50,000 into a pot of 80,000. Both opponents folded quickly.
21:20 Hubert Olszewski double up
Wozniak opens to 15,000, Olszewski jams about 100,000 and behind him Szcuzur rejams. Wozniak folds and Olszewski flips over pocket aces. Szcuzur shows Jx Jx and ace on otherwise dry board made everything clear enough.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 218,125, ent.: 64/349, 1H ent.: 299/440, HR ent.: 119/184
And we are back at poker tables !
20:00 All tournaments are stopped for next 60 minutes !
Whisky tasting and stand up comedy in hotel lobby !
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 186,133, ent.: 75/349, 1H ent.: 295/384, HR ent.: 122/170
Registration to flight 1G has been closed. 35 players will secure their seat in day 2!
Break 30 min
Upcoming months are loaded with poker action at Banco Casino Bratislava:
18:45 Nasty hit for Krzyminski
I don´t know where chips went in but pot was well over 100,000 and additional 128,000 went in from Bednarz with 7x 7x against Krzyminski that held 6c 5c. Board Ac 7c 9d 8h 9c completed flush for Krzyminski but Bednarz got his fullhouse. Krzyminski is left with last 1,500 and busts very next hand.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 144,167, ent.: 96/346. 1H ent.: 265/317, HR ent.: 126/152
18:20 Mashraky Kedem busto after the flip
Kedem got his around 60,000 in with pocket jacks against Michal Beghart with Ax Qx. Runout 5x 2x 6x Qx 9x meant seat open for Kedem.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 116,239, ent.: 117/340 1H ent.: 226/252, HR ent.: 117/129
18:00 Nikolas Stojka ousts Ronela Trusu
Ronela rejammed her 50,000 with pocket nines and Nikolas called with Ax Tx. Board Ax Qx 4x 2x 8x sent Trusu out of this flight.
17:45 3-bet
Kozlowski opens to 5,500 and on other side of table Klekot 3-bets to 17,000. Kozlowski folded smoothly.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 103,511, ent.: 131/339, 1H ent.: 199/210, HR ent.: 86/95
17:30 C-bet was good enough for Zalewski
On the flop 7c 6s Ad pot was bit under 25,000 and Zalewski bets 11,500. Sandra Wasilewska and Jacek Kowalski folded quickly.
17:15 Goman loosing a flip
Goman got around 29,000 in with Ad Kd against pocket sevens held by Martin Képeš. Board Ts 5s 4d 3d Xx held for pair combination and Goman is left with last 500 chip.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 91,111, ent.: 144/328,1H ent.: 156/158, HR ent.: 76/81
Break 30 min
16:25 Krystian Topa double up
Everyone folded to Karol and he decided to shove with Qx 9x. Krystian from bb called his 21,800 with Ad 2h and after runout 7d 5d 2d Kd Jh Krystian doubles up.
16:15 Better A-high for Dabrowski
On the flop Tx Tx 5x Dabrowski bets 7,500 into a pot of 14,400. Valent folded and Wietecha calls. Turn 9d and river 6d are checked quickly and Wietecha shows Ax Jx, which is not good enough against Ax Kx.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 72,184, ent.: 174/314
16:00 Turn bet solved hand for Kosmala
On the turn 6c 3c Qs 6h there was 22,000 in the middle and Kosmala decided to bet 9,000. Adrian tanked a bit and folded his hand.
15:45 3-way all in
Maciej Halicki got his 15,500 behind the line with Kx Tx, Lukasz called and Szymon Bednarz rejammed over 90,000 as covering stack. Lukasz called his 66,000 with Ax Qx and Szymon tabled pocket tens. Board 4x 7x 3x 9x Ax eliminated Maciej and Lukasz took full double as a bonus.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,957, ent.: 184/308
15:35 A flip
Wojciech held pocket eights and his 15 bb went in after openraise from Krzysztof. His opponent made quick call with Kx Qx and after blank board Wojciech took important double up.
15:10 Highroller will start in less than one hour
Buy in is set to 500€ and guarantee to 25,000€ ! And its going to be huge one, so don´t hesitate to join us!
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 54,975, ent.: 203/279
14:55 Lukáš Stopka took one too
Bielich limps, Julian Sloma isoraises to 3,500 from button and Stopka in bb calls. Bielich gave up and on the flop Js Ts 6d Sloma c-bets 3,500. Stopka quietly calls and turn Qd is checked through. On the river 5c Lukáš bets 11,000 and after few seconds his opponent folded his hand.
14:45 Nice pot for Emil Mucharski
On the flop As 4s Ah there was 7,000 in the middle and Michal bets 5,500. Jakub Burczynski folded and Emil called. On the turn Ts Michal continues for 6,000 and Emil raises to 12,000. After short while gets called and on the river Jd Emil quickly bets 25,000. Michal thought about it for few minutes and made the call. Emil flipped over Ax Tx for fullhouse and second pair of cards flew into the muck.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 48,491, ent.: 212/257
Break 30 min
13:55 Zymla double up
On the turn Ad Th 5h 3h Kedzia bets and Zymla jams for his 37,500. Kedzia with set of threes called but Zymla held Ah Qh for flush. River Xx didn´t brought a fullhouse for Zymla and he is loosing part of his stack.
13:45 Wojciech all in
On the river Tx Tx 5x 7x 8x pot was about 50,000 and Wojciech jammed around 45,000. His opponent needed almost two minutes but cards ended up in the muck.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 45,189, ent.: 185/209
13:30 Skorupski took a bit from Bering
On the turn Ac Jc 7d 9d there was 6,500 in the middle and Skorupski bets 4,000 from sb. Bering was thinking and recalculating his short but decided to fold in the end.
13:15 Siennicki Vs. Kedem
On the turn Qh Jd 6c 7s pot was around 13,000 and Siennicki bets 10,000. Kedem thought for a bit, counted opponents stack but after longer while folded.
Upcoming months are loaded with poker action at Banco Casino Bratislava:
Level 3 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,927, ent.: 164/176
13:00 Turn overbet
On the turn Jx Tx 2x 9x Adrian bets 10,000 into a pot of 6,000. Lukasz tanked for couple of minutes before he folded.
12:50 4-bet pot for James Yeatman
James opens and Mysior 3-bets to 2,000. Shapoval with Waliszewski called and James 4-bets to 9,500. Mysior with Shapoval backed out, but Walizewski called again. On the flop Qd 4c 8h Yeatman c-bets to 7,700 and his opponent folded quickly.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 41,408, ent.: 142/147
12:30 Small pot for Jacek
Jacek opens to 700 and get two callers. On the flop Ax Kx 4x Jacek c-bets 1,000 and both opponents folded quickly.
12:15 Known faces in tournament
Lukáš Stopka, Tono Hajnovič, Johann Strau and many others are playing already.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 132/132
Polish Poker Days ME 200,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 120€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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