A total of 991 players registered for flight 1H, and we now know the 99 players who advanced. After a challenging day, Agnieszka Kurdwanowska advanced as the chip leader with a stack of 1,498,000. During the course of today, we also surpassed the half-million guarantee, and exactly how much we will play for will be answered tomorrow night. The two-day High Roller event also contributed to surpassing the guarantee, attracting 364 players with a prize pool reaching an impressive 123,760€. Currently, 454 out of 681 players are battling in flight 1I, with late registration open until 2:30. Flight 1J – Turbo starts at 23:00 with late registration open until 2:40. In the area designated for Cash Games, a wide selection of games and limits is available, ensuring that the action runs constantly. Due to high demand, tomorrow's schedule has been slightly modified, and the complete lineup for Saturday can be found in the graphic below. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1H:
Cashgame arena exploding:
22:30 Several seat opens
However, we are not playing Hand for Hand today. We lacked any major action for several minutes, but eventually, Gorski, Fajnor, and Furmaniuk were eliminated. Before the announcement, Frys shoved his short stack over the line with Ax 6x and ran into an opponent's Ax Ax. An uneventful board ended flight 1H!
22:15 High Roller registration is closed!
A total of 364 players participated in the High Roller, and the prize pool reached 123,760€, more than tripling the 40,000€ guarantee. The winner will take home 23,260€!
22:00 Grzegorz double up
Grzegorz pushed for 160,000 from EP and Boris called immediately. Grzegorz revealed Ax Kx, and Boris, holding Ax Qx, handed over about half of his stack after a blank board.
Schedule adjustments for tommorow :
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 357,117, ent.: 111/991, 1I ent.: 447/568, HR ent.: 144/360
Break 15 min
21:30 Jan Vasek victorious
On the flop As 2h 8s, there was about 120,000 in the pot and Jan bet 40,000. Michal Zubek silently folded.
21:20 Zdenek Svoboda loses
On the turn Js 4c 6, there was 55,000 in the pot and Bialecki bet 11,000 after a long consideration. Svoboda called, and on the river 7d, Bialecki continued with a bet of 70,000. Zdenek instantly folded.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 317,120, ent.: 125/991, 1I ent.: 388/475, HR ent.: 168/344
21:00 Marios Stefani victorious
On the flop Kd 3d 5c, there was around 50,000 in the pot, and Marios bet 25,000. Polberg and Hoffmann both folded smoothly.
20:50 High time for a double up
Kruopis pushed for 43,000 and Borowski called. Kruopis had aces, Borowski held Ax Kx. After the board 4x 8x Jx 6x 4x, there were no surprises.
20:40 Half a million guarantee is history!
At this moment, the 500,000€ guarantee has been surpassed, making it clear that we're playing for significantly more!
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 252,484, ent.: 157/991, 1I ent.: 157/401, HR ent.: 196/325
20:30 Unequal fight
Damian found himself in a preflop all-in for his last 5bb with nines against his opponent's tens. After a blank board, Damian was eliminated.
20:15 Flop jam
On the flop Kx Qx Ax, there was over 100,000 in the pot and Krzysztian pushed for about 140,000. Albert took a very long time to decide, but eventually folded his cards.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 229,133, ent.: 173/991
19:50 Time !
Na rivri Ac 4c 5h 6c 9d bolo v pote 190,000 a Igor betoval 100,000. Mateusz Rownicki premýšľal veľmi dlho a nakoniec bol privolaný time. Ku koncu odpočtu však Rownicki zahodil a Igor mu po hre ukázal Tc 9c.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 201,218, ent.: 197/991, HR ent.: 213/306, 1I ent.: 324/340
Break 30 min
19:00 Flight 1I started
Almost 200 players are already seated! Flight 1I will have late registration open until 2:30!!
18:50 Martin Dej in a tough spot
On the turn Qh 6h Js 3c, there was 71,000 in the pot and Niko Gianno bet 45,000. Martin hesitated for a while but eventually called. On the river 2s, Niko bet 85,000. Martin needed even more time to think before ultimately folding. After the hand, Niko showed him Kh Th.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 168,621, ent.: 232/978, HR ent.: 212/271
18:30 Kajetán victorious preflop
Jakub opened to 8,000, Robo called, and Kajetán shoved his 75,000 over the line from the big blind. Jakub folded immediately, while Robo took about a minute but didn't feel comfortable calling with pocket threes.
18:20 3-way all in
Kamil pushed for 60,000 with Ax Kx, Mateusz called with Ax Qx, and Sebastian behind them found pocket tens. A blank board eliminated both players at once.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 132,734, ent.: 289/959
17:50 Mario Mojsov victorious
Martin Dej opened to 6,500 and only Mario called from the big blind. On the flop Ts Ks 6h, both players checked. On the turn 4h, Mario bet 10,000 and Martin folded Ad in disappointment.
17:00 Flights 1I and 1J – Turbo with delayed start
Due to high interest in flight 1H and the concurrent PPC High Roller with a 40,000€ guarantee, the start of flight 1I is postponed to 19:00, and flight 1J – Turbo will begin at 23:00. However, late registration for flight 1H is open until 19:30! We apologize for the inconvenience!
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 121,923, ent.: 312/951, HR ent.: 215/234
17:25 Turn all in
On the turn Qx 9x 5x 9x, there was about 50,000 in the pot and Martin pushed for 90,000. Marko thought for about three minutes and eventually folded his cards.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 89,631, ent.: 407/912
Break 30 min
16:30 Rejam
A player in EP opened to 4,000 and three players called. Sebastian on the small blind moved a solid 100,000 across the line. No one called.
16:20 Kamil eliminated in a friendly atmosphere
Kamil pushed for 15bb with Qx Jx and a few seats down Aleksandar called with tens. After a blank board, Kamil handed over his chips with a burst of laughter to his friend along with the beer the waitress had just brought him.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 75,254, ent.: 472/888, HR ent.: 126/126
15:45 Strong bluff
On the turn Kx Qx 8x 3x, there was about 15,000 in the pot and George bet 25,000. Szymon, disappointed, folded Ax Qx face up. George amusedly revealed 7x 2x.
15:35 C-bet (almost) enough
On the flop Jx Tx 9x, Dominik bet 8,000 into a pot of around 20,000. His opponent thought for a long time, unable to decide. Eventually, he pushed his 50,000 across the line, and Dominik quickly folded his cards.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,254, ent.: 504/860
15:20 Hero call
On the river Kx Jx Jx 8x 4x, there was about 30,000 in the pot and Marcin bet 20,000. Benjamin thought for about three minutes before deciding to call. Marcin revealed Ax Qx. Benjamin held a pair of threes and won the pot.
15:10 No problem
Jacek and Krysztof ended up in a preflop all-in for a substantial 50bb. Jacek held Qx Qx, while Krysztof revealed aces. After the board came Ax Kx Jx 9x Tx, Jacek completed his straight and eliminated his opponent from the tournament.
15:00 Nasty bad beat
Krysztian ended up all-in on the flop Kx 2x 2x with Kx Kx for about 60,000. His opponent excitedly revealed a pair of deuces. The ace on the turn changed nothing, but the Kx on the river delivered Jaro a cold shower, and with a burst of swearing, he left his seat.
14:50 Makiewicz double up
Daniel Makiewicz ended up in a preflop all-in for his last 12,600 with 6c 8c against Domenico Difilippo's Ac As. After the board came 6x 5x Tx 8x 4x, Daniel takes a double up from this hand.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,200, ent:: 541/707
Break 30 min
13:45 Miloš Zerzevic busto
Miloš was down to his last 9,000, which he got in with pocket fours against Marek Lachcik's Kx Qx. After the board came Kx 5x 9x 9x 7x, Miloš didn’t get the slightest chance and now has to use the re-entry option.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 47,357, ent.: 473/560
13:25 Flop raise
On the flop Ax Tx 5x, there was about 6,000 in the pot and Karol bet 3,000. After a minute of thought, Andrzej responded with a raise to 9,600. Karol instantly folded.
13:15 Yesterday's Super High Roller winner was Daryl Thomas Mcaleenan for 17,335€!
A total of 81 players participated in the tournament, and the prize pool reached a beautiful 68,850€!
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 43,654, ent.: 415/454
12:55 Multiway pot
On the turn Qx Tx 8x Kx, there was slightly over 5,000 in the pot and Piotr bet 2,000. Both opponents quickly folded.
12:40 3-bet pot
Grzegorz opened to 800, and there were two calls. Mikolaj 3-bet to 2,200, and only Grzegorz remained in the game with him. On the flop Ax 2x Tx, Mikolaj continued for 4,000. Grzegorz disappointingly folded Jx Jx.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 41,978, ent.: 364/382
12:25 Calm start
On the flop Jx 5x 4x, there was about 1,000 in the pot and Jakub bet 500. His opponent checked his cards and folded.
12:15 Flight 1H started with the following players:
Pilarski, Mazur, Lisei, Czuba, Lohnický, Gago, Judek, and many others
- Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 310/310
- Polish Poker Championship Main Event 500,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 130€
- Starting stack: 40K
- Late reg.: 12 lvls
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2
The end of the year will bring the beloved TheFestival with 500,000€ GTD Main Event!
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