Absolutely gigantic Polish Poker Chamionship created astonishing 3,967 entries and gathered prizepool of almost 400,000€. Not bad for 100€ buy in. Name of new champion is Kacper Czapla and after headsup deal won 52,710€. This weekend there are two one-day events planned out with total guarantee of 70,000€ and since 20.6 we start long planned Slovak Series of Poker with total guarantee of 400,000€. For more informations keep an eye on our website or social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
Final Table results :
1.Czapla Kacper - 52,710 €
2.Pinchas Grigoroj - 43,190€ €
3.Fridrich Radovan - 23 850 €
4. Zerzevski Miloš - 16 850 €
5.Shcherba Vitalii - 12 850 €
6.Antala Rastislav - 9 650 €
7.Maciej Halicki - 6 750 €
8.Bajon Grzegorz - 4 350 €
9.Lelito Dawid - 2 855 €
21:40 Second place finish belongs to Grigorij Pinchas for 43,190€.
On the flop Tc 4s 6d Grigorij bets 10,000,000 and gets called. On the turn Jc Grigorij jammed for 56 million and Czapla snapcalls with Jx 4x. Grigorij had ton of outs with his Kc Qc but river 3h was one of biggest bricks in deck. Grigorij was left with less than two bigblinds and lost them with Kx 2x to 9x 6x after board 8x 7x 7x Kx 5x, which was also last board of tournament.
21:15 Stacks for headsup
Czapla - 71,000,000
Pinchas - 88,000,000
21:10 Headsup deal was born !
Players decided for equal chop on the money and play out for remaining 9,520€ as per casino house rules plus trophy.
Heads-up time !
Short break
21:00 Third place finish and 23,850€ belongs to Radovan Fridrich
Czapla shoves his 9bb from sb with Kc Tc and Fridrich called with Ax 7x. Board Tx Tx 7x 6x 6x leaves Radovan with last two bigblinds.Two hands later Fridrich shoves 8x 6x, Pinchas calls with Ax 8x, Czapla found Ax 9x and calls aswell. Board 6x Qx 4x 3x 5x returns Fridrich to something about 17,000,000. Few hands after Radovan decides to shove with Jx 6x and Czapla woke up with aces on bigblind. After board 6x 2x 8x 9x 3x last slovak player is leaving tournament.
20:30 Fourth place is for Miloš Zerzevski for 16,850€
Miloš was holding up despite bad cardrun. In his last hand Fridrich jammed over Zerzevski´s bb for about 2bb that Miloš had left. Miloš called with Kx 2x and Rado showed up with Tx 9x. Runout 9x Kx Ax 7x Tx is sending us to 3-handed play.
20:16 Clock was barely ticking
Vitalii pushed all in for his 10bb with Qh Th and Pinchas woke up behind him with pocket kings again. Runout 6c Jc Ac Ts 9h held for Pinchas and Shcherba takes home 12,850€.
Stacks :
Seat 2: Shcherba Vitalii - 23,000,000
Seat 3: Pinchas Grigorij - 77,000,000
Seat 5: Czapla Kacper - 25,000,000
Seat 7: Rado Fridrich - 18,300,000
Seat 8: Zerzevski Miloš - 15,800,000
Level 40: 1,500,000 - 3,000,000 / 3,000,000, avg. 31,736,000, ent.: 5/3,967
Short break
19:35 Czapla survives
Pinchas shoved out of smallblind and Czapla called his four big blinds with Kx 2x. Pinchas flipped over Ad 8d and board 4c Td 6h 3d Ks brought double up for Czapla.
19:25 Antala finishes in sixth place for 9,650€
His stack got critically low and in his last hand shoved 10,000,000 with Ax 7x. Vitalii found pocket kings and after blank board Antala didnt manage to hit his ace.
Level 38: 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 / 2,000,000, avg. 26,500,000, ent.: 6/3,967
19:05 Pinchas Vs Antala
Pinchas opens to 3,300,000 and Antala calls from bb. Flop Ax Qx 6x brought a c-bet 3,000,000 from Pinchas and Antala calls. Turn 3c brings two checks and on the river 4s Pinchas bets 9,000,000. Antala decides to get rid of his hand and his stack is still in freefall.
Slovak Series of Poker is back !
After two years break Slovak Series of Poker will take place from 20.60 until 4.7 and total guarantee of festival is set to wonderful 400,000€ !
Level 37: 800,000 - 1,600,000 / 1,600,000, avg. 26,446,667 ent.: 6/3,967
18:30 Seventh place belongs to Maciej Halicki
Maciej shoved 13,000,000 from Co with As 4s. Antala called with Ah Jh and board 6d 7c 8h 8s Ad is red light for Maciej. His reward is 6,750€
18:20 Miloš Zerzevski triple up
Fridrich opens to 2,500,000 and Miloš ships 3,100,00. Maciej Halicki calls out of bb and Rado calls too. Flop 9s 3d Tc brings bet of 5,400,000 from Halicki and Fridrich folds Ax Tx. Halicki shows pocket kings but against set of nines he need lot of help. Turn Jx and river 2x isn´t helping at all and Miloš takes nice triple up.
18:04 Eight place belongs to Grzegorz Bajon for 4,350€
Grzegorz jammed 4,700,000 with Ac 9c. Vitalii found Ad Kd and called off.After runout Jd 8s 3h 4h 6h is Bajon eliminated.
Level 37: 600,000 - 1,200,000 / 1,200,000, avg. 19,835,000 ent.: 8/3,967
Next weekend will be warm at Banco Casino Bratislava !
Next weekend we will be hosting two one day tournaments with total guarantee of 70,000€ ! We will be happy to see you !
New seating:
Seat 1: Halicki Maciej - 25,400,000
Seat 2: Shcherba Vitalii - 17,000,000
Seat 3: Pinchas Grigorij - 51,000,000
Seat 4: Antala Rastislav - 19,700,000
Seat 5: Czapla Kacper - 15,800,000
Seat 6: Bajon Grzegorz - 4,700,000
Seat 7: Rado Fridrich - 17,200,000
Seat 8: Zerzevski Miloš - 8,600,000
15 minutes break
Redraw and short break !
17:25 First blood
Lelito shipped 8,400,000 with Ax Tx. Few seats later Pinchas founds jacks and calls. Runout 4s 5c 7s Qx 8x brings to Dawid Lelito 2,855€ !
17:15 Fridrich wins one
Bajon opens to 2,200,000 out of Ep and Fridrich calls from bb. Flop Ks 5h 2d brings c-bet of 2,200,000 from Bajon and Fridrich slowly calls. Turn 4h brings two quick checks and on the river 7c Fridrich bets 2,300,000. Bajon snapfolds.
17:05 Lelito jams
Dawid Lelito found Jx Tx and jammed his almost 6,000,000. Nobody found hand to call though.
Level 36: 500,000 - 1,000,000 / 1,000,000, avg. 17,631,111, ent.: 9/3,967
16:45 One of first pots belongs to Fridrich
Fridrich opens to 2,200,000. Rest of table folded and we are still warming up a bit.
Level 35: 400,000 - 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 17,631,111, ent.: 9/3,967
There is about six minutes left out of this level. All upcoming levels will take 40 minutes.
15:30 Record-breaking Polish Poker Championship will go on today with Final Table !
Final Table prizes :
1. 60 250 €
2. 35 650 €
3. 23 850 €
4 16 850 €
5. 12 850 €
6. 9 650 €
7. 6 750 €
8. 4 350 €
9. 2 855 €
Final Table stacks and seating:
Seat 1: Fridrich Radovan - 12,600,000
Seat 2: Zerzevski Miloš - 7,400,000
Seat 3: Shcherba Vitalii - 19,500,000
Seat 4: Bajon Grzegorz - 13,200,000
Seat 5: Lelito Dawid - 2,200,000
Seat 6: Czapla Kacper - 11,400,000
Seat 7: Antala Rastislav - 23,000,000
Seat 8: Pinchas Grigorij - 45,900,000
Seat 9: Halicki Maciej - 24,900,000
Polish Poker Championship Main Event 250,000€ :
- Late Registration : 12 levels
- Unlimited Re-entry option
- Every Day 1 will be played 10-max
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 100€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
- All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
- Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
- 10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Slovak Series of Poker s celkovou garanciou 400,000€ !
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
Polish Poker Championship 333,000€ GTD:
Greek Poker Champions 150,000€ GTD :
France – Benelux Masters Main Event 150,000€ GTD:
CODE HUNTER - otvorte trezor a vyhrajte progresívny JACKPOT!
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 62,459€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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