Strong flight 1H created 591 entries and after double seat open on the bubble we have 58 more attendants of day 2. Todays chipleader is Sándor Maté with stack of 1,286,000. Flight 1I created 577 entries and late registration to this flight is open until 00:30. Flight 1J started at 23:00 and right now has 166 entries with late registration open until 3:00. Flight 1J is also last chance to get your seat in tommorow´s day 2. Day 2 will start at 13:00 and will have stream, that you can find on the link below. At 16:00 PPC deepstack with buy in of 75€ and 15,000€ GTD will start. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1H:
Day 2 livestream čoskoro :
23:30 Bubbleboy is Pawel Bebnowski
Pawel got his 117,000 in with Kx Qx against Kx Kx held by Patryk Biel. Board 8x 7x 5x Ax 2x sent Bebnowski out of tournament area. On next table Antalík opens and Marjan Janicijevic rejamed 296,000 with pocket tens. After several minutes Antalík calls with Ax Qx and after board Qx 8x 3x 6x 7x Marjan is eliminated too, which means we have only 58 advancing players.
23:20 One down, one to go
Jan Wojda jammed his shortstack with pocket jacks and Marjan Mitrovski called with Ax Qx. BOard 8x 8x 2x 5x Qx solves first out of two eliminations.
23:10 Lukáš Tóth double up
Lukáš got his 100,000 in with Ks Qs against Johannes Tringl with pocket jacks. Board 2x 9x 5x Qx Qx held for shortstack. In next hand, Johannes openjams with Kx 8x and Michal Walas as covering stack found Ax Qx. Board Kx 8x Qx 6x 4x held for shorter stack again.
Level 18: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 381,290, ent.: 62/591, 1I ent.: 197/560, HR ent.: 18/111
Hand for hand getting very close !
Strong Cashgame action in Banco Casino Bratislava !
22:40 Valek Vs Szyba
On the flop Ad Kh 5h there was about 180,000 in the pot and Szyba bets 55,000. Valek was tanking for couple of minutes before he jammed about 250,000 effectively. Szyba folded much much faster.
22:30 No justice in this world
That was probably thoughts of Aristeidis after he jammed 149,000 on the flop Jd Tc 9h with 7x 8x. Erik Šeffer as covering stack was calling with Ax 8x and after turn 4d and river 7c they had to split this pot.
Grand Week in Banco Casino Bratislava !
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 342,609, ent.: 69/591, 1I ent.: 235/533, HR ent.: 23/111
Break 30 min
21:45 Lukasz Vs Maciej
Lukasz held about 150,000 and Ax Kx. Maciej had last 85,000 and pocket jacks. Board Jx 2x 2x Ax 8x helped Maciej to stay in game.
21:25 Registration to Highroller has been closed
Highroller event had guarantee set to 25,000€ and it didn´t took very long to shred it and keep it as funny memory. 111 entries in total created wonderful prizepool of 47,175€ and winner will take home 12,270€. 14 players will be ITM and mincash is set to 895€. Wonderful !
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 303,077, ent.: 78/591, 1I ent.: 258/49, HR ent.: 34/111
21:15 Erik Šeffer double up
Antalík opens to 16,000 from Mp, Šeffer jams his 86,000 from the button. After long hesitation, Antalík calls with Ah 8h, Šeffer tables Qs 3s. Runout Js 4s Tc Kc Ks brought flush to Erik and Antalík has to give up about half of his stack.
21:00 Róbert Golonka out
Robert got into preflop all in for his 170,000 with pocket queens against Ac Kc held by Maciej Kaminski. Board Kx Jx 8x Ax 3x eliminates Golonka.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 243,711, ent.: 97/591, 1I ent.: 269/453, HR ent.: 38/109
20:45 Radoslaw Wolinski double up
On the river 6x 4x 8x 5x 9x there was about 270,000 in the pot and Radoslaw got remaining 65,000 inside with pocket sevens for straight. Wiktor Pawlowski was paying him off with set of eights. Very painful showdown for sure.
20:20 Small pot for Jasinski
Jasinski opens to 12,000 and Dawid defends his bb. Flop Jh 4h Ts brought c-bet of 12,000 from Jasinski and Dawid promtly folds.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 223,019, ent.: 106/591, 1I ent.: 276/418, HR ent.: 41/107
19:55 Pawel Cerkaski busto
Pawel got his short in with Kx 9x against Ax Qx held by Manfred Walter. Board held for Manfred and Cerkaski is out.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 193,770, ent.: 122/591, 1I ent.: 274/374, HR ent.: 44/106
Break 30 min
19:10 Repák double up
Repák jams his 71,000 from Ep with pocket queens and Tamir Saidman rejams with pocket kings. Nobody else found hand to call with and after board 2x 2x 8x Qx 5x Repák is taking lucky double up.
19:00 This didn´t work out as intended
On the flop Jx 4x 4x there is 22,000 in and Kawecki bets 9,000. Kuzior jams about 28,000 and Kawecki with Kx Jx snapcalls. Kuzior shows Ax 9x and turn with river bricked. Kuzior is for now eliminated.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 143,704, ent.: 162/582, 1I ent.: 222/277, HR ent.: 58/95
18:45 It´s over 3,000 !
Tournament just reached 3,000 total entries and still counting.
18:40 Svoboda couldn´t win this one
Svoboda jammed his 41,000 with Kx Qx. Nissim Sonsino raises to 140,000 and nobody else joined. Nissim tables Ad Kd and after ruout Ax Ax 3x 5x Tx Svoboda leaves his seat.
18:25 Stachowiak Vs Ojrzynski
Stachowiak opens to 7,000 and Jakub Ojrzynski reshoves his 65,000. Everyone else folds and Stachowiak tanked a bit before he folded.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 134,529, ent.: 170/576, 1I ent.: 219/250, HR ent.: 65/91
18:05 River raise
On the river 9c 7C 8h 2h 9h there is about 40,000 in the pot and Marko Grujic bets 20,000. Marek Woznicki raises to 60,000 and Maciej Kawecki folds. Marko shows Ah Kd and fold his hand too.
17:50 Yevhen Matiko eliminates Maciej Plonka
On the flop Qx Jx 5x Maciej bets 10,000 into a pot of almost 20,000, Yevhen calls. On the turn 7x Maciej asks for 15,000 and gets paid again. On the river Ts Maciej tanks and checks. Yevhen announces all in for about 40,000 that Plonka has behind and after some time Plonka calls with Kx Qx. Sadly for him, against set of queens that was not good enough.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 106,479, ent.: 213/567, 1I ent.: 184/191, HR ent.: 67/87
January 2023 will be very hot in Banco Casino Bratislava !
17:25 Friedrich Schwarzer shoving
Kacper Kuzior opens to 4,500 and Friedrich rejams about 22,000. Kacper folded smoothly.
17:10 Umut Konacoglu busto
Umut got into preflop all in with Jd 6d for about 20,000 against Tomasz Lewandowski with Ad Qd. Board Kx Tx 9x 9x Ax was no help for Umut and has to consider option of reentry.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 89,402, ent.: 250/561, 1I ent.: 101/102, HR ent.: 71/83
Break 30 min
16:25 River bomb
On the river Ax 4x Kx Qx 5x there was about 50,000 in the pot and one of polish players bets 150,000. Another one that has him covered was tanking for nearly three minutes before folding face up his Ax Qx.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 77,419, ent.: 278/540, HR ent.: 43/45
16:05 Grzegorz Kepka out
On the turn 4c 9h 5s 8c there was 17,200 in the middle and Yevhen Matiko jams for about 55,000 and is covering Grzegorz by a bit. Kepka thought about it for about one minute and made the call with Kc 5c, Matiko flips over 9d 8d and after river 2d Kepka didn´t hit any of his outs and is eliminated.
15:50 Wolfgang Foglar picking up multiway pot
Marcel Zabielski openraises from Ep, Wolfgang, Grzegorz and Yevhen calls. On the flop Jd Td 4c everyone checks to the Foglar and he bets 11,000. All opponents folds in slow pace.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,450, ent.: 307/510, HR ent.: 36/36
15:30 More flips !
Kacper got his 25bb stack in with pocket tens vs Leonard that held Ax Jx. Board 3x Tx 2x Kx Qx was not so nice for pair combination at this time.
15:15 Pavel Doboš jamming
On the turn 8h 6h 8d 9s there was 8,500 in the pot and Vladyslav Soloviov bets 8,500. Doboš ships his 25,300 and Vladyslav is tanking good while. After few questions Vladyslav folds face up Ah.
Day 2 livestream starting soon :
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 57,872, ent.: 329/476
15:00 Crazy hand
On the flop Kx Tx 9x Juraj Pecháček bets 9,000, Mateusz Pietkiewicz jams his 20,000, Jan Zomerfeld call less and Pecháček calls too. Mateusz held Jx 6x, Zomerfeld Jx 9x and Pecháček had 9s 7s. Turn and river bbricked and Zomerfeld took triple up, Pietkiewicz is eliminated and Pecháček took smaller sidepot.
14:40 Pavel Doboš taking pot with a flop raise
On the flop Td 2d 9h there is about 8,000 in the pot and Artur Holomovzyi bets 2,500. Pavel raises to 7,500 and Artur took few moments before folding.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,523, ent.: 328/432
Break 30 min
14:00 C-bets winning all the way
On the flop Jx 3x 2x Grzegorz bets 2,000 into a pot of about 5,000. Both opponents fold quickly.
13:45 Aaaand entry number 2,500 belongs to....
Dawid Himself ! Dawid just jumped in little while ago and his ticket hold number 2,500, which means that 250,000€ guarantee is thing of the past and we will be playing for more !
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 49,655, ent.: 289/360
13:30 Krzysztof Romanow took the pot
On the river 9s 7c 8h 4h Ac there is around 10,000 inside and Krzysztof bets 4,000. Mateusz Pietkiewicz folds instantly from his sb.
13:20 Andrej Skalos after unfair battle out
Andrej got it in with pocket kings against Ax Kx held by Florian Nolz. Board 2x Ax 4x 9x 2x didn´t help Andrej and Florian took about 40,000 from him.
13:10 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
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Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 43.582, ent.: 268/292
13:00 A setup !
On the flop 8x 8x 5x Zaleski got it in with pocket jacks against pocket aces held by Bednarski. Bednarski had only 28,100 behind and after turn Ax and river 8x he is taking about half of opponents stack.
12:45 Marek Halko bettin the river
There is about 15,000 in the pot on the river Kd Td 7s 9d 5d and Halko bets 11,000. Both opponents folded and Marek shows Ad.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,840, ent.: 238/243
12:30 Wiktor Weiner with two barells
On the flop Ax Jx 6x 2x Wiktor bets 7,100, one player folds and Michal Nizgorski calls. On the turn 8x Wiktor bets again, this time for 11,100 and Michal folds quickly.
12:15 Adamczewski raises the turn
On the turn Kd 9d Ac Jc there is about 2,500 in the middle and Myslinski bets 4,000, Adamczewski not giving up and pulling out raise of 10,000. Myslinski tanks for a while and folds.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 168/168
Polish Poker Chapmionship 250,000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
Every Day 1 will be played 10-max
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 100€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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