A total of 81 players participated in flight 1D of the Poker Belgique Masters 250,000€ GTD, and eight of them advanced, with Miro Lelek leading the pack with a stack of 1,122,000. The tournament is currently marked by low attendance, so a significant overlay is expected. Flight 1F starts at 15:00, and flight 1G – Turbo starts at 22:00. The Highroller event with a guarantee of 20,000€ kicks off at 17:00. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1D:
00:10 Two quick seat opens
On the river Tx 4x Xx Xx 6x, Ulf Grahs went all-in with Tx 8x for about 250,000 against Ondrej's Tx 6x. Ulf was eliminated, and we merged to the final table. Shortly after its formation, Vettas pushed 79,000 with Ax Kx, and Ondrej found tens. The board came Qx 4x 3x Qx 8x, making it the final hand of flight 1D.
23:45 Svoboda another double up
Svoboda shoved from the SB for 248,000 with Kx 6x and Kristin instantly called with Ax Qx. The board came Kx Tx 9x 5x 9x, giving Zdenek another double up.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 405,000, ent.: 10/81
23:30 Svoboda double up
On the flop Kx Tx 5x, Zdeněk got all-in for just under 150,000 with Kx 5x against Lelek's Kx 4x. The turn was Jx and the river was 5x, giving Svoboda a double up.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 405,000, ent.: 10/81, 1E ent.: 14/16
23:10 Quick game
Nečas opened to 15,000 and Georgios called from the BB. On the flop Ts 9s Jc, Nečas put his opponent all-in effectively for 55,000, and he folded immediately. Shortly after, Georgios was eliminated from the tournament.
22:45 Niclas Hoglund eliminated
Niclas pushed 138,000 with sevens and Kristin called with Ax Kx. The board came Ax 9x 3x Jx 8x, and this time the dealer held the unpaired combination, resulting in Niclas's elimination.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 238,235, ent.: 17/81, 1E ent.: 16/16
22:30 Giampaolo Cecamore eliminated
Schmid opened to 11,000, Koščo, Hauge, and Cecamore called. On the flop 8d 5d 4s, Hauge c-bet 15,000, Cecamore pushed for about 60,000, Hauge and Schmid folded. Kočšo quickly called with a set of fours, and Cecamore held 8x 6x. After the turn Qx and river Qx, Koščo completed a full house and eliminated his opponent.
22:20 Nečas rises
On the flop Ac 7s 5h, there was 32,000 in the pot, and Ondrej bet 12,000 from EP. Svoboda folded immediately, and Grahs thought for a moment but eventually folded as well.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 184,091, ent:: 22/81
Break 30 min
21:40 Flip
Joseph open-pushed from the button for about 20,000 with 8x 3x, and his opponent in the BB quickly called with Kx Qx. After a blank board, Joseph was eliminated for now.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 150,000, ent.: 26/78
21:20 Nečas loses
On the river 8h Ac 9c Kd 7h, there was 32,000 in the pot, and Ondrej Nečas bet 25,000. After a long consideration, Vettas called, and Ondrej immediately mucked his cards. We didn't see a showdown, and Vettas took the pot.
21:00 Flataker vs. Hauge
On the river 3s 7d 9d 8d 7s, there was about 30,000 in the pot, and Kristin bet 18,000. Ove Hauge called, but his Ah 9h was no match for Ad Jd, and he had to give some chips to his opponent.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 140,385, ent.: 26/73
20:45 Koščo eliminates
Kristin Flataker opened to 4,000 from EP, Gabor Dudas from the SB rejammed 30,000 with Ax Qx, and Koščo from the BB shoved his stack with eights. Kristin folded after thinking for a while. After the board came Kx 2x 9x 7x 8x, the pair held up, and Gabor was eliminated from the tournament.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 109,091, ent.: 33/72
20:15 Peter Koščo takes a small pot
On the flop 6h 5h 7c, Kočšo bet 5,000 from the CO into a pot of 10,000. Livanos called, and on the turn Ah, he faced a bet of 6,000. The Greek player didn't like the turn and folded his cards to the dealer.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 95,946, ent.: 37/71
Break 15 min
19:30 Vettas takes a piece
Christos opened from the button to 4,000, and Hauge and Černý called. On the flop Kx Jx 6x, all players checked. On the turn 9d, Vettas bet 5,500, and only Černý called. The river 8c was checked, and Vettas took the pot with Jx Tx.
19:20 Miro Lelek victorious
On the flop Ac Ts 3s, Lelek bet 5,500 into a pot of about 10,000. Blagojevic hesitantly called, and Janotka joined in. On the turn 2h, Lelek bet 18,000, and both opponents folded.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 87,179, ent.: 39/68
18:50 Flip
Joseph got into a preflop all-in for about 20 BB with Kx Qx against his opponent's jacks. After the board came Kx Qx Jx Tx Qx, Joseph secured a stylish double up.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 75,000, ent.: 44/66
18:30 Squeeze
Černý opened to 2,500, Halo called, and Svoboda 3-bet from the blinds to 9,500. Both opponents folded.
18:20 Sturla Flataker all in
Zoltan Kovacs bet 3,000 into a pot of about 18,000 from EP, Lelek raised from the SB to 12,500, Flataker called, and the last player in the hand folded. Kovacs thought for a long time and folded. On the turn 4d, Lelek bet 15,000, and Sturla responded with an immediate all-in for about 90,000. Lelek thought for a while but eventually folded his cards.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 73,256, ent.: 43/63
18:00 Zlatko Neusiedler victorious
On the river 6x 6x As 9s 8s, there was about 20,000 in the pot, and Zlatko bet 15,000. Benadjemia struggled for a while but ultimately decided that folding was the best option.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 60,227, ent.: 44/53
Break 30 min
17:00 Thomas Brandtner without showdown
On the turn Qd Js 9s Jh, Thomas bet 2,600 into a pot of about 5,000, and Hanuska called. On the river 7h, Thomas continued for 6,000, but his opponent folded his cards.
16:50 Vettas vs. Masmoudi
Vettas opened from the button, and Masmoudi called from the BB. On the flop 3s 4s 5s, Vettas bet 2,000 and slowly got paid. On the turn 9c and river 5d, both checked. Masmoudi showed 7x 4x, and Vettas with his Ax Jx missed everything.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 58,333, ent.: 36/42
16:30 Svoboda starts strong
On the flop Td 3s 6h, Svoboda bet 2,500, and Vettas, Šedivý, and Masmoudi called. On the turn 6d, Svoboda continued for 4,500, and the same scenario repeated. On the river 3d, however, Zdeněk bet 21,000, and all three opponents reluctantly folded.
16:15 Split pot
On the river 9d 7s Qd 4d Th, there was about 12,000 in the pot, and Stanislav bet 5,000. Tibor Hegedus called, but both revealed Kx Qx and split the pot.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 54,412, ent.: 34/37
Poker Belgique Masters schedule:
15:50 Svoboda takes an easy pot
Svoboda opened from EP to 800, and Wasana called from CO. On the flop 7d 2d 8h, Svoboda bet 1,500, and his opponent quickly folded her cards.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 52,000, ent.: 25/26
15:30 Nice pot to start
On the river 6x 7x Jx 5x 9x, there was about 15,000 in the pot, and Zoltan Kovacs bet 11,000. His opponent thought for a while but folded his cards.
15:20 Sitting in the tournament from the beginning
Kubat, Boron, Vlk, Svoboda, Vettas, Janotka, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 18/18
PBM Main Event 250,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 200€
- Starting stack: 50k
- Late reg.: 12 Lvls
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2
- All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
- 10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
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