THMC Main Event 200,000€ GTD finished after long hours with triuph of Ilija Savevski who took home wonderful 28,742€ after three way deal. Tournament recorded only 766 registrations. Today Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD with buy in of 100€ started and first flight created 75 entries and we will know first eight players in day 2. Flight 1B is scheduled for today 18:00 and you can find whole schedule below. We are looking forward to see you !
Final Day results:
1. Savevski Ilija 28 742 €
2. Housni Raphael 23 985 €
3. Carmelo Romeo 19 092 €
4. Abaev Michael 11 769 €
5. Nanos Dimitrios 9 484 €
6. Abramov David 7 209 €
7.Szetei Pavol 5 689 €
8.Lugmayr Michail 4 164 €
9.Vettas Christos 2 679 €
10.Matus Daniel 1 959 €
11.Yankov Yavor Sergeev 1 959 €
12.DANISEK PETER 1 959 €
13.Fowler Paul Robert 1 654 €
15.NOVA MAYAN 1 654 €
16.Leviev Robert Ronen 1 424 €
2:20 Runner up is Raphael Housni for 23,985€
After moving chips from side to side Housni found pocket queens and Ilija held pocket kings. It didn´t take too long before stacks went in and board 8x Ax 5x Jx 7x was last one for THMC Main Event.
2:00 Chips going from side to side
But no significant action so far and stacks are pretty much even.
Level 35: 600,000 – 1,200,000 / 1,200,000, avg. 38,300,000, ent.: 2/766
Heads up stacks :
Ilija - 44,400,000
Housni - 32,200,000
Short break
1:20 Slowplay went bad
Housni limped on the button, Savevski completed his sb and Romeo checkedfrom bb. On the flop Qc 7s 3d Housni bets 1,000,000, Savevski raises to 3,000,000 and Romeo calls again. Housni folded, turn Qs brought all in from Savevski and Romeo snapcalled his 7,100,000 with pocket aces. Savevski tabled pocket threes and after river 6s Romeo finishes in third place for 19,092€
1:00 There is double up for Savevski aswell
Savevski got into preflop all in confrontation with 8d 6d against Housni with pocket nines. Board Ah 6h 3x 6x Qx was great help for Savevski. Right in the next hand Savevski openjammed 15,000,000 with pocket sevens and Housni called with Ad 9h. Board Kx 3x Tx 8x 6x doubled Ilija once again and he took the chiplead.
00:45 Romeo double up
Romeo got his 7,800,000 behind the line with Ah 7h agains Ks Jd held by Housni. Board Ax 9x 6x 9x 9x told us, it´s too early to play heads up.
Deal numbers:
Housni – 23,985 €
Savevski – 21,671€
Romeo – 19,092€
7,071€ left to play for !
Stacks in last 3:
Deal discussion
00:15 Fourth place finish belongs to Michael Abaev for 11,769€
Abaev jams his 4,700,000 with Qd 9s from Ep and Savevski in bb found Kx Kx. Board Tc 5d 4d 6d Th was last one for Abaev.
00:10 Double seat open
Abramov jams 6,100,000 with Ax Kx, Nanos rejams around 14,000,000 with Ax Jx and Housni behind them as covering stack found pocket aces. Board 8x Tx 9x 6x 6x held for Housni and Abramov finishes in sixth place for 7,209€, Nanos took fifth place and 9,484€.
00:05 Little bit of slowroll
On the river Ax 3x 4x 7x 5x there was about 10,000,000 inside and Abramov jams effectivelly 8,500,000. Housni tank for quite some time and in the end he decides to call with his Ax 6x. Very disguisted Abramov tables Ax Qx and is giving up around 2/3 of his stack.
Level 32: 400,000 – 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 12,766,667, ent.: 6/776
Break 15 min
23:35 Housni double up
Housni got his 8,000,000 in with pocket tens against Romeo with pocket jacks. Runout Ax Ax Tx Qx 8x held for shortstack.
23:30 Abramov took the pot
Abramov opens to 1,400,000 and Nanos calls. Flop Jc 6c 6h brought a bet of 800,000 from Abramov and Nanos raises to 3,000,000. Abramov instantly jams for 12,000,000 and Nanos folds.
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD started today
In flight 1A 9th level will start very soon and there is 28 players out of 71. Late registration is open until 1:30.
Level 32: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 12,766,667, ent.: 6/776
Break 15 min
22:45 Housni Vs. Romeo part II
Romeo opens to 1,200,000 and Housni again calls his bb. Flop Ax Jx Tx is valued to one million by Romeo and Housni calls. Turn 5s brought second barell from Romeo for 1,800,000. Housni folds promptly.
22:30 Housni Vs Romeo
Romeo opens to 1,100,000 and Housni calls from bb. Flop Kc Ts Jd is checked, same action happening on turn Ah. Rier 8h brings a bet of 1,000,000 from Housni and Romeo calls after some hesitation. Housni flips over Qx Qx and Romeo mucks his Kd 4d.
Level 31: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 12,766,667, ent.: 6/776
22:10 Szetei finishes in seventh place for 5,689€
Szetei got his 5,100,000 in with Ac Kc against pocket tens held by Carmelo Romeo . Board Qx 3x 8x 2x Tx eliminates last slovak player in tournament.
21:55 Carmelo Vs Ilija
Ilija opens to 1,000,000 from Ep , Carmelo calls from Hj and Housni defends his bb. FLop Js 4s 2c brought c-bet of 900,000 from Carmelo and only Ilija calls. Turn 9c and river Ks were checked down. Ilija shows Qx Jx, Carmelo mucks his eights.
21:25 Michail Lugmayr finishes in 8th place for 4,164€
Carmelo opens to 1,000,000 and Lugmayr from sb rejams his remaining two millions with Kx Qx. Carmelo with Ax 4x calls and after runout 4x Tx Tx 5x Ax we have first seat open of final table.
THMC Farewell Turbo Deepstack 5,000€ GTD with overlay !
Buy in is set to 60€ and there is only 41 registrations so far ! Late registration is open until 22:50 !
Level 30: 200,000 – 200,000 /200,000, avg. 9,511,111, ent.: 8/766
Break 15 min
Another Banco Casino Masters in January !
20:15 Housni 3-bets
Nanos opens to 750,000 and Housni 3-bets to 1,800,000. Nanos took few second to think and folded his hand.
20:00 Nanos shoves
Nanos openshoves from Ep for his 5,400,000. Nobody found hand to call with and he will take blinds and ante.
Level 29: 150,000 – 350,000 / 350,000, avg. 9,511,111, ent.: 8/766
19:45 Abramov without fighting
Romeo opens his sb to 800,000 and Abramov calls from bb. Board Qh Qs 8h Td 8s was checked down and Romeo tabled Kx Jx. Abramov held Ax 6x and won the pot.
Level 28: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 9,511,111, ent.: 8/766
Let´s go !
Players at final table will split these prizes:
1. 35 116 €
2. 21 644 €
3. 15 059 €
4. 11 769 €
5. 9 484 €
6. 7 209 €
7. 5 689 €
8. 4 164 €
Stacks and seating of final table:
Live Stream link:
Live Report will continue alongside with stream
Before the official final table these players busted:
9.Vettas Christos 2 679 €
10.Matus Daniel 1 959 €
11.Yankov Yavor Sergeev 1 959 €
12.DANISEK PETER 1 959 €
13.Fowler Paul Robert 1 654 €
15.NOVA MAYAN 1 654 €
16.Leviev Robert Ronen 1 424 €
18:25 Christos Vettas lost a flip and finishes in 9th place
Christos got his about 4,000,000 in with pocket jacks against Ax Qx held by Carmelo Romeo.Runout 2d 7h 9c Tc Ac eliminated Christos right before oficial final table.
18:10 Lugmayr Vs Abaev
Lugmayr completed his sb and Abaev raises to 800,000 from bb. Lugmayr calls and on the flop Kd 7h 8h checks. Abaev bets 700,000 and Lugmayr fold quickly.
Level 28: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 8,511,111, ent.: 9/766
17:55 Not much going on
Game got significantly tighter as nobody want to leave tournament before official final table. In last hand Vettas opens to 600,000 in Ep and Lugmayr rejams his around 4,000,000. Christos took his time and after a while folded his hand.
17:28 Daniel Matus eliminated in 10th place for 1,959€
Daniel jammed 2,700,000 with Ax 9x and one of opponents behind him found Ax Jx. Board 5x 7x 6x Jx 2x didn´t held for last swedish player and we are going to unoficial final table.
17:25 Sergeev Yankov done in 11th place for 1,959€
Sergeev got little bit more than 4,000,000 in with Ax Tx against pocket aces hed by Carmelo Romeo. Board 3c 8c 6d Jd 7c eliminates Sergeev and we need one more player before moving to unoficial final table !
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD starts in less then one hour !
17:15 12th place belongs to Peter Danišek
Peter jammed about 2,200,000 with Ax 2x and Abaev found Ax Qx two seats later. Board Kx Qx 7x 3x 7x was last one for Peter.
Level 27: 125,000 – 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 6,383,333, ent.: 12/766
Break 15 min
16:45 Paul Fowler busto
Fowler got it in on the flop Qx Qx Tx with Ax 4x for about 1,100,000 and his opponent snapcalled with Kx Qx. Turn 8x, river 8x and Paul is on his way to cashdesk for 1,654€
16:35 Dominik Desset out in 14th place
Dominik got into preflop all in with Ax Qx from bb against pocket deuces held by Michael Abaev. Blank board meant double up for Abaev and after paying him 1,705,000 Desset was left with single sb and 30,000 behind, which he managed to double against Yankov next hand. Two hands later he lost with Tx 9x against Kx Qx of his opponent and for 14th place finish he took home 1,654€.
16:22 Mayan Nova eliminated in 15th place for 1,654€
Mayan jammed about 1,700,000 with pocket fives and Szetei made the call with As Jh. Board 2h Kh 6h Qh Xx brought flush for Szetei and this tournament is past for Mayan.
16:20 Rober Leviev finishes in 16th place
Leviev jammed about 1,500,000 with Ax 8x and ran into Ax Kx held by his opponent. Board 2x 5x 3x Qx Tx was no help and Leviev took home 1,424€
Level 26: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 4,787,500, ent.: 16/766
16:10 Peter Danisek Jams
Peter z buttonu jams for 2,230,000. Ilija asked for chipcount, but decided to fold.
Level 25: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 4,787,500, ent.: 16/766
From this level we need to play last two minutes. All remaining levels will be 45 minutes long.
16:00 Players are taking their seats
Final day will start shortly
Left to play for:
1. 35 116 €
2. 21 644 €
3. 15 059 €
4. 11 769 €
5. 9 484 €
6. 7 209 €
7. 5 689 €
8. 4 164 €
9. 2 679 €
10-12. 1 959 €
13-15. 1 654 €
16. 1 424 €
There was 766 registration into this tournament, which means Guarantee wasn´t met and casino had to add 47,500€ to the prizepool. 199€ buy in back was received by every player by the end of their flights,sixteen best players will get also a 170€ ticket to the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are already included in payouts.
Live Stream link:
Final Day chipcounts:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 199€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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