Flight 1F attracted 133 players and we know another 13 advancing players. Chipleader is Christos Vettas with wonderful stack of 3,035,000. Flight 1G is still in progress and in this moment there is 178 registrations in it. Late registration is open until 00:00. Flight 1H Turbo will be starting at 22:00 and actual overlay is still over 72,000€. If you miss these flight, your last chance to take your seat in day 2 is morning hyper turbo flight starting at 10:00. Day 2 is starting at 16:00 and we are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1F:
21:47 Michael Lugmayr is bubbleboy in the flight 1F !
Michael got into preflop all in for 520,000 with Ax Tx against Thomas Lind with Kx 8x. Runout Ax 4x 8x 5x Kx eliminated Lugmayr in nasty way and remaining players are bagging their chips !
Level 17: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 950,000, ent.: 14/133, 1G ent.: 83/172
21:10 Not at this time
Lang got his 630,000 in with pocket aces against Lind with Kd 9d. Board 9x 2x 3x 2x 4x held for better hand and hand for hand will continue.
20:55 With double seat open we are moving to hand for hand !
Flešár jams around 100,000 from Ep with Ax 5x, Lupascu called and Safrány in sb rejammed 580,000 with Ax Qx. Lupascu called with pocket fives and board Kx Kx 5x 9x 8x eliminated two players at once. Bubble time !
Level 16: 10,000 – 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 782,353, ent.: 17/133, 1G ent.: 85/153
20:40 Li Nu busto
Li Nu got into preflop all in with Kh Qh for about 400,000 against Lind with pocket eights. Board Ax 6x 2x Tx 8x held for pair combination and Li Nu is done with this flight.
20:35 Wild stackoff
Erich Lang got his around 400,000 in with Ax 7x against Safrany with Ax 9x on the flop Ax 6x Kx, while around 500,000 was already in the middle. Turn Kx and river Tx decided they had to split this pot.
20:20 Unlucky bustout for Jonathan Jean
After series of raises and reraises Jean got his 665,000 in with pocket aces against Mayan Nova with pocket jacks. RUnout Kx 6x Jx Tx 8x was very unlucky for Jonathan and Mayan was covering him by a little.
Level 15: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 700,000, ent.: 19/133 1G ent.: 88/145
19:55 Lind Vs Lang
Lang opens to 35,000 and Thomas 3-bets to 87,000. Everyone goes out of their way and Lang decided to call. On the flop 8d 3d 6s Lind c-bets 46,000 and Lang calls. On the turn 5c Lind jams for about 500,000 and Lang folded. From next table Musil and Baláž busted.
Level 14: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000,avg. 511,538, ent. :25/133, 1G ent.: 99/128
19:35 Blahovský winning a bit
On the turn 7c Qd Qs 8s Erich Lang bets 30,000 and Blahovský calls. River 5h brought only two fast checks and Blahovský tables 8x 7x. Lang mucks his hand.
19:20 Petean jams
Luca Petean openshoved his 82,000. Unfortunately nobody found hand to call with.
Level 13: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 475,000, ent:: 28/133, 1G ent.: 91/120
Break 15 minutes
After this break, registration to flight 1F will be closed.
18:55 Vitalii took nice pot
Vitalii opens to 20,000, Edmondo with Šošo calls. Flop Kd 5d 7s brought a bet from Edmondo which had the button, both opponents calls. Turn Qd was checked and on the river 3d Vitalii bets 55,000. Edmondo calls and Šošo toss his hand away. Vitalii flips over Ad Td and obviously won the pot.
18:40 Musil double up
Musil jammed from Ep his 165,000 with pocket sevens, Daniel Baláž rejammed 251,000 with Ax Kx. Runout 2x 3x 5x 5x 9x held for pair comination at this time.
Level 12: 5,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 377,143, ent.: 35/132, 1G ent.: 87/102
Last level for registration and reentry !
18:20 Tomčáni good with c-bet
Tomčáni opens to 18,000 from Ep and Li Nu calls from bb. On the flop Qc 8c 8d Tomčáni c-bets 18,000 and Li Nu folds.
18:10 Franz Ziegerhofer double up
Franz opens Ep to 32,000 and Schippers flatcalls from the button. Flop 6c 4c 9s brought all in of aroudn 70,000 from Franz and Schippers decided to call with Ax Jx. Franz tables pocket kings and turn 2c with river Qs kept him in tournament.
Level 11 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 302,326, ent.: 43/130, 1G ent.: 76/83
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD start next week !
This time we have Special Cash Game Lottery every day !
17:45 Jack Mcfadyen busto
Lind opens to 15,000 from Ep and Jack rejams his modest 38,000 he had left with Ax Tx. Thomas calls with pocket nines and board Tx 9x 3x 8x 8x eliminates Jack.
Level 10: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 260,000, ent.: 50/130 1G ent.: 67/69
17:20 Thomas Lind loosing to Jonathan Jean
On the river 8x 8x Kx 4x 5x there was 81,000 in the middle and Thomas bets 53,000. Jean tanked a bit but decided to call. Lind flips over Qh Jh for busted flushdraw, but Jean took pot for himself with Qx Qx.
17:10 Nasty straight for Flešár
On the river Ax Qx 9x 5x 6x there was around 130,000 inside and Flešár bets 62,000. Li Nu tanks for a fair bit and calls. Flešár shows him 8d 7d and Li Nu muck his hand.
Break 15 min
16:30 Korab Ruben busts himself
On the flop Kd Td 7s there was 25,000 in the middle and Henrik c-bets 12,000, Ruben calls and Blahovský folded. Turn 9s brought a bet of 45,000 from Henrik and Korab jams 115,000. Henrik with Kx Tx calls and Korab tables Ax Qx. River 5c didn´t bring needed gutshot outs and Ruben is out.
16:20 Martin Dej won with a flop raise
On the flop As 9s Ac Dichev bets 8,000, Dej raises to 30,000 and Dichev quickly folded. Martin show Ax Qx after the hand.
16:00 Flight 1G in one hour
Tournament still has huge overlay and if flight starting at twelve was too early for you, at 17:00 flight 1G open its gates. It´s also last slow flight.
Level 8: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 165,714, ent.: 70/116
15:55 Edmondo winning
On the flop 6d 2d 5h Ormandy bets 12,000 and Edmondo raises to 34,000. Oto calls and on the turn bets 25,000. Edmondo calls slowly and river 9c is checked by both players rather quickly. Oto shows Ax 6x, but Edmondo took pot with Kh 7h.
15:40 Sudimac Vs. Vloebergs
On the turn 7c 3c Ad 2h there was about 40,000 in the pot and Sudimac bets 25,000. Mifsud folds and Vloebergs jams for about 110,000. Sudimac gave up on his hand.
Level 7: 1,500 - 3,500 / 3,500, avg. 159,155, ent.: 71/113
Lot of poker action comming in january too !
15:20 Adam Ondrík busto
Adam jammed last 10 bb with Ax 7x and Henrik found pocket tens in sb. Blank board didn´t help to Adam.
Level 6: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 129,268, ent.: 82/106
15:00 Andrej Paška double up
On the turn 8s 2s Th Jc there was about 100,000 in the middle and Lugmayr bets 50,000, which is same amount Paška has left behind. Andrej doesn´t hesitate and calls with set of jacks. Lugmayr tables Tx 9x and after river 4x Paška will take double up.
14:50 Thomas Lind double up
On the turn 3s 3d Jc Kh there was about 60,000 in the pot and Lind bets 20,000 from position. Micallef calls and Serhii Danashevskyi calls too after some tanking. On the river Jx Micallef shoves for remaining 60,500, Serhii folds and Lind calls his 55,000 with Jx Jx. Micallef shows Kx Qx and has only 5,500 chips left after this game.
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD start next week !
This time we have Special Cash Game Lottery every day !
Level 5: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 122,785, ent.: 79/97
Break 30 min
13:55 Jonathan Sammut out
Jonathan jammed last about 25,000 with Jd 9d and Fragniere called with Ah 7d. Runout 6d Qc 9c Ac 8s eliminated Sammut for now.
13:40 Vloebergs double up
Vloebergs got remaining 32,500 in with Kx Qx and Ižo called off with pocket sevens. After board Qh Jd 9d Kd 3h Vloebergs won this flip.
Level 4: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 107,692, ent.: 78/84
13:30 Martin Tóth double up
On the river 8d 8c 9h 3h Qh there was like 100,000 in the pot and Tóth got his 70,000 in with Ax 8x against Vloebergs, who held “only” Kx 8x.
13:15 Davey Roos winning
On the river Ah 2h Qh 2s Xh there was about 30,000 in the middle and Davey bets 25,000. Sammut thought a while and made the call, but Roos held Kh Jh for nuts flush and took the pot down.
Level 3: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 106,579, ent.: 76/81
12:55 Tamaškovič Vs. Jean
Tamaškovič opens to 3,500 and Jean calls. On the flop Js 2s Jh Tamaškovič bets 5,000 and Jean raises to 11,000. Tamaškovič calls, and on the turn Tc Jean continues with a bet of 15,000. Tamaškovič instantly folds.
12:45 Francois got his straight
On the turn Th 6h Qs 9d Francois bets 10,000 and Henrik was thinking about it for a while, but decided to fold. Francois shows Kx Jx after the hand.
12:35 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
Level 2: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 100,000, ent.: 58/58
12:30 Paul Johnson also won the pot early on
On the turn 9x 9x Ax Qx there was about 8,000 and Johnson bets 3,000. Fabien with Matyasi folded promptly.
12:20 Early pot for Gerald Mester
On the turn 8h 6h 5c 6c there was about 24,000 in the pot and Gerald bets 12,000. Szabolcs Dala calls and on the river 5h Gerald goes again with a bet of 12,000. Dala tanks a bit and folds.
12:10 Early registrations
Alan Elis, Li Nu, Christos Vettas, Lajos Matyási, Erich Schiel, Thomas Lind and many others are in tournament right from the start.
Level 1: 500 – 500 / 500, avg. 100,000, ent.: 38/38
11:45 Flight 1H about to start !
At this moment tournament is suffering massive overlay of 135,000€, and today there will be three flights to play out !
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 199€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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