In the Halloween Night 30,000€ GTD, a total of 210 players joined, and only 21 of them made it into the money. After a long battle at the final table, Karol Petocz emerged as the winner after a 4-way deal, taking home 4,310€. Starting from November 3rd, Banco Casino Bratislava will host the Polish Poker Championship with a total guarantee of 500,000€. At the end of November, The Festival with a guarantee of 500,000€ will return. For more information, follow our website and social media channels. We look forward to seeing you
ITM umiestnenie Halloween Night 30,000€ GTD:
1.Petocz Karol - 4,310€
2.Pekár Roman - 3,920€
3.Ižo Gabriel - 3,445€
4.Zahorec Marián - 3,670€
5.Janicjevic Marjan - 1,955€
6.Dedeic Edin - 1,325€
7.Szentmihalyi Adam - 975€
8.Riszdorfer Matej - 775€
9. Bugár Norbert - 625€
10.Aurahman Tischko - 500€
11.Mekinulow Benjamin - 500€
12.Rath Siegfried - 500€
13.Bihari Luboš - 400€
14.Gabor Mate - 400€d
15.Riemer Daniel - 400€
16.Zsupanek Miklos - 325€
17.Trunek Roman - 325€
18.Gashi Leonard - 325€
19.Jezbera Jan - 275€
20.Kerekes Krisztian - 275€
21.Janošovský Jakub - 275€
Tournament has finished and deal looks as follows:
Petocz - 4,310€
Pekár - 3,920€
Ižo - 3,445€
Zahorec - 3,670€
The clock is stopped
A discussion about the deal is underway.
5:55 Marjan Janicjevic finishes in fifth place for 1,955€
Marjan went all-in for about a million with Ks 9s, and Karol called with Ax Jx. The board came Qx Tx 5x Kx 6x, and Marjan is eliminated in fifth place.
Level 24: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,484,000, ent.: 5/210
5:45 Edin Dedeic finishes in sixth place for 1,325€
Edin had a few unsuccessful hands, with Karol Petocz benefiting the most. In their final hand, Edin went all-in with Ace-Four, and Karol called with Eights. The board ran out 4x Kx 3x 6x 6x, eliminating Edin in sixth place.
5:30 Matej Riszdorfer finishes in 8th place for 775€
Matej went all-in preflop with Qx Tx against Kd 8d, which Kizzik had. The board brought two eights, and Matej is eliminated. Shortly after, Adam Szentmihalyi also went all-in with Kx 7x, and Petocz found Jx Jx. After a blank board, Adam finishes in 7th place for 975€.
5:25 Karol Petocz doubles up
Karol went all-in with Ax Kx, and Edin Dedeic called with Kx Tx. The board ran out 8x Ax 3x 3x 9x, allowing Karol to double up his stack.
Level 23: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 1,552,500, ent.: 8/210
Break 10 min
5:00 Deadly pace
Matej Riszdorfer pushed his 350,000 from Ep over the line, but no one called. We haven't seen much action in this level.
4:50 Zahorec takes something from Dedeic
Zahorec opened to 275,000, and Dedeic called. On the flop Ah 3h 9c, Zahorec bet 250,000, and Dedeic quickly folded.
Level 22: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,552,500, ent.: 8/210
4:25 Noro Bugár finishes in 9th place for 625€
Noro went all-in preflop with Ax Kx against Marjan Janicijevic's sixes. After a blank board, Noro is eliminated in 9th place.
Tournament will continue
Final table chipcounts:
At the final table, we're playing for:
1. 5,980€
2. 4,005€
3. 2,980€
4. 2,380€
5. 1,955€
6. 1,325€
7. 975€
8. 775€
9. 625€
The top 5 players will also receive a 330€ ticket for the SPF Main Event, which will take place in December, and these winnings are already included in the payout structure.
Before the formation of the final table, the following players were eliminated:
10. Aurahman Tischko - 500€
11. Mekinulow Benjamin - 500€
12. Rath Siegfried - 500€
13. Bihari Luboš - 400€
14. Gabor Mate - 400€
15. Riemer Daniel - 400€
16. Zsupanek Miklos - 325€
17. Trunek Roman - 325€
18. Gashi Leonard - 325€
19. Jezbera Jan - 275€
20. Kerekes Krisztian - 275€
21. Janošovský Jakub - 275€
Short break
4:05 Tischko Aurahman eliminated in 10th place
Tischko completed his small blind, and Dedeic raised to 225,000. Tischko called. On the flop Ax 3x Jx, Aurahman went all-in for 630,000, and after a few seconds, Dedeic called with Ax 4x. Tischko revealed 8x 9x, and after the turn 5x and river 2x, Edin completed his straight, and Tischko finishes in 10th place. We're heading to the final table!
4:00 He's a stuntman
Edin opened from MP for 375,000. Kizzik on the big blind hesitated but didn't gather the courage to join this game. On the adjacent table, Ižo does what he can and steals what isn't nailed down. His stack is already approaching the three million mark.
Level 21: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,242,000, ent.: 10/210
3:45 Szentmihalyi Vs. Petocz
Karol opened for 80,000, and Adam called from his position. On the flop 8c 7c 4h, Karol c-bet 110,000, and Adam raised to 250,000. Karol folded, and after the hand, Adam revealed Qx Qx.
3:35 Gabor Mate gets eliminated
Gabor went all in with about 300,000 with Kx 9x, and Edin called with Ah 7h. After the board showed Tx 7x 6x Ax Jx, Mate is out. On the adjacent table, Lokšo was eliminated from the tournament, and we're getting closer to the final table.
Level 20: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 776,250, ent.: 16/210
3:20 Ižo eliminates Roman
Ižo went all in for over 300,000 preflop with Ax Qx against Roman Trunek's sevens. After the board showed Qx Tx Tx 4x 6x, Roman ends his run, and just before him, Leonard Gashi was eliminated from the tournament.
3:10 Karol Petocz in a tough spot
On the turn Ks Qs 4c 5s, Karol bet 75,000, and Mate Gabor raised to 200,000. Karol called, and on the river 3s, Gabor went all in for about 400,000. Karol needed about three minutes to think and eventually called with Qx Js. Gabor revealed Qh Jh and lost a significant portion of his stack.
3:00 Vencel Csonka becomes the bubble boy
Vencel went all in for about 300,000 preflop with As Ks against aces held by Szentmihalyi. After an intense board, Csonka ends his run, and we move into the money. Janošovský, Kerekes, and Jezbera also finished closely behind. We are now combining to two tables almost immediately after the bubble burst.
Level 19: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 540,000, ent.: 23/210
Break 15 min
2:40 Edin Dedeic eliminates
Edin opened for 51,000, and Varkoly called from the small blind. On the flop Kc 8c Th, Ercin went all-in, and his opponent thought for a very long time. Eventually, a time was called, and at the end of the countdown, Varkoly decided to call with his Qx Jx. Edin revealed Kx Qx, and after the turn 8x and river 5x, Varkoly handed over his approximately 250,000 chips to the Serbian opponent.
Polish Poker Championship 500,000€ GTD:
2:25 3-bet
Kizzik opened from the button for 40,000, but Roman 3-bet to 115,000 from the small blind. After a moment, Kizzik folded his cards.
Level 18: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 477,692, ent.: 26/210
2:10 Szentmihalyi triumphs
On the turn 9x 2x 3x 9x, Adam bet 57,000 into a pot of about 120,000. However, Jakupovic didn't hesitate and immediately folded his cards.
2:00 Janošovský shoves
Kubo pushed with about 200,000 from the small blind. Kristian Kerekes in the big blind contemplated for a long time, calculated his stack in various ways, but after a considerable amount of time, he folded his cards.
Level 17: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 414,000, ent.: 30/210
2:40 Peter Nyiro is out
Nyiro pushed with about 100,000 from EP, Janošovský re-jammed a few positions later, and the others folded. Nyiro revealed Kx 7x, while Janošovský found Kx Kx. After the board showed 8x Qx 5x 6x 6x, Janošovský eliminates his opponent.
2:20 Marko Grujič busts unfortunately
Szentmihalyi opened from EP for 25,000, Dedeic called from the button, and Grujič pushed all in for 170,000 from the small blind. Szentmihalyi folded, but after deep consideration, Edin Dedeic called with Ks 7s. Marko revealed Ax Kx, but after the board displayed 3x 5x 6x 4x Kx, Dedeic completed his straight, and Marko sadly exited.
Level 16: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 365,294, ent.: 34/210
Break 10 min
1:55 Ižo took some chips
Gabo opened from EP for 23,000, and Mekinulow called. On the flop Ah Qd 2d, Gabo continued for 25,000, and Mekinulow folded his sevens face up. Gabo showed Ax Jx after the hand.
1:40 Marko Grujič gives up something
On the flop Kd Kc 4s, there was around 50,000 in the pot, and Szentmihalyi bet 19,000. Grujič called, and on the turn, Adam continued with a bet of 55,000. Marko immediately folded his cards.
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Halloween Night 30,000€ payout:
1. 5,980€
2. 4,005€
3. 2,980€
4. 2,380€
5. 1,955€
6. 1,325€
7. 975€
8. 775€
9. 625€
10-12. 500€
13-15. 400€
16-18. 325€
19-21. 275€
A total of 210 players registered for the tournament, and the addon was used a total of 192 times. Banco Casino Bratislava had to contribute over 7,000€ to the guarantee. The top 5 players will also receive a 330€ ticket for the SPF Main Event, which will take place in December, and this money is already included in the prize structure.
Level 15: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 326,842, ent.: 38/210
1:25 Bryndza ends
A player in EP limped, and Bryndza from the blinds pushed in his 96,000. His opponent called with Ax Kx, and Bryndza revealed 5x 5x. After the board showed 2x Jx 8x Qx Ax, Bryndza's journey came to an end.
1:10 Kristian Kerekes handles two bets
On the flop Ac 4c Kh, Kristian bet 10,000. Zahorec folded, and Ilic called. On the turn Qc, Kerekes bet 15,000, and Ilic also folded.
Level 14: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 264,255, ent.: 47/210
00:50 Pirník is out
Andrej pushed over the line with about 80,000 from the button, and Janos Dudas in the blinds called with Ax 8x. After the board showed 6x Ax 3x Tx Kx, Pirník's tournament run for the day came to an end.
00:40 Pot for Lokša
On the river Qx Q Tx 2x 8x, there was approximately 60,000 in the pot, and Lokšo bet 50,000. Jezbera took a moment to think and then called. Lokšo revealed Qx Jx, and the opponent's cards went into the muck.
Level 13: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 203,607, ent.: 61/210
Registration to tournament has been closed
Break 20 min
23:50 Andrej Skaloš eliminates
Alexandros Nanos pushed with about 100,000 and 5x 5x. A few seats down, Skaloš re-jammed with 140,000 and Qx Qx. No one else joined, and the board 6x 8x 8x 2x 7x brought no drama. Nanos is thus eliminated.
23:40 C-bet was enough for Pirník
On the flop 8c 7s 9h, there was 33,000 in the pot, and Martanovič bet 15,000 from the CO. Pirník, in the big blind, commented on his opponent's move and folded his cards.
Level 11: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 135,783, ent.: 83/191
22:40 Triple up for Častvan
After the previous hand, Častvan had 19,500 remaining, which he pushed into the pot. Aurahman and Dedeic called. On the flop Qx Qx 5x, the active players checked. On the turn 8c, Dedeic bet 25,000, and Aurahman immediately folded. Častvan revealed Qx Qx, while Dedeic had 7x 5x. The river 8x couldn't change anything, and Častvan secures a triple up.
22:30 3-way all in
In a preflop all-in, Častvan had As Qs, Aurahman held nines and the lowest stack, and Gashi found Ah Qh, covering both opponents. After the board showed Kc 7c 6c 3h 3s, Aurahman secures a nice triple up.
Level 10: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 123,977, ent.: 88/184
22:10 Marius all in
On the turn Td 7c 4h 3s, there was 24,500 in the pot, and Marius Rusu bet 15,000. Michal Hrnčár called, and on the river 4d, Rusu sent all in with 55,000. Hrnčár contemplated for several long minutes, and in the end, the table decided to call for time. As the countdown ended, Hrnčár folded his cards.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 103,684, ent.: 95/166
Break 20 min
21:40 Erik Suchý rises
On the flop Ks Js 8s, there was 9,600 in the pot, and all five players checked. On the turn Th, Erik bet 3,000, three players folded, and Sasa Ilic called. On the river 8c, Erik continued with 6,000, and Ilic immediately folded his cards.
21:20 Vedad Osmanovic double up
On the flop Qd 8d Th, there was about 9,000 in the pot, and Vedad bet 2,000. Kerekes called, and the remaining three opponents folded. On the turn 8c, Kerekes bet 7,000, and Osmanovic pushed in 13,000. Kerekes, with his 8s 9s, called, and Osmanovic revealed Kd 7d. The river Jd brought Osmanovic a flush, securing him a full double up.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 98,511, ent.: 94/156
20:55 3-bet
Sayago opened from EP to 2,500, and a few seats down, Josip Ilic 3-bet to 12,000. Sayago smoothly folded his cards.
20:45 Senad Drakovac double up
On the turn Ac 9c 7c 4d, there was 24,000 in the pot, and Senad pushed in his remaining 8,500 over the line. Mulaibisevic called with Ax 8x, and Senad revealed Ax Kx. After the river Jx, the balance of power remained unchanged, and Senad secured a double up.
Level 7: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 89,425, ent.: 88/132
20:20 Small bet on the river
On the river 9d 7d 2c 4c 7s, there was slightly less than 26,000 in the pot, and Hrnčár bet 6,000. Marius Rusu took a minute to think but eventually folded his cards.
Level 6: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 82,198, ent.: 91/126
20:00 Kizzik takes a substantial pot
On the flop Ah Th 9s, there was approximately 50,000 in the pot, and Senad Drakovac was all-in. Kizzik pushed his 58,300 over the line, and Gashi called, while Aurahman folded. Kizzik had Tx 9x, Drakovac had threes, and Gashi had Qx Jx. After the turn 7x and the river Jx, Kizzik takes the entire pot.
19:45 Štefan Pastier improves his position
On the turn 5c 4c Ks 2d, there was 11,000 in the pot, and Pastier bet 7,000. Sayago and Ilic both called. On the river 3d, Pastier bet 10,000, and both opponents folded their cards.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 79,325, ent.: 89/119
Break 30 min
19:00 Fast-paced play
Kizzik opened for 2,200, and received four calls. On the flop 9d 6d 2h, Tischko Aurahman bet 7,400 from the first position, two players folded, and Zoltan Lole raised to 22,000. Gashi folded, and Tischko called. On the turn Jh, Lole went all in for about 100,000, and Tischko contemplated for a few minutes but eventually folded. Lole showed a set of nines after the hand.
18:45 Mate Gabor hits the river
On the turn Qs 2c 4h 9h, there was 14,500 in the pot, and Krisztian Kerekes bet 6,000. After a moment, Gabor called, and both checked the river Ks. Gabor revealed Kh 3h, and Kerekes angrily tossed his cards into the muck.
Overlay more than 20,000€!
In the Halloween tournament, we have an overlay of more than 20,000€, and late registration is open until 00:10!
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 69,324, ent.: 74/86
18:25 Lokšo all in
On the river Jh 2c Qc 8c 9s, there was 22,000 in the pot, and Lokšo, after a brief thought, decided to push in the remaining 27,200. However, Karol Petocz immediately folded his cards.
Polish Poker Championship 500,000€ GTD:
Level 3: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 68,286, ent.: 70/80
18:00 Pirník loses
On the river 2x 7x Qx 6x 2x, there was 20,000 in the pot, and Pirník bet 11,000. Vedad Osmanovic, after some thought, called, and Andrej revealed Jc 5c. However, Osmanovic had 3c 2s, and he takes the pot.
17:45 Split pot
Benjamin Mekinulow got into a preflop all-in with Ax Qx. Josip Ilic also revealed Ax Qx, and after the board showed Kx 9x Jx 9x 4x, neither hit their flush, so they split the pot.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 63,269, ent.: 52/55
17:30 Roswitha Vaclavek takes down a nice multiway pot
On the turn 4s 8d 2d 3d, there was around five thousand in the pot, and Roswitha bets 2,500. Both opponents call, and on the river Jc, all three check. Častvan reveals Kd Jx, but Roswitha holds a set of fours, and the last player in the game mucks their cards.
17:20 Pawlica with a smaller pot at the start
On the flop Ks 6s 6x, there was around 2,500 in the pot, and Pawlica bet 1,100. Q and Jakwerth folded their cards
.17:10 Halloween tournament has started, featuring:
Weber, Emami, Pawlica, Jakwerth, Rusu, Paulenová, and others.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 59,688, entrants: 32/32
Halloween Night 30,000€ GTD:
Start: 17:00
Starting stack: 50.000 chips
Special Add-on: 10€ / 10.000 chips
Special Add-on FREE OF CHARGE if you come dressed in a Halloween costume
Late reg: 12 lvls
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
5x 330€ Ticket to SPF ME 300.000€ GTD included in the prize pool
Polish Poker Championship 500,000€ GTD:
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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