France - Benelux Main Event with guarantee of 150,000€ attracted 1,236 players, which wasnt enough to break set guarantee. Banco Casino Bratislava had to pay more than 14,000€, but for sure it was worth the fun. This massive field produced winner Maté Sándor, who beaten belgian grinder Robin Cornet and won 21,528€. Next week we will focus on one day events, and on saturday there is Banco Casino Masters Warm Up Special with buyin only 110€ and guarantee 30,000€. Since next week Banco Casino Masters will celebrate it´s 30th birthday, which means that for 170€ buy in, guarantee will be massive 250,000€. For more information check our website and our social networks. See you soon !
Final Day finishers :
1. Sándor Maté - 21 528 €
2. Cornet Robin - 18,011 €
3. Glineur Cedric - 9 770 €
4. Bugár Štefan - 7 370 €
5. Pinchas Grigorij - 5 670 €
6. Žikavský Pavel - 4 170 €
7. Večerka Alexander - 3 070 €
8. Repák Ján - 2 270 €
9. Centorame Massimo - 1 770 €
10. Duysens Florian - 1 300 €
11. Kocian Andrej - 1 300 €
12. Anth Zdeněk - 1 300 €
13. El Dave - 1 100 €
14. Gregor Martin - 1 100 €
15. Dorel Gavril Peter - 1 100 €
16. Vyhnal Petr - 945€
23:55 Second place finish belongs to Robin Cornet for 18,011€
Robin shoves for about 10,000,000 with Ax 7x and Sándor on the bigblind found Ax Jx. Runout Kx 8x 9x 2x 5x was last one in France - Benelux Masters.
Level 33: 3000,000 - 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 30,900,000, ent.: 2/1,236
Short break
23:30 Robin taking heavy damage
Sándor put lot of pressure on his belgian opponent. Robin falls to last 7,400,000 and went all in with Kc 8c. Sándor called off with Jd 8d and after board 7x 7x 3x Tx 8x Robin got small part of his former glory back.
23:20 Sándor double up
Sándor got his stack in with pocket tens and Robin had eights. Board Kc Qd As Js Jc took significant part of Robin´s stack.
Deal details:
Robin - 18,011€
Mate - 17,630€
3898€ pre víťaza
Hu stacks:
Maté Sándor - 29,700,000
Cornet Robin - 32,050,000
Level 33: 250,000 - 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 30,900,000, ent.: 2/1,236
Short break
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
22:45 Glineur done in third place for 9,770€
Glineur falls to last about 6bb and ships with Ad 2d. Sándor found pocket fives and runout Qx 6x 3x Tx Kx brought us to the gates of heads up.
Level 33: 250,000 - 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 30,900,000, ent.: 2/1,236
22:20 And we are in last three
Bugár got into all in situation with Ax Kx against 9x 7x held by Robin Cornet. Board 4x 6x Jx 8x Tx busts Štefan in fourth place for 7,370€
Level 32: 200,000 - 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 15,450,000 ent.: 4/1,236
22:05 Grigorij Pinchas eliminated himself in fifth place for 5,670€
On the flop Kx Qx 8x Sándor bets 1,400,000 and Pinchas calls from sb. On the turn Ts Pinchas shoves with Ax 8x and get snapcalled by Sándor with Kx Qx. River is 5c that brought no help and Pinchas is on his way home.
21:55 Žikavský eliminated in sixth place for 4,170€
Pavel got into preflop all in for his last 3,500,000 with pocket fours against Glineur that found pocket aces. Board Kx Qx 8x 5x 7x is last one for Pavel.
21:40 Glineur ships
Glineur found tens in Co and jammed for 4,000,000. Nobody was interested in playing at this time.
21:25 Hard spot for Cornet
Maté raised to 1,000,000 and Cornet calls. On the flop Kh 8h 8d Maté bets for 1,500,000 and Robin quickly calls. On the turn 9h Sándor jams for 9,300,000 and Robin was tanking for couple of minutes before he folded his hand.
Chipcounts after break:
Seat 1: Maté Sándor - 8,700,000
Seat 2: Glineur Cedric - 3,200,000
Seat 3: Žikavský Pavel - 6,900,000
Seat 4: Pinchas Grigorij - 3,600,000
Seat 5: Cornet Robin - 34,000,000
Seat 7: Bugár Štefan - 5,600,000
Level 31: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 10,300,000, ent.: 6/1,236
Break 15 min
Banco Casino Masters will celebrate 30th b-day !
Traditional Masters went long way with us and it´s players who will benefit the most. Buy in is 170€ and guarantee set to amazing 250,000€. Add exclusive raffle and juicy side events and cashgames. Mark first august week to your calendar !
20:35 Pinchas is trying Cornet
On the river Kx Kx 9x 3x Tx there was about 1,900,000 inside and Pinchas bets 800,000. Cornet raises to 2,600,000 and Pinchas angrily fold. Cornet holds more than half chips in whole tournament.
20:15 Alexander večerka busts in seventh place for 3,070€
Večerka jammed 4,300,000 with pocket jacks on the button and COrnet called his bb with Ad Qs. Runuot 9x 5x 7x Ax 4x eliminates this czech player and Robin gets even more chips.
Level 30: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 8,828,571, ent.: 7/1,236
20:00 Repák eliminated in eight place for 3,070€
Repák jammed 1,700,000 with 7c 6c and Bugár in sb found pocket tens. Rejammed his 5,500,000 and after board Th 6h 9d Xh Kc is Repák eliminted.
19:50 Repák splits one for start
Repák ships 1,500,000 with Ax 9x. Pinchas found Ax Jx and called out of bigblind. Board Kx Tx 4x 4x Kx forced them to split.
And we are live !
Final Table prizes :
1. 24 770 €
2. 14 770 €
3. 9 770 €
4. 7 370 €
5. 5 670 €
6. 4 170 €
7. 3 070 €
8. 2 270 €
All advancing players received 110€ buy in back and participants of final table will get 170€ ticket for anniversary Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are counted into payouts.
Stacks at official Final Table :
Seat 1: Maté Sándor - 9,100,000
Seat 2: Glineur Cedric - 2,450,000
Seat 3: Žikavský Pavel - 9,950,000
Seat 4: Pinchas Grigorij - 6,225,000
Seat 5: Cornet Robin - 20,125,000
Seat 6: Repák Ján - 1,925,000
Seat 7: Bugár Štefan - 6,225,000
Seat 8: Večerka Alexander - 5,750,000
Short break
Live coverage will continue along live stream
18:35 Massimo Centorame out in 9th place and we move to official final table.
Massimo jammed for remaining 325,000 with Qc Jc on the button and Pinchas in bb called with 5c 2c. After unlucky runout Qx Kx 5x 5x Ax Massimo has to leave in 9th place for 1,770€.
18:30 Stacks of last 9:
Seat 1: Pinchas Grigorij - 5,800,000
Seat 2: Maté Sándor - 9,100,000
Seat 3: Cornet Robin - 20,125,000
Seat 4: Glineur Cedric - 2,450,000
Seat 5: Večerka Alexander - 5,750,000
Seat 6: Žikavský Pavel - 9,550,000
Seat 7: Repák Ján - 1,925,000
Seat 8: Centorame Massimo - 425,000
Seat 9: Bugár Štefan - 6,625,000
18:20 Florian Duysens finishes in 10th place
Florian went in for 1,700,000 with Tx 9x against Kx Kx held by Bugár. Board 7x 7x Jx 9x Qx eliminates belgian player for 1,300€ and we are merging to unofficial final table !
18:15 Massimo shortstacking
Massimo got into preflop all in for 2,550,000 with pocket sixes against Pinchas with pocket tens. Board 9x 2x Tx Kx Ax didn´t gave smallest hope to Massimo Centorame and he is left with about 700,000.
18:05 The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
Level 29: 100,000 - 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 6,180,000, ent.: 10/1,236
17:55 Andrej Kocian eliminated in 11th place
Kocian shoved 1,300,000 and Massimo called with Kx Jx. Board was blank again and Andrej is out.
17:50 Anth busto too
In almost every hand we see all in right now and Anth rejammed his 3,000,000 into openraise from Robin. Robin didn´t hesitate and snapped with Jx Jx. Anth held pocket eights and after blank board he is eliminated in 12th place fro 1,300€.
17:45 El Dave done
Dave got himself into preflop all in with Kx 8x against Cedric with Ax Jx. Ace on the turn sent Dave for 1,100€ reward.
17:40 Strong hit for Repák
On the flop Ax Jx Qx Repák got into all in/call situation with Kx Tx against Ax Jx held by Alexander Večerka for about 4,000,000. Turn Ax and river 7x didn´t held and Repák has about 2,000,000 behind.
17:30 Martin Gregor ends in 14th place
Gregor jammed for about 1,300,000 with Ad 4d and Robin in bb found Ax Tx. Robin called and after runout 8x Jx 2x 9x 9x is Gregor eliminated.
Level 28: 75,000 - 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 4,414,286, ent.: 14/1,236
Break 15 minutes
16:50 Peter Gavril Dorel ends in 15th place for 1,100€
Žikavský opens to 275,000, Pinchas 3-bets to 750,000 and DOrel called his 420,000 from sb. Žikavský paid and on the flop 4s 4c 3c paid c-bet of 500,000 from Pinchas. On the turn Ts Pinchas bets again for 500,000 which gets called rather quickly. On the river Ks Pinchas shoves for 1,715,000 effective stack and Žikavský snapcalls with pocket tens. Pinchas shows Ad 9d and Dorel is beaten with his Ax Kx.
Banco Casino Masters will celebrate 30th b-day !
Traditional Masters went long way with us and it´s players who will benefit the most. Buy in is 170€ and guarantee set to amazing 250,000€. Add exclusive raffle and juicy side events and cashgames. Mark first august week to your calendar !
16:25 First victim of final day is Petr Vyhnal
Vyhnal jammed for about 800,000 with pocket tens and Pinchas found Kx Qx. Runout 4x Jx 2x Qx Jx sends Vyhnal to cashdesk for 945€ payout.
16:20 Pinchas Vs. Maté
On the flop Jx 7x 2x Grigorij bets 350,000 into about 750,000. Maté responded with raise to 1,600,000 and after short while Pinchas folded his hand
Level 27: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,862,000, ent.: 16/1,236
16:09 Bugár start with a double up
Bugár got into preflop all in for 1,555,000 with Ah Ks against Ad Td held by Dorel. Board 3c 5c Qd Jh 8d makes double up for Bugár happen and Dorel continues to fall since yesterday.
Level 26: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 3,862,000, ent.: 16/1,236
There is about 17 minutes left from this level left
16:00 Players are seated and we will start
Link for live stream:
Left to play for:
1. 24 770 €
2. 14 770 €
3. 9 770 €
4. 7 370 €
5. 5 670 €
6. 4 170 €
7. 3 070 €
8. 2 270 €
9. 1 760 €
10-12. 1 300 €
13-15. 1 100 €
16. 945 €
Chipcounts of last sixteen:
France-Benelux Masters Main Event:
- Start: 16:00
- Buy-in: 110€
- Starting Stack: 50.000 chips
- Late Registration : 12 levels
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 110€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
- All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
- Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
- 10% Fee + 5% Staff deduction
Banco Casino Master 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
France – Benelux Masters Main Event 150,000€ GTD:
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