France – Benelux Masters with guarantee of 150,000€ attracted 1,148 players and winner is Grigorij Pinchas who took home after headsup deal 22,409€. Next weekend there are planned two one-day events with total guarantee of 45,000€ and since next week The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD. We are looking forward to see you !
Final Day results:
1.Pinchas Grigorij - 22,409€ €
2.Li Nu - 16,824 €
3.Frodox 9,804 €
4.Miklošovič Richard - 7,304 €
5.Roeder Andreas 5,629 €
6.Flešár Marián - 4,254 €
7.Bumba Peter - 3,129 €
8.Popovič Teodor - 2,284 €
9.Klugsberger Andreas - 1,834 €
10.Massoudi Salar 1,335 €
11.Fournier Meggy - 1,335 €
12.Berhin Andrew - 1,335 €
13.Svoboda Tomáš - 1,135 €
14.Janošovský Jakub - 1,135 €
15.Rumba Armands 1,135 €
16. Desset Andrej - 965 €
22:45 Li Nu finishes as runner up for 16,824€
Grigorij was putting pressure in last couple of hands on his opponent whenever he could. In last hand on the river Kx Qx 9x 4x 7x Grigorij jams effectively 9,500,000 into a pot of about 4,000,000. Li Nu decides to call with Qx 6x but Grigorij flopped a straight with Jx Tx and we know a winner !
Level 35: 400,000 – 800,000 / 800,000, avg. 28,700,000, ent.: 2/1,148
22:25 Nothing significant so far
In last hand there was about 3,000,000 in the pot on the river Tx Jx 6x 2x Tx. Pinchas in sb bets 1,200,000 and Li Nu calls. Pinchas shows 8x 5x, Li Nu won the pot with Ax Xx.
22:10 We have a deal !
Grigorij will take 18,409€, Li Nu 16,824€. They will play for remaining 4,000€ !
22:00 Austrian – chinesse headsup
We didn´t had this here before. Anyway, Li Nu holds almost 24,000,000 and Pinchas 33,500,000.
21:55 Third place and 9,804€ belongs to Frodox
Frodox got his 8,000,000 in with Kx Jx against Qs Js held by Li Nu. Runout 8d 7d 3s 2s 8s completes flush for Li and Frodox has to leave.
21:45 Richard Miklošovič out in 4th place for 7,304€
Miklošovič got his 6,000,000 in with Kx Jx against Pinchas with Kx Qx. RUnout Qx 6x 8x Jx 2x eliminated last slovakian in game.
Level 34: 300,000 – 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 14,350,000, ent.: 4/1,148
Break 15 min
21:15 Double up for Pinchas
On the river Kx 9x Ax 5x 8x there was about 4,000,000 in the pot and Pinchas got into all in for his 8,975,000 with Kx 8x against Miklošovič with Kx 4x. Pinchas took double up.
21:00 Miklošovič double up
In last minutes game has slowed down a bit and was played agressively mainly preflop. In last hand Frodox open to 1,200,000 and Miklošovič rejams 9,350,000. Frodox made the call with pocket sixes and Miklošovič tables pocket eights. Runout Kx 7x 8x 3x 9x took big part of stack from Frodox. In next hand Frodox jams with Kx Qx for remaining 6,550,000 and Pinchas calls with pocket jacks. Board Kx 4x 9x 8x Ax kept Frodox alive.
By the end of the November, Polish Poker Cup returns !
Guarantee is set at modest 250,000€ this time with buy in of only 100€ !
Level 33: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 14,350,000, ent.: 4/1,148
20:30 Andreas Roeder done in 5th place for 5,629€
On the river Qx 2x 6x 6x 5x there was about 2,500,000 in the pot and Pinchas bets 1,200,000. Roeder shoves effectively for about 8,000,000 with Ax Qx but Pinchas snapcalls with 6x 5x. Roeder is left with last million that he looses in next game with 9x 7x against Ax Jx held by Pinchas again.
20:10 Flešár crippled and busto in sixth place for 4,254€
Flešár shoves 6,300,000 from Ep with Ax 8x and Miklošovič calls his 5,200,000 with pocket jacks. Runout Qx 5x 7x 9x Kx leaves Marián with 1,100,000 that end up behind the line with Kx Jx. Li Nu with Qx 9x win rest of his stack fter runout Qx Jx 2x 5x 3x.
Level 32: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 9,566,667, ent.: 6/1,148
19:50 Li Nu lost it again
Roeder opens to 600,000, Li Nu rejams from sb with Kx Qx as covering stack and Roeder snapcalls his 6,400,000 with pocket aces. Board 5x Tx 2x 4x 7x brought solid double up for Roeder.
19:35 Li Nu lucky double up
Miklošovič opens, Li Nu rejams 5,700,000 with Ax 4x and Miklošovič with Kx Kx obviously snapcalls. Board Ax 3x 9x 7x 4x was indeed very lucky for Li Nu, but Miklošovič still has about half of stack left so definately got some room for revenge.
FBM Farewell PKO side event has started some time ago
At this moment there is 60 players in this tournament, buy in is 50€ and guarantee is set to 5,000€. Late registration is open till 22:50 !
19:10 Bumba out in 7th place
Bumba got 2,900,000 in with pocket sevense against Qc 3c held by Roeder. Board 9x Jx 4x Kx Tx brought straight to Roeder and we went for a break. After the break Bumba found pocket deuces and shipped remaining 1,100,000. Miklošovič held nines and of course he called. Runout Ax Tx Tx 4x 9x is eliminating Peter Bumba.
Level 31: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 8,200,000, ent.: 7/1,148
Break 20 min
18:40 Sad mistake of Teo Popovič
Teo opens to 450,000 and Frodox rejams effectivelly for about 5 millions. Teo tanks and Frodox trashtalk for a bit and Teo decides to makes a call. Unfortunately for Teo he misread his hand and instead of pocket jacks Teo tabled Jx 3x. Teo frooze, but couldn´t take his action back. Frodox held pocket queens and after runout Tx Kx 8x Ax Tx Teo, angry on himself leaves the tournament....
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final with 200,000€ GTD by end of the November :
18:25 Klugsberger done in 9th place for 1,834€
Andreas got his 1,625,000 in with Ax 7x against Pinchas with Ax 9x. Runout 2x 9x Jx 3x 7x sends this austrian player to cashdesk.
18:20 Easy money !
Flešár opens to 500,000, Roeder flats and Bumba jams for 3,100,000 from sb. Both opponents folded slowly.
Players on final table will get these prizes:
1. 24,354 €
2. 14,879 €
3. 9,804 €
4. 7,304 €
5. 5,629 €
6. 4,254 €
7. 3,129 €
8. 2,284 €
9. 1,834 €
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,377,778, ent.: 9/1,448
Stacks and seating final table:
17:45 Final Table bubbleboy is Salar Massoudi
Massoudi with pocket tens was no good against pocket queens held by Li Nu after runout 9x 2x 2x 3x 8x. We are going to the final table !
17:30 Meggy Fournier done in 11th place for 1,335€
Meggy rejammed her 3,300,000 with Kx Qx against openraise of Miklošovič. Richard called with pocket jacks and after board 9x 7x 2x Jx Ax it´s also last lady leavin the tournament.
17:25 12th place belongs to Andrew Berhin
Andrew got 1,450,000 in with Ax Qx against Popovič with Ax Kx. Board 8x 8x 7x Jx 3x was last for last belgian player in tournament.
17:20 Li Nu double up
Massoudi opens to 350,000, Frodox call, Li Nu rejams 975,000. Massoudi tanks for a bit and folds, Frodox calls with 3x 3x. Li Nu tables pocket fours and board Ax 6x Kx Tx Qx didn´t bring any change.
Level 29: 100,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avvg. 4,783,333, ent.: 12/1,148
Break 15 min
16:45 Tomáš Svoboda busto in 13th place
Tomáš got approximately 2,600,000 in with Ad 8d against Pinchas with Ax Kx. Board Tx 4x 3x 5x 5x held for better combination. On next table Meggy doubled up with pocket fives against Ax Qx and now hold over 3,000,000.
This weekend we will host two one day events
Total guarantee is set to 45,000€ !
16:30 Janošovský done in 14th place
Janošovský got into preflop all in with Ac 3c against Ah Kh held by Frodox. Board Ad 4f Ks 6c 9h didn´t brought anything helpful for Jakub.
16:25 Roeder double up
Roeder held 1,605,000 and pocket eights Svoboda got it in as covering stack with pocket deuces. Board Jx Jx 7x Ax Ax held for Andreas.
16:21 Armands Rumba done in 15th place for 1,135€
Armands got his 1,600,000 in with 9d 8d against Miklošovič with Ax 9x. Blank board didn´t help to Armands and he is on his way to cashdesk.
Level 28: 75,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 3,826,667, ent.: 15/1,148
16:10 Desset out in 16th place for 965€
Desset jammed his 6bb with Ts 8s and Andreas Roeder called with Ax 5x. Board 2x 3x 4x Xx Xx eliminates Andrej.
16:05 Popovič 3-bets
Popovič got button in first hand, Klugsberger opens to 275,000 and Teo 3-bets to 700,000. After a while Klugsberger folds.
Level 27: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,587,500, ent.: 16/1,148
From this level we need to finish last 3 and half minute. All other levels will be 45 minutes long.
15:55 Players are opening their bags
We will begin shortly
Seating and chipcounts Final Day:
Left to play for in tommorow´s day 2:
1. 24,354 €
2. 14,879 €
3. 9,804 €
4. 7,304 €
5. 5,629 €
6. 4,254 €
7. 3,129 €
8. 2,284 €
9. 1,834 €
10. 1,335 €
11. 1,335 €
12. 1,335 €
13. 1,135 €
14. 1,135 €
15. 1,135 €
16 965 €
Mincash 130€ bol vyplatený všetkým postupujúcim hráčom na konci ich prvého flightu. Prvá deviatka si odnesie 199€ ticket na Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD a tieto peniaze sú vo výplatnej štruktúre započítané.
France-Benelux Masters Main Event:
- Start: 18:00
- Buy-in: 130€
- Starting Stack: 50.000 chips
- Late Registration : 12 levels
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 130€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
- All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
- Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
- 10% Fee + 5% Staff deduction
France - Benelux 150,000€ GTD:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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