The EAPT Cup 50,000€ GTD attracted a total of 207 players. The victory and €10,210 prize were claimed by Krzysztof Zwierz, who showcased excellent form throughout the entire playing day. However, the EAPT is far from over as today, at 18:00, the Main Event kicks off with its 1A flight, featuring a buy-in of 560€ and a guaranteed prize pool of 200,000€. Additionally, at 12:00, the EAPT Progressive Bounty 10,000€ GTD with a buy-in of 250€ begins, and, of course, cash games with a wide selection of games are also prepared for you. We look forward to seeing you!
Final results EAPT Cup 50,000€ GTD:
1. Zweirz Krzysztof - 10,210€
2. Izet Myumyun - 7,185€
3. Valenta Marek - 5,210€
4. Svetina Benjamin - 3,975€
5. Maceják Matej -3,030€
6. Amir Juwan - 1,885€
7. Pedersen Jonny - 1,500€
8. Yucel Volkan - 1,200€
9. Eidsater Svein - 1,000€
10. Paillot Sylvere Felix - 875€
11. Zimani Michal - 875€
12. Koevesdi Peter - 775€
13. Deak Tamas - 775€
14. Janczarski Michal Mariusz - 700€
15. Bugar Stefan - 700€
16. Olesovsky Vladimir - 625€
17. Malouchos Dionysios - 625€
18. Stando - 555€
19. Ostrowski Dominik - 555€
20. Johnsen Oerjan Trosten - 555€
21. Sosovicka Juraj - 490€
22. Luksa Marko - 490€
23. Shcherba Vitalii - 490€
24. Ormandy Oto - 425€
25. Turoczi Richard - 425€
26. Farkas Benedek - 425€
27. Alonso Mike Georges - 425€
28. Jesko Peter - 380€
29. Bihari Lubos - 380€
30. Hillinger Christoph - 380€
31. Giannoutas Konstantinos - 380€
00:30 Myumyun Izet finishes as the runner-up
Izet went into a preflop all-in for about 1,300,000 with Qx 8x, and Krzysztof turned over Kx 8x. After the board showed Kx 9x 5x 6x 5x, Izet takes home 7,185€.
00:25 Marek Valenta finishes in third place for 5,210€
Marek went into a preflop all-in for about a million with sevens against Krzysztof's Ax 9x. After the board revealed 6c 5c 7c Ac 8d, Zwierz completes a straight, and Marek concludes his tournament.
00:05 Benjamin Svetina finish in fourth place for 3,975€
Benjamin from the small blind pushed for about 1,000,000, and Zwierz in the big blind called with eights. After the board 8x 7x Ax 9x Kx, Benjamin is eliminated.
00:00 Approximate stacks:
Zwierz – 3,500,000
Izet – 1,300,000
Valenta – 1,700,000
Svetina – 1,200,000
Level 26: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,070,000, ent.: 4/207
23:35 Maceják goes all in
Matej from early position shoves for about 800,000. However, no one decides to call. After that, Matej goes into a preflop all-in with Ax Qx against the nines that Krzysztof Zwierz found. With the board Jx 5x 7x 2x 2x, Matej finishes in fifth place, taking home 3,030€.
Main Event 200,000€ GTD starts tommorow !
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,656,000, ent.: 5/207
Break 15 min
23:05 Maceják double up
Zwierz went all-in from the small blind, and Maceják quickly called his 620,000. Zwierz revealed Qx 3x, and Maceják held Kx Kx. With the board 6x 6x 9x Jx 4x, Matej secures a double up.
23:00 In sixth place for 1,885€, Amir Juwan busts
Amir shoves for about 500,000 with Qx Qx, and Zweirz calls with Qd Jd. With the board Ax 3d 9d Xd Xx, the Polish player completes his flush, eliminating Amir.
22:55 Marek Valenta receives a gift
On the river 7h 2h 8d Ks 3h, Johny Pedersen went all-in for about 400,000, and Valenta snap-called. Pedersen revealed Kd Qd, and Valenta, with his Ah Th, eliminates his opponent.
22:45 Volkan Yucel is eliminated in eighth place for 1,200€
Yucel shoved with about 2.5 big blinds with Ax Qx, and Zwierz called with Kx Qx. After the board of 8x 9x Tx Jx Xx, Yucel hands over his remaining chips and exits the final table.
Level 24: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,035,000, ent.: 8/207
22:20 Svein is eliminated
Svetina opened to 80,000, Svein called the last 65,000, and Zwierz 3-bet to 225,000. Svetina folded, and Svein turned over Ax Tx. Zwierz had Ax Kx, and after the board of 4x 2x Qx Jx, Svein is eliminated in ninth place.
FT chipcounts:
Eliminations before final table:
10. Paillot Sylvere Felix - 875€
11. Zimani Michal - 875€
12. Koevesdi Peter - 775€
13. Deak Tamas - 775€
14. Janczarski Michal Mariusz - 700€
15. Bugar Stefan - 700€
16. Olesovsky Vladimir - 625€
17. Malouchos Dionysios - 625€
18. Stando - 555€
19. Ostrowski Dominik - 555€
20. Johnsen Oerjan Trosten - 555€
21. Sosovicka Juraj - 490€
22. Luksa Marko - 490€
23. Shcherba Vitalii - 490€
24. Ormandy Oto - 425€
25. Turoczi Richard - 425€
26. Farkas Benedek - 425€
27. Alonso Mike Georges - 425€
28. Jesko Peter - 380€
29. Bihari Lubos - 380€
30. Hillinger Christoph - 380€
31. Giannoutas Konstantinos - 380€
22:00 Sylvere Paillot finishes in the tenth place
In one of the most professionally played hand I have ever seen, Zwierz bet 130,000 on the flop of 9h 5h 8s into a pot of about 250,000. Sylvere decided to raise to 375,000, leaving himself 100,000 behind. Zwierz opted for an all-in, significantly covering his opponent. After almost four minutes of consideration, a time was called, and Paillot eventually called with Qx 8x. Zwierz turned over aces, and after the turn Ax and river Jx, Sylvere finishes in the tenth place for €875. The remaining players move to the final table.
Level 23: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 828,000, ent.: 10/207
21:30 Peter Koevesdi ends
Koevesdi was all-in on the river with a board showing 6s Jd Ad 6h 5h, and Zwierz bet 185,000. Zimáni took his time to think and eventually decided to call with Ax 5x, but it wasn't enough against Koevesdi's Ax Xx on the 6x 8x board. Koevesdi is eliminated from the t
Level 22: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg.690,000, ent.: 12/207
21:15 3-bet
Peter Koevesdi opened from the button for 50,000. However, Marek Valenta 3-bet from the small blind to 190,000. After some thought, Peter folded his cards. Michal Janczarski was eliminated from the adjacent table, and we are approaching the final table.
21:00 Sylvere Paillot doubles up
Paillot went all-in preflop with Ax 8x against Zimáni's Ax Kx. With a board of 4x 8x 7x 4x Jx, Paillot secures a double up, and Zimáni falls.
Level 21: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 552,000, ent.: 15/207
Break 30 min
17. Malouchos Dionysios - 625€
18. Stando - 555€
19. Ostrowski Dominik - 555€
20. Johnsen Oerjan Trosten - 555€
21. Sosovicka Juraj - 490€
22. Luksa Marko - 490€
23. Shcherba Vitalii - 490€
24. Ormandy Oto - 425€
25. Turoczi Richard - 425€
26. Farkas Benedek - 425€
27. Alonso Mike Georges - 425€
28. Jesko Peter - 380€
29. Bihari Lubos - 380€
30. Hillinger Christoph - 380€
31. Giannoutas Konstantinos - 380€
20:00 Stando and Dionysios out; we are moving to the last two tables
Dionysios went all-in preflop with Ax Tx against the opponent's Ax Qx. With a blank board, he finishes in seventeenth place for 625€, and we proceed to the last two tables.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 460,000, ent.: 18/207
19:45 Marek Valenta double up
Maceják opened for 40,000, and Valenta announced an all-in for just under 300,000 from the blinds. After a moment, Maceják called with Ax 4x, and Valenta turned over Qx 9x. With the board Tx 6x 3x 9x 2x, Marek secured a double-up.
19:30 Olešovský all in
Vlado moved all-in for about 100,000. However, both opponents behind him folded their cards.
Main Event 200,000€ GTD starts tommorow !
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 345,000, ent.: 24/207
19:00 Izet Vs Amir
On the flop Kc Qd 3s, Izet bet 16,000, and Amir called. Both players checked the turn 7d, and on the river Ad, Izet bet 50,000. Amir called, and Izet revealed Ax Tx. Amir won the pot with Ax Qx.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, ag. 306,667, ent.: 27/207
1. 10,210€
2. 7,185€
3. 5,210€
4. 3,975€
5. 3,030€
6. 1,885€
7. 1,500€
8. 1,200€
9. 1,000€
10-11. 875€
12-13. 775€
14-15. 700€
16-17. 625€
18-20. 555€
21-23. 490€
24-27. 425€
28-31. 380€
A total of 207 players joined the tournament, narrowly reaching the guarantee. The top 5 players will also receive a ticket to the EAPT Main Event worth 560€, and these winnings are already included in the payout structure.
18:30 Ješko ships it
Ješko from the button put 94,000 in play. However, Lokšo and Amir immediately folded.
18:20 Ormandy triumphs
Oto opened for 24,000 from early position, and Oerjan 3-bet to 50,000. Oto called, and on the flop Qs Kd Qh, Oerjan bet 13,000. Oto calmly called, and after the Js on the turn, both checked. On the river 2c, Ormandy bet 50,000, and after a long thought, got a call. However, Oto revealed Ah Th, and his opponent mucked his cards.
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 276,000, ent.: 31/207
Final Day redraw:
EAPT Cup 50,000€ GTD Final Day:
15% of the field qualify to Final Day = ITM
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
5% staff deducted from the prize pool
International EAPT for the first time in Banco Casino and will bring 350,000€ GTD!
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Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 400,000€ GTD!
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Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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