Flight 1G recorded 219 entries and 22 players will join us in tommorow´s day 2. This flight was under control of Vitalii Shcherba, who took chiplead after few lucky hands and took 1,105,000 off his opponents. Flight 1H is still ongoing and to this very moment recorded 197 entries. Late registration to this flight is open until 00:00, Flight 1I turbo has late registration open untill 1:40 and guarantee is still shy of bit more than 57,000€. If you can´t make it till late registrations will close, ultimately last chance to qualify for day 2 is through morning hyper turbo flight that starts at 10:00. Day 2 is starting tommorow at 16:00 and we are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1G:
22:40 Flight 1G is done !
Gary Armstrong got last 107,000 in with pocket sevens only to clash with pocket jacks held by Rado Jakubec. Board Tx 9x Ax 2x 8x finished this flight and survivors are bagging their chips.
22:20 We quickly lost Adriana Chereji and Liviu Paval
That means we are going to play hand for hand !
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 350,400, ent.: 25/219, 1H ent.: 98/194
22:00 Jan Hartley double up
Carl Cullen opens to 31,000 and Hartley rejams from blinds his 119,000. Cullen calls with Kd Td and Hartley shows Ax Kx. Board Qx 4x 9x 6x 3x was on side of shortstack at this time.
21:45 Rainer Steinbrenner is another victim of Vitalii Shcherba
Vitalii completes his sb and Rainer checks. On the flop 6x 7x 2x Rainer bets 20,000 and Vitalii raises to 52,000. Rainer jams for 120,000 with Ax 6x and Vitalii calls with pocket queens. Turn and river were both blanks and with this elimination we are merging to last three tables.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 302,069, ent.: 29/219, 1H ent.: 102/190
Break 15 min
21:20 Double up for Athanasios Kechagias too
Kechagias got his 143,000 behind the line with pocket tens against Ax Qx held by Trajkovski. Runout Tx 4x 5x 4x 8x held for greece player.
21:10 Zuberovski double up
Zuberovski got his 93,000 in with Ax 6x aganst Hoebe with pocket nines. BOard Ax Kx 4x 5x Kx brought a double up for Zuberovski.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 250,286, ent: 35/219, 1H ent.: 111/179
20:50 Double up for Boris Dabeski
On the turn 3h 8h 3d 5c pot was around 45,000 and Antonios bets 26,000. Dabeski and Cullen calls, Taraza folds and river is 5d. Dabeski bets 50,000 and Cullen raises to 200,000. Antonios folded, Dabeski calls his 130,000 with quad threes. Cullen shows Ax 5x for rivered fullhouse. Ouch.
20:30 3-bet
Shatov opens to 14,000 and Zuberovski 3-bets to 43,000. Nobody else was interested in joining and Shatov folded too.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 219,000, ent.: 40/219, 1H ent.: 120/170
20:15 Shcherba with a river raise
On the turn Qd Jd 9h 3d there was around 55,000 in the pot and Georgiou bets 34,000. Vitalii calls and on the river Th Georgiou goes with a bet of 28,000. Vitalii tanked a bit and came up with a raise of 98,000. Georgiou needed some time but folded his hand.
20:00 Marušinec loosing some
On the river 8d 2h 5s Ts Qs there is around 80,000 in the pot and Marušinec is facing a bet of 43,000 from Mihajlovski. After some time Samo makes the call but can´t beat Ax Qx held by his opponent and toss his hand into the muck.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 194,667, ent.: 45/219, 1H ent.: 119/158
19:35 Brian Klindrup good with a c-bet
On the flop 8s 4ss Kx pot is around 35,000 and Brian c-bets 18,000. His opponent folded after some tanking.
19:20 Csaba done
Andrey Shatov opens and Csaba rejams his almost 60,000 with Qh Jh. Andrey snapcalls with pocket aces and after runout 4x 6x 7x Tx Qx Csaba is eliminated.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 158,723, ent.: 55/219, 1H ent.: 111/140
Break 15 min
Lot of poker action comming up in Banco Casino Bratislava !
18:45 Puhr double up
On the flop Ax 5x 4x pot was around 20,000 and Puhr somehow got it in for approximately 40,000. Zuberovski held Ax Kx and Puhr flipped over set of fives. Turn Qx and river Jx didn´t change anything about this hand results.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 129,552, ent.: 67/217, 1H ent.: 101/115
18:25 Ilavský Vs Hasseriis
On the flop Ks 5s 2d pot was 31,000 and Hasseriis bets 13,000, Ilavský calls and Svoboda folds. On the turn Kh Hasseriis checks and Ilavský bets 18,000. That got paid quickly and on the river 8d Hasseriis checks and Ilavský was thinking for a minute before he checked. Hasseriis tabled Kd Jd and Ilavský shows cracked aces.
18:10 Csaba Vs Vasilev
On the flop 3c 8c 9h Csaba bets 3,500 inot a pot of around 9,000, Vasilev calls and Zuberovski folds. On the turn 2h Csaba fires for 6,500 and gets paid again. River Tc is checked swiftly and Csaba shows As 3s, which isn´t good against Jx Jx held by Vasilev.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 118,356, ent.: 73/216, 1H ent.: 89/95
17:50 Vitalii Shcherba triple up
Vitalii got his short into a preflop all in with Jx Jx against pocket nines held by Knudsen and Qx Qx held by Falah. Board Jx 7x 2x 5x 8x brought a set and triple up to Vitalii, Falah is taking the side pot and eliminates Knudsen.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 93,483, ent.: 89/208, 1H ent.: 60/62
17:30 Zimáni eliminating Sam Jensen
On the flop Qc 6c Js pot is 12,200, and Zimáni bets 6,500. Jensen shoves for his 33,100 and third player in the hand folded. Zimáni makes the call with Ks Qs and Jensen tabled Ax Jx. Turn 2x and river 2x didn´t improve Jensen´s hand.
17:15 Nikolaus Kovacs took a bit from Aziz
On the flop Qd 7h 6s there is around 10,000 in the pot and Nikolaus bets 4,000. Aziz from sb calls and on the turn As Nikolaus put Aziz all in for his 25,000. Aziz quickly folds and Nikolaus shows him Qc.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 82,041, ent.: 98/201
Break 15 min
16:50 Interesting one
On the flop Tx Tx 5x pot was 22,000 and Slavko Obradovic bets 7,500, Marvin Achzenick calls and Zoltan Schnell raises to 15,000. Obradovic calls and Marvin jams 24,700. Schnell raises to 55,000 and after long tank Obradovic folds face up Jx Tx. Marvin shows pocket aces, Schnell held Kx Tx. Turn 9x and river 8x didn´t change anything and Marvin has to leave his seat.
16:35 Ruiz Redrado winning the pot
On the river Qd 9d 2c Js 5s Redrado bets 16,500 into a pot of approximately 35,000. Liviu Paval after some time calls, but Ruiz flips over Ax Qx and his opponent mucks quickly.
16:30 Flight 1H in 30 mins !
If flight 1G was too early for you, late registration is still open until 19:00. If you want to play from the start, flight 1H is starting at 17:00 and also it is last regular flight left to play. At this very moment is guarantee crazy 110,000€ short, so this tournament definately got huge value !
Level 8 : 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,421, ent.: 114/195
16:05 Stefko Vasilev double up
Adriana limps, Puhr raises to 3,300, Vasilev makes it 6,000 and Dennis Andresen jams from bb. Adriana with Puhr folded and Vasilev calls his 27,000 with pocket tens. Andresen shows pocket eights and after runout 5x 4x 6x 9x 2x he is falling down again.
Level 7: 600 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 61,311, ent.: 122/187
15:45 Small pot for Gregor Raderer
On the flop Qc 5c 4s there was 4,400 in the pot and Gregor leads out from his bb for 2,500. Gary Armstrong was thinking about it, but decided to fold his hand in the end.
15:35 3-way all in
Georgiou put his around 5,000 behind the line with pocket deuces and Zuberovski with Anderssen got it in too effectively for 36,800 and Anderssen being covering stacks. Zuberovski shows Jx Jx and Anderssen with Ax Kx has to give up part of his stack after runout Tx 5x 6x Qx 4x.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 53,953, ent.: 129/174
15:00 Nižňanský with a pot
On the turn Jh Qd Td 9h there is bit over 6,000 inside and Hartley bets 2,000. Milan calls slowly and river Qc is checked. Milan shows Jx 8x, which is good enough in this case.
14:45 Christos Vettas took one
On the turn 8d Qh 7h Ah pot was around 8,500 and Christos bets 5,000. Stribor folded slowly.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 50,909, ent.: 121/154
Break 30 min
Banco Casino has been a paradise for cash game players for several years, and for fans of No-Limit Holdem and Pot Limit Omaha, it has prepared a brutal FULL HOUSE HUNTER action, in which will give away 1,500€ GTD daily from Sunday to Thursday and special 2.500€ giveaway on Friday. You just have to be a little lucky, get a full house combination and choose the right envelope full of Euros!
13:50 Crazy hand for Claus Knudsen
Maciej Ziolkowski and Mammides got their stacks in, both with pocket aces. Along the way Claus got involved in hand too with pocket kings and after runout 8x 4x 3x 3x Kx Claus completes his fullhouse and both opponents heard their seat opens.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 45,246, ent.: 122/138
13:35 Ittai Gluska with small pot
On the turn Kx Qx Kx Qx pot is around 4,000 and Ittai bets 2,000. Attila Almási smoothly folded.
13:25 Adriana Chereji double up in style
On the turn 6d Kd 8d 5h pot was around 10,000 and Adriana got her 18,000 in against Kechagias with Qd Jd. Adriana held 9d 7d. River brought a ten of diamonds and Adriana completes her straight flush !
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 43,168, ent.: 101/109
Lot of poker action comming up in Banco Casino Bratislava !
13:00 Hani Katkhuda with a nice pot
On the river 5d 2d 2c Jd 8c pot was around 12,000 and Hani bets 7,000. Pichler calls and instantly mucks when Hani flips over pocket aces.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 41,395, ent.: 86/89
12:45 Nižňanský in tankmode
On the river Qx 6x Jx Jx 5x pot is bit above 29,000 and Sam Jensen jams for 16,500. Nižňanský needed some extra time and after while called with Ax Qx. Jensen held Ax Qx aswell and pot is being split.
12:35 Vatti Vs Gabrielides
On the river Jc 2c 3c 9x 4x there was around 15,000 in the pot and Vatti bets 5,000. Gabrielides calls with Qx Qx and Vatti looses pot with her Tx Tx.
12:22 From the start we can see playing:
Logvin, Pichler, Vettas, Druga, Bartáloš, Nižňanský, Shcherba and many others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 57/57
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Buy-in: 220€
Fee: 30€
Starting Stack: 40.000 chips
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 220€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
5% Staff deduction
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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