Ride with name Banco Casino Masters and it´s 30th birthday just finished. 2,011 players registred to this tournament, which resulted in gigantic prizepool of 341,870€. After week full of poker winner is Lajos Motel, who won without any deal 54,985€. Birthday are behind us now and we move forward to next events. This saturday traditional Thirty Grand takes place. Since monday we host Poker-SM Live, where we will crown poker masters of sweden. For more informations check on our web and social networks regulary.
Final Day results:
1. Motel Lajos - 54 985 €
2. Kučera Matúš - 33 135 €
3. Jo Darryl - 21 795 €
4. Safrany David 16 075 €
5. Hrubý Martin - 12 265 €
6. Wendt Steven - 9 085 €
7. Maté Sándor - 6 545 €
8. Thoma Adonis - 4 635 €
9. Ganglbauer Markus - 3 420 €
10. Pezzoli Alessandro - 2 795 €
11. Ujvari Balasz - 2 795 €
12. Goedry Adam - 2 795 €
13. Gasowski Norbert - 2 330 €
14. Krchnár Marek - 2 330 €
15. Maceják Matej - 2 330 €
16. Desset Andrej - 1 940 €
00:00 Runner-Up is Matúš Kučera
On the flop Qx Tx 5x Lajos bets 1,600,000 and Kučera pays with ease. Turn 3x Lajos fires again, for 3,500,000 and Kučera jammed for 19,000,000. After little while Lajos with aces called this time and after river 4x Matúš takes home 33,135€ !
23:55 Kučera all-in
Lajos opens to 1,200,000 and Matúš pays. On the flop 2h 6h Qs Lajos bets 1,700,000 and Matúš pays quickly. On the turn 8h Lajos bets 2,700,000 and Kučera jams for 14,000,000. Lajos need some time to think and in the end he fold his aces.
23:40 Small pots jumps from one side to another
Bigger action is still missing
Thirty Grand this saturday !
Level 34: 200,000 - 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 40,220,000, ent.: 2/2,011
Break 20 min
23:05 Kučera loosing big one
On the flop Kd 4h 3s Motel bets 1,500,000 and Kučera pays quickly. On the turn Jh Motel continues with 7,000,000 bet and Kučera calls again. On river 2h Kučera leads out for 17,000,000 and Motel with set of fours calls quickly. Kučera shows off Kc 5c and falls to 15,000,000.
22:50 Motel evening out stacks
After few games Motel holds 37,000,000 and Kučera fell to 43,000,000.
22:40 No deal
Kučera have 52,600,000, while Lajos holds 27,800,000 before start of heads up.
Short break
Before heads up between Motel and Kučera, there is short break for possibility of deal.
22:30 Darryl Jo eliminated in third place for 21,795€
On the river 4x 4x Jx Ax Ax there was two million inside and Darryl bet 3,500,000. Kučera responded with raise to 7,500,000 and Darryl Jammed for 13 millions. Kučera snapcalls with Ax 8x and Darryl shows 9x 2x and leaves his place.
22:00 David Safrány leaving too
On the flop Ac 2s 8d Kučera bets 800,000 and Safrány calls. On the turn Ks Safrány bets 1,700,000 and Kučera shoved for bit less than seven million Safrány had in his stack. David with 8s 7s decided to call and against Kx Qx he needed little bit of help. River 5h wasn´t right card for this and David is taking home 16,075€ !
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
21:40 Martin Hrubý done in fifth place for 12,265€
Martin jammed his 6,700,000 with pocket eights against Kučera with Ac Ks. Board Th 9c Ts Qh Qs eliminates Martin in very nasty way. For fifth place he takes home 12,265€.
21:10 Steven Weldt done in sixth place for 9,085€
Steven got last 1,500,000 in with 3h 3d against Kučera with 5d 5c. Board 4h 5h 8h Qh 4c burried his hopes and Steven is busted in sixth place.
Chipcounts after break :
Seat 1: Kučera Matúš - 23,600,000
Seat 2: Safrány David - 9,300,000
Seat 3: Wendt Steven - 2,800,000
Seat 4: Motel Lajos - 14,900,000
Seat 5: Hrubý Martin - 11,300,000
Seat 6: Jo Darryl - 18,500,000
Level 32: 100,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 13,406,666, ent.: 6/2,011
Break 15 min
20:40 Kučera Vs. Wendt
Matúš opens to 500,000 and Steven flats. Flop Ks 4h Qc brought c-bet of 525,000, that got paid quickly. On the turn Js both checks an on the river 2s Matúš bets 1,800,000. Steven paid with Qh 9h, but Kučera took the pot with As Ts.
20:25 Sándor Maté busto
Hrubý opens to 500,000, Maté out of Co ships 5,300,000 behind the line and Safrány few seats later found Ax Kx. His 5,700,000 went in and and Hrubý folds. Maté held Ax 2x and after board 4x 4x 3x 9x 6x he had to leave in seventh place for 6,545€
During Final Day we hosted Danish Private tournament. Buy-in was set to 100€ with possibility of 50€ unlimited rebuy + addon. Tournament had 23 entries, players used rebuy 41 times and addon 18 times. Prizepool was nice 4,987€.
1. 2,042€
2. 1,245€
3. 750€
4. 550€
5. 400€
Stacks and seating final table Danish Private Tournament:
Seat 1: Markvorsen Morten - 250,000
Seat 2: Petersen Poul - 419,000
Seat 3: Soerensen Bent - 253,000
Seat 4: Hedegaard Per - 196,000
Seat 5: Hansen Simon - 144,000
Seat 6: Damkjaer Tage - 850,500
Seat 7: Gotthardsen Sigurd - 178,000
Seat 8: Grevy Ruben - 404,500
Seat 9: Morris Donny - 254,500
20:00 Hrubý takes one down
Kučera opens to 500,000 and Hrubý calls from button. Flop 6x 5x Qx brought c-bet of 475,000 from Kučera and Hrubý paid. Turn Jx brought second barell for 1,100,000 and second call. On the river Jx Kučera checks, Hrubý bets for two million
19:50 Adonis Thoma busts at beggining fo final table
Adonis got his stack in with Ah Th against Ad Qd held by Matúš Kučera for 2,300,000. Board Qc 4h 2s Kh 5s didn´t help to Adonis and he walks to cashdesk for 4,635€ payout.
Level 31: 100,000 - 250,000 / 250,000, avg. 10,055,000 ent.: 8/2,011
Stream has started !
Official final table payouts:
1. 54 985 €
2. 33 135 €
3. 21 795 €
4. 16 075 €
5. 12 265 €
6 9 085 €
7. 6 545 €
8. 4 635 €
Chipcounts and seating :
Seat 1: Kučera Matúš - 16,650,000
Seat 2: Safrány David - 6,500,000
Seat 3: Wendt Steven - 7,575,000
Seat 4: Motel Lajos - 12,050,000
Seat 5: Hrubý Martin - 9,575,000
Seat 6: Jo Darryl - 20,100,000
Seat 7: Thoma Adonis - 2,425,000
Seat 8: Maté Sándor - 5,475,000
Break 1 hour
Live Report will continue subsequently to live stream !
17:57 And we go straight to the official final table
On table number seven Alessandro Pezzoni jams his 1,550,000 with Kx Tx and Daryl Jo found a call with Ax 6x. After board Ax Ax 2x 6x Qx Alessandro finishes in tenth place for 2,795€. On table number eight there was 1,700,000 in pot and Ganglbauer shoves for 2,400,000. Hrubý calls, Wendt pass and Kučera rejams for a lot more. Hrubý folds and Kučera show set of deuces. Ganglbauer hold 9c 7c and after turn 9h and river Qx he is eliminated in 9th place for 3,420€.
17:40 Maté Sándor in gigantic all in and tilt
On the turn 3h 5h 9s Jh there was about 6,000,000 inside and Maté Sándor jams for 6,600,000 effectively. Darryl tanks for a bit and calls with Ah 9x, Sándor shows Ad Kh and after river Qd he falls to last 1,500,000.
17:30 Adam Goedry finishes in 12th place for 2,795€
Goedry Jammed 1,400,000 out of Ep with Kc 3c and Wendt on bb after some tanking called with As 9h. Board 9d Qh Th 3s Ah eliminated this hungarian player.
17:20 Norbert Gasowski busto in 13th place for 2,330€
Gasowski opens to 400,000 and Wendt rejams effectively for 3,650,000. Gasowski with Ah Qh calls and Wendt held Ax Jx. Runuot 3x 8x 4x Jx 6x was an end for Gasowski.
17:15 Krchnár ends in 14th place
Krchnár went into preflop all in with As Ks against pocket kings held by Martin Hrubý. Board 4x Jx Jx Tx 6x eliminated Marek and he walks to cashdesk for 2,330€ reward.
17:00 Maceják done in 15th place for 2,330€
Matej got into preflop all in with Kx Qx against Ujvari with Ax 5x. Blank board means Maceják is eliminated.
Level 30: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 5,362,666, ent.: 14/2,011
Break 10 min
16:40 Hrubý Vs. Gasowski
Martin opens to 320,000 in Ep and Gasowski defends his bb. Flop Qs 2s 8h brought c-bet of 275,000 from Hrubý and Gasowski calls. Turn As and river Qh is checked quickly and Gasowski shows 9h 2h, Hrubý takes down the pot with pocket tens.
16:20 Alessandro Pezzoni double up
On the flop 4h 6h 3h Alessandro got himself into all in with Th 8h against Adonis with Ax 6x. Turn 9d and river Ad didn´t change anything and Alessandro got double up.
16:14 Andrej Desset eliminated in 16th place for 1,940€
Darryl Jo opens to 400,000, Desset shoves 430,000 and Adonis Thoma reshoves 2,500,000 out of small blind with pocket kings and Darryl calls with Ax Qx. Desset shows Kc Tc and runout 6x 3x 7x 2x 8x is last one for him in this tournament.
Level 29: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 5,027,500, ent.: 16/2,011
From this level there is 36 minutes and 25 seconds left to play. All other levels will be 60 minutes long.
16:00 All players are seated
We are starting in short while
Left to play for :
1. 54 985 €
2. 33 135 €
3. 21 795 €
4. 16 075 €
5. 12 265 €
6 9 085 €
7. 6 545 €
8. 4 635 €
9. 3 420 €
10-12. 2 795 €
13-15. 2 330 €
16. 1 940 €
Stacky a seating Final Day
Table 7:
Seat 1: Wendt Steven - 3,425,000
Seat 2: Goedry Adam - 2,150,000
Seat 3: Safrany David - 7,200,000
Seat 4: Kučera Matúš - 7,400,000
Seat 5: Ganglbauer Markus - 5,335,000
Seat 6: Gasowski Norbert - 4,610,000
Seat 7: Krchnár Marek - 2,950,000
Seat 8: Hrubý Martin - 5,240,000
Table 8:
Seat 1: Desset Andrej - 420,000
Seat 2: Thoma Adonis - 2,575,000
Seat 3: Ujvari Balasz - 6,770,000
Seat 4: Maceják Matej - 3,485,000
Seat 5: Maté Sándor - 10,150,000
Seat 6: Pezzoli Alessandro - 2,255,000
Seat 7: Motel Lajos - 11,975,000
Seat 8: Jo Darryl - 4,500,000
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Master 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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