In day 2 of the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD, 139 players met, and the field has now been reduced to the final sixteen players. Alessio Liscia leads with a stack of 6,905,000 chips, and tomorrow we will find out who will take home the top prize of 36,370€ along with the winners' trophy. We start at 16:00, and the final table will be streamed; you can find the link below. At 19:00, the BCM Farewell Turbo Deepstack 5,000€ GTD kicks off. We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day chipcounts:
Day 2 eliminations:
17. Jozef Krajan - 1,270€
18. Rimantas Ignatavicius - 1,270€
19. Mladen Stojanovic - 1,270€
20. Janos Tamas Mate - 1,270€
21. Serhii Danashevskyi - 1,270€
22. Jessica Dainoli - 1,270€
23. Roman Lakatos - 1,270€
24. Pavol Melichar - 1,120€
25. Werner Wilfinger - 1,120€
26. Mark Nagy - 1,120€
27. Szilvia Bereyne Popper - 1,120€
28. Jan Cerny - 1,120€
29. Gal Peter - 1,120€
30. Peter Hodossy - 1,120€
31. Sandor Gal - 1,120€
32. Laszlo Vesi - 995€
33. Michal Rutkowski - 995€
34. Peter Kamaras - 995€
35. Antonino Karman - 995€
36. Lukasz Prejs - 995€
37. Jasmine Schuster - 995€
38. Toni Faber - 995€
39. Pavol Sajdak - 995€
40. Pavel Zikavsky - 895€
41. Vladimir Baranai - 895€
42. Artur Siergiejuk - 895€
43. Robert Tirpak - 895€
44. Ondrej Necas - 895€
45. Igor Marton - 895€
46. Benas Kuzmickas - 895€
47. Lukasz Marcin Kass - 895€
48. Jozsef Dobos - 820€
49. Savvas Papadopoulos - 820€
50. Lukasz Kotwica - 820€
51. Sindijs Anspoks - 820€
52. Jan Zitka - 820€
53. Ole Secher - 820€
54. Faisal Yousef A. Alhammad - 820€
55. Catalin Pirvan - 820€
56. Patrik Kunik - 745€
57. Darius Liesis - 745€
58. Franz Ziegerhofer - 745€
59. Juwan Amir - 745€
60. Jan Andrzej Mehring - 745€
61. Charalambos Michaelides - 745€
62. Stefan Bugar - 745€
63. Saulius Bakajevas - 745€
64. Hao Fei Li - 670€
65. Matej Macejak - 670€
66. Frantisek Jirout - 670€
67. Jakub Molnar - 670€
68. Vadym Lishchuk - 670€
69. Nikolaos Zacharakis - 670€
70. Juraj Liska - 670€
71. Tamas Meszaros - 670€
72. Tobias Seide - 620€
73. Antal Mezei - 620€
74. Alexandros Nanos - 620€
75. Laszlo Szabo - 620€
76. Iosif Andrei Kosa - 620€
77. Zsolt Csipkes - 620€
78. Michal Mariusz Janczarski - 620€
79. Georgi Bozhkov Tsanov - 620€
80. Lukas Kviecinskas - 570€
81. Panagiotis Kalampoukas - 570€
82. Daniel Nagy - 570€
83. Jan Ilcin - 570€
84. Florim Toplanaj - 570€
85. Michail Nanos - 570€
86. Christos Kechagias - 570€
87. Stephane Olivier Nadot - 570€
88. Felix Niklas Wohlleben - 570€
89. Esben Aerthoej Thoby - 570€
90. Sandor Kenyeres - 570€
91. Pawel Mieczyslaw Woloszyn - 570€
92. Josef Kudrik - 570€
93. Gabriel Izo - 570€
94. Peter Halo - 570€
95. Ladislav Ballay - 570€
96. Jaroslaw Kamil Falkowski - 470€
97. Jarmo Ilmari Luokkala - 470€
98. Stefan Bednar - 470€
99. Marek Valenta - 470€
100. Slatko Petrovic - 470€
101. Rafael Stylianos Stavrou - 470€
102. Sandor Korodi - 470€
103. Roberto Zuffo - 470€
104. Andrii Pop - 470€
105. Semir Jatic - 470€
106. Antal Roth - 470€
107. Samir Kuch - 420€
108. Marian Fridrich - 420€
109. Radoslaw Jacek Pyckowski - 420€
110. Stelian Anghel - 420€
111. Yaron Zeev Nisim Malki - 420€
112. Alexander Franz Zirkelbach - 370€
113. Ondrej Svatek - 370€
114. Anthanasios Patsias - 370€
115. Chiel van Marwijk - 370€
116. Michel Johannes Maria Molenaar - 370€
117. Zdenek Svoboda - 370€
118. Filip Jurga - 370€
119. Rainer Steinbrenner - 370€
120. Boris Martanovic - 370€
121. Andrei Ioan Cornu - 370€
122. Bogdan Petru Petrascu - 370€
123. Mantas Aleliunas - 370€
124. Richard Bathory - 370€
125. Manuel Kalss - 370€
126. Giannakis Karakannas - 370€
127. Wang Kwan Chan - 370€
128. Dalibor Dula - 370€
129. Renzo Piras - 370€
130. Jan Visvader - 370€
131. Wolfgang Foglar - 370€
132. Dawid Butrykowski - 370€
133. Dusan Vasiljevic - 370€
134. Laszlo Ferenc Klemens - 370€
135. Marius Cristian Brinceanu - 370€
136. Nikolay Stanev Zhurnalov - 370€
137. Andrii Skryp - 370€
138. Marko Blagojevic - 370€
139. Sebastian Miroslaw Ambros - 370€
140. Sajdak Pavol - 170€
1:15 Jozef Krajan becomes the last elimination of today's day 2
Shortly after the blind level changed, Krajan got into a preflop all-in situation with about 1,500,000 chips with Ax 8x against the sevens held by Erik Oestergaard. After the board ran out Tc 3c 3h Qs 9x, we concluded day 2. The remaining players bag their chips, and we'll reconvene tomorrow at 16:00.
1:05 Krajan pushes
On the flop Ks Ts 6s, the pot was about 600,000, and Krajan from the small blind shoves for 800,000. After a short pause, Erik Oestergaard folded his cards.
00:55 Alexandru Vancea in the tank
This time, Alexandru opened from the small blind for 200,000, and Ignavicius re-jammed for 730,000 from the big blind. Alexandru thought for a while but eventually folded his cards. During this play, several players were quickly eliminated from other tables, including Dainoli, Danashevskyi, Mate, and Stojanovic, leaving us with just two eliminations needed to end day 2.
00:40 Time!
Christos Neofytou opened, and Alexandru Vancea 3-bet from the blinds to 790,000. Christos then announced all-in for about 2,900,000, and Vancea thought for a long time. Eventually, he was put on the clock, and in the last seconds, he folded face up Ax Qx. Christos showed Kx Kx. Meanwhile, Melichar and Lakatoš were eliminated from the tournament at a neighboring table.
Upcoming tournaments at Banco Casino Bratislava:
Level 26: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,209,480, ent.: 25/1,388
Break 15 min
00:00 Alessio Liscia successful
Alessio opened the betting with 160,000, and Mark Nagy called from the big blind. On the flop Th 8h 6d, both players checked. When the Qs appeared on the turn, Alessio bet 200,000, prompting his opponent to fold.
23:40 Turn raise
On the turn Qd Td 3c Ks, with the pot standing at over 600,000, Meburnutov bet 150,000. Sorin Lica opted to raise to 600,000, and after some thought, Artur called. On the river Qs, Sorin quickly bet 200,000, and Artur just as quickly called. Sorin revealed 9d 8d, but Artur won the pot with Kh Jh.
Level 25: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,673,848, ent.: 33/1,388
23:15 Peter Kamaras eliminated
Kamaras went all-in preflop with his last 625,000 holding Ace-Jack, but he encountered Alexandru Vancea's pocket Jacks. With a board of 5x 5x 4x 9x 9x, Kamaras had to surrender his stack.
23:00 River bet
Mark Nagy opened the betting with 100,000, and both Szilvia Gal and Liscia called. No bets were made on the flop Qc 4c Qd or on the turn 9s. When the Ts fell on the river, Alessio Liscia took the initiative and bet 250,000. Only Peter Gal called, but he immediately folded when Liscia revealed Queen-Deuce.
38. Toni Faber - 995€
39. Pavol Sajdak - 995€
40. Pavel Zikavsky - 895€
41. Vladimir Baranai - 895€
42. Artur Siergiejuk - 895€
43. Robert Tirpak - 895€
44. Ondrej Necas - 895€
45. Igor Marton - 895€
46. Benas Kuzmickas - 895€
47. Lukasz Marcin Kass - 895€
48. Jozsef Dobos - 820€
49. Savvas Papadopoulos - 820€
50. Lukasz Kotwica - 820€
51. Sindijs Anspoks - 820€
52. Jan Zitka - 820€
53. Ole Secher - 820€
54. Faisal Yousef A. Alhammad - 820€
55. Catalin Pirvan - 820€
56. Patrik Kunik - 745€
57. Darius Liesis - 745€
58. Franz Ziegerhofer - 745€
59. Juwan Amir - 745€
60. Jan Andrzej Mehring - 745€
61. Charalambos Michaelides - 745€
62. Stefan Bugar - 745€
63. Saulius Bakajevas - 745€
64. Hao Fei Li - 670€
65. Matej Macejak - 670€
66. Frantisek Jirout - 670€
67. Jakub Molnar - 670€
68. Vadym Lishchuk - 670€
69. Nikolaos Zacharakis - 670€
70. Juraj Liska - 670€
71. Tamas Meszaros - 670€
Level 24: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,492,892, ent.: 37/1,388
22:20 Mitka Vs. Kamaras
On the turn Th 6h Qc 5h with about 180,000 in the pot, Miro bet 75,000 from the small blind. Kamaras hesitantly called, and on the river Kd, Miro continued for 100,000. However, Peter folded.
22:00 Roman Lakatoš double up
Roman opened for 80,000, and Sorin Lica 3-bet to 245,000. After some thought, Roman announced all in for 960,000, and Sorin snap-called with Jx Jx. However, Roman had aces, and after the board ran out 6x 8x Kx Qx Ax, he secured the double up.
Level 23: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,150,000, ent.: 48/1,388
Break 15 min
21:15 Kay Steer berie multiway pot
Žikavský otvoril z Ep na 65,000 a dorovnali Nagy, Meburnutov, Danashevksyi a Steer. Na flope Tc 6c 4h Steer okamžite leadoval 325,000 a všetci súperi postupne pozahadzovali. Steer sklamaným súperom ukázal Kd Td.
20:50 Werner Wilfinger all in
Mitka z Ep otvoril na 80,000 a Werner za ním krátko na to pushoval 405,000. Všetci ostatní zahodili a Miro sa chvíľku trápil. Nakoniec však vyhodnotil fold ako svoju najlepšiu možnosť.
Level 22: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 969,070, ent.: 57/1,388
20:35 Darius Liesis all in
Christian Sykora opened from the small blind with 60,000, and Darius from the big blind shoved his 255,000 over. Christian wasn't too keen on it and eventually folded.
20:25 Robo Tirpák victorious
On the river Tc 5h 4d Td 2d, the pot was at 225,000, and Tirpák bet 125,000. Dawid Lelito thought for a long while but eventually folded his cards. Robo then showed Qx Jx to his opponent after the hand.
The next Banco Casino Masters will take place in May!
Level 21: 10,000 – 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 812,309, ent.: 68/1,388
72. Tobias Seide - 620€
73. Antal Mezei - 620€
74. Alexandros Nanos - 620€
75. Laszlo Szabo - 620€
76. Iosif Andrei Kosa - 620€
77. Zsolt Csipkes - 620€
78. Michal Mariusz Janczarski - 620€
79. Georgi Bozhkov Tsanov - 620€
80. Lukas Kviecinskas - 570€
81. Panagiotis Kalampoukas - 570€
82. Daniel Nagy - 570€
83. Jan Ilcin - 570€
84. Florim Toplanaj - 570€
85. Michail Nanos - 570€
86. Christos Kechagias - 570€
87. Stephane Olivier Nadot - 570€
88. Felix Niklas Wohlleben - 570€
89. Esben Aerthoej Thoby - 570€
90. Sandor Kenyeres - 570€
91. Pawel Mieczyslaw Woloszyn - 570€
92. Josef Kudrik - 570€
93. Gabriel Izo - 570€
94. Peter Halo - 570€
95. Ladislav Ballay - 570€
96. Jaroslaw Kamil Falkowski - 470€
97. Jarmo Ilmari Luokkala - 470€
98. Stefan Bednar - 470€
99. Marek Valenta - 470€
100. Slatko Petrovic - 470€
101. Rafael Stylianos Stavrou - 470€
102. Sandor Korodi - 470€
103. Roberto Zuffo - 470€
104. Andrii Pop - 470€
105. Semir Jatic - 470€
106. Antal Roth - 470€
19:40 Turn raise
On the turn Qh Js 8d 2h, the pot was over 100,000, and Liesis bet 35,000 from position. Alessio Liscia decided to raise to 80,000, which he got quite quickly. On the river Kd, Alessio bet 135,000, and Liesis immediately folded.
19:25 Smaller pot for Maceják
On the flop Ac 7c Qs, the pot was around 120,000, and Matej bet 30,000. Miky in the blinds considered but didn't want to call. Maceják showed Kx Kx after the hand.
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 665,506, ent.: 83/1,388
Break 30 min
18:20 Stephane Nadot eliminated
On the flop 8d 3d 2c, the pot was about 150,000, and Janos Mate put the French opponent all-in, effectively about 60,000. Stephane thought for a long time and eventually called with Qx Jx. Mate showed Ax Qx, and after the turn Kh and river Ks, Nadot's Day 2 journey comes to an end.
Upcoming tournaments at Banco Casino Bratislava:
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 581,442, ent.: 95/1,388
17:50 Andrii Pop also eliminated
Jasmine opened, and Andrii pushed with Jx Jx for 14 big blinds. Jasmine called with Ax Qx, and another Qx landed on the board. The Jack didn't appear, so Andrii leaves his seat at the table.
First batch of eliminations:
107. Samir Kuch - 420€
108. Marian Fridrich - 420€
109. Radoslaw Jacek Pyckowski - 420€
110. Stelian Anghel - 420€
111. Yaron Zeev Nisim Malki - 420€
112. Alexander Franz Zirkelbach - 370€
113. Ondrej Svatek - 370€
114. Anthanasios Patsias - 370€
115. Chiel van Marwijk - 370€
116. Michel Johannes Maria Molenaar - 370€
117. Zdenek Svoboda - 370€
118. Filip Jurga - 370€
119. Rainer Steinbrenner - 370€
120. Boris Martanovic - 370€
121. Andrei Ioan Cornu - 370€
122. Bogdan Petru Petrascu - 370€
123. Mantas Aleliunas - 370€
124. Richard Bathory - 370€
125. Manuel Kalss - 370€
126. Giannakis Karakannas - 370€
127. Wang Kwan Chan - 370€
128. Dalibor Dula - 370€
129. Renzo Piras - 370€
130. Jan Visvader - 370€
131. Wolfgang Foglar - 370€
132. Dawid Butrykowski - 370€
133. Dusan Vasiljevic - 370€
134. Laszlo Ferenc Klemens - 370€
135. Marius Cristian Brinceanu - 370€
136. Nikolay Stanev Zhurnalov - 370€
137. Andrii Skryp - 370€
138. Marko Blagojevic - 370€
139. Sebastian Miroslaw Ambros - 370€
140. Sajdak Pavol - 170€
17:40 3-bet pot
Sorin Lica opened for 25,000, Sandor Gal 3-bet from the small blind to 66,000, and Lica slowly called. On the flop Ac 2c 7d, Sandor continued for 110,000, and Lica quickly folded.
17:20 Radoslaw Pyckowski eliminated
Radoslaw went all-in from the small blind for just under 200,000 with Kx Tx, and Kviecinskas found eights in the big blind. With the board showing 7x 5x 4x 3x 7x, Radoslaw exits the tournament.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 493,188, ent.: 112/1,388
Final Table will be streamed:
17:00 Rejam
Saulius opened for 21,000 from the Cut-off, Vancea called from the button, and from the blinds, Antal Mezei shoved for over 200,000. Both opponents silently folded.
16:40 Flop raise
With a pot of around 90,000 on the flop Qs 9c 7h, Li Hao checked from the small blind, Woloszyn bet 35,000, and Nadot decided to raise to 75,000. Both opponents immediately folded their cards.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 415,316, ent.: 133/1,388
16:30 Athanasios Patsias goes all in
On a flop of Kc 7c 3d with around 150,000 in the pot, Patsias pushed for approximately the same amount. His opponent took some time to think and eventually folded face up Ax Qx.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 403,190, ent:: 137/1,388
16:10 Andrii Pop takes down the first pot
On the flop Jd 4d 9s, Andrii bet 7,000 into a pot of 32,000, and Mantas called. This action repeated on the turn 7c. On the river 7h, Mantas led out for 22,000, and Andrii snap-called. Mantas immediately mucked his cards, so we didn't get to a showdown.
Level 15: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 397,388, ent.: 139/1,388
From this level we need to play 7 minutes
BCM Payout:
1. 36,370€
2. 24,520€
3. 16,720€
4. 11,820€
5. 8,820€
6. 6,520€
7. 4,820€
8. 3,720€
9. 2,970€
10-11. 2,420€
12-13. 2,020€
14-16. 1,720€
17-23. 1,270€
24-31. 1,120€
32-39. 995€
40-47. 895€
48-55. 820€
56-63. 745€
64-71. 670€
72-79. 620€
80-87. 570€
88-95. 520€
96-103. 470€
104-111. 420€
112-139. 370€
A total of 1388 players registered for the Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ event, but unfortunately, the guarantee was not surpassed this time. 139 players advanced to Day 2, and all players who made it through received a buy-in back of 170€. The top sixteen players will also receive a 250€ ticket to the Tana delle Tigri Main Event 250,000€ GTD, and this amount is included in the payout structure.
Day 2 Chipcounts and seating:
BCM 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250,000€ GTD for 170€ in April!
Tana delle Tigri will bring 400,000€ GTD in April!
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