11 hours of battles ended Day 2 of record breaking Banco Casino Masters and out of 210 players we got fifteen names that will play for trophy and 56,300€ in tommorow´s Final Day. Chipleader is Christos Vettas, who hoarded stack 11,655,000. Final Day will continue at 14:00. We are looking forward to see you !
Final Day chipcounts:
Day 2 eliminations:
16. Kovacs Nikolaus - 2 005 €
18. Asher Lazar - 1 620 €
19. Nguyen Huu Nghi - 1 620 €
20. Bader Oron - 1 620 €
21. Kimhi Doron - 1 620 €
22. Santema Tim Nicolai Pier - 1 620 €
23. Sirotnak Vladimir - 1 620 €
24. SEGEV ASHER - 1 395 €
25. Goldstein Avraham - 1 395 €
26. Julian kuhnel - 1 395 €
27. Oconnor David Patrick - 1 395 €
28. Baradziej Adam Sylwester 1 395 €
29. Culum Filip - 1 395 €
30. Cajka Jozef - 1 395 €
31. Vovk Pavel - 1 395 €
32. geischlager alexander - 1 195 €
33. IVANCICH MARKUS - 1 195 €
34. Borislav Krasimirov - 1 195 €
35. Urosevic Boris - 1 195 €
36. TASKOS CHRISTOS - 1 195 €
37. Safrany David - 1 195 €
38. Redl Harald - 1 195 €
39. 40. Oikonomou Nikolaos - 1 195 €
40. SCHNIERER MATUS - 1 025 €
41. Ben Simon Prosper - 1 025 €
42. Strau Ernst - 1 025 €
43. Brodeski Eldar Menashe - 1 025 €
44. IGAZ MICHAL - 1 025 €
45. Radmilovic Dorde - 1 025 €
47. Hoebe Jazzie Boy Luca - 1 025 €
48. Majoros Matej - 875 €
49. Ben David Mishel Meir - 875 €
50. Szetei Pavol - 875 €
51. Bartos Martin - 875 €
52. Spaseski Tomche - 875 €
53. Volker Karsten - 875 €
54. Enzendorfer Andreas - 875 €
55. Wujcikowski Jakub Tadeusz - 875 €
56. Desset Andrej - 755 €
57. Samuk Sivan Yael - 755 €
58. Stern Jozef - 755 €
59. Mate Janos Tamas - 755 €
60. Weninger Ewald Herbert - 755 €
61. BAKACS JANOS - 755 €
62. Rusu Marius - 755 €
63. Oz Tal - 755 €
64. Candelari Francesco - 665 €
65. Gjorgjievski Igor - 665 €
66. Purac Milan - 665 €
67. IZO GABRIEL - 665 €
68. Havlicek Jiri - 665 €
69. Hefler Istvan - 665 €
70. Wasserbauer Robin - 665 €
71. Aisov Yury - 665 €
72. Piamenta Aharon - 600 €
73. Strujic Igor - 600 €
74. MIKLA LUBOS - 600 €
75. Balci Fatih - 600 €
76. Ferrandina Elia - 600 €
77. KAZLOV DAVID - 600 €
78. Becker Eliyahu Meir - 600 €
79. Manning Conor - 600 €
80. TUDOR DAVID - 550 €
81. Sedmohradsky Vladimir - 550 €
82. Koloszar Daniel - 550 €
83. Marton Igor - 550 €
84. MACEJAK MATEJ - 550 €
85. HIERZER DANIEL - 550 €
86. Zakreev Roustem - 550 €
87. Buksa Tomas - 550 €
88. RATH SIEGFRIED - 520 €
89. Martini Tomas - 520 €
91. KOLLAR STEFAN - 520 €
92. DUDAS MICHAL - 520 €
93. Miklosovic Richard - 520 €
94. Nikolic Hristina - 520 €
95. Dala Szabolcs - 520 €
96. Boris - 490 €
97. ORT MAREK - 490 €
99. Zauner Michael - 490 €
100. Dascalu Ziv - 490 €
101. Skalski MICHAL MARIAN - 490 €
102. NEDBAL ADAM - 490 €
103. SPOT LUDOVIT - 490 €
104. Walter Manfred Georg - 490 €
105. Baotic Anto - 490 €
106. Strauch Peter - 490 €
107. KRCHNAR MAREK - 490 €
108. Har Zvi Ofer Menahem - 460 €
109. AZIZ MAGED - 460 €
110. BARTALOS JOZEF - 460 €
111. Vladar Jozef - 460 €
112. KUNYI STEFAN - 460 €
113. Bakonyi Zoltan - 460 €
114. Chen Shihong - 460 €
115. Boer Ricardo - 460 €
116. Seffer Erik - 460 €
117. Falah Nis Nissim - 460 €
118. Pajic Mladen - 460 €
119. Perasovic Gaspar - 460 €
120. 7Andar - 460 €
121. GROSS IVAN - 460 €
122. Baroch El Alon - 460 €
123. Debbei Roy - 460 €
124. Vergilio De Conti Saulo - 460 €
125. Pinhasi Alon Pery - 460 €
126. Suer Mustafa Tonguc - 430 €
127. Kapeller Siegfried - 430 €
128. Druga Miroslav - 430 €
129. HANZEL DUSAN - 430 €
131. Vaczo Andras - 430 €
132. Li Nu - 430 €
133. Shubin Dmytro - 430 €
135. PITSCHMANN ADAM - 430 €
136. Ben Azar Tomer - 430 €
137. CASTVAN JAN - 430 €
138. Blaschke Manuel - 430 €
139. TURCEK JULIUS - 430 €
140. Shcheglov Demyan - 430 €
142. ELLER RICHARD - 430 €
143. PEKAR ROMAN - 430 €
144. Otvos CSABA - 430 €
145. ORMANDY OTO - 430 €
146. Freund Ohad Aharon - 430 €
147. Georg - 430 €
148. SCHIEL ERICH - 430 €
149. VLADAR RICHARD - 430 €
150. Wicke Tobias - 430 €
151. Rogov Ilya - 430 €
152. Arazi Baranikas Maya - 430 €
153. Barlow Christopher - 400 €
154. Ronshyn Maksym - 400 €
155. Jo Darryl - 400 €
156. Roslan Radoslaw Krzysztof - 400 €
157. SARKOZI PETER - 400 €
159. Prokopchuk Ihor - 400 €
160. Schuster Jasmine - 400 €
161. Elberg Idan - 400 €
162. Yogev Tzvi - 400 €
163. Lechner Martin - 400 €
164. Wolf Iury - 400 €
165. Eberle Wolfgang - 400 €
166. Cabra Assaf - 400 €
167. Almasi Attila Janos - 400 €
168. Gyuk Zsolt - 400 €
169. FLESAR MARIAN - 400 €
170. Schuster Guenther - 400 €
171. Frommel Christian - 400 €
172. Sabag Stavi - 400 €
173. Mitrovski Marjan - 400 €
174. Dembek Adrian Jozef - 400 €
175. Goffer Noam - 400 €
176. Dimitrovski Pero - 400 €
177. Treso Daniel - 400 €
178. Zbihlej Vladimir - 400 €
179. Schausberger Daniel Herwig - 400 €
181. Soffrin Uri - 370 €
182. Shamay Zion - 370 €
183. Kohnen Christoph - 370 €
184. VARGA PETER - 370 €
185. Corbijn Jordi - 370 €
186. Monfared Ali - 370 €
187. Nemlich Uri - 370 €
188. Griebler Rudolf - 370 €
189. Ben David Omer - 370 €
190. AMIR JUWAN - 370 €
191. Kovacs Zoltan Istvan - 370 €
192. Estok Laszlo - 370 €
193. Cohen Yoav Yaacov - 370 €
194. Karasz Andor Gabor - 370 €
195. Abitbul Israel - 370 €
196. Ben Attia Asaf - 370 €
197. KARMAN ANTONINO - 370 €
198. Fort Nicolae Ioan - 370 €
199. Griesbacher Elias Paul - 370 €
200. Fabian Igor - 370 €
201. PETER HAJSZAN - 370 €
202. Grinberg Guy - 370 €
203. Vilcek Roman - 370 €
204. Diniz Evgeny - 370 €
205. Paukovits Andreas - 370 €
206. Badalli Egzon - 370 €
207. Vikor Daniel - 370 €
208. Lamberg Pekka Juhani - 370 €
209. Rimon Guy - 370 €
210. Dayan Netanel Haim - 370 €
211. Asher Lazar - 170 €
212. Piamenta Aharon - 170€
3:10 Nguyen busto aaaand we done !
Nguyen jammed about 2,000,000 from sb with 9h 2h and Fabio Muhr found pocket queens. Snapcall was obvious and after runout Qh Jh 5x Tx Jx Nguyen ends in 19th place. During writing this post Asher Lazar, Antoan Katsarov and Nikolaus Kovacs busted too which means Day 2 has ended. Only 15 players will be in Final Day !
3:00 Takacs nice double up
Takacs chips in with pocket sevens against Ax Qx held by Katsarov. Board Qx 5x 9x 7x 9x meant Takacs will double up his 2,755,000. On next table Maciej Kala doubled up with Ax Kx against Ax 3x held by Husckha for around 1,400,000.
2:50 Zerzevski all in
Berbat limps from Ep, Bines completes from sb and Zerzevski on sb jams 2,565,000. Berbat thinks about it, but folds slowly. Bines passes his hand rather quickly. In meantime Bader Santema and Kimhi left the toruu
Level 29: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,666,087, ent.: 23/2,108
2:25 Segev Asher finished in nasty way
On the flop Kh Th 7h Segev got his 2,000,000 in with Ad As against Qh 8h held by Lukas Schedl. Turn Qx and river 8x didn´t bring a miracle for Asher and he is on his way to our cashdesk.
2:10 Avraham Goldstein out
Avraham got his 1,500,000 in with Ax Kx and Ngyuen called with Ax Qx. Board 6x Qx 2x Tx Xx eliminated Goldstein from tournament.
2:00 Final Table will be streamed:
Level 28: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 3,122,963, ent.: 27/2,108
Break 10 min
1:35 Pavel Vovk not going to final day too
On the turn As 6c 4h 7s Vovk jammed about 900,000 into a pot of approximately same size. Serhii with Ax 8x didn´t think too long and made the call. River 4x bricked and Vovk is eliminated too.
1:20 Jozef Čajka eliminated
Jozef got his 1,300,000 in with As Js against Miloš Zerzevski with Ad Kh. Board 6c 3x 5x 5x 9x eliminated Jozef.
1:10 Next couple of months will be loaded with poker action !
1:00 Jozef Čajka double up
On the flop kx Tx 5x Čajka got his 550,000 in with Jx Tx against Ax Qx held by Katsarov. Turn 5x and river 9x didn´t help bulgarian player to eliminate his opponent.
Level 27: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,555,152, ent.: 33/2,108
35. Urosevic Boris - 1 195 €
36. TASKOS CHRISTOS - 1 195 €
37. Safrany David - 1 195 €
38. Redl Harald - 1 195 €
39. 40. Oikonomou Nikolaos - 1 195 €
40. SCHNIERER MATUS - 1 025 €
41. Ben Simon Prosper - 1 025 €
42. Strau Ernst - 1 025 €
43. Brodeski Eldar Menashe - 1 025 €
44. IGAZ MICHAL - 1 025 €
45. Radmilovic Dorde - 1 025 €
47. Hoebe Jazzie Boy Luca - 1 025 €
48. Majoros Matej - 875 €
49. Ben David Mishel Meir - 875 €
50. Szetei Pavol - 875 €
51. Bartos Martin - 875 €
52. Spaseski Tomche - 875 €
53. Volker Karsten - 875 €
54. Enzendorfer Andreas - 875 €
00:30 Kušnýir eliminating Christos Taskos
Kušnyír jams from sb and Christos calls his about 900,000 with pocket queens. Igor held Jx 8x and after board Jx Ax Xx Xx Jx Christos is leaving tournament too.
00:15 Kubošek eliminating Urosevic
Urosevic jams his 1,100,000 with Kx Qx and Kubošek rejams a lot more with Ah Qh. Everyone else folds and after board Ax 6x 4x Jx Kx Urosevic is on the leave.
Level 26: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 2,342,222, ent.: 36/2,108
Break 15 min
23:50 Matúš Schnierer busto, Harald Redl to a short after interesting setup
Schnierer jams about 1,000,000 with pocket fives, Redl rejams 1,900,000 with pocket jacks and Samir Kuch called 1,600,000 with As Qs. Board 2x Ax Kx 3x Tx eliminates Schnierer and Harald on shortstack busts one hand later.
23:35 Igaz busto
Button limped, Igaz from sb raises and Baradziej from bb rejams for something over one million. Button folds and Igaz snapcalls his 1,000,000. with pocket kings. Baradziej shows up with pocket queens, but Qx on the turn eliminated Michal from tournament.
23:20 Peso out
Peso got his 18 bb in with pocket queens against his opponent with pocket aces. No help on board and another slovak player is out of the Masters !
23:20 Eliminations:
54. Enzendorfer Andreas - 875 €
55. Wujcikowski Jakub Tadeusz - 875 €
56. Desset Andrej - 755 €
57. Samuk Sivan Yael - 755 €
58. Stern Jozef - 755 €
59. Mate Janos Tamas - 755 €
60. Weninger Ewald Herbert - 755 €
61. BAKACS JANOS - 755 €
62. Rusu Marius - 755 €
63. Oz Tal - 755 €
64. Candelari Francesco - 665 €
65. Gjorgjievski Igor - 665 €
66. Purac Milan - 665 €
67. IZO GABRIEL - 665 €
68. Havlicek Jiri - 665 €
69. Hefler Istvan - 665 €
70. Wasserbauer Robin - 665 €
71. Aisov Yury - 665 €
72. Piamenta Aharon - 600 €
73. Strujic Igor - 600 €
74. MIKLA LUBOS - 600 €
75. Balci Fatih - 600 €
76. Ferrandina Elia - 600 €
77. KAZLOV DAVID - 600 €
78. Becker Eliyahu Meir - 600 €
79. Manning Conor - 600 €
80. TUDOR DAVID - 550 €
81. Sedmohradsky Vladimir - 550 €
82. Koloszar Daniel - 550 €
83. Marton Igor - 550 €
84. MACEJAK MATEJ - 550 €
85. HIERZER DANIEL - 550 €
86. Zakreev Roustem - 550 €
87. Buksa Tomas - 550 €
88. RATH SIEGFRIED - 520 €
89. Martini Tomas - 520 €
91. KOLLAR STEFAN - 520 €
92. DUDAS MICHAL - 520 €
93. Miklosovic Richard - 520 €
94. Nikolic Hristina - 520 €
95. Dala Szabolcs - 520 €
96. Boris - 490 €
97. ORT MAREK - 490 €
99. Zauner Michael - 490 €
100. Dascalu Ziv - 490 €
101. Skalski MICHAL MARIAN - 490 €
102. NEDBAL ADAM - 490 €
103. SPOT LUDOVIT - 490 €
104. Walter Manfred Georg - 490 €
105. Baotic Anto - 490 €
106. Strauch Peter - 490 €
107. KRCHNAR MAREK - 490 €
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,756,667, ent.: 48/2,108
23:00 Santema with small win
On the turn 3c 8c Ts 6d there was about 400,000 in the pot and Santema decided to bet 200,000. Muhr folds quietly.
22:45 Gunter Jakwerth solves a hand with single bet
On the flop Tx Tx 5x Jakwerth bets 175,000 into about 350,000 pot. David Safrány doesn´t hesitate and folds.
Level 24: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,505,714, ent.: 56/2,108
22:30 Mate János out
Janos got it in for remaining 300,000 with 5x 5x against pocket tens held by Segev. Board Qx Qx 2x Qx 3x didn´t bring any help and Maté is eliminated.
22:15 Christos Vettas getting early xmas present
Christos opens to 100,000 and Asher Segev calls from bb. On the flop Ax 5x 8x Christos contibets for 100,000 and Segev calls again. Turn 4h brought a barell of 250,000 and Segev calls again. On the river Kc Christos bets 500,000 and Segev snapcalls. Vettas shows Ax 5x and his opponent mucks quickly.
22:00 Jakub Wujcikowski double up
Senedin Ostrakovic opens to 85,000 and Wujcikowski jams for about 1,000,000. Senedin was thinking about it but decided to give up on his hand.
21:50 Unlucky split
Ewald Weninger jammed from sb with Jx 3x and Andreas Enzendorfer called his about 8bb with Jx Tx. Board Ax 5x 9x Kx 5x decided these two will have to split the pot.
Level 23: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,155,068, ent.: 73/2,108
Break 20 min
21:20 Marius Rusu double up
Marius opens to 275,000 and Jiří Havlíček behind him calls. On the flop Ax Qx Qx Marius was facing all in for last 5,000 he had behind, carefully checked clock and went to a tank mode for couple of minutes. In the end called with Ax Jx and Havlíček held pocket eights. Turn 3x and river Tx held for Marius.
21:00 Split pot
Schedl got it in against Radmilovic. They both tabled Ax Kx and board Jx 4x Qx Ax 2x didn´t brought flush to anyone.
Level 22: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 947,418, ent.: 89/2,108
20:40 Fatih Balci rejams
Schnierer opens to 55,000, Janos Maté calls and Balci in bb rejams 380,000. Both opponents folded.
20:20 Peso with a nice call
On the river 8d 3h 5h Kh 6c there was 275,000 in the middle and Tomáš Martini bets 125,000. Peso took a minute and decided to call with his Qx 8x. Martini held Qs 2s and lost the pot.
20:15 Another batch of eliminations:
108. Har Zvi Ofer Menahem - 460 €
109. AZIZ MAGED - 460 €
110. BARTALOS JOZEF - 460 €
111. Vladar Jozef - 460 €
112. KUNYI STEFAN - 460 €
113. Bakonyi Zoltan - 460 €
114. Chen Shihong - 460 €
115. Boer Ricardo - 460 €
116. Seffer Erik - 460 €
117. Falah Nis Nissim - 460 €
118. Pajic Mladen - 460 €
119. Perasovic Gaspar - 460 €
120. 7Andar - 460 €
121. GROSS IVAN - 460 €
122. Baroch El Alon - 460 €
123. Debbei Roy - 460 €
124. Vergilio De Conti Saulo - 460 €
125. Pinhasi Alon Pery - 460 €
126. Suer Mustafa Tonguc - 430 €
127. Kapeller Siegfried - 430 €
128. Druga Miroslav - 430 €
129. HANZEL DUSAN - 430 €
131. Vaczo Andras - 430 €
132. Li Nu - 430 €
133. Shubin Dmytro - 430 €
135. PITSCHMANN ADAM - 430 €
136. Ben Azar Tomer - 430 €
137. CASTVAN JAN - 430 €
138. Blaschke Manuel - 430 €
139. TURCEK JULIUS - 430 €
140. Shcheglov Demyan - 430 €
142. ELLER RICHARD - 430 €
143. PEKAR ROMAN - 430 €
144. Otvos CSABA - 430 €
145. ORMANDY OTO - 430 €
146. Freund Ohad Aharon - 430 €
147. Georg - 430 €
148. SCHIEL ERICH - 430 €
149. VLADAR RICHARD - 430 €
150. Wicke Tobias - 430 €
151. Rogov Ilya - 430 €
152. Arazi Baranikas Maya - 430 €
20:08 Igor Strujic crashes
On the flop ks Qs Td there was about 700,000 in the pot and Igor shoves for 500,000 effective stack. Dan Bines took long time to think and decided to call with As Ah. Igor tables Js Jx and after turn 3x and river 2x he loose more than half of his stack.
Level 21: 10,000 – 25,000 / 25,000, ent.: 788,037, ent.: 107/2,108
19:45 Koloszar going up
On the flop Td 2h 3s there was about 250,000 in the pot and both Koloszar and Kimhi checks. Turn Jh brought same action and on the river 8s Koloszar bets 75,000. Kimhi calls but can´t beat Kx 8x held by Daniel.
19:25 Saulo De Conti eliminated
Saulo opens to 40,000, player behind him calls and Serhii Berbat 3-bets to 100,000. Saulo jams for 500,000, player between them folds and Berbat snapcalls with pocket kings. Paulo need some help with his Ax Kx but after runout 2x 8x 2x 8x Tx is eliminated.
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD in Banco Casino Bratislava :
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 663,937, ent.: 127/ 2,108
Break 30 min
18:35 First batch of eliminations:
153. Barlow Christopher - 400 €
154. Ronshyn Maksym - 400 €
155. Jo Darryl - 400 €
156. Roslan Radoslaw Krzysztof - 400 €
157. SARKOZI PETER - 400 €
159. Prokopchuk Ihor - 400 €
160. Schuster Jasmine - 400 €
161. Elberg Idan - 400 €
162. Yogev Tzvi - 400 €
163. Lechner Martin - 400 €
164. Wolf Iury - 400 €
165. Eberle Wolfgang - 400 €
166. Cabra Assaf - 400 €
167. Almasi Attila Janos - 400 €
168. Gyuk Zsolt - 400 €
169. FLESAR MARIAN - 400 €
170. Schuster Guenther - 400 €
171. Frommel Christian - 400 €
172. Sabag Stavi - 400 €
173. Mitrovski Marjan - 400 €
174. Dembek Adrian Jozef - 400 €
175. Goffer Noam - 400 €
176. Dimitrovski Pero - 400 €
177. Treso Daniel - 400 €
178. Zbihlej Vladimir - 400 €
179. Schausberger Daniel Herwig - 400 €
181. Soffrin Uri - 370 €
182. Shamay Zion - 370 €
183. Kohnen Christoph - 370 €
184. VARGA PETER - 370 €
185. Corbijn Jordi - 370 €
186. Monfared Ali - 370 €
187. Nemlich Uri - 370 €
188. Griebler Rudolf - 370 €
189. Ben David Omer - 370 €
190. AMIR JUWAN - 370 €
191. Kovacs Zoltan Istvan - 370 €
192. Estok Laszlo - 370 €
193. Cohen Yoav Yaacov - 370 €
194. Karasz Andor Gabor - 370 €
195. Abitbul Israel - 370 €
196. Ben Attia Asaf - 370 €
197. KARMAN ANTONINO - 370 €
198. Fort Nicolae Ioan - 370 €
199. Griesbacher Elias Paul - 370 €
200. Fabian Igor - 370 €
201. PETER HAJSZAN - 370 €
202. Grinberg Guy - 370 €
203. Vilcek Roman - 370 €
204. Diniz Evgeny - 370 €
205. Paukovits Andreas - 370 €
206. Badalli Egzon - 370 €
207. Vikor Daniel - 370 €
208. Lamberg Pekka Juhani - 370 €
209. Rimon Guy - 370 €
210. Dayan Netanel Haim - 370 €
211. Asher Lazar - 170 €
212. Piamenta Aharon - 170€
18:25 Kizzik busto
Kizzik jammed about 200,000 with Ax Tx and Janos Bakacs called off with Kx 8x. Board Kx 7x Tx 3x Jx means that Kizzik is hitting the rail !
18:00 Stern up and down
Jozef Stern lost 450,000 with kings vs Ax Ax held by his opponent. Few hands later on the river Ax 6x Kx 6x 2x Anto Baotic bets 110,000 into a pot of about 300,000 and Stern raises to 300.000. Baotic calls with Ax 9x, but against Ax 6x held by Stern thats not enough.
Level 19: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 533,070, ent.: 157/2,108
17:40 Desset took one too
On the flop As 6s 2d there was 180,000 in the middle and Andrej bets 40,000. Alexandros took his time and folded.
17:25 Abrudan shoves
Geischlager opens to 30,000 and Abrudan jams for about 250,000. Geischlager was taking maybe a minute, but folded in the end. Abrudan shows him Ac Kc after the hand.
17:10 Boris thinking
On the turn Qx 6x 2x Boris bets 35,000 and Daniel Koloszar pulls out raise to 80,000. Boris thought about it for a minute and folded.
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 465,856, ent.: 181/2,108
16:55 Payouts looks following:
1. 56,300 €
2. 34,300 €
3. 22,800 €
4. 16,800 €
5. 12,800 €
6. 9,800 €
7. 6,800 €
8. 4,800 €
9. 3,610 €
10-11. 2,805 €
12-13. 2,305 €
14-16. 2,005 €
17-23. 1 620 €
24-31. 1 395 €
32-39. 1 195 €
40-47. 1 025 €
48-55. 875 €
56-63. 755 €
64-71. 665 €
72-79. 600 €
80-95. 550 €
96-107. 490 €
108-125. 460 €
126-152. 430 €
153-179. 400 €
180-210. 370 €
211-212. 170 €
2,108 entries totalled in prizepool of 304,605€. 210 players made their way to day 2 and we had two double qualifications this time too. Top 16 players will also receive a 130€ ticket to the France-Benelux Masters 150,000€ GTD and they are included in payouts.
16:35 Kubošek loosing a big one
On the flop Th 8h 5h there was more than 300,000 inside and Marjan Mitrovski jammed for 222,000. Kubošek made the call with As Qh but was way behind against Ah Ax. Turn Jd and river 2s didn´t change anything and Kubošek gave up his chiplead.
16:20 Tonguc Suer took one for beggining
On the turn Ac 3x Td 2c there was about 50,000 in the pot and Tonguc bets 26,000. His opponent calls and river 7c was just checks. Suer flips over Ax Qx and his opponent mucked his hand
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 401,524, ent.: 210/2,108
Another record breaking Banco Casino Masters reached it´s day 2!
2,108 entries totalled in prizepool of 304,605€ and we will see 210 players in today´s Day 2 ! All levels are 45 minutes long and we will play either 15 levels or until last 16 players !
Chipcounts 1A:
Chipcounts 1B:
Chipcounts 1C:
Chipcounts 1D:
Chipcounts 1E:
Chipcounts 1F:
Chipcounts 1G:
Chipcounts 1H:
Chipcounts 1I:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
France - Benelux 150,000€ GTD:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
CODE HUNTER - otvorte trezor a vyhrajte progresívny JACKPOT!
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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