After long day 2 in anniversary Banco Casino Masters we met sixteen advancing players to Final Day. Chipleader is Lajos Motel with stack 11,975,000 and at this moment has best odds to win. On other side of ladder is Andrej Desset with only 420,000 and his position will be much tougher. Final Day starts tommorow at 16:00 and since we reach official final table there will be live stream running. At 19:00 there is BCM Farewell Deepstack turbo with buy in 55€ and guarantee of 2,500. We are looking forward to see you !
Stacky a seating Final Day
Table 7:
Seat 1: Wendt Steven - 3,425,000
Seat 2: Goedry Adam - 2,150,000
Seat 3: Safrany David - 7,200,000
Seat 4: Kučera Matúš - 7,400,000
Seat 5: Ganglbauer Markus - 5,335,000
Seat 6: Gasowski Norbert - 4,610,000
Seat 7: Krchnár Marek - 2,950,000
Seat 8: Hrubý Martin - 5,240,000
Table 8:
Seat 1: Desset Andrej - 420,000
Seat 2: Thoma Adonis - 2,575,000
Seat 3: Ujvari Balasz - 6,770,000
Seat 4: Maceják Matej - 3,485,000
Seat 5: Maté Sándor - 10,300,000
Seat 6: Pezzoli Alessandro - 2,255,000
Seat 7: Motel Lajos - 11,975,000
Seat 8: Jo Darryl - 4,500,000
Day 2 eliminations:
17. Žažo Jozef - 1 770 €
18. Banyasz Miklos - 1 770 €
19. Bumba Peter - 1 770 €
20. Šeffer Erik - 1 480 €
21. Josefsson Jonas - 1 480 €
22. Fediv Mykhaylo - 1 480 €
23. Peter Gavril-Dorel - 1 480 €
24. Heithoff Dominik - 1 315 €
25. Dolinaj Ján - 1 315 €
26. Komorný Jozef - 1 315 €
27. Heger Pavel - 1 315 €
28. Reitoral Adam - 1 315 €
29. Mullur Samuel - 1 315 €
30. Abbate Luciano - 1 315 €
31. Lachata Marek - 1 315 €
32. Dobos Joszef - 1 150 €
33. Bonnefond 1 150 €
34. Wolf Marius - 1 150 €
35. Eminger Mathias - 1 150 €
36. Boyer Florian - 1 150 €
37. Remenár Igor - 1 150 €
38. Jensen Jes - 1 150 €
39. Stiller Americ - 1 150 €
40. Suchý Erik - 985 €
41. Krátky Kamil - 985 €
42. Manner Robert - 985 €
43. Nemeth Thomas - 985 €
44. Matkovic Christian - 985 €
45. Mate Janos - 985 €
46. Nova Mayan - 985 €
47. Aisov Yury - 985 €
48. Kozlowski Aleksander - 845 €
49. Tropp Filip - 845 €
50. Race Bozidar - 845 €
51. Pichler Peter Ludwig - 845 €
52. Szabo Tomas - 845 €
53. Vladetic Stefan - 845 €
54. Yanev Tihomir Dimitrov - 845 €
55. Pasquali Harald Rainer - 845 €
56. Novak Robert - 730 €
57. Dedinsky Timotej - 730 €
58. Szoke Attila - 730 €
59. Sannicola Antoniio - 730 €
60. Sinkovic Matija - 730 €
61. Zolnai Peter - 730 €
62. Roberti Roberto - 730 €
63. Zanati Zsolt - 730 €
64. Christofidis Vasileios - 640 €
65. Mravik Jozef - 640 €
66. Skalos Andrej - 640 €
67. Seligo Igor - 640 €
68. Friedrich Eric - 640 €
69. Baragli Jacopo - 640 €
70. Jusufi Amir - 640 €
71. De Rubeis Riccardo - 640 €
72. Morris Donny Michael - 580 €
73. Scherba Vitalii - 580 €
74. Pekar Roman - 580 €
75. Ziegerhofer Franz - 580 €
76. Doluk Daniel Christopher - 580 €
77. Mcbaffney Gery Henry - 580 €
78. Murzsa Norbert - 580 €
79. Vasicek Jakub - 580 €
80. Muller Alfred Ernst - 535 €
81. teniev Jusup - 535 €
82. Paulikovic Patrik - 535 €
83. Leiner Dieter - 535 €
84. Bachmayer Oliver - 535 €
85. Urdal Torill Berg - 535 €
86. Voglmayr Philipp - 535 €
87. Stanak Michal - 535 €
88. Pieta Tomasz Grzegorz - 500 €
89. Roeder Andreas - 500 €
90. Hussain Khalel - 500 €
91. Ivancich Markus - 500 €
92. Messalas Alexios - 500 €
93. Krajnyak Peter - 500 €
94. Jesko Peter - 500 €
95. Rakovan Slavomír - 500 €
96. Chalupka Pavel - 470 €
97. Belaj Jan - 470 €
98. Kazlov David - 470 €
99. Blasko Nandor - 470 €
100. Paukouvits Andreas - 470 €
101. Deak Laszlo Tibor - 470 €
102. Varga Tomas - 470 €
103. Waiss Manuel - 470 €
104. Zerak Marko - 470 €
105. Bele Cristian Florin - 470 €
106. Bartak Matej - 470 €
107. Sloboda Robert - 470 €
108. Nemeth Milos - 440 €
109. Suer Mustafa Tonguc - 440 €
110. Petersen Lars Bolding - 440 €
111. Park Hyunsil - 440 €
112. Strauss Florian - 440 €
113. Balaz Lubomir - 440 €
114. Bobak Jan - 440 €
115. Hrnčár Michal - 440 €
116. Kubelka Johann - 440 €
117. Glausch Stephan - 440 €
118. Picek Juray - 440 €
119. Sandor Levente - 440 €
120. Kristensen Billy Gade - 440 €
121. Sazonou Oleh - 440 €
122. Kotowicz Sebastia Andrzej - 440 €
123. Zemanek Marian - 440 €
124. Knezevic Mario - 440 €
125. Sajdak Pavol - 440 €
126. Kocian Andrej - 410 €
127. Mortensen Johnny Monthey - 410 €
128. Boron Stanislav - 410 €
129. Kral Roman - 410 €
130. Boigner Lukas - 410 €
131. Strali Johann - 410 €
132. Szucs Attila - 410 €
133. Bajmoczi Milan - 410 €
134. Patane Angelo - 410 €
135. Walter Manfred Georg - 410 €
136. Max Wind - 410 €
137. Mayer Enrico - 410 €
138. Lazar Marius Dumitru - 410 €
139. Kovács Borbely Krisztian - 410 €
140. Ondrus Branislav - 410 €
141. Baranyi Vince József - 410 €
142. Kalezic Slobodan - 410 €
143. Pavelka Lubomir - 410 €
144. Zacharakis Nikolaos - 410 €
145. Kajan Tomáš - 410 €
146. Wolech Rene - 410 €
147. Lengyel Adam - 410 €
148. Kovaciny Juraj - 410 €
149. Toth Arpad - 410 €
150. Yankov Yauor - 410 €
151. Dhilipot Sammantha - 410 €
152. Frese Aaron Marshall - 410 €
153. Zacharakis Emmanoull - 385 €
154. Vojtek Tomáš - 385 €
155. Pinchas Grigorij - 385 €
156. Litera Petr - 385 €
157. Suik Erich - 385 €
158. Haralik David - 385 €
159. Escalante Marc Anthony - 385 €
160. Vrablec Dušan - 385 €
161. Sotriou Nicos - 385 €
162. Lisei Karoly - 385 €
163. Katsi Kas Dimitrios - 385 €
164. Szantai Andras - 385 €
165. Strau Ernst - 385 €
166. Li Nu - 385 €
167. Baotic Anto - 385 €
168. Damkyjaer Tage Thormond - 385 €
169. Karman Antonino - 385 €
170. Tapia Jonny - 385 €
171. Tarko Attila - 385 €
172. Kunik Patrik - 385 €
173. Zolnaiova Maria - 385 €
174. Stangel Marian - 385 €
175. Turan Viliam - 385 €
176. Dudas Michal - 385 €
177. Bosko Jakub - 385 €
178. Spacek David - 385 €
179. Mikus Roman - 385 €
180. Zubaj Ladislav - 360 €
181. Nathaniel Martin - 360 €
182. Illes Csabs - 360 €
183. Syrový Roman - 360 €
184. Seremet Mateo - 360 €
185. Kolos Peter - 360 €
186. Flesar Marian - 360 €
187. Zakarias Tamas Andras - 360 €
188. Gotthardsen Sigurd Peter - 360 €
189. Duhr Robert - 360 €
190. Khatskevich Maryna - 360 €
191. Nagyné Farkas Rita Rozália - 360 €
192. Grevy Ruben Arenkiel - 360 €
193. Bartиschk - 360 €
194. Jovanovic Danjel - 360 €
195. Iиo Jian - 360 €
196. Rodleithner Stafan - 360 €
197. Ambrúž Attila - 360 €
198. Lender Pavol - 360 €
3:00 Bubbleboy is Jozef Žažo
Jozef shoved 1,770,000 with Kx Qx and Sándor Maté found Ax 7x. After his call we saw board 5x 4x 2x Ax 6x and day 2 came to an end.
Level 29: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 4,731,765, ent.: 17/2,011
2:40 Miklos Banyasz done at 18th place
Miklos shoves for last 4,5bb with Qx 9x and one of his opponents found Ax 5x. After runout Kx Tx 3x Tx Kx it was an end for this hungarian player.
19. Bumba Peter - 1 770 €
20. Šeffer Erik - 1 480 €
21. Josefsson Jonas - 1 480 €
22. Fediv Mykhaylo - 1 480 €
23. Peter Gavril-Dorel - 1 480 €
24. Heithoff Dominik - 1 315 €
2:35 Žažo double up
Jozef openshoves for 1,410,000 with Qc 6c and Steven in bb found Ax Qx. Call didn´t take too long and runout Qx 4x 6x 8x 2x helped Jozef Žažo.
2:20 Hrubý shoves
Kučera opens in Ep to 250,000 and Hrubý few seats later shoves for a bit over 4,000,000. Kučera tanked and folded his hand. On next table Peter Bumba busted
2:10 Bumba loosing
On the river Kx 8x 6x 4x 5x there was bit over one million and Lajos Motel bets 735,000. After some time Bumba proceed with a call and instantly mucks his hand when Motel shows 6x 5x for two pair.
Level 28: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 4,468,889, ent.: 19/2,011
Break 10 min
1:40 I´m tired and i want to go home
That´s what Jozef Žažo told me, when he jammed on the river 2d 6c 6s Tc 2h for 2,100,000 and there was about 1,800,000 inside. Steven Wendt thought for almost ten minutes when Jozef´s patience ran out and called for a clock. Steven couldn´t decide untill time went down so floorman had to help him. Steven shows Tx and Žažo with laughs show Ad 7d. On other table we lost Erik Šeffer.
1:20 Krchnár tanking for a bit
Marek opens to 220,000 and Miklos Banyasz jammed from blinds about 1,600,000. Marek thought about situation for about two minutes and folded his hand unhappily.
Level 27: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,022,000, ent.: 20/2,011
1:00 Jonas Josefsson out
Jonas sa dostal do preflop all inu s Ax 4x proti Norbertovi Gasowskemu, ktorý držal desiatky, efektívne za niečo menej ako 2,200,000. Po boarde 3x 6x 6x Kx 9x Gasowski doublí a Josefsson padá na úplný short ktorý prehráva o dve hry neskôr.
Tommorow final table will be streamed !
00:40 Strong action
Safrány opens to 175,000, Žažo calls and Banyasz 3-bets to 525,000. Both opponents calls and we saw flop of 2h 4h 8d where Banyasz bets 850,000. Safrány shoves for about 2,000,000 Žažo folds and Banyasz with aces calls. Safrány tables aces aswell and after blank turn and river they had to split this pot. On next tables in quick order we heard two seat opens, one belonged to Dominik Heithoff and second one to Peter Gavril-Dorel.
Level 26: 40,000 - 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 3,217,600, ent.: 25/2,011, PKO ent.: 21/174
Break 15 min
23:55 One for Maceják
Matej opens to 150,000 and Hrubý defends his bb. On the flop Jh 6d Ts Maceják c-bets 150,000 and Hrubý folds.
23:40 Krchnár adding to his stack
On the flop Tx 8x 4x there was something above 400,000 in the pot and Ujvari bets careful 130,00. Krchnár raises to 475,000 and his opponent folded after a minute.
23:30 Another bunch of seat opens :
31. Lachata Marek - 1 315 €
32. Dobos Joszef - 1 150 €
33. Bonnefond 1 150 €
34. Wolf Marius - 1 150 €
35. Eminger Mathias - 1 150 €
36. Boyer Florian - 1 150 €
37. Remenár Igor - 1 150 €
38. Jensen Jes - 1 150 €
39. Stiller Americ - 1 150 €
40. Suchý Erik - 985 €
41. Krátky Kamil - 985 €
42. Manner Robert - 985 €
43. Nemeth Thomas - 985 €
44. Matkovic Christian - 985 €
45. Mate Janos - 985 €
46. Nova Mayan - 985 €
47. Aisov Yury - 985 €
48. Kozlowski Aleksander - 845 €
49. Tropp Filip - 845 €
50. Race Bozidar - 845 €
Level 25: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2,681,333, ent.: 30/2,011, PKO ent.: 38/174
23:20 Eric Bonneford done after a flip
Eric got into preflop all in with pocket tens against Ax Qx held by Dolinaj. Board contained an ace and Bonneford is on his way to our cashdesk.
23:05 Žažo takes one down
Desset opens to 120,000, Safrány 3-bets to 350,000 and Žažo flats from sb. Andrej tanked a little and passes his hand back to dealer. Flop 8d 5c 6s brings donk-bet from Žažo for 350,000 and Safrány folds face up Ax Kx. Žažo shows Ax Qx.
22:50 Peter Gavril-Dorel takes smaller one
Lachata opens button to 120,000 and Dorel defends from bb. FLop Qc Th 4h was checked quickly and turn Kh brings bet of 100,000 from Dorel. Lachata folds quickly.
Level 24: 25,000 - 50,000 / 50,000,avg. 1,870,697, ent.: 44/2,011, PKO ent.: 48/172
Tommorow final table will be streamed !
22:30 Lights out
50. Race Bozidar - 845 €
51. Pichler Peter Ludwig - 845 €
52. Szabo Tomas - 845 €
53. Vladetic Stefan - 845 €
54. Yanev Tihomir Dimitrov - 845 €
55. Pasquali Harald Rainer - 845 €
56. Novak Robert - 730 €
57. Dedinsky Timotej - 730 €
58. Szoke Attila - 730 €
59. Sannicola Antoniio - 730 €
60. Sinkovic Matija - 730 €
61. Zolnai Peter - 730 €
62. Roberti Roberto - 730 €
63. Zanati Zsolt - 730 €
64. Christofidis Vasileios - 640 €
65. Mravik Jozef - 640 €
66. Skalos Andrej - 640 €
67. Seligo Igor - 640 €
68. Friedrich Eric - 640 €
69. Baragli Jacopo - 640 €
70. Jusufi Amir - 640 €
71. De Rubeis Riccardo - 640 €
72. Morris Donny Michael - 580 €
22:20 Božidar Race busto
Ujvari opens to 90,000 out of Ep and Race rejams his 600,000 with pocket sevens. Ujvari calls with Ax Jx after long tank and board 2x 5x 8x Jx Ax ended adventure of Božidar in this Masters.
22:00 Dolinaj is good enough with c-bet only
Dolinaj opens to 80,000 and Žažo calls. Flop Kx Kx Jx brought c-bet of 80,000 from Dolinaj and Žažo folded his hand quickly.
Level 23: 20,000 - 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,517,736, ent.: 53/2,011, PKO ent.: 79/164
Break 15 min
21:25 Remenár ships
Igor announced all in 585,000. Tropp in bigblind tanked for a bit but folded. Igor took at least blinds and ante.
21:15 Attila Szoke done
Attila jams for 425,000 from Ep with Ah 6h and Krchnár from sb rejams with Ax Qx. Runout 9x Qx Kx 4x Kx sends Attila out from Masters.
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
21:00 Bustouts
73. Scherba Vitalii - 580 €
74. Pekar Roman - 580 €
75. Ziegerhofer Franz - 580 €
76. Doluk Daniel Christopher - 580 €
77. Mcbaffney Gery Henry - 580 €
78. Murzsa Norbert - 580 €
79. Vasicek Jakub - 580 €
80. Muller Alfred Ernst - 535 €
81. teniev Jusup - 535 €
82. Paulikovic Patrik - 535 €
83. Leiner Dieter - 535 €
84. Bachmayer Oliver - 535 €
85. Urdal Torill Berg - 535 €
86. Voglmayr Philipp - 535 €
87. Stanak Michal - 535 €
88. Pieta Tomasz Grzegorz - 500 €
89. Roeder Andreas - 500 €
90. Hussain Khalel - 500 €
91. Ivancich Markus - 500 €
92. Messalas Alexios - 500 €
93. Krajnyak Peter - 500 €
94. Jesko Peter - 500 €
95. Rakovan Slavomír - 500 €
96. Chalupka Pavel - 470 €
97. Belaj Jan - 470 €
98. Kazlov David - 470 €
99. Blasko Nandor - 470 €
100. Paukouvits Andreas - 470 €
101. Deak Laszlo Tibor - 470 €
102. Varga Tomas - 470 €
103. Waiss Manuel - 470 €
104. Zerak Marko - 470 €
105. Bele Cristian Florin - 470 €
106. Bartak Matej - 470 €
107. Sloboda Robert - 470 €
108. Nemeth Milos - 440 €
109. Suer Mustafa Tonguc - 440 €
110. Petersen Lars Bolding - 440 €
111. Park Hyunsil - 440 €
112. Strauss Florian - 440 €
113. Balaz Lubomir - 440 €
114. Bobak Jan - 440 €
115. Hrnčár Michal - 440 €
116. Kubelka Johann - 440 €
117. Glausch Stephan - 440 €
118. Picek Juray - 440 €
119. Sandor Levente - 440 €
120. Kristensen Billy Gade - 440 €
121. Sazonou Oleh - 440 €
122. Kotowicz Sebastia Andrzej - 440 €
Level 22: 15,000 - 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,218,788, ent.: 66/2,011, PKO ent.: 85/128
20:45 Riccardo De Rubeis busto
Opponent on Ep opens to 2bb and Ricardo is defending from bb. On the flop Kx Tx Jx is Riccardo facing c-bet of 100,000 that he easily pays. Turn Xx bring all in, effectively 300,000 and Riccardo with Qx Jx pays. Against Kx Jx he need little bit of help but river is blank and Riccardo had to leave his seat.
20:30 3-way all in
Tropp got into preflop all in with As Kh against Goedry with 7c 7s and Stiller held Ts Th. Board Qc 4c Ah 6c 3c tripled Goedry, Tropp doubled up remaining 250,000 from Stiller.
20:15 Zsolt Zanati double up
Jusufi opens from Ep to 50,000 and Zsolt jams for his 325,000 with As Qs. Blinds folded and Amir calls with Kx Qx and after board Jx 3x 5x 5x 2x Zanati doubles up.
Level 21: 10,000 - 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 993,086, ent.: 80/2,011, PKO ent.: 81/100
19:50 Riccardo De Rubeis double up
Riccardo jammed for his 285,000 with pocket jacks, Reitoral rejamed good chunk over 2,500,000 with pocket queens and Krchnár as short on bb tanked a bit. Krchnár decided to fold and runout 6x 6x 7x Jx 7x brings Riccardo valuable and of course lucky double up.
19:30 Ješko takes a fair bit from Belaj
Ješko opens to 45,000 and Belaj stood in his way from button. Flop Ks 2s 3h brought c-bet of 55,000 from Ješko and Belaj paid. On the turn 6s both swiftly checks and river 9d brings a bomb of 250,000. Belaj snapcalls with Kx Qx but wasn´t even close compentition against 9s 7s held by Ješko.
Level 20: 10,000 - 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 758,868, ent.: 106/2,011
Break 45 min
18:35 More eliminations:
123. Zemanek Marian - 440 €
124. Knezevic Mario - 440 €
125. Sajdak Pavol - 440 €
126. Kocian Andrej - 410 €
127. Mortensen Johnny Monthey - 410 €
128. Boron Stanislav - 410 €
129. Kral Roman - 410 €
130. Boigner Lukas - 410 €
131. Strali Johann - 410 €
132. Szucs Attila - 410 €
133. Bajmoczi Milan - 410 €
134. Patane Angelo - 410 €
135. Walter Manfred Georg - 410 €
136. Max Wind - 410 €
137. Mayer Enrico - 410 €
138. Lazar Marius Dumitru - 410 €
139. Kovács Borbely Krisztian - 410 €
140. Ondrus Branislav - 410 €
141. Baranyi Vince József - 410 €
142. Kalezic Slobodan - 410 €
143. Pavelka Lubomir - 410 €
144. Zacharakis Nikolaos - 410 €
18:30 Santa loosing
Santa shoves for 193,000 effective stack with Ax 8x and Jakub Vasíček on bb wakes up with Ax Kx. Call was imminent and after runout Jx 7x 3x 8x Kx Jakub doubles up and Santa have something over 400,000 left.
18:15 Robert Manner tanking
On the river 7x 4xx Kx 4x 4x there was about 300,000 in the pot and Jes Jensen bets 150,000. After about three minutes Manner sadly folds.
18:00 First batch of eliminations :
145. Kajan Tomáš - 410 €
146. Wolech Rene - 410 €
147. Lengyel Adam - 410 €
148. Kovaciny Juraj - 410 €
149. Toth Arpad - 410 €
150. Yankov Yauor - 410 €
151. Dhilipot Sammantha - 410 €
152. Frese Aaron Marshall - 410 €
153. Zacharakis Emmanoull - 385 €
154. Vojtek Tomáš - 385 €
155. Pinchas Grigorij - 385 €
156. Litera Petr - 385 €
157. Suik Erich - 385 €
158. Haralik David - 385 €
159. Escalante Marc Anthony - 385 €
160. Vrablec Dušan - 385 €
161. Sotriou Nicos - 385 €
162. Lisei Karoly - 385 €
163. Katsi Kas Dimitrios - 385 €
164. Szantai Andras - 385 €
165. Strau Ernst - 385 €
166. Li Nu - 385 €
167. Baotic Anto - 385 €
168. Damkyjaer Tage Thormond - 385 €
169. Karman Antonino - 385 €
170. Tapia Jonny - 385 €
171. Tarko Attila - 385 €
172. Kunik Patrik - 385 €
173. Zolnaiova Maria - 385 €
174. Stangel Marian - 385 €
175. Turan Viliam - 385 €
176. Dudas Michal - 385 €
177. Bosko Jakub - 385 €
178. Spacek David - 385 €
179. Mikus Roman - 385 €
180. Zubaj Ladislav - 360 €
181. Nathaniel Martin - 360 €
182. Illes Csabs - 360 €
183. Syrový Roman - 360 €
184. Seremet Mateo - 360 €
185. Kolos Peter - 360 €
186. Flesar Marian - 360 €
187. Zakarias Tamas Andras - 360 €
188. Gotthardsen Sigurd Peter - 360 €
189. Duhr Robert - 360 €
190. Khatskevich Maryna - 360 €
191. Nagyné Farkas Rita Rozália - 360 €
192. Grevy Ruben Arenkiel - 360 €
193. Bartиschk - 360 €
194. Jovanovic Danjel - 360 €
195. Iиo Jian - 360 €
196. Rodleithner Stafan - 360 €
197. Ambrúž Attila - 360 €
198. Lender Pavol - 360 €
Level 19: 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 623,566, ent.: 129/2,011
17:50 Max Wind busted after long game
Hand took well over ten minutes, when on the turn Jc 4c 7s 5c there was something above 500,000 in the pot. Max and Samuel Mullur checked very slowly. On the river Kd Samuel jammed for his 644,000 and Max needed long time to think. He decided for a call with Ac Jh, but couldn´t beat set of fours. After counting stacks Max had little bit less than Samuel and had to leave his seat.
17:30 Payout 30th Banco Casino Masters
1. 54 985 €
2. 33 135 €
3. 21 795 €
4. 16 075 €
5. 12 265 €
6 9 085 €
7. 6 545 €
8. 4 635 €
9. 3 420 €
10-12. 2 795 €
13-15. 2 330 €
16. 1 940 €
17-19. 1 770 €
20-23. 1 480 €
24-31. 1 315 €
32-39. 1 150 €
40-47. 985 €
48-55. 845 €
56-63. 730 €
64-71. 640 €
72-79. 580 €
80-87. 535 €
88-95. 500 €
96-107. 470 €
108-125. 440 €
126-152. 410 €
153-179. 385 €
180-198. 360 €
There was 2,011 entries in tournament and prizepool is massive 341,780€. After ten percent fee and five percent staff players will distribute 290,590€. First sixteen player will get to their payout 170€ ticket for next Banco Casino Masters and 170€ buy in back was given to every player advancing from their day 1s.
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 499,627, ent.: 161/2,011
16:50 Hard spot for Marko Zerak
Marko opens to 21,000 and Angelo Patane out of sb raises to 400,000. Marko was facing all in and after long tank folded face up pocket nines.
16:25 Pinchas loosing some for start
On the river 9x 4x 4xx Jx 5x Grigorij bets 100,000 into about 200,000 pot. His opponent raises to 300,000 and Pinchas instantly folds his hand.
16:10 We are starting
Players and their stacks are on their seats, let´s go !
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 406,263, ent.: 198/2,011
15:55 Players are taking up their seats
We will start in short while !
Today we play until last sixteen !
Or fifteen levels. All levels today will last 45 minutes.
It´s record !
After closing registration to flight 1J - hyperturbo there is 2,011 entries and previous record in for of 1,831 entries from april´s Masters was overrun. Prizepool is 341,870€ and in day 2 we will see 198 players ! Very nice birthday for Masters indeed !
Chipcounts 1A:
Chipcounts 1B:
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Chipcounts 1J :
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Master 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
CODE HUNTER - otvorte trezor a vyhrajte progresívny JACKPOT!
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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