Flight 1G produced a total of 278 entries, and 28 players have advanced to tomorrow's Day 2.
The chip leader is Amil Gibet, who has accumulated a stack of 1,114,000.
Flight 1H attracted a total of 263 entries, and late registration is open until midnight.
Flight 1I - Turbo started at ten o'clock, and at the moment, 27 players are battling for advancement. Late registration is open until 1:40.
The last chance to advance is the morning hyper turbo flight 1J, which begins at 10:00, and registration will be possible until 12:35.
At this moment, the overlay is more than €65,000, so it's definitely worth competing for free money from the casino.
We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1C:
22:40 It took a while, but today's bubble boy is Walter Lederhilger
Walter went all in for 58,000 with Ax Qx, and Thomas Havlik called from the big blind with Kx Qx. After the runout of Tx Ax 4x Tx Jx, Walter loses with the better hand and leaves with the title of the bubble boy and a suckout.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 383,448, ent.: 20/278, 1H ent.: 125/249
21:40 Hand-for-hand play
Ilona Jonas opened to 20,000, and Baldauskas called from the big blind. On the flop Ah 3d 6h, Ilona bet 30,000, and Baldauskas folded immediately. On the adjacent table, Michael Stephens was eliminated, and we are now starting hand-for-hand play.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 336,970, ent.: 33/278, 1H ent.: 134/235
Break 15 min
21:10 Lehar Linno eliminated
From the small blind, Jaskulski went all in with approximately 120,000, and sitting in the big blind, Linno immediately called with his approximately 100,000 stack with Ax Kx. Jaskulski turned over Ax 5x, and after the board showed 5x 9x 3x Jx Jx, Linno was eliminated with a bad beat.
21:00 3-bet
Baldaukas opened to 18,000, and Mehring 3-bet him to 50,000. No one else joined in, and after a short moment, Baldaukas folded his cards.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 308,889, ent.: 36/278, 1H ent.: 141/221
20:40 Siegfried Rath wins
On the turn 5d 9s 3s Kd, there was 30,000 in the pot, and Michal WItala bet 20,000. Rath called, and on the river Js, Rath led out with a bet of 40,000. Witala called, and Rath turned over a rivered flush in the form of As Ts.
20:20 Erik Šeffer unsuccessful
On the flop 7s 6h 9d, there was approximately 50,000 in the pot, and Petr Hruška bet 60,000. Šeffer decided to raise, and after a while, Hruška called. On the turn Kc, Šeffer continued for 150,000, and again they took their time. On the river Jd, Erik checked, and Hruška thought for a moment but couldn't come up with anything and also checked. Šeffer showed Ax 3x, and Hruška took the pot with aces.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 231,667, ent.: 48/278, ent.: 142/195
20:00 David Safrany all in
On the flop 6x 4x 8x, Safrany bet 15,000, and Laszlo Nagy called. On the turn Kd, Safrany declared all in for 89,000. Nagy immediately folded.
19:45 Jan Mehring wins at showdown
On the flop Ks 7s 5c, Ilona Jonas bet 25,000 into a pot of about 30,000. Mehring called. On the turn 6s, the same action repeated, and on the river 2h, it checked down. Mehring showed Kx Tx, which was more than enough to beat Ax Tx opponents.
Level 14: 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 182,295, ent.: 61/278, 1H ent.: 132/162
19:35 Peso ends
Peter Bumba opened to 8,000, Petr Hruška called, and Peso, from the blinds, pushed 32,000 into the pot with Ax Kx. Bumba folded, and Hruška called with Qx Jx. However, on the board of 2x 2x 7x Tx Qx, Peso couldn't secure the double-up.
19:20 An easy pot for Desseta
Andrej opened to 10,000, and Dor Bendler called from the big blind. On the flop 8h 8s Kd, Andrej bet 6,000, and his opponent folded immediately.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4?000, avg. 144,415, ent:: 77/278, 1H ent.: 111/141
Break 15 min
18:50 Split pot
On the river with Kx Jx 7x Tx 8x on the board and approximately 50,000 in the pot, Michael bet 40,000. Peter went all-in for around 120,000, and his opponent made a snap call. However, both of them turned over Ax Qx, resulting in a split pot.
18:40 Turn raise
On the turn with Jx Jx 9x Qx on the board and around 30,000 in the pot, one of the Macedonian players bet 15,000. His compatriot then raised to 45,000. After a considerable pause, we saw an irritated fold.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 126,512, ent:: 86/272, 1H ent.: 106/122
18:15 Flop bet
On the flop Js 6h 3c, the pot was 14,000, and Jarmolovicius bet 4,000. Singh folded shortly thereafter.
18:00 Rišo Kováč double up
On the flop 6c 4c 2x, the pot was approximately 50,000, and Kováč got all-in with around 130,000 after a series of raises and re-raises. Rišo held Ac Qc, and his opponent had 6x 6x. After the turn Kx and river 5c, Rišo completed his flush and scored a hefty double up.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 107,071, ent.: 99/265, 1H ent.: 83/89
17:40 Csaba Molnar double up
Kechagias opened from EP with 4,000, Franz called, and Csaba 3-bet to 10,000. Kechagias folded, and Franz called. On the Qc Tc 7h flop, Csaba pushed the remaining 11,100 into the pot, and Franz called with Kx Jx. However, Csaba held aces, and after the 5s turn and Jh river, he secured the pot.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 88,966, ent.: 115/258, 1H ent.: 56/57
17:15 Rišo Miklošovič doubles up
Rišo goes all-in preflop with aces for about 46,000 against Weinstein's jacks. After a blank board, he doubles up like a pro.
17:00 Gabriel Otescu busts
On the flop Th 7h Jd with 22,000 in the pot, Dor Bendler bets 6,000, Otescu shoves for about 30,000, and four other players fold. Bendler with Ah Jh calmly calls, Otescu shows Qh 9h, and after the turn 4c and river 7s, he relinquishes his stack to his opponent.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 77,778, ent.: 126/245, 1H ent.: 38/38
Break 15 min
16:35 Aleinikov loses
On the river with 8h 7d 8D Tc Js and about 40,000 in the pot, Petr Hruška bets 23,000. After a very long think, Aleinikov calls, and Hruška shows 8s 7s. Aleinikov, with a painful expression on his face, mucks his cards.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,765, ent.: 136/227
15:55 Obrtlík Vs Aleinikov
On the flop with As 8s 7h and about 7,000 in the pot, both players checked. On the turn with 3d, Obrtlík bet 4,200 from the small blind, and Aleinikov called. On the river Jd, Robo continued for 5,500, and after deep thought, Aleinikov folded.
15:45 Banco Casino Masters experiences massive overlay
At this moment, there's a massive overlay of over 125,000€. Late registration for Flight 1G is open until 19:00, Flight 1H starts at 17:00, and Flight 1I Turbo begins at 22:00!
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59,301, ent.: 142/212
15:35 Róbert Baláž triumphs
On the flop with Kh Jh Js and about 7,200 in the pot, Filip Kusiewicz bet 2,500, Baláž called from his position, and Bielich folded. On the turn with 8h, Baláž bet 6,000 after his opponent checked, and the bet was quickly called. The river 5c saw both players check. Filip showed Ax Qx, which couldn't beat Baláž's Kx 2x this time.
15:20 Lampros Kotsalis out after the flop
Lampros got his 36,000 stack all-in preflop with Ax Qx against the nines held by Thomas Havlik. After the board came Kx 8x Tx Qx 9x, Lampros will need to make use of the reentry option.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,789, ent.: 147/194
15:00 Franz Ziegerhofer eliminates
On the turn with 8h 3h 6c Qh and about 5,000 in the pot, Ivasiuc bet 1,800, Franz called, and Modestas shoved all-in for the remaining 5,200. Ivasiuc folded slowly, but Franz called with his Ah 9x. Modestas held Ad Qx, and the river 4h ended the hand.
14:45 Eszter Fabian all in
On the flop with Kd 9d Qc and about 10,000 in the pot, Eszter pushed her opponent all-in for about 15,000. Vasileios folded after short while.
Slovak Series of Poker Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
In the Main Event, 12.5% of players will advance to day 2 !
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 48,227, ent:: 141/170
Break 15 min
13:50 Multiway pot
On the flop with 8x 8x 4x, there were four players in the hand with a pot of 7,500. However, there was no action, and on the turn with Th, Litera bet 2,000 from the position, Tropp called, and Gherle and Malkis folded their cards. The river 5h was checked, and Tropp revealed Tx 7x. Litera mucked his cards.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 46,299, ent.: 127/147
13:30 Peter Seidl eliminated
On the flop with 9x 6x 6x, Seidl went all-in with his remaining 27,000 holding a pair of twos, and Rimantas Ignatavicius turned over Kx Kx. With the turn 7x and river 5x, Seidl was out of the game.
13:20 Cristian Creciun wins a multiway pot
On the turn with 5c Td 2d 3c on the board and a pot of 6,000, Keiron Duncan bet 2,800. Both Assi Levi and Cristian called. On the river with Qh, Cristian bet 5,000, and both opponents folded their cards.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,857, ent.: 112/120
13:00 Srdan Martonski records a win
On the river with Th Jd 7d 9s 9d on the board and a pot of approximately 5,000, Srdan bet 3,500. After a brief thought, Viktorija called, and Srdan showed a straight with 8x 8x.
12:45 Antal Roth without a showdown
On the turn with Ax Qx 7x Kx on the board and a pot of 3,700, Antal bet 3,000. His opponent, after a short consideration, folded their cards.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 42,000, ent.: 100/105
12:25 Petr Hruška starts off with a win
On the river with 2d Jc 3c 7h 8s on the board and a pot of 4,500, Hruška bet 2,600. Tomche Spaseki took a minute to think and called. Hruška showed nines, and his opponent mucked their cards.
12:15 Right from start we can see:
Jaskulski, Kostakis, Seidl, Malinovský, Dzikowski, Tamaškovič and others.
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 57/57
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD
Slovak Series of Poker Main Event 300,000€ GTD:
Spanish Poker Festival s garanciou 600.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku!
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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