Flight 1G attracted 394 entries and 250,000€ GTD didn´t hold this time. After action on the bubble we know 38 names of advancing players to day 2. Chilpeader of flight 1G is Igor Kotán and his stack is 940,000 . Flight 1H and flight 1I are still going on and we will inform about results later. Last chance how to secure your seat is morning Hyper Turbo flight 1J that starts at 10:00 in morning and day 2 will start at 16:00. We are looking forward to see you.
22:50 We lost two players on the bubble again
On the table 41 Maciej Trochimczuk got his 234,000 behind the line with pocket kings against pocket aces held by Miklos Bottyan. Board 7x 9x 5x 7x 3x eliminated polish player and we moved to the table 42, where Ľubomír Šmida got his stack of 361,000 in with Ax Qx against Michal Rutkowski with pocket kings. Board Qx 3x 9x 3x 6x eliminated another player and only 38 players are advancing to day 2!
22:25 Balogh András double up
Balogh jammed 133,000 from position with Ax 7x and Thomas Leeb called with pocket tens. Runout Ax 2x Kx Ax 4x brought double up to Balogh.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 321,633, ent.: 49/394, 1H ent.: 205/379, 1I ent.: 25/25
22:10 Bobo V. double up
Bobo jams 194,000 with Ax 6x and his opponent found pocket sevens. Board Ax Tx 2x 5x 5x decided Bobo will stay with us bit longer.
22:00 C-bet good enough for Kenyeres
On the flop Qs 3ss 4c Kenyeres c-bets 35,000 from position and Kapeller folds quickly.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 286,545, ent.: 55/394, 1H ent.: 215/369
Break 15 min
21:10 Jannick Rasmussen out
Jannick jammed his bit less than 50,000 with Kx 6x, Kenyeres called and Philib Vabo reshoved 129,000 with pocket jacks. Kenyeres calls with Qx Tx and after board Ax 7x 3x 9x 4x Rasmussen is finished, Kenyeres is left with healthy stack and Vabo for sure got into better situation.
21:00 Turboflight startin at 22:00 !
Same conditions of advancing, but all levels will be 15 minutes long. Also one of last chances how to secure your seat in day 2 !
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 242,462, ent.: 65/394, 1H ent.: 223/334
20:50 Antonios jams
Atonions openshoves his short from Ep but nobody found hand to call with.
20:40 Akos Poor busto
Akos got his 100,000 in with Ax Jx against pocket sevens held by Laszlo Klemens. Board Ax 6x 7x 6x 8x held for pair combination this time.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 194,568, ent.: 81/394, 1H ent.: 224/302
20:20 Korodi shoving again
On the flop 6h 2h 9d Klemens c-bets 15,000 into a pot of 33,000 and Korodi rejams his 68,000. Antonios was thinking a bit but folded slowly. Klemens folded almost instantly.
20:00 Ilias jams
Kenyeres limps from Ep and few seats later Ilijas rejams his 110,000. Everyone including limper folded.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 162,474, ent.: 97/394, 1H ent.: 214/263
19:45 Gerald Mester double up
On the flop Qs 2s 4d pot was approximately 80,000 and Gerald shoves for 76,000. Jakub Wujcikowski folded but Robert Komlodi after some thinking called with Js 9s. Gerald tabled pocket eights and held after 3d and 3h finishing the board.
19:30 Sandor Korodi double up
Sandor got last 38,000 in with Ac 9c against pocket fives held by Zuberovski. Board 4x 8x 2x Tx 9x saved Korodi in last seconds.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 128,130, ent.: 122/394, 1H ent.: 194/240
Registration to this flight was closed and we will have next 40 players going to day 2 !
Break 15 min
18:50 JJ Hazan eliminated
JJ got his around 50,000 in with pocket sevens against Drazen Mlinac with pocket queens. Board Jx Tx Ax Kx 7x brought a set for JJ, but in the end, Mlinac held straight and JJ is eliminated.
18:40 3-bet
Ilias opens button to 7,100 and Alain Saka 3-bets to 21,500. Ilias was thinking quite a while, but folded.
Upcoming poker events at Banco Casino Bratislava !
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 107,123, ent.: 146/391, 1H ent.: 167/184
18:30 Erdelyi took one too
On the flop Qd 9h Qc Erdelyi c-bets 10,000 and both Mester and Burgan folds.
18:15 Split
On the turn Jh 7h Ks Td Dabrowski bets 6,000, Zerak calls and Nielsen folds. TUrn 2d is checked through quickly and both players shows Qx Jx. Pot has been split.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 98,481, ent.: 158/389, 1H ent.: 152/159
17:50 River bomb
On the river Ax 4x 2x 9x 9x there is about 50,000 in the pot and Adrian bets fresh 80,000. His opponent tanked a little and folded his hand. Adrian with laughter tabled 9x 2x.
For sure we are playing for more than promised quater a milly !
At this very moment tournament reached 1,825 entries and flight 1H started some time ago, flight 1I turbo will be starting at 22:00. Prizepool will be for sure massive this time !
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2?000, avg. 88,966, ent.: 174/387, 1H ent.: 135/138
17:30 Fidanovski double up
Ragusitu limps, Shapoval raises to 5,500 and Fidanovski jams his 21,100. Ragusitu folds and Shapoval calls with Jc 8c. Fidanovski held Ax Kx and after runout 4x 2x Qx 3x 3x manages to double up.
17:20 Aleksandar Zuberovski double up
Zuberovski jammed last around 8,000 with Ax 6x and Urban decided to end him with Kx Jx. His plan didn´t work after board Ax 7x 4x 7x 9x.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 74,400, ent.: 200/372
Break 20 min
16:50 Johnny Jensen took multiway pot
On the turn Kx 8x 6x Kx there was 10,000 in pot and Johnny bets same sum. All three players folded fast.
16:40 Umut Konacoglu double up
Umut opens from Ep and Miklos Farago rejams from bb with pocket tens effectively for 48,500. Umut held pocket aces and snapcalled. Aces remained best hand after runout 3x 5x Qx Tx Kx and Miklos is loosing around half of his stack.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 64,000, ent.: 225/360
16:20 Gabor Vs Andreas
Both Gabor and Andreas were shorts and Andreas jammed Co with pocket deuces. Gabor called off his bb with pocket fours and after blank runout held. Andreas is loosing last few hundred very next hand.
16:00 And again there goes Rasťo Antala
Antala got his stack of bit over 30,000 in with pocket queens against pocket eights held by Koskiniotis. Board 8x Jx 7x 4x 6x brought set for greece player and shitrun goes on for Antala.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59.241, ent.: 237/351
15:40 András Vegh in tank mode
On the river Ah Ks 7c Jc 4c there was 22,000 in the pot and Lugmayr bets 25,000. Vegh tanked for long long time but in the end folded his hand.
15:20 Martin Todorov winning on the river
On the turn Jx 6x 9x 8x there was around 20,000 in the pot and Sotirov bets 6,000. Todorov calls and river Kx is checked down. Todorov shows Kx Tx. His opponent mucked hand quickly.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,590, ent.: 251/330
15:00 Korodi took some from Urban
On the flop 9d 3d 9s there was 8,000 inside and Urban decided to bet 2,500. Korodi called and three more opponents went out of their way. On the turn Qd it was Korodi who came with a bet, 8,000 this time and Urban folded.
14:45 Nice pot for Toronyi
On the flop 7h 6s 4d there was around 20,000 in the pot and Charalampos was already all in. Toronyi jammed for 31,000 and Miklos Bottyan was tanking for very long time. He decided to make a herocall with As Ks, CHaralampos tabled Tx 6x and Toronyi held pocket tens. Turn 3d and river 7c held comfortably for him and alongside of elimination he got fat double up.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 49,600, ent.: 249/311
Break 30 min
14:05 Not a best Masters for Antala
Karoly Somogyi opens to 2,500, one player calls and Antala 3-bets to 8,000 from sb. Both opponents calls. Flop Jc Qd 8d is valued to 8,000 by Antala and both players calls again. Turn 2c brought a bet of 18,000 from Antala, Karoly tanks for long time and is left with about 5k behind. Last player in hand folded. River 8c Antala puts SOmogyi all in and he obiviously calls. Somogyi held Ac Kc only to river a nuts flush and Antala got his pocket kings cracked...once again.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 46,298, ent.: 235/272
13:45 Ronni Marcker victorious
On the turn Ks 8s 7c Ah Ronni bets 8,000 into a pot of 18,000 and Patrick Delkof tanked for long time before he folded.
13:30 Wonderful setup
On the turn Qx Tx 9x 9x there was aroudn 20,000 in the middle and Vincze Baranyi bets 11,000. Kotán raises to 22,000 and gets paid. On the river Ax Kotán shoves his 15,500 and Vincze snapcalls with Kx Jx. Kotán took the pot with Qx 9x.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 41,756, ent.: 205/214
13:00 This was liiiitle bit passive for my tastes...
On the river Qs 3s Qd 6s Ad pot consisted of almost 20,000 and Linzer together with Karl Kienbauer checked. Linzer held pocket tens, Karl shows pocket aces.
12:45 Small one for Peter Schneider
On the turn Ad 3d Jd 9c there was little under 3,000 inside and Schneider from position bets 1,000. Paul Danko folded and Peter shows him Ah 3h after the hand.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,663, ent.: 181/184
12:30 Early pot for Aristeidis
On the turn 2x 4x 5x 6x pot was around 5,000 and Aristeidis bets 3,100. Gunter Mach didn´t want to continue and folded his hand.
12:15 From start we can see in game
Sarkózi, Ganglbauer, Sninský, Baranyi, De Rubeis, Burgan, Ondrík and many many others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 121/121
Banco Casino Masters 250.000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
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