Flight 1G attracted 377 players. That means 38 more will join the action in day 2.Chipleader is Maciej Kala, who took 1,068,000 from his opponents. Flight 1H attracted 348 players and we will know 35 advancing players. Late registration at this moment is still open for flight 1I – Turbo. 45 players are battling for their seat in day 2. Tommorow morning there is last chance how to get your seat in day 2 through the hyper turbo flight, that have start scheduled for 10:00. Tournament will continue with huge day 2 at 16:00. We are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1G:
23:10 We are playing hand for hand
Plank and poth busted quickly before start of this level and we are waiting for our bubbleboy in flight 1G !
Level 20 : 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 386,667, ent.: 39/377, 1H ent.:135/335, 1I ent.: 42/44, PLO ent.: 20/74
23:10 Alexander Geischlager lucky double up
Christian Poth opens from Hj, Geischlager rejams 291,000 with Ks 7s from sb and Poth snapcalls with Ax Kx. Board Qs Qx 4x 8s 2s leaves Poth with 10,000 chips behind.
23:00 Igor Kušnýr takes a pot
On the flop Qc Tc 2h there was 90,000 in pot and Kušnýr bets 20,000. Hierzer calls and on the turn 7d Kušnýr bets 75,000. Hierzer folds quickly to this second barel.
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, ag. 350,696, ent.: 42/377, 1H ent.: 151/326, 1I ent.: 36/36, PLO ent.: 22/73
22:40 Frommel shoves
Frommel from Ep openshoves for about 200,000. Nobody wants to play with him though.
22:30 Safrány ousts Schnell
Safrány opens to 25,000 and Schnell rejams his 260,000. Safrány calls with pocket queens and Schnell tables pocket sevens. Board 9x 4x 2x Jx 5x held for Safrány.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 295,686, ent.: 51/337, 1H ent.: 163/315, PLO ent.: 27/71
22:15 Manning took from Bines
Manning opens to 22,000 and Bines calls. On the flop Qd 8h 4h Manning c-bets for 38,000 and Bines calls. On the turn 5d Manning jams for about 250,000 and Bines quickly folds.
22:00 Ganglbauer 3-bets
Kušnýr opens to 22,000 from Ep and Markus 3-bets to 66,000. Kušnýr folds after a while.
21:45 Turboflight starting at 22:30 !
If you like faster tournament structures Turbo is just for you ! Conditions are same, but all levels will be only 15 minutes long.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 274,182, ent.: 55/377, 1H ent.: 175/304, PLO ent.: 34/68
Break 15 min
21:15 Well, this is the way too...
Ganglbauer opens to 16,000, Laszlo next to him calls. On the flop Qh 7d 3s Laszlo jams for 100,000. Markus folds without a problem.
21:00 Bines Vs Karman
On the flop Qh 7d 3s there was about 100,000 in the pot and Dan Bines best 30,000. Karman tanks a bit and folds.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 235,625, ent.: 64/377, 1H ent.: 176/269, PLO ent.: 36/58
20:45 Szymon Rajewski double up
Szymon jammed his last 31,000 with Qx Jx and Conor Manning found Ax Kx in blinds. Board 8x Jx Tx 7x 5x helped to the shortstack.
20:35 Nice herocall
On the river Ac 7c 4d 2d 5s there was 80,000 in the pot and Asher Segev bets for 50,000. Marjan Mitrovsi was thinking about it for 3 minutes and clock has been called. In last five seconds of countdown Marjan calls with pocket sixes and beats Qc 4c held by Segev.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 203,784, ent.: 74/377, 1H ent.: 178/235, PLO ent.: 39/53
20:20 Dragan Jovanovic loosing a bit
On the flop Kd 7h 2h Leemans bet 12,000 and Jovanovic calls. Turn Qs and river 4s was checked and Leemans shows Ax Qx. Jovanovic mucks.
20:10 Ricardo Boer rejams
Samuk opens to 12,000 and Segev calls. Boer in sb jams his 84,000. Both opponents folded.
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD in Banco Casino Bratislava :
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 169,438, ent.: 89/377, 1H ent.: 179/221, PLO ent.: 40/46
19:50 Pot size bet
On the flop Td 3d 2d there is 50,000 in the pot and Segev Asher bet same ammount. Miroslav Fidanovski thinks about that but refuses to call.
19:35 Topi Hysen eliminated
On the turn Ac 8c 4s Ts there is 70,000 in the pot and Eszter bets 30,000. Topi calls and on the river Eszter jams for remaining 21,000 Hysen has behind. He snapcalls with Ax 6x, but Eszter has him beat with Ax Kx.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 133,451, ent.: 113/377, 1H ent.: 178/217, PLO ent.: 27/28
Break 15 minút
18:55 Leemans winning 3-bet pot
Schulze opens to 6,000, Jovanovic calls and Leemans 3-bets to 22,000 from smallblind. Schulze folds and Jovanovic want to see the flop. That comes out as Ah 4h Kd and Leemans bets 18,000. Dragan doesn´t like that bet and fold his hand.
18:40 Dan Bines double up
Dan got his 57,300 in with pocket jacks against Ax Qx held by Antonino Karman. Board 4x 3x Kx 2x 7x held for pair combination and Karman has to give up on part of his stack.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 116,256, ent.: 128/372, 1H ent.: 116/177
18:25 Tim Santema triple up
Tim jammed his shortstack with Qx Jx and both Kubat and Kapeller behind him found Ax Kx. Stacks flew in rather quickly and runout Qx 6x 6x 6x Jx tripled up Tim.
18:10 Petra Gotz eliminated
Petra jammed 42,500 and Hristina Nikolic rejams for a lot more. Beňadik thought about it but folded and Gotz tables Ks Js. Nikolic held Kx Kx and board 4x 2x Ax 7x 2x eliminated Petra.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 101,667, ent.: 144/366, 1H ent.: 140/147
17:55 Attila Tarko out
On the flop 8h 2h Js there was 32,000 in pot and Tarko, Kuchár and Poth checks. Turn Qd brought a shove of 30,000 from Tarko, Kuchár folds and Poth with Ks Qs calls. Tarko held Jh 9h and after river 8x he is eliminated.
17:45 4-bet
András Vaczo opens to 4,500 and Johny Tapia in Co 3-bets to 11,600. Vaczo tanks a bit and 4-bets to 30,500. Johny folds after a while.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 86,829, ent.: 164/356, 1H ent.: 100/101
17:25 Creative shove
Safrány, Tamaškovič and Greenberg agreed at 8,500. On the flop Ah 8h 7c Tamaškovič shoves his 51,900 from Ep, Safrány thought about it and folded. Greenberg decided to call his 26,400. Tamaškovič tables 4h 2h and Greenberg wih Ax 3x held after turn 2c and river Td.
17:10 Damian Nigro busto
Damian got his 23,200 in with As 3s against Kx Kx held by Ilya Rogov. Board 6x 5x 9x 7x 7x didn´t help to Damian.
16:55 Flight 1G starting in five minutes !
If start at 12:00 was too early for you but you still want to play Banco Casino Masters from beggining, flight 1G starts at 17:00 !
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 75,580, ent.: 181/342
Break 20 min
16:40 Brunnhofer double up
Taskos got stack in with pocket queens against pocket kings held by Brunnhofer. After runout Qx Tx 7x Jx 9x Brunhoffer will double up his 29,500.
16:20 Kechagias loosing
Kechagias got it in with pocket tens against Santema with Qc Jc. BBoard Ks 2s Td 3d 9x brought straight to Santema and Kechagias fell to the shortstack.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,465, ent.: 197/329
16:10 More chips for Guy Grinberg
On the flop Td 6d 8c there was 15,000 in the middle and Grinberg bets 7,000. Michael Wallner folds quickly.
16:00 Liad Greenberg all-in
On the flop Tc 4s Jh there is 17,000 in the pot and Greenberg shoves for 24,500. Antonino Karman tanks a bit and folds.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59,065, ent.: 214/316
15:40 Guy Grinberg took nice one
Guy limps, Attia Ben raises to 2,000 and Johny Tapia 3-bets to 6,500. Both opponents calls. On the flop Td 9d 6c Tapia continues with bet of 7,000, Grinberg calls and Ben is going away. Turn 7d is checked and River Qh brought 8,500 bet from Tapia. Grinberg raises to 22,000 and after short time Tapia calls. Can´t beat Ad Qd and mucks his hand.
15:25 Geischlager winning in 3-bet pot
Geischlager opens to 1,600 and Freund 3-bets on the button to 4,500. Geischlager calls and flop Ah Jh 7d brought c-bet of 5,000 from Freund. Geischlager calls and turn 9h goes check-check. On the river Qs Geischlager bets 11,000 and his opponent slowly folds.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 53,519, ent.: 216/289
15:10 Sándor shoves
On the turn 2d 8c 9s 6c there is 22,000 in the middle and Sándor jams from blinds for about 25,000. Taskos tanks for couple of minutes and decides to fold. Sandor shows him Kh Qh after the game.
14:50 Cuevas get paid
On the turn Kh 7h Ac Jd there was 14,000 in the pot and Cuevas bets 9,000. Alexandros pays and on the river 4s Cuevas continue with bet of 8,300. Alexandros pays again, but can´t beat Kd 7d held by spanish opponent.
Highroller payouts:
1. Elbaz Eden Shaul - 14,185€
2. Aharon Refael Ofir - 8,960€
3. Ben David Mishel Meir - 6,830€
4. Shitrit Eliyahu Eliran - 5,330€
5. Boris Z. - 4,230€
6. Kocáb Jiří - 3,280€
7. Burman Amir - 2,460€
8. Amos Ohad - 1,910€
9. Mamon Rod - 1,580€
10.Levi Yaniv Maimon - 1,260€
11.Bettach Yaaqov - 1,260€
12.Santema Tim Nicolai Pier - 1,260€
13.Michaelov Chiya - 1,040€
14.Brodeski Eldar Menashe - 1,040€
115 players found their way into Highroller event with buyin of 550€ and guarantee of 20,000€. Guarantee was broken right at start of tournament and players had to split 54,625€ in the end. Winner Elaz Eden Shaul took home wonderful 14,185€. Another great sucess of highroller was that Boris forced himself to play A-game and ended up fifth with couple of interesting eliminations under his belt, but long hours behind the table took it´s toll and couldnt retain chiplead to wonderful win.
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 50,280, ent.214/269
Break 30 min
14:05 Gyoergy Laszlo winning without a showdown
On the turn 3s 6s 3d Ts there was about 8,000 in the pot and Yaniv Levi bets 4,500. Tontya calls and so does Goyergy. Another three players folded their cards and on the river Yaniv goes with a bet of 8,500 calls again, but Gyoergy raises to 25,000. Yaniv thought about it for a minute, but folded. Tontya folded instantly.
13:50 Tamaškovič cripples Flešár
On the turn 7x 7x Ax Tx there was about 15,000 in the pot and Flešár got his 80,400 in with Ax Tx against Tamaškovič, who held Qx 7x. River Kx didn´t change anything and Flešár is left with last 7 hundreds that he losts in hand after.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 46,425, ent.: 193/224
One-week long party in early November !
France - Benelux Masters are returning and this time buy in is set to 130€ and guarantee will be 150,000€.
13:30 Heizer out
I met disappointed Peter taking his reentry and he told me that in pot of about 120,000 he held nuts straight against set of his opponent. River obviously paired and Heizer had to take reentry.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 43,799, ent.: 179/197
13:10 Janos Kubat took nice pot
On the flop Jc 2c 9h Robino bets 1,200 into the pot of 2,700. Ricardo Boer raises to 3,600 and Kubat makes it 6,000. Robino folds and Ricardo calls. Turn 4s and river 8h are checked, Ricardo shows Ac 9c, Kubat took pot down with Kc Js.
12:50 Tamaškovič Vs. Rus
On the river 7d 4d 2h Jh 9h there was about 15,000 in the pot and Tamaškovič makes a bet of 5,500. Rus calls quickly, but can´t beat 9x 7x held by Tamaškovič.
12:40 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,537, ent.: 149/151
12:35 Nice start for Martin Rus
Yilmaz limps, Rus limps, Ostrakovic raises to 800, Tamaškovič and Yilmaz calls. Rus makes it 4,200 and only Yilmaz calls. Flop Kc 4d 6d brought bet of 5,000 from Rus and Yilmaz folds.
12:20 Robino won one
On the river Kx 2x 2x 6x 3x there was 6,000 in the pot and Robino bets 4,000. Janos Kubat thinks for a bit and folds.
12:15 Who is here already?
Varga, Illes, Flešár, Tamaškovič, Rus, Beňadik, Robino and many others took their seats.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 75/75
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
France - Benelux 150,000€ GTD:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
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