A total of 210 players registered for flight 1E, and we now have twenty players advancing. The chip lead was claimed by Otto Lohnický, who moves on to day 2 with a stack of 1,249,000. BCM currently has an overlay of more than 149,000€, and the following flights are available for you:
- Flight 1G starts at 12:00
- Flight 1H begins at 17:00
- Flight 1I – Turbo kicks off at 22:00
We look forward to seeing you!
1:10 Bubbleboy of flight 1E is Ján Žatko
Žatko went all in with tens and Daniel Sherman decided to call with Jx 9x. After a board of 6x 8x 7x Qx Jx, Ján handed over his approximately 80,000 chips, ending flight 1E.
HR Final Table chip counts:
00:40 Hand for hand play
Within a few minutes, we lost Gregor, Dragu, Lisei, Wilfinger, and Kerekes. We are now awaiting the final elimination before the end of flight 1E.
HR Payout:
1. 9,250€
2. 5,925€
3. 3,850€
4. 2,875€
5. 2,150€
6. 1,675€
7. 1,350€
57 players participated in the Highroller event, accumulating a prize pool of 27,075€.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 321,600, ent.: 25/201, HR ent.: 10/57, 1F ent.: 24/38
Break 15 min
00:00 Harald Redl out
Harald went all in preflop effectively for 288,000 against Žatko. Žatko turned over aces, and after a blank board, he took the pot. Harald's cards flew into the muck too quickly...
23:40 Ivan Gross victoriously
Werner Wilfinger opened for 18,000, and he got three calls. On the flop 9h 9d Jc, Gross bet 30,000, and all opponents folded.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 268,000, ent.: 30/201, HR ent.: 15/57, 1F ent.: 30/36
23:20 Barrage of seat openings
In quick succession, Mizrachi, Toronyi, Mizera, Kubat, and Tóth have exited the tournament.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 229,714, ent.: 35/201, HR ent.: 21/57, 1F ent.: 25/30
23:00 Martin Gregor all in
On the flop Ah Th 6c, there was 26,000 in the pot and Gregor bet 8,000. Himetzberger called and the turn 7d was checked. On the river Js, Himetzberger led for 25,000, but Martin decided to go all in for about 60,000. Claus hesitated for a moment but eventually folded a ten face up.
22:50 Petra Gotz unfortunately out
Petra pushed for about 60,000 with Ax Kx from early position, Aharon Piamenta re-jammed for about 200,000 with Ax Jx from the button, and no one else joined. After the board came 6x 6x Jx Jx 8x, Petra was eliminated.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 196,098, ent.: 41/201, HR ent.: 18/53, 1F ent.: 22/24
22:40 3-bet
Vlado opened to 10,000, and a few seats behind him, an Israeli player raised to 33,000. Vlado folded his cards.
22:20 Turn push
On the turn Tx 8x 5x Ax, with about 40,000 in the pot, Thomas announced an all-in for around 60,000. His foreign opponent thought for a long time but eventually folded face up Jx 9x.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 134,000, ent.: 60/201, HR ent.: 27/51
Break 15 min
21:40 Erik Šeffer is out
Erik went into a preflop all-in with 8h 4h for just under 40,000 against Ratson's Ax Jx. The board came Ah Qd Ad Qh Kh, giving Erik a flush, but his tablemates pointed out that his opponent had a full house. Thus, Erik was eliminated just before the break.
21:30 No action
Before the flop, Roy Even and Werner Wilfinger agreed on a pot of 16,700. The board Jx 2x 3x Jx 7x was checked down, and Werner revealed Ax 4x. Roy held Ax Qx and took the pot.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 117,612, ent.: 67/197, HR ent.: 32/51
21:10 C-bet was enough
On the flop Qx Jx Jx, there was about 18,000 in the pot and Vlado bet 10,000. Jakub thought for a minute but eventually folded his cards.
21:00 Another flip
Avraham went into a preflop all-in for about 15bb with nines against his opponent's Ax Tx. After a blank board, he secured a double up.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 93,333, ent.: 81/189,HR ent.: 34/49
20:20 Luka Franov double up
Luka went all in for 21,900 with Ax 9x. Alan Mabesa held Ax 8x, and after the board came 9x 5x 4x 5x 6x, Luka rightfully won.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 84,045, ent.: 89/187, HR ent.: 34/46
20:00 Jomy aggressively
On the flop Tc 9c 7h, Jomy bet 7,000 and Piamenta called. On the turn 3d, Jomy continued for 18,500 and got called again. On the river Ts, Jomy quickly bet 34,500. Piamenta folded, and Jomy showed Qh 2h after the hand.
19:50 Martina Svobodová climbing
Artur opened to 3,500, Martina called, and Lajo joined from the big blind. On the flop Tc 9c 5c and turn 9h, everyone quickly checked. On the river 7h, Martina bet 6,000, Lajo folded, and Artur called. Martina revealed 8h 6h for a rivered straight and took the pot.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 72,871, ent.: 101/184, HR ent.: 37/44
Break 15 min
19:30 4-bet push
Shahar Ratzon opened from the button. Iury Wolf 3-bet to 11,600 from the big blind, and Štefan Gutten from the big blind announced all in for 39,000. Both opponents folded.
19:20 4-bet
Roy Even opened from early position, and a few seats later, Mrozinski 3-bet to 7,500. Roy responded with a 4-bet to 17,500. After some thought, Krzysztof folded his cards.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,415, ent.: 106/176
Spring Polish Poker Days 444.444€ GTD at the beginning of June!
18:45 Flip
Before the flop, Eric went all in for about 30,000 with Kx Qx against a foreign player with sixes. After a blank board, Eric was eliminated.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 58,545, ent.: 111/162, HR ent.: 31/33
18:20 Flop overbet
On the flop Kx 4x 3x, there was about 15,000 in the pot and Georgii decided to bet 25,000. His opponent quickly folded.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 51,636, ent.: 110/142, HR ent.: 27/29
18:00 Andrej wins
On the turn 5d 2d 3d Js, there was 5,300 in the pot and Andrej bet 3,000. Bluvshtein folded and Piamenta called. On the river 7c, both players checked and Andrej revealed a set of threes. His opponent disappointedly showed Ax Qx and lost the pot.
17:50 River bet
On the river Kc Th 8d Kd 6s, there was about 20,000 in the pot and Aneta decided to bet 14,800. Hulusi thought for a while but ultimately didn't find the courage to call.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 48,288, ent.: 111/134, HR ent.: 27/28
Break 30 min
16:55 Dumitru wins
On the flop 9h 3h Qd, there was something over 10,000 in the pot and Gazak bet 5,000. Weiss folded, but Dumitru called. The turn 7s was checked, and on the river 2s, Dumitru bet 3,300. Gazak folded face up Ax Kx.
16:45 Michalis loses
On the turn Ks 2s 9d Kd, there was about 5,000 in the pot and Zigner bet 3,000. Michalis called, and on the river 2c, Zigner continued for 6,000. Michalis called after a moment, and Zigner turned over Kx Tx. Michalis angrily showed the table Ax Ax.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 44,356, ent.: 101/112
16:30 BCM Highroller 20,000€ GTD starts in 30 minutes!
This one-day event for the most demanding players has a buy-in set at 550€!
16:15 Leeb Vs Sherman
On the flop Kh 6h 5d, there was 10,200 in the pot and Thomas Leeb bet 2,200 from position. Daniel Sherman raised to 9,000 and Leeb took some time to consider. However, he eventually folded his cards, allowing Sherman to improve his stack slightly.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,410, ent.: 84/90
15:45 River all in
On the river Tx 9x Tx Ax 5x, there was about 16,000 in the pot and Ben moved all in for his remaining 25,000. His opponent thought for several minutes but eventually folded his cards in disappointment.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,000, ent.: 70/70
15:25 A big pot to start
On the river 4d 8c 9s Kh Th, there was about 15,000 in the pot. Both Avraham Maman from the small blind and Yotam Damari checked. Maman revealed Jd Td, and Yotam mucked his cards.
15:10 So far, the following players have joined the tournament:
Gotz, Stojka, Leeb, Gutten, Lohnický, and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 37/37
BCM 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250.000€ GTD for 170€ - 39. th edition!
The end of July will bring the Poker Belgique Masters 250,000€ GTD for only 200€!
August 2024 will bring the Swedish Poker Championship at Banco Casino!
Play with the Banco Card and get „bonus“ up to 10%!

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