Flight 1E attracted wonderful 367 players and that means 37 more players is joining the field in day 2. Chipleader of this flight is Martin Kubošek, who managed to win 1,146,000 from his opponents. Highroller event is right now on its bubble and attracted 115 players. They created prizepool of 54,625€. Flight 1F-Turbo is still running and stack will be published later. This flight produced 109 entries with 51 still remaning. Tommorow we play three flights. Flight 1G starts at 12:00, flight 1H at 17:00 and flight 1I- Turbo at 22:00. We are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1E:
Chipcounts 1F:
1:30 Flight 1E is done !
Berbat Serhii busted and floorman stopped the clock. In last hand Raz Meshulam jammed his short with 7c 6c and one of his opponents found pocket tens. Board Tx Jx 3x 5x Jx held for better combination and flight 1E is finished !
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 376,410, ent.: 39/367, HR ent.: 15/115, 1F ent.: 50/107
1:00 Martin Lechner jams
Maksym opens to 32,000 and Lechner behind him calls. Flop Ad 7s Kc is valued at 32,000 by Maksym, Lechner slowly calls. Turn 9h brought a shove of 113,000 from Lechner and Maksym after short while folds.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 341,395, ent.: 43/367, HR ent.: 17/115, 1F ent.: 55/99
00:45 Maksym Ronshyn double up
On the turn 2s 9s 4h Qh there was about 50,000 in the pot and after some action Maksym decided to shove 147,000. Nemlich calls with Qx Tx, but this time Maksym tables pocket aces. River 9x didn´t help to Uri and he is shortstacking once again.
00:35 Double seat open
Pero Dimitrovski jams his 55,000 from early position with pocket fours, Uri Nemlich rejams about 150,000 with Ac Jc and Jack Alkoby decided to call off his shortstack with Kc 8c. Board 3c 9c 6d Ts Jd created double seat open and Nemlich took some chips.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 266,909. ent.: 55/367, HR ent.: 21/115, 1F ent.: 59/94
Break 15 min
00:00 Golubev all in
Golubev in Ep jammed for his 105,000, but nobody found card or courage for a call.
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD v Banco Casino Bratislava :
23:45 Igor Strujic winning on the river
On the turn 6h 5h Jd 6s Igor bets 16,000 into a pot of 63,000. Miloš Zerzevski folds and Shaher want to see a river. That´s 4s and Igor bets for 35,000. Shaher folds quite quickly.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 219,104, ent.: 67/367, HR ent.: 25/115, 1F ent.: 61/82
23:30 Massive double up for Elia Ferradina
On the flop 3h 4d 6d there was about 40,000 in the pot and after few raises and reraises Maksym Ronshyn jammed effectively 261,000. Elia was tanking for couple of minutes and decided to call with pocket jacks. Maksym flipped over pocket sevens and after turn 3c a river 3s Elia is going well over half million !
23:20 Highroller in numbers
There was 115 players registred into highroller event and guarantee 20,000€ was past right after tournament start. Final prizepool was 54,625€ and is split between fourteen players this way :
1. 14,185€
2. 8,960€
3. 6,830€
4. 5,330€
5. 4,230€
6. 3,280€
7. 2,460€
8. 1,910€
9. 1,580€
10-12. 1,260€
13-14. 1,040€
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 198,378, ent.: 74/367, HR ent.: 31/115, 1F ent.: 62/76
23:10 Mikla Vs Cuevas
On the turn 8c 7C 2c Ah there is 55,000 in the middle and Mikla bets 25,000. Cuevas tanks a bit and calls. River 5h is checked very quickly, Cuevas shows Kc 4x, but Mikla wins the pot with Ad 6c.
22:50 Bugár loosing
Baranai opens to 12,000, Zismanov jammed his 34,000 and Bugár rejammed 60,000. Baranai folds and Zismanov tables pocket jacks. Bugár with pocket tens could use some help but boatd Ax 6x 7x Ax 5x isn´t one he was looking for and looses more than half of his stack. Few hands later Bugár busted for good with deuces against eights for remaining 24,000.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 159,565, ent.: 92/357, HR ent.: 40/115, 1F ent.: 52/59
22:30 Israel Cohen busto
Israel jammed his about 40,000 with Qx Tx and Peter Strauch found Kx Kx. Board 8x 3x 9x 5x Ax was last one for Cohen in flight 1E.
22:15 Saulo De Conti tanking
Saulo opens to 10,000 and Martin Lechner jams his 109,000. After some time, Saulo folds.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 132,252, ent.: 111/367, HR ent.: 44/112, 1F ent.: 33/33
Break 15 min
21:45 Ali Monfared winning on the river
On the river 5c 3c 9c 4s 3h there is 17,000 and Ali bets 8,000. Cintula folded swiftly.
21:30 Peter Szalai out
Peter got it in with Kx Qx against Baranai with pocket sixes for about 50,000. Board 4x 3x 7x Tx Ax held for Baranai.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 112,308, ent.: 130/365
Last level for registration and reentry in flight 1E !
One-week long party in early November !
France - Benelux Masters are returning and this time buy in is set to 130€ and guarantee will be 150,000€.
21:15 Grábics crashing into kings
Grábic opens and Schedl jams for 71,200. Grábics calls with pocket jacks but his austrian opponent tables Kx Kx. Board Kx 4x 2x Tx 4x meant double up for Schedl
21:00 Noro Bugár ships
Noro opens from button, Golubev in blinds 3-bet to 16,000 and Bugár jams for his 66,400. Golubev took his time but folded after maybe one minute.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 92,980, ent.: 151/351,HR ent.: 60/97
20:45 Mira Sonsino winning with simple c-bet
On the turn 4c As 6s 7c Mira bets 6,500 into a pot of 18,000. Tibor Benko and third player in hand folded quickly.
20:30 Igor Fabian double up
Frommel opens to 4,500, Fabian jams 29,600 and Siman behind him calls. Frommel gave up and Fabians shows Ah Qh. Siman held pocket tens but board 7h 3h 4h 2h 3c held for shortstack.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,0000 / 2,000, avg. 79,765, ent.: 170/339
20:15 Gerald Mester double up
On the flop 8c 9c Kh there was 24,200 inside and Gerald bets 16,000. Harald Guber decided to jam for 30,000 that Gerald had behind and Gerald snapcalled with Jx Jx. Harald tabled Ac Qc and turn Ks or river 3s didn´t improve his combination.
20:00 Simanov took one with a single bet
On the flop 4x 5x 2x Simanov bets 4,000 into a pot of 8,500. Milan Purac slowly folded.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 71,135, ent.: 185/329, HR ent.: 65/83
Break 20 min
19:20 Not very popular setup
Two israeli players just got it in for 25bb effective stacks with pocket aces against pocket kings. King on the river helped shorter stack.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 61,782, ent.: 202/312, HR ent.: 63/76
18:55 Prokopchuk took one aswell
On the turn 2h Ah 6h 5d there was 15,000 in the middle and Prokopchuk bets 6,000. Mousa folds and Pursey calls. River 3c is checked swiftly and Prokopchuk shows Ax Jx. That was enough, Pursey mucked his hand.
18:45 Igor Fabian took multiway pot
On the flop Ks 9d 7d there was 12,000 inside and Fabian bets 5,000. Racek, Lamberg and Shitrit folded quickly.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 57,228, ent.: 202/289
18:30 Vladetic double up
On the turn 5x Kx 2x 9x Vladetic bets 12,500 into pot of 20,000 and after quite a while Bednarek calls. River 4h brought a shove of 25,700 from Vladetic and Bednarek with riverred set of fours calls instantly. Can´t beat set of kings though.
18:20 Stefan Magos double up
On the flop Jh 3h 8s Magos bets 6,400 into a pot of 14,000, Hohr calls and Gherle with Yankov folds. TUrn 3s brought all in of 30,000 from Hohr, Magos with Ax Jx calls comfortably and Hohr tables Jx Tx. River 9x is not helping him and Magos takes nice double up.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,549, ent.: 204/268
18:00 Small pot for Hollokoi
Frodox opens to 2,000 in Ep, Grabics and Hollokoi calls. On the flop 7h 7d 5c Hollokoi leads out for 2,000, Frodox folds and Grabics calls. Turn 4h brought 3,000 bet from Hollokoi and Grabics gave up.
17:45 Svoboda out
On the turn 7s 9d Tc 9s Svoboda bets 8,200 into a pot of 12,000 and Fabian called. On the river 3d Fabian leads out for 12,000 and Svoboda jams for his 25,700 with Kc 3c. Fabian calls with pocket aces and eliminates Svoboda.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 49,246, ent.: 199/245, HR ent.: 46/49
Break 30 min
17:00 Boris Zismanov took from Fabian
Svoboda opens to 1,300 and get three callers. On the flop Th 2h Qd everyone checks, turn As brought bet of 2,500 from Fabian, Svoboda with Dimitrovski folded, Zismanov calls. River Kc was valued at 8,000 by Zismanov and Fabian calls. Zismanov held Ac Jc for riverred nuts and Fabian mucks.
16:45 Bachar took one with small bet
On the flop Qd 7d 3c Bachar bets 1,000 from sb and all four opponents folded.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 45,227, ent.: 176/199
16:30 Highroller Event takes the place at 17:00
Buy in 550€ with 20,000€ guarantee and it´s one day event !
16:25 Attila Almási going up
On the flop Ad Kh 7c there was 5,000 in the pot and Kovacs bets 3,000 from button. Ziegerhofer from bb and Almási from Co calls. Turn Kd brought a bet of 6?000 from Almási and both opponents folded.
16:10 Perasovic took one
On the turn 8c 3c 7h Ah there was 7,300 in the pot and Perasovic bets 7,000. Johann Strau tanked a bit but folded his hand.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,685, ent.: 150/160
15:55 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
15:45 Saulo De Conti busto
Moorgraby limps, Golubev raises to 1,600 and De Conti makes it 3,400. Both opponents called and flop Th 4d Qc brought a bet of 6,400 from Saulo. Moorgraby calls and Golubev raises to 15,000. Saulo jams his 39,000, Moorgraby folded and Golubev with set of tens snapcalls. De Conti held pocket kings but turn 5c or river Ad was no help for him.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 41,071, ent.: 112/115
15:30 Pursey winning nice one
On the river 6h As 9s Qh 7h there was 16,000 in and Hackett from sb bets 10,200. Pursey after some time calls from bb with Ax Qx. Hackett mucks fast.
15:20 Sammy Akkad takes one for start
On the turn Qc 8s 5d 2d there was 6,400 in the pot and Sammy bets 2,600. Rath and Sahar folded quickly.
15:10 Who is playing right from start?
Kubošek, Tamaškovič, Rath, Lang, Ferradina, Ziegerhofer and many others
15:00 Flight 1E just started
78 players took their seats and we began !
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 79/79
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
France - Benelux 150,000€ GTD:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
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