Gigantic flight 1E produced 310 entries and we know another 31 players advancing to day 2. Chipleader of day 1E is Andrej Kocian with stack of 1,002,000. Flight 1F produced 119 entries and late registration is open till 1:55. Tommorows schedule is on graphics under this post and we are looking forward to see you.
Chipcounts 1E:
High Roller final table seating and chipcounts:
Seat 1: Dragan Krzystof - 525,000
Seat 2: Muller Samuel - 1,250,000
Seat 3: Minarík Vladimír- 390,000
Seat 4: Kulpa Krzystof - 375,000
Seat 5: Tekeľ Andrej - 380,000
Seat 6: Petersen Poul Erik Skovgaard - 495,000
Seat 7: Josefsson Jonas Haakan Samuel - 2,830,000
Seat 8: Savocka David - 655,000
1:35 Flight 1E is finished
Vincze Baranyi limp jammed his 130,000 with Ax Tx and Nandor Blasko found Ax Qx. Call was obvious and after board Ax Qx 4x 5x 6x we have 31 advancing players.
1:15 Janošovský out and we are playing hand for hand
Few players left us at very quick pace and Janošovský jammed for 145,000 with Qx Jx. Sannicola found Ax Jx and after board Tx 7x 3x 6x 8x we move to hand for hand.
Level 18: 6,000 - 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 326,316, ent.: 38/310, 1F ent.: 49/112, HR ent.: 11/69
1:00 This could end up much much worse
On the turn 7h 4h Tc Kc there was 145,000 in the middle and Arpad Toth shoves for 195,000. Ganglbauer tanked for couple of minutes and decided to fold face up Ac Qc. Toth shows set of tens.
00:45 Sigurd Gotharsen rejams
Shcherba opens to 21,000 and Sigurd shipped 124,000 out of the big blind. Vitalii tanked for a minute and decided to fold. Sigurd show pocket jacks after Vitalii folded.
Level 17: 5,000 - 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 295,238, ent.: 42/310, 1F ent.: 59/104, HR ent.: 13/69
Break 15 min
00:15 Janošovský takes a nice one
Janošovský opens to 18,000 and Krajnyak flats from sb. On the flop Ks Js 2s Krajnyak leads for 16,000 and get paid easily. On the turn 7s Krajnyak continues for 24,000 and gets call again. On the river 8h Krajnyak bets 45,000 and Janošovský needs some time to think about it. He end up with calling and Krajnyak shows Qh 4h. Janošovský takes the pot with Ts 9c.
00:05 Hodósi Vs Knezevic
Hodósi opens from EP to 20,000 and Knezevic calls in the big blind. Flop Js 2s Kh went check check and on the turn Td Hodósi bets 21,000. Knezevic easily folds.
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 248,000, ent.: 49/310, 1F ent.: 62/91, HR ent.: 16/69
23:45 Kocian hits
Andrej opens to 15,000 and Abbate flats in position. Flop Th 7d 5c and also turn 4c were checked. River 9h brought bet of 19,000. Abbate pays, but wasn´t able to beat Kocian´s Ax 9x.
23:30 Oliver Tinard double up
Vitalii opens to 12,000 and Tinard shoves for his 39,000. Vitalii calls with Ks 6s and Tinard held 9d 8d. Board 9c 2c 5s Ad Jc finally brings needed double up to french player.
Highroller info !
HR event produced 69 entries, which means 20,000€ guarantee bites the dust and final nine will split prizepool of 32,775€ in following way :
1. 10,165€
2. 6,555€
3. 4,260€
4. 3,360€
5. 2,705€
6. 2,210€
7. 1,720€
8. 1,065€
9. 735€
Level 15: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 213,793, ent.: 58/310, 1F ent.: 68/80, HR ent.: 21/69
23:10 Interesting...
Steven Wendt opens to 12,000 and Oliver Tinard jammed his 45,000. Blinds folded and Wendt took quick moment to think about it and folded.
23:00 End of Daniel Shaker
Shaker opens to 10,000, Li Nu calls and Vasileios Christofidis 3-bets to 44,000. Shaker shoves for about 120,000 with pocket queens, Li Nu folds and Vasileios with Kx Kx calls little bit slower than needed. Board 7x 7x 8x 2x 5x was no help to Shaker and has to leave flight 1E.
Level 14: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 169,863, ent.: 73/310, 1F ent.: 66/68, HR ent.: 27/69
22:35 Bubo takes one down
On the flop Qc Jc 5c Bubo bets 25,000 into around 30,000. Uher after short time folded his hand.
22:25 Shcherba ousts Repák
Repák jammed into Vitalii´s openraise for 50,000 and got called with Ax Kx. Repák tabled Ax Tx and after runout Kx 7x 7x 3x 7x Repák busts and Shcherba is adding to his stack.
Level 13: 2,000 - 4,000 / 4,000 avg. 126,531, ent.: 98/310, 1F ent.: 35/35, HR ent.: 28/68
Registration of flight 1E was closed and there will be 31 players advancing to sunday´s day 2. Flight 1F started short while ago and Late Registration is open until 1:55.
Break 15 min
21:55 Szandra Glavanovics takes smaller one
There is 14,000 on the turn of 9s 6h 4h As. Szandra bets 6,000, Jensen calls, Zerak with Bajmoczi folds. On the river 5h Szandra bets again for 6,000 and Jensen folds. Sandra shows Ac after the hand.
21:45 Kocian takes from Linda Huber
On the river Qx Qx 5x 5x Kx there was 82,000 inside and Kocian bets 25,000. Huber tanks for a bit and calls. Kocian shows Kd 9d which is enough this time.
Level 12: 1,500 - 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 107,319, ent.: 113/306, HR ent.: 37/66
Last level for registration and reentry in flight 1E !
21:30 C-bet is more than enough at this time
Repák opens to 6,000, Blasko and GOtthardsen called. On the flop Tc 5c 8d Repák bets 12,000 and both of them muck their hands.
21:20 Svoboda all in
Arpád Toth and Félix limped and Svoboda moved all in for his 58,000. Nobody calls.
21:10 Turboflight 1F starts at 22:00 !
Level 11: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 97,920, ent.: 125/306, HR ent.: 37/65
21:00 Nice pot gor Gábora Peteriho
On the river Kd 9d Tc 9c 8c there was little bit over 50,000 in pot and Peteri bets 33,000. Marius Wolf tanked for couple of minutes before he made the call but couldn´t beat 7c 5c for riverred flush.
20:45 Yiping Chen double up
On the turn Tx 9x 4x 8x there is 43,500 in middle and Yiping jams for 21,100. Gutten folds slowly and Kocian calls with 9x 7x. Yiping tables set of eights and after river Kx he takes full double.
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 85,390, ent.: 140/301, HR ent.: 36/61
20:25 Norbert Mursza out
Solymosi opens to 3,000 and Mursza shipped his 13,800 with Kx Qx. Nobody else was interested in joining the party and Solymosi called with Ax Tx. Blank board 4x 8x 7x 5x 5x forced Norbert to leave his seat.
20:10 Félix wins on the flop
On the flop 9s 7s 5h there was 14,000 inside and Polainko bets 7,500. Félix decided to raise to 20,000, Shaker folded instantly and after short while Polainko follwed. Félix shows 8s 5s after the hand.
Level 9: 800 - 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 73,987, ent.: 153/283, HR ent.: 37/54
Break 20 min
Promised raffle will happen in London room!
19:40 And another one
Zerzevski opens to 3,000 after one limp, Beatrix Haller flats and Šrámka goes over the top for about 35,000. Both players folded smoothly.
19:30 Rejam
Daniel Shaker opens to 2,500 from Co and Hannes Brandstetter shoves 31,000 from button. Bela Miko sitting on bb was tanking for a bit but hand ended up by Miko and Shaker folding.
More pictures !
Dominik running like a slave today only to bring these up asap !
Level 8: 600 - 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 67,160, ent.: 162/272, HR ent.: 37/50
Everyday raffle after this level !
19:15 How to bust against Bajmoczsi 101
On the flop Qs 4x 8s Igor bets 3,000, Bajmoczi raises to 6,000, Szandra Glavanovics folds and slovenian player shoves for 18,100. Bajmoczi snapcalls with Qx 9x and Igor shows up with Kx Qx. Turn 9x changes balance of universe and river couldn´t bring him back to life...
19:00 Szoke double up
Szoke and Kučera agreed to 17,000 preflop. On the flop Ah 3d 5d Szoke c-bets for 10,000 and Kučera called. Turn 8h both checked and on the river 6s Koloman Jams for 30,900. Kučera needed couple of minutes before making the call with Kx Kx. Szoke held pocket aces and took down pot. Kučera was left with about 3,000 in his stack.
Level 7: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59,059, ent.: 170/251, HR ent.: 42/46
18:40 Žikavský Vs. Bondarenko
Pavel opens to 2,200, Aydemir calls and Artem Bondarenko 3-bets to 8,000 out of bigblind. Žikavský calls, Aydemir folds and flop Jc 6c 4s was checked swiftly. On the turn 3d Bondarenko bets 10,000 and Žikavský folded at slow pace.
18:30 Chollier at it again
On the flop Tx 2x 2x there was little bit less than 15,000 and Brigitte Schendlinger bets 10,500. Chollier jams for about 32,000 and after short while Brigitte toss cards behind the line.
Level 6: 400 - 800 / 800, avg. 56,527, ent.: 167/236, HR ent.: 38/42
18:00 Marius Wolf ships
On the turn Kd Th 7d 6c there was something under 15,000 in pot and Mursza bets 6,500. Wolf tanks quite a while and in the end shoves for about 22,000 effectively. Mursza after short suffering passes his hand back to dealer.
17:50 Fridrich takes down pot with two barells
On the flop Ks 2d 8h there is about 4,000 in pot and Fridrich c-bets for 2,200. Turan calls and on the turn Kh Fridrich fires for 10,000. Turan folds smoothly.
Level 5: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 52,987, ent.: 154/204, HR ent.: 27/27
Break 30 min
The Festival is comming back !
I´m sure it´s going to be hell of a ride
16:55 Chollier out
Alexandre crashed three times into a trips of same opponent. In his last hand he lost his 15,000 with pocket jacks against Ax Jx. Ace on the flop was very bad card for him and Alxandre is going for reentry.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 46,711, ent.: 149/174
16:45 Gernot Asanger ships
On the river 6d 7D 2c 9d 8d there was about 27,000 in pot and Gernot jams for about 16,000. Csaba Iles thought for a bit and mucked his hand.
16:30 Dario Drofenik double up
On the flop 8h 8s 2h Drofenik bets 3,500 into 8,000 and Karasz decided for raise to 8,000. Drofenik tanked a while and calls. Turn Ah brought bet of 8,000 from Drofenik and after even longer tank, Drofenik jams for about 25,000. Karasz calls with Ad 2d but Drofenik held Ax Kx. River 6d didn´t change anything and Drofenik gains a bunch.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 42,074, ent.: 135/142
16:15 Alexander Woelfl double up
Alexander held Kx Tx and jammed for his last 4,100. His opponent calls with Qx Jx and after blank board Alexander doubles up.
16:05 Jakob Rott takes down one
n the river Ax 3x 9x 2x Qx there was about 11,000 in the middle and Rott bets for 8,000. Jensen thought for long time and called. Couldn´t beat Rott´s Ax Kx and mucked his hand.
15:50 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
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Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 40,777, ent.: 103/105
15:40 Hara takes nice one
Schneider opens to 700, Baranyi calls and Hara 3-bets to 3,100. Nandor Blasko calls from bb, Schneider calls and Baranyi folds. Flop Qx 6x 6x brings bet of 3,000 from Hara and both opponents pay quickly. On the turn 6x Hara fires for 7,500, which was end of this hand.
15:25 Chollier loose a bit for start
On the turn 7c 3s 4h As there was about 3,000 inside and Alexandre bets 2,000. Tim Hundeck paid and on the river 2h both players checked. Tim shows Ax 6x which was enough.
15:10 Friday´s flight is hosting these players since beggining:
Almási, Bargali, Baranyi, Belaj, Burget, Hara, Kamauf, Jensen Schaeven, Stopka a lot of others
Level 1: 100 - 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 50/50
Today´s action:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Master 250,000€ GTD:
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
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