To flight 1C, a total of 130 players joined, with thirteen advancing to day 2. After intense battles, Mustafa Suer emerged as today's chipleader with a stack of 834,000. Flight 1D turbo recorded a total of 43 entries. Today, Flight 1E is ready for you at 15:00, and Flight 1F – Turbo at 22:00. At 17:00, the Highroller event with a guarantee of 20,000€ starts. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1C:
1:50 Dor Edry bubbles out
Dor pushed around 140,000 with Kc Qc from the button, and Ješko from the small blind called with As Qs. Dominik Desset on the bubble pondered for a while but eventually folded. After the board showed 9d 7h 2s 6s Jh, Edry is out, and the remaining thirteen prepare their stacks for day 2!
1:25 Quick succession eliminations: Alexey Misuk and Radovan Fridrich
Thirteen players advance to day 2, with fourteen currently remaining in the tournament. We are now playing hand for hand.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 200,000, ent.: 26/130, 1D ent.: 16/27
23:45 Gyula Rapolti in thought
Mualem opened from the small blind for 15,000, and Rapolti 3-bet to 40,000. After a brief moment of consideration, Mualem pushed his stack totaling 127,000 over the line.
23:25 Ferenc Limpar doubles up
From the cutoff, Lokšo shoved his stack of 48,000, and Ferenc from the big blind called with Ad Kd. With a blank board, Lokšo had to surrender a portion of his stack, leaving him short.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 162,500, ent.: 32/130, 1D ent.: 19/25
23:10 Rado Fridrich victorious
On the flop Js Qd 2c, Rado bet 13,000 from position. Ben Zano, after a brief pause, folded his cards.
23:00 Gyula Rapolti double up
Altoka opened for 13,000, Perasovic called, and Rapolti from the blinds shoved his stack of approximately 115,000. With the board showing Jd 5d 2d Jc Td, Rapolti secured a double up.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 148,571, ent.: 35/130
22:40 Krajan busto
Krajan went all-in preflop for 90,000 with Ax Qx against Eden Azulay's pocket threes. However, with a blank board, Jozef relinquishes his stack and busts out of this flight.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 118,182, ent.: 44/130
Break 15 min
21:30 David with unlucky bust
David went all-in preflop with Ax Qx against his opponent's Kh Qd for exactly 40,000. However, after the board showed Ah 2h 4 4h Jh, David couldn't beat the flush and is currently out of the tournament.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 104,490, ent.: 49/128
21:15 Flop bet
On the flop Kx 3x 5x with approximately 15,000 in the pot, one of the Israeli players bet 10,000. Both opponents quickly folded.
21:00 Juwan eliminated after the flip
Juwan went all-in with Ax Qx for his last 7 big blinds, and Kovacs called with sevens. After the board showed Kx 9x 3x 9x 8x, Juwan is out of the tournament for now.
Level 11: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 87,143, ent.: 56/122
20:40 Flip
Marek went all-in preflop with 15 big blinds holding pocket nines, and one of the opponents called with Ace-Jack. However, after a blank board, Marek secured the much-needed double-up.
Euro Poker Championship with 500,000€ guarantee coming at the end of March!
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 87,143, ent.: 56/122
20:20 Krajan takes the pot
On the flop Qs 5cc 4d, Nagy bet 2,600, two players folded, and Krajan called. On the turn 6c, Nagy continued for 5,500, and Krajan opted to raise to 12,700, which Nagy called. On the river Jh, Krajan shoved for the remaining 16,000, and Nagy reluctantly folded.
20:00 Rapolti Vs Hanak
Rapolti opened to 3,500, and Hanak 3-bet to 11,600 from the blinds. On the flop 7c 6c 7s, Andrew Hanak bet 10,000, and Rapolti quickly folded.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 74,576, ent.: 59/110
Break 15 min
19:20 Small pot for Marek Petric
On the river Ad Kh Ks 3s 2d, the pot was about 11,000, and Ferenc Limpar bet 2,000. Hulin folded, and both Petric and Rupek called. Limpar revealed Ts 2s, Petric showed Ax 2x, and Rupek mucked his cards.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 67,742, ent.: 62/105
19:00 Adam Ondrík out
On the flop 3x 8c 7c, Adam went all in for his 33,000 with Ac Tc. Danny Mendel revealed Kx Kx, and the third player in the hand had a set of sevens. However, after the turn Jx and river 3x, the player in the small blind won a massive pot, but Adam exits the tournament, and Mendel loses his short stack shortly after.
18:40 Damian Gutta looses something
One of the short stacks went all in for 13,000 with Jx Tx, an Israeli player at the other end of the table re-jammed for about 60,000 with Kx Tx, and Damian comfortably called with Qx Qx. However, after the board came Ax Kx 3x Xx Xx, Damian had to surrender a significant portion of his stack.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 58,286, ent.: 70/102
18:25 Flip
One of the Israeli players went all in preflop for about 25 big blinds with Ax Kx against jacks, revealed by Jan. However, after the board came 3x 4x 7x Kx Qx, Jan has to surrender approximately a third of his stack.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,055, ent.: 73/95
18:00 Alan Lakatoš contemplating
On the turn Td 8c 5s 4d with about 14,000 in the pot, Petros Petrou bet 8,500. Alan pondered for a long time and couldn't make up his mind. Eventually, Petrou called for time on him. Alan reluctantly folded his cards at the start of the countdown.
17:45 3-way split
On the flop As Ts Qh, all four players checked. On the turn Kd, Kaluža bet 2,100, Azulay folded, Krajan shoved for about 20,000, and Nagy and Kaluža called. Krajan revealed Ax Jx, Nagy showed Js 4s, and Kaluža had Jx Tx. The river Ax didn't bring a flush for Nagy, so they split the pot.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 48,485, ent.: 66/80
Break 30 min
17:00 Gašpar Perasovic victorious
On the flop Ac Td 4d, Roman Sun bet 1,300 from the small blind into a pot of about 3,000. One opponent folded, and Gašpar called. On the turn 9h, Roman continued with 2,400, and Gašpar raised to 10,500. After a while, both checked the river Kd. Roman revealed Tx 9x, which wasn't enough to win against Ax 9x.
16:50 Overbet
On the flop 6d 4d Ah with about 6,000 in the pot, Alen Altoka bet 7,100. All four opponents folded.
Level 4: 200 - 500 / 500, avg. 46,667, ent.: 60/70
16:40 Damian Nutta takes over
On the turn 2x 2x 5x Jx with about 9,000 in the pot, Omer Gal bet 7,000, Dionysios called, and Nutta from the big blind raised to 20,000. Omer folded, and Dionysios called. On the river Ax, Dionysios pushed his remaining 15,000, and Damian snap-called with Kx 2x. Dionysios only had Ax Jx and is now out of the tournament.
16:20 Horvath Vs Chmela
On the river Qx 2x 7x Xx 8x, Horvath bet 3,500 into a pot of about 8,000. Chmela called, and Horvath revealed 8x 7x. Tomáš's cards ended up in the muck.
Level 3: 200 - 400 / 400, avg. 44,000, ent.: 50/55
Winter Polish Poker Days at the end of February will bring 444,444€ GTD!
15:50 C-bet
On the turn Qx Tx Tx Kx, there was about 3,000 in the pot and Manuel bet 2,000. Both of his opponents quickly folded.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,000, ent.: 41/41
15:30 Chantraine takes down a nice multiway pot
Pavelko started the hand with a limp from EP, Chantraine raised to 1,400, and Tauber and Jorganovic called. Pavelko joined in as well. On the flop Js 4c 3c, Pavelko bet 1,800. Chantraine called, Tauber folded, and Jorganovic called. On the turn Ah, Pavelko bet 2,500, Chantraine raised to 10,000, Jorganovic folded, and Pavelko called. On the river As, Chantraine bet 17,000, and Pavelko quickly folded.
15:10 At the start of the tournament, the following players are seated:
Bihári, Žikavský, Kupo, Roder, Ondrík, Milaberský, and others.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 17/17
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
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