Flight 1C produced strong 247 entries and that meant 25 more players in Day 2. Todays chipleader is Erik Šeffer, who managed to bag stack of 886,000. At this moment flight 1D is still going on and stacks from this flight will be added later. Tommorow we two flights, 1E starting at 15:00, flight 1F – Turbo at 22:00. At 17:00 Highroller event will take place. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1C:
Chipcounts 1D:
1:46 Bubbleboy is Alfred Muller
Alfred got his 150,000 in with pocket sevens and one of his opponents called with Ax Jx. Runout Ax Kx Tx 5x 8x was last one for flight 1C and we know names of 25 advancing players !
1:40 We are playing hand for hand
On the river Ad Qd 6c 4c there was about 250,000 in the pot and Obrtlík got it in with Kx Qx. His opponent held 8d 4D and Robo is done moments before day 2!
1:30 Francesco Scelsi busto
Nikolaos jammed 198,000 with Ac 9c and Scelsi called his 170,000 with pocket queens. Board Ax 4x 5x 5x Tx was in favor of Nikolaos, we are merging to last three tables and looking for last two eliminations of flight 1C !
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg.352,857, ent.:28/247, 1D ent.: 34/68
1:15 Avraham Goldstein took from Aisov
On the river As Td 9d 2h 4h there was 100,000 inside and Avraham went with a bet of 50,000. Yury folded quickly.
1:00 David Klein out
David fell to the shortstack and his 5bb ended up behind the line with 3x 3x and Chen decided to call with Tx 8x. Board Tx Kx Ax 7x 9x was last one for David.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 299,394, ent.: 33/247
00:45 Aisov jams
On the flop Jh Td 5d there was 75,000 in front of Kovacs and Aisov jammed for 214,000. Kovacs thought about it for couple of minutes but folded in the end.
00:35 Nikolaos took pot
On the river Qd Js 7c Ad Qc there is about 110,000 in the pot and Nikolaos bets 60,000. Klein doesn´t like that and folds.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 267,027, ent.: 37/247
Break 15 min
00:05 Darryl Jo double up
Darryl got it in with Ax Kx against Chen with Ax Jx for remaining 78,000. Board Tx 7x 2x Ax 9x holded up nicely for Darryl.
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD in Banco Casino Bratislava :
23:55 Sedmohradský ships
On the flop 6h 7h 5s there was 80,000 inside and Darryl Jo bets 40,000 from sb. Sedmohradský jammed about 200,000. Darryl took a while and folded his hand.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 253,333, ent.: 39/247, 1D ent: 37/52
23:40 Alfred Muller going up
Yury Aisov opens to 12,000 from Ep, Muller calls and Ort calls from his bb. FLop Kh 8h 3c and turn 3h was checked and river Qh Ort decided to bet for 18,000. Aisov folded and Muller calls. Ort held Qc 5c, Muller won pot wih Ad Jh.
23:25 Istvani Fabriczy out in nasty way
On the flop 5h 6h 7s Darryl had 61,000 behind and Qh 4h, Fabriczy held about 170,000 with set of fives and third player in hand was Shihong Chen as covering stack with 8h 7h. It didn´t took long and stacks flew in from all three sides. Turn 9d and river 2h meant triple up for Darryl and fat sidepot for Shihong.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,00, avg. 219,556, ent.: 45/247, 1D ent.: 37/49
23:10 Nikolaos Vs Abitbul
On the turn Kx 2x 4x Jd there was 95,000 in the pot and Abitbul bets 37,000. Nikolaos calls after short while and river Tc is checked. Nikolaos tables Kx Tx, which ain´t enough against Kx Jx.
22:50 Small one for Bukša
On the turn 3x 3x 8x Ax Bukša bets 10,000 into a pot of 22,000. Obrtlík folds with a smile.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,00, avg. 219,556, ent.: 45/247, 1D ent.: 37/49
One-week long party in early November !
France - Benelux Masters are returning and this time buy in is set to 130€ and guarantee will be 150,000€.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 179,636, ent.: 55/247
22:30 Fabriczy busts Ben
Fabriczy got into preflop all in with Ax Kx against Ax Jx held by Ben for about 60,000. Runout Tx Tx 2x Ax 7x busts Ben Shalom from fight 1C !
22:20 Baranyi winning small one
Baranyi opens to 11,000 and Alkoby called. Nobody else joined and board 9h 8h 9c 9s Ts was checked to the river where Baranyi bets 16,000. After short while Alkoby calls with Qx Jx but in this case it wasn´t enough against Jx Tx held by Baranyi.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 149,797, ent.: 66/247, 1D ent.: 16/16
Break 15 min
21:50 Abitbul 3-bets
Nikolaos opens to 7,500 from Mp. In sb Abitbul raises to 20,000 and after a while Nikolaos folds.
21:40 Miklošovič busto
Bettach opens to 6,000, Kralovič 3-bets to 13,000 and Miklošovič called his about 10,000 from sb. Bettach calls and board Jh 8h 5c Kh 4c was checked to the river where Kralovič bets 20,000 and Bettach folds. Miklošovič held Kx Qh, but that wasnt enough against riverred set of fours.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 132,055, ent.: 73/241
21:20 Pichler good with just a c-bet
On the flop 9d 8s 3d there was 17,500 in the middle and Pichler in sb bets 8,000. Obrtlík doesn´t wish to continue in this game and get rid of his cards.
21:15 Klein going up
Elod Zsombok opens to 6,000, Trusu, Klein and Yogev called. Flop Tc 4s 4h is checked. On the turn 3s David bets 8,000 and only Zsombok stays in game. River 6s brought a bet of 14,500 from David and Zsombok gives up on his hand.
21:00 Flight 1D – Turbo starting at 22:00 !
If you like faster tournament structures, this flight is just for you. All levels are shortened to 15 minutes. We are looking forward to see you.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 107,865, ent.: 88/240
20:45 Rotem Ashash double up
Rotem limped, Yogev raises to 6,500 and Svoboda calls from sb. Rotem calls too and flop 5x 6x Tx brought c-bet of 10,000 from Yogev, Svoboda called again, but Ashash jammed for 47,000. Togev folded, Svoboda with pocket nines calls. Rotem flips oevr Ax Tx and turn Qx and river Kx held for him.
20:30 Felix Neubauer in tank-mode
In front of Felix there was raise to 35,000 as response to all in of Golubev for 16,000. Darryl Jo rejams for 91,700 and Felix was thinking about this for couple of minutes. He decided to fold his Ax Kx, only to see Darryl with Ah Jh and Golubev with Ax Tx. Board Ax Tx 6x 3x 4x brought triple up to Golubev, but Darryl still wins a bit from sidepot.
Level 10: 1,000 - 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 93,465, ent.: 101/236
20:07 Zoltan Kovacs out
On the turn Ad Jd 8s 7s there was about 25,000 inside and Eldar Brodeski bets 7,000. Kovacs rejams his 35,000 and after long time Eldar calls with Ah Jh. Kovacs held Ax Kx and river bricked for him. Eldar take all of his chips and Kovacs is eliminated.
19:50 Boris the rollercoaster !
At first Boris lost about 30,000 in hand where he called on the river Kx Qx 6x Kx Qx 15,000. Very next hand Boris jams his 39,000 with 8x 5x and two opponents found Ax Kx. Flop 9x 7x 6x solves game nicely for a Boris.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 76,552, ent.: 116/222
Break 20 min
19:20 Lukáš stopka unlucky out
Lukáš got it in with queens against aces of his opponent. No help on board meant he is left with last 40,000 and those went in with pocket tens against Ax Jx. Jx on the flop sent Lukáš out of tournament area.
19:05 Highroller is scheduled for tommorow!
Buy in is set to 550€ and guarantee is 20,000€ ! Start is set at 17:00 and right now you can play supersatelite with buy in of 55€ with 5 tickets guarantee !
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 68,667, ent.: 120/206
18:55 Attila Szucs double up
Attila got his 30,000 in with Kd Qd against Lazar Asher with pocket jacks. Board 5x 5x 9x Qx Ax was good for Attila and takes double up.
18:45 Darryl Jo loosing one
On the turn 6c 5c As 3h there was 40,000 in the pot and both Darryl and Felix Neubauer checked. River 7s brought bet of 3,500 from Darryl and Felix took his time and called. Darryl tables Kx Qx, Felix win the pot with Ks 6s.
18:30 Next couple of months are going to be loaded with poker action in Banco Casino Bratislava !
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59,237, ent.: 131/194
18:20 Olešovský Vs. Ashash
On the flopQ c Tc 6c Vlado bets 1,800 into a pot of about 5,500. Ashash calls and turn Ks is checked. On the river 3h Vlado goes with a bet of 3,200, but his opponent lost interest in this game and tossed his cards away.
18:00 Stavi Sabag winning
On the flop Th 5h 3c Stavi bets 8,000 into pot of about 10,000. Both opponents folded quckly and Stavi shows Kx Kx.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 55,224, ent.: 134/185
17:55 Pekka Lamberg didn´t hold
On the turn Ts 9s Jd 6d Pekka jams for 15,000 into a pot of 11,100. Diniz tanks a bit but folds, Shihong Chen calls with Kd 4d. Pekka shows up with Jh 9h and river Xd complets flush for his opponent.
17:40 Martin Scecsenyi took down one
On the turn Tc 8c Td 4d there was 8,000 in the pot and Martin bets 4,500. Csaba Molnár folds and Iury Wolf calls. River 4s brought a bet of 5,000 and Wolf pass on his hand without hesitation.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 50,570, ent.: 121/153
Break 30 min
16:55 Rotem Ashan winning
On the flop Ts 2s Ac Hackett bets 2,200 into pot of 7,000. Rotem calls and Basa folds. TUrn 2d and river 8s are checked down and Ashan shows Ks 5s. Hackett mucks.
16:35 Havlíček takes fat one
On he river 3c 8x 3x 5x 7x there was about 20,000 inside and Havlíček bets 10,700. Ziv Dascalu calls after short while, but mucks his hand when Havlíček shows up with 4x 3x.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 45,565, ent.: 115/131
16:10 Small bet on the river does the job
On the river Kd Qc 5h 4d 2d there was about 20,000 in the pot and Savvas bets 6,500. Gabriela Trusu folds without heistation.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 43,019, ent.: 106/114
16:00 Zdeněk Svoboda double up
On the river 8x 4x 6x Ax 4x there is about 15,000 in the pot and Svoboda gets it in for remaining 9,100 with Ax 8x. Gross calls with Ax 9x which is of course not enough.
15:45 Aharon Piamenta busto in interesting setup
On the river Kx 5x Jx 5x 4d Edgardo Wayner bets 3,000 into a pot of 6,600. Aharon jams his about 15,000 and Lazar Asher rejams about 30,000. Wayner folds and Piamenta shows 9x 5x. Asher is holding pocket jacks and takes this nice pot.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 40,476, ent.: 84/84
15:30 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
15:20 Klaus Spitzer takes one
On the flop Kd Qd Jc there was about 800 inside and Klaus decided to bet 400. Asher calls and Aharon folds. On the turn Ac Klaus goes ahead with bet of one thousand. Asher folds quickly.
15:10 Who is here already?
Druga, Muller, Stopka, Spitzer, Očenáš, Olešovský and many others jumped in flight 1C right from start.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 45/45
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
France - Benelux 150,000€ GTD:
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
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