Flight 1B attracted 193 players and best stack of 882,000 belongs to Dalibor Kolarski. Tommorow at 15:00 there is flight 1C ready for you and since 22:00 flight 1D – Turbo open its gates. At 19:00 there is highroller satelite with buy in of 55€ and 5x 550€ ticket GTD ! For more information for sure check our website and social networks ! We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1B:
4:50 We have two bubbleboys again !
On table number nine on the turn 9x 3x 5x Jx Dula got his 161,000 in with Qx 9x against his opponent with Jx Tx. After river 5x Dalibor was first eliminated. On table number 14 Norbert Mosonyi jammed his 112,000 with Ax Tx only to run in Razvan Cretu with pocket queens as covering stack. Board 3x 9x 5x 7x Jx didn´t brought an ace and Dalibor is eliminated. 18 players going to day 2 !
Level 19: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 386,000, ent.: 20/193
4:45 Kolarski doubling up Dula
Dula got his stack in with Ax Qx and got paid by Kolarski with Tx 9x. Runout 5x Qx 4x Kx 2x meant another double up for short and hand for hand is still going on.
4:20 Kolarski double up
Siládi held Ad 7d and got into preflop all in against Kolarski with pocket nines for 158,000 as a short stack. Board 5x 5x Tx Qx 6x brought double up for shortstack.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 386,000, ent.: 20/193
4:10 Not much going on
We are still searching for last victim of flight 1B.
3:50 Filip Jurga double up
Filip got his 82,000 in with Ax Tx against Janošovský who was the covering stack. After board 4sx 6x Tx Kx 8x Jurga took the double. In last couple of minutes Lang, Volgmayr and Kačica busted and we are playing hand for hand.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 335,652, ent.: 23/193
Break 20 min
Slovak Poker Open will be back in february !
3:05 River bet solved a problem for Kolarski
On the river Kx Kc 9c 3h Ac there was 60,000 in the pot and Kolarski went with a bet of 25,000. Gábor thought about it but decided to fold his hand.
Level 16: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 275,714, ent.: 28/193
2:45 Refresher´s star Jakub Janošovský in action
On the turn Ks 3s Ac 5h there was about 50,000 in the pot and Kubo bets 36,000. His opponent tanked a bit but folded his hand.
2:30 Dimitrios Katsikas busto
Dimitrios got last around 120,000 in with pocket jacks against Volgmayr that found pocket kings. Board 7x 3x 5x 8x 7x was surprisingly unlucky for Dimitrios and he has to leave flight 1B !
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 208,649, ent:: 37/193
1:50 Double seat open
Papadoudis got his about 150,000 in against Gaciarz that held only around 50,000 and Jusup as covering stack. Papadoudis held Ac Qc, Gaciarz Qx Jx and Jusup tabled pocket kings. Blank board brought no change and Jusup eliminated two oponents at once.
Level 14: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 151,373, ent.: 51/193
1:35 Alexander Oswald hitting the river
On the river 3x 3x 8x 6x Kx there was about 60,000 inside and Oswald bets 25,000. Daniele Profiti called with pocket tens, but couldn´t beat Kx 6x held by Oswald.
1:15 Flip
Grécky hráč, ktorého meno nedokážem vysloviť dostal svojich 25bb do hry s Ax Kx proti deviatkam jedného z rakúskych súperov. Po ese na turne si tak pripisuje double up.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 130,847, ent.: 59/193
Break 20 min
00:50 Pohodlná výhra pre Ismeta Karakasa
Na flope Ks Js 5c bolo v pote asi 27,000, Ismet sa rozhodol betnúť 11,500. Kristof Meszaros dorovnal a Oswald s Levym zahadzovali. Turn 4d a river 2d boli precheckované a Ismet otočil As 8s. Kristof so smiechom muckoval, vraj držal Qx Tx a pot patrí Ismetovi.
00:40 Santa znova stráca
Na turne 3x 6x Kx Ax bolo v pote okolo 50,000 a po sérií raisov a reraisov Kolarski dostal 45,400 dnu so setom trojok proti Santovi s Ax 6x. River 5x Santovi nepomáha a časť stacku tak odovzdáva, ale stále žije.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 102,162, ent.: 74/189
Posledný level na registráciu a reentry
00:25 Siládi 3-betuje
Ionut Ipate otvoril na 5,500 z buttonu. Siládi na sb 3-betol na 16,000 a po krátkej chvíli Ionut svoje karty zahodil.
00:15 Bohumil Valenta vyhráva na river
Na flope Ks Js Jh bolo v pote asi 15,000 a všetci piati hráči checkovali. Na turne Ad Anto Baotic betol 6,000, Valenta s Farkasom dorovnali, Poor a BUderer zahodili. River Th sa checkoval a Baotic ukazuje Ax 7x. Na prekvapenie stola Valenta otáča Qx Qx a pot vyhráva.
Level 11: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 94,177, ent.: 79/186
00:00 Antala busting out Jonny Tapia
Jonny Tapia shoved his 40,000 with pocket nines, Antala called with jacks. Board 5x Ax 4x Jx 6x held for better combination.
23:50 Nebo Ankucic with Rath busto
Nebo got his around 35,000 in with pocket threes, against Gágbor with aces and Rath called off his shortstack with pocket sevens. Board Jx 8x 9x 6x 8x held for Gábor, which means he eliminates both opponents.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 84,819, ent.: 83/176
23:05 Siládi double up
On the flop 9c 3c 4x there was around 35,000 in the pot and Agioploudis bets 15,000. Siládi raises to 32,500 and after some time gets paid. On the turn As Siládi jams 42,000 and Agioploudis with Ac Qc calls. Juraj held Ah 9h and after river 5h Juraj took full double up.
22:55 Split pot
Okoličány limps, Farkas raises to 5,000 and Akos Poor shoves for 40,200. Okoličány folded, Farkas calls with Ax Kx. Poor tabled Ax Kx aswell and board 6x 4x 7x Kx 2x didn´t made any drama.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 70,870, ent.: 92/163
Break 20 min
22:30 Dobersek winning with a flop bet
On the flop 2c Qc Jh there was around 16,000 inbetween the players and Dobersek went with a bet of 7,300. Both opponents folded quickly.
22:15 Norbert Mosonyi eliminated
Mosonyi got last 6,500 in with Kd Qd against Nebo Ankucic with Jx 9x. Board Ax 7x 6x Ax Jx was not very nice for Norbert and Nebo took last pieces of his stack.
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,957, ent.: 92/154
22:00 Philipp Volgmayr out
On the turn Qs Td 3d 4c Walter Schwarzinger made a c-bet of 4,300, Norbert Mosonyi called and Volgmayr shoves his 20,700. Schwarzinger was taking long time thinking, but made the call with Ax Tx, Norbert folded fast and Volgmayr tabled 9d 8d. River Kh didn´t help him and has to leave.
21:45 Santa double up
Santa jammed his last 14,100 with Ax Jx and Roland Alakji easily called with pocket jacks. Runout Ax Qx 2x Ax Qx was lucky this time for Santa.
Level 7: 500 - 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 58,750, ent.: 96/141
21:30 Pot for Patrik Paulikovič
On the turn As Jc 3h Patrik bets 7,500 into a pot of 16,400. Prokeš folded quickly, Machalík took his time but folded too.
21:15 Boring one
On the flop 8x 5x 2x there was 4,200 inside and Christaki Tseko bets 1,600. Chris Fritshe folded quickly.
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 51,717, ent.: 99/128
21:00 Pot for Agioploudis
On the turn Ac Tc 4h 7h there was 14,000 in the pot and Jovica, Agioploudis and Robinoo checked. River 4x didn´t brought any action and Jovica tabled Tx 3x. Agioploudis shows Ax 6x and Robino mucks.
20:45 Jovo Krivokapic out
On the flop Ax 3x 9x Jovo bets 4,000, Dionysios raises to 9,900 and Siládi raises to 27,000. Jovo calls his 15,200, Dionysios jams about 10,000 more and Siládi calls with Ax 3x. Jovo tables 9s 6s and Dionysios held also Ax 3x. Turn Jc and river Qd didn´t change anything and Jovo is on the way from his seat.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 50,323, ent.: 93/117
Break 30 min
19:55 Adam Kiss victorious
On the turn Ac 2c 9c 6s there was 4,500 in the middle and Norbert Mosonyi bet 3,500. Adam Kiss calls and river Tc brought two swift checks and Adam shows Ax Jx. Thats enough, Mosonyi mucks his hand.
19:45 Santa sadly out
István Buderer thought its good idea to pay 3 big barrels from Santa with just a gutshot. In showdown Santa tables a set, but unfortunately for him, István hit his four outs and Santa is for now eliminated.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 44,301, ent.: 93/103
19:35 Razvan Cretu took small pot on the river
On the river Ax Ax 9x 4x 2x there was 4,000 inside and Cretu bets 3,500. Both opponents folded very quickly.
19:20 Mekinulow triple up
On the flop Tx 9x 5x Svoboda bets 3,500 into a pot of 5,200, Alakji folds, Kapiciak calls and Mekinulow jams for remaining 7,400. Both opponents made the call and turn 2c and river 5d was checked down. Kapiciak held 3x 3x, Svoboda Jx 9x and Mekinulow took the pot with Kx 9x.
19:10 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,469, ent.: 81/86
19:00 Anto Baotic busto
On the river 3x Jx Tx Kx 8x there was around 30,000 in the pot and Netanel Levy bets 20,000. Anto shoves for bit more with Kx Jx and Netanel with Ax Qx snapcalls. Anto has to go for a reentry.
18:45 Cetl Vs Sándor
On the flop 8x 8x 4x there was again 10,000 in the middle and Sándor bets 5,000 from position. Cetl raises to 12,000, Kyrgidis folds and Sándor after a while folds too.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,513, ent.: 78/79
18:25 Maté Sándor tanking early pot
On the river Th 9h Ts Kd 8s there was around 10,000 in the middle and Artem Logvin bets 7,000. Sándor pulls a raise to 20,000 and Artem after short thinking folded his hand.
18:15 Right from start we can see in game
Mekinulow, Jurga, Zacharakis, AIsov, Antala, Maceják, Rath and many others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 50/50
Banco Casino Masters 250.000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
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