After tiring day 1B we know names of 14 advancing players to day 2. Chipleader Woflgang Huschkha with stack of 865,000. Tournament will go on with flight 1C at 15:00 and flight 1D- Turbo at 22:00. Schedulec can be found under this post. We are looking forward to see you.
Stacks 1B:
5:22 It took some time, but we are done
Kurt Radinger got his about 270,000 in with Ax Qx against Turček with Ax Kx. Board Ax Kx Tx 9x 2x Xx held for better hand at this time and we are going to day 2 !
Level 20: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 370,667, ent.: 15/139
Stále hráme hand for hand !
4:50 Blaško double up
Blaško dostal svojich 162,000 za čiaru s Jx Jx a Kristián sa po dlhom prehováraní rozhodol dorovnať s 5x 5x. Po blank boarde tak Blaško doubuje.
4:30 Stern eliminates Andrej Desset and we are playing hand for hand
Desset got it in with pocket jacks in same hand where Stern found Qx Qx. Board brought a set to Desset on the flop but Stern got his on the turn and Desset is eliminated and we are searching for last victim of flight 1B !
Level 19 : 8,000 - 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 370,687, ent.: 15/139
4:20 Schiel now loosing a bit
Erich got into preflop all in with Ax Kx against Ax 6x of his opponent. Runout Qx 8x 6x 7x Ax didn´t manage to do second double up for Erich.
4:10 Erich Schiel double up
Ľudovít Spot jammed on Erich for 65,000 effectivelly with Qx Jx and Erich tabled Ax 7x. Blank board brought double up for Erich.
Level 18: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 308,889, ent.: 18/139
3:55 Častvan gave up on the flop
On the flop Kd Jh As there is about 60,000 in and Rozbora goes with a bet of 40,000. Častvan in his bb fold quickly.
3:45 Desset rejams
Jasmine Schuster opens to 30,000 from her sb and Desset in bb after long long time jams about 170,000. Jasmine folds instantly.
Level 17: 5,000 – 10,000, avg. 308,889, ent.: 18/139
Break 15 min
2:50 Gašpar Perasovic out
Gaspar got into preflop all in for his 116,000 with pocket tens against Manuel with pocket eights. Runout brought four diamonds and Manuel had 8d. That was stop for Gašpar today.
2:40 A-high enough
On the river 4d 7d Qs 5h 2d there was about 30,000 inside and Rajsek from bb bets 15,000. Kristián thought a bit and called. Andrej tables Ks 3s, Kristián this time took the pot with Ad 8h.
Level 16: 4,000 - 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 231,667, ent.: 24/139
2:40 A-high enough
On the river 4d 7d Qs 5h 2d there was about 30,000 inside and Rajsek from bb bets 15,000. Kristián thought a bit and called. Andrej tables Ks 3s, Kristián this time took the pot with Ad 8h.
2:20 Blaško gets Rozbora in uncomfortable spot
On the turn Qc 4s 2s 3h there was 61,000 in the pot and Kristián Rozbora bets 25,000. Marek Blaško from blinds makes it 75,000 and Rozbora gets into heavy tank-mode. After couple of minutes floorman with clock is called and in last five seconds Rozbora decided to fold.
Level 15: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 213,846, ent.: 26/139
2:10 Next couple of months is going to be loaded with poker action:
2:00 Kevin busto
On the flop Ad 4c Jc there was close to 40,000 in the pot and Kevin was all in already. Turček bets 15,000 from bb and Blaskche raises to 43,000. Turček responds with all in about 170,000 and has Manuel covered. After short while Manuel fold his hand, Kevin flips over Kx Kx but need some help against Ax Jx held by Turček. Turn 2x and river 3x bricked for Kevin.
1:45 Dmytro Shubin out
Dmytro got his 13bb in with Ax Kx against pocket sevens held by his opponent. After blank board Dmytro is left with 3bb and looses them very next hand.
Level 14: 2,000 - 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 173,750, ent.: 32/139
1:20 Manuel Blaskche loosing a flip
Manuel opens to 10,000 from Ep and Viršík jammed for his 57,000 in the button. Manuel was thinking for some time and decided to make the call with deuces. Viršík flips over Ax Kx and runout Ax 7x 6x 4x 4x got him double up.
Level 13: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 129,302, ent.: 43/139
Break 15 min
00:50 Izet loosing something
Jasmina Bauer got into preflop all in with Ax Kh against Izet with Ax 5c. RUnout Ah 4h Jc 8h 5h brought her flush and Izet has to give up on approximately 25,000.
00:40 Nice triple up for Rozbora
On the flop 2x 2x 8x three stacks flew in. Rozbora held pocket aces and about 55,000, Asher Segev with Kh 2h held about 30,000 more and David Picek was the covering stack. Turn 8x and river 8x brought fullhouse and Main Pot to Rozbora. Sidepot belongs to Picek and Segev is done with this bullet.
Level 12: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 111,837, ent.: 49/137
Last level for registration and reentry to the flight 1B !
Everything you need to know about upcoming The Hendom Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD
00:00 Jasmine Schuster massive double up
On the flop Kx Jx 4x Jasmine bets 7,500 Bibiana clicks to 15,000. Jasmine jams for about 120,000 effective stack and Bibiana with Jx 6x calls. Jasmine shows pocket aces and after blank turn and river Jasmine won nice pot.
Level 11: 1,000 - 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 98,868, ent.: 53/131
23:35 Split pot
Schachinger got into preflop all in for his about 22,000 with Ax 4x against Bruno Milkovich with Ax 6x. Board Ax Kx 3x Kx 3x brought split between these two.
23:30 Josef Stern takes one
On the flop 7h 5h Td Stern c-bets 6,700 into a pot of 12,000. Both Segev and Kerschner folds.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 88,421, ent.: 57/126
23:10 Jasmine Schuster double up
Jasmine jammed from sb her 35,000 into two limps and Viršík was taking for quite some time before going on with his call. Limpers folded, Jasmine tables pocket sixes and Viršík held Ax Kx. Board Jx 4x 5x 7x 7x held for pair combination at this time.
22:55 Braňo Ondruš busto
On the flop 2x 9x 7x Ondruš was already all in for his about 20,000 and Tosic with Vizner got it in for additional 30,000. Vizner held set of sevens, Ondruš pocket aces and Bibiana Tosic had set of nines. Turn and river were no surprises and Bibiana busts two opponents in one hand.
Level 9: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 78,750, ent.: 64/126
Break 15 min
22:30 Ondruš not getting this one
Jasmina Bauer limps in Ep, Ondruš raises to 3,500 and Tosic 3-bets to 10,000. Bauer folds and after short while so did Ondruš.
22:10 Next couple of months is going to be loaded with poker action:
Level 8: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 69,851, ent.: 67/117
22:00 Oliver Tot busto
Oliver got his 14,300 in the middle with Kx Tx against Ax Tx held by Igaz.Board Qx Tx 6x Qx 3x was no help for Oliver and he is leaving his seat.
21:45 Kizzik Vs. Pezzoli
Pezzoli opens to 2,300 and Kizzik defends his bb. Flop 7c 4s Qd didn´t bring any action. On the turn Jd Kizzik bets 5,500 and Pezzoli calls. On the river 7d Kizzik bets 12,000, but Pezzoli after short thinking folds his hand.
Level 7: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 63,188, ent.: 69/109
21:30 Boris is violent
On the turn Ks Js 8d Qd there is bit less than 20,000 in the pot and Boris bets 6,000. Avraham Goldstein calls and on the river Kd Boris fires again, this time for 20,000. His opponent doesn´t like it and folds
21:20 Konstantinos Argyris took down pot
On the river Ts Ac 4h 7d 2h there was about 15,000 inside and Konstatinos goes with a bet of 12,500. Vladimír Kostka took his time to think, but folded his hand.
21:15 Supersatelitte to Banco Casino Masters is running with great value !
With buy in of 30€ Supersatelitte guarantee is 5x BCM ticket valued at 170€. At this moment only 36 players in and late registration is open untill 22:20 !
Level 6: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 53,684, ent.: 76/102
21:00 Blaskche double up through Igaz
On the turn Ks 3c 5d 4s Igaz bets 7,300 into a pot of 13,500 and Bibiana Tosic calls. Manuel in bb raises to 30,000 and Michal Igaz jams effectively for 39,700. Bibiana folded quickly and Manuel with Ax 2x snapcalled. Igaz held 3x 5x, but after river Qs missed his few outs and looses pot.
20:45 Yitshak Bahar took down multiway pot
Flop Jh Th As was checked seven times. On the turn 7d Bahar bets 2,000, two players calls and rest folded. River 3c was checked again and Bahar tables Tc 7c. Both remaining opponents mucks.
Level 5: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 52,174, ent.: 69/90
Break 30 min
20:00 Small one for Pekka Lamberg
On the turn Jx 5x 3x 8x there was about 10,000 in the pot and Pekka bets 5,000. Peter Čižmárik folds after a while.
19:50 Žikavský all in
On the river Jx 9x 4x 5x Qx there was about 35,000 in the pot and Žikavský jams for his 18,000. Tomáš Vojtek thinks a bit, but decides to fold.
Level 4: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 45,625, ent.: 64/73
19:30 Simple one for Wolfgang Eberle
Kurt Radinger opens to 1,200 from Ep and Wolfgang defends his bb. Flop 9c 2c 7h goes check-check, turn 6c brings a bet of 900 from Eberle. Radinger double checks his hand and folds.
19:20 Double up for Schachinger
Schachinger bets 3,500 into pot of 4,500 on the turn As 6s 2d 2s and Scelsi calls slowly. River 5d brought all-in from Valentin for remaining 4,500. Francesco called in slow rhytm with Ax 4x, but that wasn´t enough against 6x 2x held by his opponent.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,000, ent.: 60/63
19:00 Darryl Jo triple up
On the flop Qd 6h 3h Darryl ships his 8,400 behind the line with Kx Jx, Boris rejams with 8h 4h for about 40,000 and Varga calls about 35,000 with set of queens. Turn As and river Td completed straight for Darryl, hold for Varga´s side pot and Boris falls to shortstack.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 40,800, ent.: 50/51
18:40 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
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18:30 Pekár takes nice one
On the flop Ad 6h 5c there was about 2,300 inside and Roman goes with a bet of 800. Kuník, Gašpar and Varga paid. Turn Tc brought bet of 3,500 from Roman and only caller was Peter Varga. On the river 2d Pekár bets 6,000, but Varga fold quickly. Roman shows Ax 6x after the hand.
18:15 Who is in already?
Jonášek, Vilček, Schiel, Maté, Častvan, Maceják, De Conti, Jo and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,851, ent.: 47/48
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 170€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
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