Norwegian Poker Championship 2025 in Banco Bratislava!
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Banco Casino Championship saw a total of 1,340 entries, which led to a prize pool of 227,800€. The winner today was Adam Tama, taking home 38,000€. There will certainly be no shortage of poker action in Banco Bratislava in 2025. In February, the Winter Polish Poker Cup with a 140€ buy-in and a 300,000€ guarantee is ready for you. In March, we have the Norwegian Poker Championships, and in April, another Banco Casino Masters 250,000€. This Saturday, we have the one-day Banco Poker Open with a 30,000€ guarantee. Every day, a wide range of Cash Games is available. For more information, follow our website and social media. We look forward to seeing you!
Final Day eliminations:
1. Tama Adam - 38,000€
2. Rolt Michael - 25,270€
3. Ješko Peter - 16,520€
4. Smetka Ladislav - 11,370€
5. Raschbauer Stefan - 8,370€
6. Krogh Lars - 6,070€
7. Harari Ezra - 4,495€
8. Augustín Lukáš - 3,595€
9. Klugsberger Andreas - 2,920€
10. Sisso Avraham - 2,470€
11. Avitan Almog Daniel - 2,470€
12. Nemeth Istvan Janos - 2,070€
13. Isen Alex - 2,070€
14. Chmela Tomáš - 1,770€
15. Geiger Tamas - 1,770€
16. Pinchas Grigoorij - 1,770€
00:00 Settled after the first hand
Rolt held sixes, and Tama had aces. The stacks went all-in, but Tama's aces easily held up, and Michael Rolt takes home 25,270€ for his performance.23:55 Približné stacky v headsupe
23:55 Approximate stacks in the heads-up:
Tama – 50,000,000
Rolt – 17,000,000
Short break
23:50 Peter Ješko takes third place for 16,520€
Ješko opened to 1,200,000, and Tama 3-bet from the sb to 3,800,000. Ješko pushed all-in for 24,000,000 with pocket eights, and Tama snap-called with Jx Jx. After the board ran out Ac 6h 3d 4s 3c, Ješko was left with only 825,000. A few hands later, Ješko was eliminated in third place, taking home 16,520€.
23:30 Ladislav Smetka fourth for 11,370€
Ješko opened from the button to 1,200,000, and Smetka called from the sb with Qd Jc. On the flop Qc Js 5c, both players checked. On the turn 9d, Smetka bet 1,500,000, and Ješko decided to raise to 4,000,000. Smetka announced all-in for 9,500,000, and Ješko snap-called with Ts 8c. After the river 7d, Smetka did not receive any help from the dealer and exits the tournament in fourth place for 11,370€.
23:15 3-bet
Ješko opened to 1,200,000, and Tama from the bb decided on a 3-bet to 3,600,000. Ješko quickly folded his cards.
23:05 Stefan Raschbauer finishes fifth for 8,370€
Raschbauer pushed 6,300,000 with Ks Js from Co, and Rolt on the sb found Ax Qx, re-jamming his 12,000,000. After a board of 9s 6h 7h 5h Qc, Stefan is eliminated and takes home a prize of 8,370€.
Level 33: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 13,400,000, ent.: 5/1,340
Break 10 min
22:35 Tough Call
Ješko opened to 900,000, and Tama called from the big blind. On the flop Ac Tc 7c, both players checked. On the turn 7d, Tama bet 700,000, and Ješko called. On the river 9c, Tama fired 2,300,000, leaving Ješko with a tough decision. After some thought, Ješko called and revealed As Kh, which beat Tama's Qs 8c.
22:15 Ješko Flops Well
Rolt opened to 1,200,000 from the small blind, and Ješko called from the big blind with Jh Th. On the flop Ah 5h 3h, Ješko bet 700,000, Rolt called, but on the turn Ts, Ješko fired 1,800,000, prompting Rolt to fold.
21:50 Rolt Adds to His Stack
Rolt opened to 800,000 from the cutoff, Smetka called from the small blind, and Raschbauer joined from the big blind. On the flop Qx 9x 5x, Rolt continued for 900,000, and both opponents quickly folded.
Today´s Cash Games:
Level 32: 200,000 – 400,000 / 400,000, avg. 13,128,800, ent.: 5/1,340
21:30 Pot for Ješko
Ješko opened to 700,000 from early position, and Smetka called from the cutoff. No other players joined, and on the flop Ah 4h 8s, both checked. On the turn 2h, Ješko bet 1,600,000, prompting Smetka to fold his pocket threes.
21:15 Raschbauer vs. Smetka
Raschbauer opened to 600,000, and Smetka called from the big blind. On the flop Ad 8c 6c, Smetka bet 700,000, and Raschbauer quickly called. On the turn 4s, Smetka continued for 1,500,000, and Stefan called again. On the river 6d, Smetka bet 1,900,000, and Raschbauer folded his hand.
Level 31: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 13,128,800, ent.: 5/1,340
Break 15 min
20:50 Lars Krogh finishes in sixth place for 6,070€
Krogh opened to 450,000 from the button, and Rolt 3-bet to 1,800,000 from the small blind. Krogh responded with an all-in for approximately 9,000,000 holding Jx Jx, and Rolt snap-called with Qs Qh. After the board ran out Qx 6x 6x 7x Kx, Lars Krogh is eliminated from the tournament.
20:40 Ezra Harari finishes in seventh place for 4,495€
Ješko completed his small blind, and Harari raised to 525,000 from the big blind. Ješko responded by putting Harari all-in, and Harari called off his 5,000,000 chips with pocket tens. Ješko revealed Ac 8h, but the board Tc Kc 2d 6c 7c unexpectedly ends the Israeli player’s journey in seventh place for 4,495€.
20:30 Lukáš Augustín finishes in eighth place for 3,595€
Raschbauer opened for 400,000, and Augustín called from the big blind. On the flop 6h 9d Jc, Stefan bet 375,000, and Lukáš called. On the turn 8d, Raschbauer continued with a bet of 1,100,000, and Lukáš decided to go all-in for just under 5,000,000. Stefan instantly called with Qs Td, and Lukáš, holding 7d 6d, had many outs. However, the river Qh wasn’t one of them, and Lukáš finishes in eighth place, taking home 3,595€.
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 8,375,000, ent.: 8/1,340
20:00 Krogh Vs Rolt
Krogh opened for 300,000 and Rolt 3-bet to 1,000,000. Krogh called, and on the flop Jc 7c 4h, Rolt continued for 600,000, and Krogh called again. On the turn 2s, Rolt didn't hesitate and bet 1,500,000. However, Krogh reluctantly folded his cards.
19:50 Nice hands
Harari opened with Kx Kx from EP for 350,000, Krogh called with 2x 2x, and Rolt called with 8x 8x. On the flop Jh 3h Jd, nothing happened. On the turn 6c, Rolt bet 450,000, Harari called, and Krogh folded. On the river 5h, both checked, and Harari took down a nice pot.
After nine months of waiting, we finally learned the date of the next Banco Casino Masters!
19:30 Andreas Klugsberger is eliminated in 9th place for 2,920€
Tama opened to 325,000 and Klugsberger shoved 1,800,000. Smetka in the small blind announced an all-in for 4,300,000 and Tama folded. Klugsberger showed As Qd, while Smetka had Ad Kh. After the board came 5s 6c 6d Kd Xx, we lost a player early on.
FT chipcounts:
Final table payouts:
1. 38,000€
2. 25,270€
3. 16,520€
4. 11,370€
5. 8,370€
6. 6,070€
7. 4,495€
8. 3,595€
9. 2,920€
Bustounts before final table:
10. Sisso Avraham - 2,470€
11. Avitan Almog Daniel - 2,470€
12. Nemeth Istvan Janos - 2,070€
13. Isen Alex - 2,070€
14. Chmela Tomáš - 1,770€
15. Geiger Tamas - 1,770€
16. Pinchas Grigoorij - 1,770€
Livestream link:
Break 30 min
18:20 Avraham Sisso exits in 10th place for 2,470€ and we move to the final table
Avraham opened to 475,000, Ješko 3-bet to 1,400,000, and Sisso announced all-in for 3,625,000. Ješko called with Qx Qx, and Avraham showed Ax Kx. The board ran out 8x 4x Tx Qx 3x, and we are now down to the final table.
18:00 Andreas Klugsberger double up
Smetka opened to 400,000 from the button, and Andreas pushed 725,000 from the small blind with Ax 7x. Smetka called with Qx Qx, but after the board came 8x 7x Jx 7x 4x, Andreas doubled up, and we’ll have to wait a little longer for the final table.
Level 29: 100,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 6,564,400, ent.: 10/1,340
17:50 Almog Avitan exits in 11th place for 2,470€
Almog pushed his stack into the middle with Ax Qx, and Stefan called with Kx Jx. The board ran out Tx 9x 2x Jx Xx, and Avitan is eliminated in 11th place for 2,470€.
17:35 Alex Isen exits in 13th place for 2,070€
Alex struggled with a short stack for some time. He pushed his last 975,000 into play with Kx Jx from the cutoff, and Stefan on the button called with As 2s. The board ran out 7x 7x 9x Qx 2x, and Alex was eliminated. At the adjacent table, Stefano was left with just one big blind. Three other players limped, and the board came Qx 6x 4x 2x 9x, with all players checking. Stefano revealed 7x 3x, but Rolt turned over Ah Jh, beating the other players holding Ax 8x and Kx Jx. Rolt claims Stefano’s stack, and Stefano departs with 2,070€.
17:25 Avraham Sisso double up
Avraham pushed his stack of about 2,500,000 into the middle with As Qs against Kx Kx from Lukáš Augustín. The board ran out Kc Js 4s 7c 6s, and Avraham survives to continue in the tournament.
Level 28: 75,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 5,049,000, ent.: 13/1,340
Break 15 min
16:45 Tomáš Chmela takes home 1,770€ for 14th place
Tomáš went all-in preflop for about 2,400,000 with Ah 9h, and Lars Krogh revealed Qx Qx. After a board of Kx 9x 8x Qx 3x, it was a clear end to the tournament for Tomáš.
A new series of one-day events, Banco Poker Open, begins next week with a guarantee of 30,000€.
16:35 Tama Vs Raschbauer
On the turn Jc 4c Js 6s, the pot had grown to around four million, and Tama bet 1,850,000. Raschbauer responded by declaring all-in, effectively covering around 4,000,000. Tama agonized for a long time but eventually mucked his cards.
16:10 A Stylish Exit from the Tournament
Tama opened the action again, and Pinchas called from the big blind. On the flop Ad 7d As, Pinchas immediately shoved all-in for 1,260,000. After some thought, Adam called with Qx Qx, only for Pinchas to reveal 7x 2x. The turn Jx and river Kx secured Grigorij a payout of 1,770€.
Shortly after, Tamas Geiger was eliminated, having gone all-in with Qs Js against Ax 6x.
16:05 Adam Tama Takes the First Pot
Adam opened the hand, and Stefan called from the small blind. On the flop 7s 3c 2c, Adam continued for 125,000, and Stefan called. The action repeated on the turn 5s with a bet of 375,000. On the river 9d, Adam bet 865,000, and Stefan quickly decided to fold his cards.
Level 26: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,102,750, ent.: 16/1,340
There are less than four minutes left to play in this level.
Final day payouts:
1. 38,000€
2. 25,270€
3. 16,520€
4. 11,370€
5. 8,370€
6. 6,070€
7. 4,495€
8. 3,595€
9. 2,920€
10. 2,470€
11. 2,470€
12. 2,070€
13. 2,070€
14. 1,770€
15. 1,770€
16. 1,770€
A total of 1,340 players entered the tournament, generating a prize pool of 227,800€. Six players received a bonus of 800€ each for double qualification. The top 16 players will take home a 170€ ticket to the upcoming Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD, and this amount is included in the prize structure.
Livestream link:
Final Day chipcounts: