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A total of 271 players entered Flight 1G, with 27 advancing to the next stage. Today’s chip leader was Lukáš Augustín with a stack of 1,275,000. Flight 1H attracted 220 players, and 22 of them will advance. Flight 1I – Turbo started at 22:00, with late registration open until 1:00. The 200,000€ guarantee was surpassed during today’s play, and the last chance to advance will be the morning Flight 1J Hyper Turbo, starting at 11:00, or the Last Chance Flip and Go, starting at 13:00. Day 2 begins tomorrow at 16:00. We look forward to seeing you!
Chipcounts 1G:
23:10 No hand-for-hand play today
Gabor Iszlai opened to 35,000, and Ashkenazi rejammed for 204,000 with Jx Jx. Gabor called with Ax Qx, and after an A-high board, Ashkenazi lost his stack. At the same moment, Tal Barasofsky was eliminated at another table, bringing Flight 1G to an end.
22:50 Time!
Kamendoliev had a raise of 105,000 in front of him, and a few seats further, Andras Halasi declared all in for an effective stack of about 350,000. Kamendoliev took a very long time to think, and a time extension was eventually called on him. In the final seconds of the countdown, however, the Macedonian player folded his cards.
22:40 Christos Vettas eliminated
Christos got his short stack all in with Ax Qx against eights, which Milan Sabol had. After the board 4x Qx 8x Kx Kx, Christos had to leave Flight 1G.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 451,667, ent.: 29/271, 1H ent.: 85/221
22:30 Several seat opens
Flavian, Gabrielides, Turkol, and Zuberovski were eliminated from the tournament in quick succession. We are now only three eliminations away from the end of Flight 1G.
22:20 Unpleasant spot
On the turn Kx Tx Tx Tx, there was about 250,000 in the pot. Klugsberger bet, and Andras Halasi called. On the river Tx, Klugsberger declared all in after a moment, and Halasi immediately folded his Kx Kx.
Level 18: 7,000 - 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 410,606, ent.: 33/271, 1H ent.: 103/221
22:00 Squeeze
Markus opened to 25,000, the player behind him called, and Joszef Dobos, further behind, rejammed to 127,000. Both opponents slowly folded.
21:50 Sharon Shraga rises
On the turn 7c Js 5d Ks, there was 86,000 in the pot, and Sharon bet 35,000. Chao folded, and Ole folded face up Kx Qx. Chao commented that he also held Kx Qx.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 338,750, ent.: 40/271, 1H ent.: 105/219
Break 15 min
21:20 Andreas all in
Everyone, except for Andreas sitting in the small blind, folded, and he immediately declared all in. The player in the big blind, however, angrily folded.
21:00 Flight 1I – Turbo starts in one hour!
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 301,111, ent.: 45/271, 1H ent.: 116/209
20:55 Shitrit adds more
On the turn Ac Kh 3d 6c, there was 80,000 in the pot, and Markus bet 40,000. Shitrit called, and on the river 2s, both checked. Shitrit revealed Ax Jx and comfortably took the pot.
20:40 Simple game
On the flop Jc 8c 5s, Christoph Rapf bet 21,000 into a pot of 45,000. Iszlai and Jensen immediately folded.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 255,660, ent.: 53/271, 1H ent.: 117/200
20:20 Aces aren't enough
Yuval Bar opened from the cutoff, and Pavol called from the small blind. On the flop Qs 7c 2h, Yuval continued with a 10,000 bet, and Pavol raised to 27,000 after a brief moment. Yuval called, and on the turn 9h, Pavol bet 22,000. Yuval shoved his last 60,000 with Aces, and Pavol snap-called with Qx 9x. The river 3x didn't change anything, and Yuval is eliminated.
20:00 Nice call
On the turn Jd 3d 7c Qh, there was 115,000 in the pot, and Adi Tzur shoved his 87,000 from the small blind. Peter Kamaras thought for a while and eventually decided to call with 4s 3s. Adi revealed Ad 5d, and after the river 2s, he is eliminated from the tournament.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 208,462, ent.: 65/271, 1H ent.: 123/182
19:40 Michal wins preflop
A player in early position limped, and the call was followed four more times. Michal, from the small blind, decided to raise to 55,000, and no one dared to see the flop.
19:30 Flop overbet
On the flop Jx Tx 7x, there was over 50,000 in the pot. Joszef, first to act, bet 75,000, and his opponent immediately folded.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, ag. 180,667, ent.: 75/271, 1H ent.: 119/170
Break 15 min
18:50 Jan Erik Iversen eliminated
Marcus Skalicky opened to 8,000 from the button, and Iversen decided to defend his big blind. On the flop 2x 8h Th, he check-called a 6,000 bet. On the turn Xh, the action repeated with a 15,000 bet. On the river Jc, Iversen shoved his remaining 65,000, but Marcus snap-called with Kh 4h, and Iversen, holding Ah 9x, is eliminated from Flight 1G.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 144,149, ent.: 94/271, 1H ent.: 110/139
18:30 Varonic vs. Chao
On the flop 7s 3s 6d, there was about 70,000 in the pot, and Varonic bet 50,000 from the button. Daniel Chao from the small blind declared all in for 105,500, and after a long consideration, Varonic folded his cards.
18:20 Andreea Ghisan is fearless
On the flop 7d 3d 6h, Andreea bet 9,000 into a pot of 24,500. Kamaras decided to raise to 26,000, and Barasofsky called. Shortly after, Andreea raised to 80,000, and both opponents folded at a slow pace.
It’s official!
More than 1,000 players have registered for the tournament at this moment. The guarantee has been surpassed!
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 118,860, ent.: 114/271, 1H ent.: 92/118
Break 10 min
17:40 Student goes for reentry
Student moved all in from the cutoff for his 22,000 with Kx 4x, and Nadav instantly called behind him with Ax Jx. After the board 9 2x Qx 5x Jx, Martin takes a reentry and joins Ivan Sebelédi's table.
17:20 Kamendoliev wins on the turn
On the turn Kd 5d 4s Ks, there was about 40,000 in the pot, and Kamendoliev bet 20,000. Pavol thought for a while but folded his cards.
Level 10 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 102,778, ent.: 126/259, 1H ent.: 84/94
17:10 Martin vs Christoph
On the flop Ax 5x Qx, there was about 30,000 in the pot, and Martin from position bet 15,000. Christoph from the big blind called, and on the turn Qx, Martin bet 45,000. Christoph instantly shoved all in for about 150,000, and Martin folded even faster.
Cash Games table count going up !
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 91,045, ent.: 135/245, 1H ent.: 76/79
Break 30 min
16:00 Big all in
After some confusing action, Leitner raised to 20,000, and Iszlai rejammed effectively to about 150,000. Leitner thought for a long time over his decision but eventually folded face up Kx.
Level 8: 700 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 83,582, ent.: 134/224
15:40 Unfortunate spot
On the river 2x 5x 6x Kx Tx, there was about 50,000 in the pot, and Gábor declared all in for about 60,000. His opponent thought for several minutes but ultimately couldn't find the courage to call.
15:30 Turn bet
On the turn Kx Qx 8x Ax, there was about 30,000 in the pot, and Daniel bet 12,000. His opponent struggled for a while, but in the end, he folded face up Kx.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 74,823, ent: 141/211
15:20 Maciej rises
On the river Kh Qs 7s As 5d, there was just over 15,000 in the pot, and Maciej Kawonczyk bet 5,500. Marcus Skalicky, after a brief thought, folded, and Maciej rewarded him by showing Jh Th.
15:10 4-bet push
Stulhofer opened from early position to 2,500, Harari behind him 3-bet to 11,000, and Roy Even from the big blind pushed his 53,000 all in. Stulhofer folded, and after a long consideration, Harari called with Ax Qx. Even held As Js, and after the board Ax Tx Tx 5x 4x, he left his seat at the table.
15:00 Flight 1H starts in one hour!
This flight will also be the last one with long levels.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 68,151, ent.: 146/199
14:45 Zion Shamay takes something
On the flop Jh 9s 4s, there was 11,000 in the pot, and Zion bet 3,500. Aunfelt called, and the player between them folded. On the turn 6c, Zion continued for 10,000, and Torben folded his cards.
14:30 Gabor Iszlai eliminates
On the turn 9d 3d Jh Kc, there was a pot of just over 60,000, and Gabor Iszlai from the big blind put his opponent all in for about 25,000. Nativ Shmueli, after a brief thought, called with Ax Jx, but against Kx Kx of the Hungarian player, even an Ace on the river couldn't help him.
The winner of yesterday's PLO event was Eden Elbaz, earning 1,320€ + bounty!
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 62,411, ent.: 141/176
Break 30 min
14:00 Flip
After a failed hand, Andreas dropped to the last 10,000, which ended up all in the following hand with Ax 8x. One of the Israeli opponents decided to call with 5x 5x, and after the board Ax 5x Kx Jx 8x, Andreas is out for now.
13:50 Christoph Eder double up
On the river Ax Tx Tx 6x 4x, there was 37,000 in the pot, and Robino bet 20,000. Eder thought for a long time and finally decided to go all in for 33,000. Robo with Jx Tx called, but Christoph revealed Ax Tx and takes the double up.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 56,538, ent.: 130/147
13:20 Multiway pot for Stefan
Stefan on the turn Jx 8x 7x bet 4,000 from position into a pot of about 5,000. All three opponents folded their cards, and Stefan showed Ax Tx to the table.
After nine months of waiting, we have learned the date of the next Banco Casino Masters!
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 53,879, ent.: 116/125
Víťazom včerajšieho Highrolleru sa stal Marvin Worner za 8,525€
HR payout:
1. Worner Marvin - 8,525€
2. Stvrtecky Tomas - 5,450€
3. Koloszar Daniel - 3,450€
4. Koeie Stefan - 2,450€
5. Dascalu Ziv - 1,950€
6. Dons Bo - 1,450€
12:50 3-bet pot
Daniel opened to 1,000 from EP, and a few positions later, Boris 3-bet to 3,500. After a short moment, he got a call, and the flop came Ax Kx 9x, which he immediately c-bet for 4,000. Daniel quickly folded.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 50,495, ent.: 101/102
12:30 Tom takes one of the early pots
Tom opened from MP to 500, and three players called. The flop Tx 9x 2x was checked around. On the turn Kx, Tom bet 1,500, and everyone folded in turn.
12:15 Active from the morning
Shafak, Borzak, Hansen, Nagy, Sabol, Vettas, and many others.