Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD attracted total of 916 entries and after very long final day, unexpected 9-way deal winner Is Janos Dudas, who took home 17,545€. In upcoming weeks there will be lot of poker action going on in Banco Casino Bratislava and for more informations keep checking our social media and webpage. We are looking forward to see you !
Final Day results:
1.Dudas Janos – 17,545 €
2.Tapia Johny – 9,770€
3.Roslan Radoslaw- 6,980€
4.Žandár - 11,185€
5.Pollak Hans – 5,785€
6.Antala Ivan – 7,295€
7.Rapf Christoph – 10,985€
8.Frommel Christian - 4,785€
9. Blazek Klaus – 6,435€
10.Bodzar Stanislav 1 405 €
11.Steindel Christian 1 405 €
12.CERNY MARKUS 1 405 €
13.Firla Jan 1 180 €
15.Negovec Rafael 1 180 €
16.Muhr Fabio 990 €
17.Pulpito Massimo 990 €
19.Licker Michael 990 €
21.Ivasiuc Adrian 840 €
22.Kozyriev Dmytro 840 €
23.Dala Szabolcs 840 €
24.Solymosi Szabolcs 720 €
25.Lungu Adrian 720 €
26.Jankovcin Marian 720 €
27.Kunik Patrik 720 €
28.Ibisevic Igor 720 €
29.Stern Jozef 720 €
30.Gabor Michal 720 €
31.AREN 720 €
32.Pietruk Artur 620 €
33.Kubat Janos 620 €
34.PEKAR ROMAN 620 €
36.Kuzma Stefan 620 €
38.Akkad Sammy 620 €
40.CASTVAN JAN 535 €
41.Zant Robert 535 €
42.Lishchuk Vadym 535 €
43.Muller Alfred Ernst 535 €
44.Kajan Tomas 535 €
46.Kvak Vasyl 535 €
47.Drumic Nenad 535 €
48.Kosior Mikolaj Mateusz 470 €
49.Rutkowski Michal 470 €
50.Caba Tomasz 470 €
52.Murzsa Norbert 470 €
53.Mizera Marcin Adam 470 €
54.Marthy Laszlo Gabor 470 €
55.Mravik Jozef 470 €
56.Sarayedarzadeh Tabriz Pedram 420 €
57.Kahric Velaga 420 €
59.Hillinger Christoph 420 €
60.Apostol Peter 420 €
61.Lugmayr Michael 420 €
62.Alexandridis Symeon 420 €
63.Kechagias Athanasios 420 €
64.Jakubec Robert 370 €
65.Hussain Khalel 370 €
66.Zanati Zsolt 370 €
67.Pamer Martin 370 €
68.Piasecki Adrian Oskar 370 €
69.Zlatny Martin 370 €
70.Merker Christopher 370 €
71.Li Chun Sheng 370 €
72.Ercegovic Tomislav 335 €
73.ALA EDMOND 335 €
74.Otescu Gabriel 335 €
75.Popovic Teodor 335 €
76.Kucera Ales 335 €
77.Moser Alexander 335 €
78.Kadleckova Stepanka 335 €
80.Vizner Shmuel 300 €
81.Vettas Christos 300 €
82.IZO GABRIEL 300 €
84.Psenak Milos 300 €
85.Gasowski Norbert 300 €
86.KUSZA DAVID 300 €
87.Kaderabek Radim 300 €
88.Eller Richard 300 €
89.JESKO PETER 300 €
5:31 Headsup took exactly one hand
Johny Tapia shoves his 19,000,000 with Qx Jx and Janos called with Kx Tx. Board Kx 9x 2x Ax 7x eliminated Johny Tapia in second place for 9,770€ and tournament is over !
5:30 Radoslaw Roslan finishes in third place for 6,980€
Roslan got bit less than 14,000,000 in with Kx Tx and Janos Dudas called off with Ax Qx. Board 7x 6x Qx 5x 7x was last one for Roslan.
Level 34: 300,000 - 600,000 / 600,000, avg. 15,266,667, ent.: 3/916
Short break
Lot of poker action incoming !
4:55 Žandár finishes in 4th place for 11,185€
Žandár got in last 1,200,000 with 6x 3x and ran into Johny Tapia with Ax Kx. Board 3x 2x 4x Kx 9x was last one for Žandár.
4:45 Žandár double up
Roslan shoves from sb and Marek calls his 2,575,000. Roslan tabled Tx 9x, Marek held pocket sixes and after runout 8x 8x 9x 3x 6x Marek took needed double up.
Level 33: 250,000 – 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 11,450,000, ent.: 4/916
4:40 Hans Pollak eliminated in 5th place for 5,785€
Hans shoves his approximately 2,500,000 with Qd Js and Roslan calls with Ah Ks. Board 2s 9s 6s Jx 8s completed higher flush for Roslan and Hans is on his way to cashdesk.
4:25 Ivan Antala finishes in 6th place for 7,295€
Ivan shoves last two millions with 7x 6x and Roslan calls with pocket queens. After board Tx 8x 3x Jx Kx is Antala aswell eliminated.
4:15 7th place belongs to Christoph Rapf for 10,985€
Rapf got it in with Ah Qh against pocket tens held by Roslan. After runout Kx Jx 7x 6x Jx Rapf had to give up on 9,400,000 and last 225,000 lost with Jx 3x against Ax 3x and Ax 6x of his opponents after runout Kx Tx 7x Kx 8x.
4:00 Christian Frommel out in 8th place for 4,785€
Frommel shoves about 4,000,000 with Ax Tx and Roslan found Ax Qx. BOard 8x 3x 7x 7x Kx eliminated Frommel in 8th place.
3:50 Janos Dudas all in
Frommel completed his sb and Dudas shoves for about 3,500,000. Frommel folded very quickly. Rhytm of game seems to be unchanged but in last minutes we lost Klaus Blazek who took 6,435€
9-Way deal was accepted !
This is very surprising and numbers looks follwing:
1. Tapia Johny – 9,770€
2. Roslan Radoslaw- 6,980€
3. Blazek Klaus – 6,435€
4. Žandár - 11,185€
5. Rapf Christoph – 10,985€
6.Frommel Christian - 4,785€
7. Dudas Janos – 9,650€
8. Pollak Hans – 5,785€
9. Antala Ivan – 7,295€
Left to play for – 7,895€ + trophy
Deal discussion ?!
3:30 Christian Frommel double up
Christian got 1,550,000 in with pocket tens against Ad 8d held by his opponent. Blank board of 3c 5c 9c 5d Ks doubled shortstack once again.
3:20 Klaus Blazek double up
Klaus shoves 2,175,000 with pocket fours and Christian Frommel reship with Ax Jx. Board 5x 8x 3x Qx 2x doubled shorter stack. Frommel falls to around 1,500,000.
Level 31:150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 5,088,889, ent.: 9/916
Break 15 min
2:50 Rapf double up
Rapf got his 2,200,000 in game with pocket queens against Roslan with Jx Jx. Board Ax 7x 8x 4x 3x held nicely for Rapf.
2:30 Ivan Antala survives
Antala shoves 1,750,000 from Ep with Ax 4x and Rapf called with Ax Qx. Board Ax Jx 5x Jx Jx decided that pot will be chopped.
Level 30: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 5,088,889, ent.: 9/916
Final Table chipcounts:
Left to play for :
1. 27 215 €
2. 16 585 €
3. 10 970 €
4. 7 965 €
5. 6 090 €
6. 4 530 €
7. 3 285 €
8. 2 320 €
9. 1 805 €
Tournament will continue !
Before final table these players were eliminated :
10.Bodzar Stanislav 1 405 €
11.Steindel Christian 1 405 €
12.CERNY MARKUS 1 405 €
13.Firla Jan 1 180 €
15.Negovec Rafael 1 180 €
16.Muhr Fabio 990 €
17.Pulpito Massimo 990 €
19.Licker Michael 990 €
21.Ivasiuc Adrian 840 €
22.Kozyriev Dmytro 840 €
23.Dala Szabolcs 840 €
24.Solymosi Szabolcs 720 €
25.Lungu Adrian 720 €
26.Jankovcin Marian 720 €
27.Kunik Patrik 720 €
28.Ibisevic Igor 720 €
29.Stern Jozef 720 €
30.Gabor Michal 720 €
31.AREN 720 €
32.Pietruk Artur 620 €
33.Kubat Janos 620 €
34.PEKAR ROMAN 620 €
36.Kuzma Stefan 620 €
38.Akkad Sammy 620 €
40.CASTVAN JAN 535 €
41.Zant Robert 535 €
42.Lishchuk Vadym 535 €
43.Muller Alfred Ernst 535 €
44.Kajan Tomas 535 €
46.Kvak Vasyl 535 €
47.Drumic Nenad 535 €
48.Kosior Mikolaj Mateusz 470 €
49.Rutkowski Michal 470 €
50.Caba Tomasz 470 €
52.Murzsa Norbert 470 €
53.Mizera Marcin Adam 470 €
54.Marthy Laszlo Gabor 470 €
55.Mravik Jozef 470 €
56.Sarayedarzadeh Tabriz Pedram 420 €
57.Kahric Velaga 420 €
59.Hillinger Christoph 420 €
60.Apostol Peter 420 €
61.Lugmayr Michael 420 €
62.Alexandridis Symeon 420 €
63.Kechagias Athanasios 420 €
64.Jakubec Robert 370 €
65.Hussain Khalel 370 €
66.Zanati Zsolt 370 €
67.Pamer Martin 370 €
68.Piasecki Adrian Oskar 370 €
69.Zlatny Martin 370 €
70.Merker Christopher 370 €
71.Li Chun Sheng 370 €
72.Ercegovic Tomislav 335 €
73.ALA EDMOND 335 €
74.Otescu Gabriel 335 €
75.Popovic Teodor 335 €
76.Kucera Ales 335 €
77.Moser Alexander 335 €
78.Kadleckova Stepanka 335 €
80.Vizner Shmuel 300 €
81.Vettas Christos 300 €
82.IZO GABRIEL 300 €
84.Psenak Milos 300 €
85.Gasowski Norbert 300 €
86.KUSZA DAVID 300 €
87.Kaderabek Radim 300 €
88.Eller Richard 300 €
89.JESKO PETER 300 €
Short break
2:00 Christoph Rapf double up and Christian Steindel eliminated in 11th place
Rapf got it his 2,225,000 in with pocket fives and Christian called off with Ax 4x. Board Kx Tx Qx 4x Qx left Steindel with last 75,000 that he lost very next hand. In same hand was Stanislav Bozdar eliminated and we are going to the final table !
1:45 Markus Cerny eliminated in 12th place
Markus got his stack in with pocket deuces against Roslan with Ax Kx. Board Ax Ax 8x 6x 4x held unpaired combination and after counting the stacks, Roslan hel 3,050,000 and Markus was left with last 100,000. Few more hands later Markus lost last chips and is eliminated.
Level 29: 100,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 3,816,667, ent.: 12/916
1:05 Backraise
Jan Firla completed his sb and Johny Tapia raises to 450,000. Jan responds with all in of 3,075,000 and Tapia was tanking for quite some time. Johny folded face up Ax Jx and Jan shows him back Kx Qx.
00:50 David Hlinický out after heroic performance
Žandár opens to 300,000 and David shoves million from blinds with pocket sevens. Žandár held Jx Jx and runout Jx Jx 9x 8x Kx didn´t gave David smallest chance. Interesting fact is that David made it this far from morning hyper turbo flight. WP sir !
15.Negovec Rafael 1 180 €
16.Muhr Fabio 990 €
17.Pulpito Massimo 990 €
19.Licker Michael 990 €
21.Ivasiuc Adrian 840 €
22.Kozyriev Dmytro 840 €
23.Dala Szabolcs 840 €
24.Solymosi Szabolcs 720 €
25.Lungu Adrian 720 €
26.Jankovcin Marian 720 €
Level 28: 75,000 – 150,000 / 150,000, avg. 3,271,429, ent: 14/916
Break 15 min
00:20 Johny Tapia with a smaller pot
On the flop Kc 6c 9d pot was about 600,000 and Tapia bets 185,000. Janos Dudas was tanking for some time and folded his hand. On next table we lost Fabio Muhr.
Short break
00:00 Christian Steindel double up, Massimo Pulpito eliminated in 17th place and we are going for last two tables.
Steindel got his 1,300,000 in with Qs Js against Rafael with Ax Jx. Board Ts 7s 3h Qd 4c brought a double up for shorter stack. On next table Massimo lost his stack with Ax 9x against 7x 6x held by his opponent after board 5x 8x 2x 4x 5x.
23:40 Sigfried Rath out
Rath got about 1,200,000 in with Ax Kx against Ivan Antala with pocket jacks. Jack hit the flop and rest of board was irrelevant. Rath is elimnated in 18th place and after loosing one more players there will be redraw.
Level 27: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,410,526, ent.: 18/916
23:20 Hans Pollak winning with a river bet
On the turn Tx Qx 2x 6x pot was about 600,000 and both Žandár and Hans checked. On the river Kh Hans bets 320,000. Žandár didn´t like it and folded.
23:00 Christian Steindel double up
Antala shoves 1,000,000, Steindel calls his 650,000 and nobody else joined. Antala shows Ax Jx, Steindel held Ax Kx and after runout Qx 9x 6x Ax 3x Steindel took important double up.
Level 26: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,081,818, ent.: 22/916
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22:40 Massimo shoves the turn
Massimo opens to 160,000 from Co, Muhr calls from bb. On the flop Ac Qc Kd Massimo bets 130,000 and got paid. On the turn 5d Massimo shoves about 800,000 he head left. Muhr folded fast.
22:15 Resteal
Klaus Blazek opens to 175,000, Massimo Pulpito calls and Žandár shoves about 1,000,000. Both opponents quietly folded.
Level 25: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,908,333,ent.: 23/916
Break 15 min
21:40 Klaus Blazek took the pot with river bet
500,000 was in the pot on the river 5s 3d Th Td Ks and Klaus bets 250,000. Both Adrian Ivasiuc and Christoph Rapf folded quickly.
21:20 Radoslaw Roslan victorious
Roslan opens to 125,000 from Ep and Ivan Antala calls from the button. On the flop Ax Ax 2x both players checks and on the turn 6s Roslan bets 175,000. Antala paid quickly. On the river 3x Roslan bets 275,000 and Antala thought about it for a minute. He decided to fold and Roslan tabled pocket queens.
27.Kunik Patrik 720 €
28.Ibisevic Igor 720 €
29.Stern Jozef 720 €
30.Gabor Michal 720 €
31.AREN 720 €
32.Pietruk Artur 620 €
33.Kubat Janos 620 €
34.PEKAR ROMAN 620 €
36.Kuzma Stefan 620 €
38.Akkad Sammy 620 €
40.CASTVAN JAN 535 €
41.Zant Robert 535 €
42.Lishchuk Vadym 535 €
43.Muller Alfred Ernst 535 €
Level 24: 30,000 – 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,761,538, ent.: 26/916
21:00 Kuník shoves
Paťo moved his about 500,000 behind the line from Mp. Frommel in bb was thinking about it but folded. Shortly after this hand Kuník was eliminated.
20:50 Christian Steindel victorious
On the flop Ac 6c 4h Negovec bets 55,000 and Steindel raises to 155,000. After short time he made the call and turn 4d was checked through. On the river Ts Steindel bets 315,000 and Negovec calls with Ax 6x. Unfortunately for him, Steindel tabled Ax Tx and won this pot.
Level 23: 25,000 – 50,000 / 50,000, avg. 1,635,714, ent.: 28/916
20:20 Rafael Negovec with another win
On the flop 8c 7C 6c Rafael bets 175,000 into a pot of about 300,000, Solymosi calls and Mitka folded. On the turn 9d both players checks and on the river 6d Solymosi bets 100,000. Negovec snapcalls with pocket sevens and Solymosi lost pot with his Tx 9x.
20:00 Christian Frommel double up
Christian got his 230,000 in with Qx Jx against his opponent with Ax Qx. After runout Tx Ax Qx 9x Kx Christian took lucky double up and survives.
Level 22: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 1,174,359, ent.: 39/916
Break 15 min
19:40 Mitka Vs. Negovec
Miro opens from Co and Negovec defends bb. On the flop Ad 6d 8d Mitka c-bets 75,000 and gets paid fairly quick. On the turn Js both checks and on the river 6c Negovec leads out for 300,000. Mitka folded after short while.
19:20 Christop Rapf patiently
On the river Kc kd 6h 9d Ad pot was about 250,000 and Christoph bets 105,000. Richard Priesol raises to 275,000 and Rapf after long-long tank raises to 605,000. Priesol snapcalls with Qd Td, but Rapf surprisingly shows him pocket aces for riverred full house. Ouchie.
Big batch of eliminations:
44.Kajan Tomas 535 €
46.Kvak Vasyl 535 €
47.Drumic Nenad 535 €
48.Kosior Mikolaj Mateusz 470 €
49.Rutkowski Michal 470 €
50.Caba Tomasz 470 €
52.Murzsa Norbert 470 €
53.Mizera Marcin Adam 470 €
54.Marthy Laszlo Gabor 470 €
55.Mravik Jozef 470 €
56.Sarayedarzadeh Tabriz Pedram 420 €
57.Kahric Velaga 420 €
59.Hillinger Christoph 420 €
60.Apostol Peter 420 €
61.Lugmayr Michael 420 €
62.Alexandridis Symeon 420 €
63.Kechagias Athanasios 420 €
64.Jakubec Robert 370 €
65.Hussain Khalel 370 €
66.Zanati Zsolt 370 €
67.Pamer Martin 370 €
68.Piasecki Adrian Oskar 370 €
69.Zlatny Martin 370 €
70.Merker Christopher 370 €
71.Li Chun Sheng 370 €
72.Ercegovic Tomislav 335 €
73.ALA EDMOND 335 €
74.Otescu Gabriel 335 €
75.Popovic Teodor 335 €
76.Kucera Ales 335 €
77.Moser Alexander 335 €
78.Kadleckova Stepanka 335 €
80.Vizner Shmuel 300 €
81.Vettas Christos 300 €
82.IZO GABRIEL 300 €
84.Psenak Milos 300 €
85.Gasowski Norbert 300 €
86.KUSZA DAVID 300 €
87.Kaderabek Radim 300 €
88.Eller Richard 300 €
89.JESKO PETER 300 €
Level 21: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 1,090,476, ent.: 42/916
18:45 Stern with a flop raise
On the flop kx 6x Kx pot was about 70,000 and Johny Tapia bets 25,000 and Stern raises to 75,000. Tapia needed some time and folded face up pocket aces. Stern shows him Ax after the hand.
18:30 Nenad Drumic busto
Rafael Negovec opens to 45,000, Drumic shoves from Sb for 170,000 and Mitka in bb calls. Negovec calls too and board 8h 4h 4c Jh 2d was checked until the river and Negovec bets 125,000. Mitka after short while called with pocket sixes, Negovec tabled Kx Jx and Drumic is eliminated with his Ax Tx.
Level 21: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 934,964, ent.: 49/916
Lot of poker action incoming !
18:00 Marcin Mizera double up
Antala opens to 30,000, Kozyriev 3-bets to 80,000 and Mizera shoves for 270,000. Antala folded and Kozyriev calls with Ax Qx and Mizera tabled Ax Kx. Board 6x Tc 4c 2h 3c brought safe double up for Mizera.
17:45 Marthy with two barells
On the flop Kd 9h 2s pot is around 100,000 and Marthy bets 30,000. Bugár calls and on the turn 6d Marthy continues for 60,000 and Bugár slowly folded.
Level 19: 10,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 803,509, ent.: 57/916
Break 30 min
17:00 Dimitrios Nanos loosing a big one
Dimitrios got into preflop all in with pocket kings against Hans Pollak with pocket aces. After board Tx Qx 6x 7x 9x Hans doubled up his 554,000.
16:45 Ace high no good
On the turn 9h Tc 3c Qd pot was about 100,000 and Rafael Negovec bets 55,000. Solymosi calls and river 9s is checked though. Negovec tables Ax 8x, which wasn´t good enough against Kx Tx held by Solymosi.
Level 18: 7,000 – 15,000 / 15,000, avg. 683,582, ent.: 65/916
16:30 Velaga double up
Velaga limps from co, Roslan completes his sb and Kevin in bb reshoves about 250,000. Velaga calls with Ac 8c, Roslan folded and Kevin tabled Ax 5x. Board Tx 3x 8x Ax 3x means Kevin has give up on 138,000 from his stack.
1. 27 215 €
2. 16 585 €
3. 10 970 €
4. 7 965 €
5. 6 090 €
6. 4 530 €
7. 3 285 €
8. 2 320 €
9. 1 805 €
10-12. 1 405 €
13-15. 1 180 €
16-19. 990 €
20-23. 840 €
24-31. 720 €
32-39. 620 €
40-47. 535 €
48-55. 470 €
56-63. 420 €
64-71. 370 €
72-79. 335 €
80-89. 300 €
Banco Casino Championship Main Event 150,000€ GTD had 916 entries, which means guarantee has not been met and Banco Casino Bratislava had to add almost 31,000€ from its own pocket. First nine players will take 200€ ticket to Poker Belgique Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are accounted for in these payouts.
15:45 Aleš Kučera eliminated
Aleš got his about 150,000 in with Ad 9d against Miro Mitka with pocket nines. After board 3x 3d Tx 6d Tx is Kučera eliminated.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 594,805, ent.: 77/89
15:35 Laszlo Marthy took a bit off Bugár
On the flop Jx Tx Tx pot was almost 70,000 and Marthy bets 20,000 from the button. Bugár instantly folded.
15:20 Hans Pollak with a pot to start with
On the turn 4h 2h 2s 3h pot is 65,000 and Hans bets 60,000. Michael Lugmayr was thinking for longer time but folded his cards.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 514,607, ent.: 89/916
Final Day seating:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2
Multiple qualification: 2x = 450€, 3x = 900€
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Summer Cup 250,000€ GTD:
Poker Belgique Masters 250.000€ GTD
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