Flight 1B attracted 96 entries and another 10 players has advanced to day 2. Today´s chipleader is Maté Sándor with a stack of 1,095,000. Flight 1C will open its gates today at 18:00 and for more information check our web and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1B:
3:11 And we are done
Most unfortunate person in flight 1B is without a doubt Andrej Desset who opens to 32,000 with Ax Qx, Mark Mate jams for around 600,000 with Ax 9x and Andrej made the call. Board 4x 9x 3x Kx Tx eliminated Andrej and rest of players are bagging their chips for day 2 !
3:05 First try no good !
Jakab jammed his 98,000 with Qc Tc and Nanos found Ac Kc in blinds. Jakab was covered and after board 4x 5x 9x Tx 8x took the important double up.
3:00 We are playing hand for hand
In quick time we lost Stefansson, Karman and Kačica, and we were looking for last two eliminations of flight 1B. In last hand Erich Schiel got his short in with Ax Tx against Ax Kx held by Rebhan. Board 2x 4x 8x 8x Kx moves us to hand for hand play !
Lot of poker action coming up !
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 320,000, ent.: 15/96
2:35 Schiel double up
Schiel got his shortstack in with Qx 8x against pocket jacks held by his opponent. Queen on the flop was only important card and Schiel is still with us.
2:20 Ješko out
In first hand, Nanos opens from Ep to 17,000 and Ješko 3-bets from Mp to 45,000. Nanos calls and on the flop 7s 2s 4h snapshoves for 86,000. Ješko took his time but made the call with the Ax Kx. Nanos tabled Ax 4x and after blank turn and river took huge part of Peter´s stack. Few hands later, Ješko jams for remaining 30,000 with Ax 8x, Mark Mate calls and Jakab rejams about 120,000 with pocket queens. Mark calls with pocket jackas and after board Qx 7x 6x Ax 3x is Ješko eliminated for good and Jakab took nice double up.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 266,667, ent.: 18/96
2:05 Sándor good with c-bet
On the turn 8x 9x 6x Ax Sándor bets 20,000 into a pot of around 40,000. Nanos on other side of table folded quite quickly. On next table we lost Belaj and we are going to last two tables.
1:45 Small pot for Rebhan
Rebhan opens to 15,000 from Ep, Erich Schiel calls and everyone else folds. Flop 4h 5h Qh and turn 7h were checked, on the river 2s Rebhan bets 15,000. Erich folded quickly.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 218,182, ent.: 22/96
1:35 Jozef Libo out
Kizzik opens to 13,000 from Ep, Libo jams his shortstack and Oswald rejams 132,000. Kizzik was thinking about it but folded and Libo shows Qd 4h. Oswald held Ad Qh and after runout 6c 6h 9h Jh 5h is Libo eliminated.
1:20 3-bet !
Michail Nanos opens to 12,000 and Alexandros 3-bets to 35,000. After some time, Michail folded and Alexandros tabled Ax Kx.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 184,615, ent.: 26/96
Break 15 min
00:40 Bela Miko eliminated
Miko jammed his 68,500 with pocket nines and Miro Mitka found few seats later pocket tens. Board Ax Tx 7x 4x 8x eliminated Bela without any drama.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 146,774, ent.: 31/91
00:20 Juwan Amir busto
Luca Beretta jams his around 35,000 from Mp and Juwan calls few seats later his 21,500. Nobody else joined, Luca shows Qx Qx and Juwan shows pocket tens. Board Kx 7x 3x Ax Ax held for better hand and Juwan is eliminated.
00:10 Pot for Belaj
On the flop Tc 8c 4h Belaj bets 12,000 from Ep into a pot of 22,000. Peter Harmadas folded without a single word.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 133,333, ent.: 33/88
23:50 Fridrich winning with a river raise
On the river 2d 9s Kc Jh 4x Kačica bets 15,000. Fridrich raises to 37,000 and František needed couple of minutes before he folded face up Jx 4x. Fridrich didn´t show his hand.
23:40 Double seat open
Stefano got his 21,500 behind the line with pocket threes, Ivan Nagy rejammed 37,500 with Kd Qd and Sebastian Rebhan covered both of them with Kh Qh. Flop 8h 9h 4h was clear enough. Turn 2c and river 9c didn´t change anything and we are loosing two players at once.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 103,659, ent.: 41/85
23:20 Ioannis Nanos double up
On the flop Jx Jx 7x Nanos jams for 37,000 with pocket fives and Navrátil calls with Ax Kx. Blank turn and river held for pair combination at this time.
23:00 Kizzik Vs. Desset
On the flop 4d 4h Qs Kizzik bets 7,000 into a pot of 15,500. Amir folds, Desset calls and Bednár folded his hand. On the turn Td both player checks and on the river 3d Desset bets 10,500. Kizzik calls and Andrej tabled Qx 9x which wasn´t enough against Qx Jx held by Kizzik.
Level 9: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 102,439, ent.: 41/84
Break 15 min
22:30 Fast one for Jakab
On the turn Js Ks 8s 7c Jakab bets 4,500 into a pot of around 10,000. Stefensson quietly folded.
22:20 Pot for Kizzik
On the flop ks Qs Kc pot was bit over 10,000 and all three players checked. On the turn 8s Kizzik bets 7,000 and both opponents folded promptly.
Level 8: 700 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 88,889, ent.: 45/80
22:00 Eirik Berntsen loosing something
On the turn Td 8h 4h Jh pot is 24,000 and Eirik bets 7,000. Bela Miko after some time raises to 21,000 and Eirik folds. Bela shows him Jx Tx after the hand.
21:45 Sándor shoves
On the river Ah Th 8s 2s Tc pot was almost 40,000 and Maté Sándor jammed. Andrej Desset was thinking for few seconds and folded his hand in the end.
Lot of poker action coming up !
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 78,889, ent.: 45/71
21:30 Stefano Vs Karman
On the turn 2d 6d 5c Js pot is almost 11,000 and Antonino bets 2,500. Stefano raises to 6,500 and after some time Karman folds. Stefano shows Jx.
21:15 Navrátil took the pot on turn
On the flop Th 8h 3d Luca Beretta bets 5,500, Navrátil raises to 11,000 and Kjos folds. Turn 8d brought a bet of 15,000 from Navrátil and Luca folded.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 71,591, ent.: 45/63
21:00 Peter Harmadas double up
On the flop 7c Qc 2d Malouchos leads out for 6,500 and Harmadas raises to 21,200. Ivan Nagy folds and Malouchos jams for 46,600. Harmandas snapcalls with Qx 2x and Malouchos needs some help with Qs Js. Turn 6c and river Th held for Harmadas and he took nice double up.
20:45 Small river bet did the job for Csaba
On the river Tx Tx 7x Jx 6x pot was around 10,000 and Csaba bets 2,000 in position. Michail calls but Csaba held 7x 5x which was good in this case.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 62,766, ent.: 47/59
Break 30 min
20:00 Sebastian Rebhan all in
Ivan Nagy opens to 1,500 and Oswald with Rebhan called. On the flop 7c 2c 8h Oswald bets 3,300, Rebhan raises to 10,100 and Nagy folds. Oswald made the call and on the turn Qh Rebhan shoves for 26,000. Oswald folded quickly.
19:40 Hanssen Kjos victorious
On the river Ah 5h Js 7h Ac Alexander Stefansson bets 6,000 into a pot of around 15,000 and Hanssen from bb calls. Stefansson tabled Jh 9h, but that wasn´t good enough against Qh 2h held by Kjos.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 63,889, ent.: 36/46
19:35 Navrátil all in
Preflop Nagy, Navrátil and Navarra agreed on 4,500. On the flop 9h 9s 3s Navrátil jams for remaining 5,200 and both opponents folded.
19:20 Tone Arnestad with nice river
On the flop Ax Jx 8x pot was 2,500 and all four players checks. On the turn Ah Tone bets 1,200, Sándor with Stan folded and Kjos calls. On the river 2d Tone bets 5,100 and Kjos needed some time. After he decided to fold Tone tabled pocket deuces.
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Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 56,944, ent.: 36/41
19:00 Tod splits one too
Tod got his around 15,000 in with 5c 4c against Mona Bremnes with Ac Ks. Board 7h 8h 6h Th 4h brought a flush for both players.
18:45 Split pot
On the turn Js 9h Th 8c Erich Lang bets 6,000 into a pot of around 14,000. Navrátil with Navarra calls. On the river Kc Lang bets 5,000 and only Navarra calls. Lang held Qc 7c, Navarra had Qh 9c and pot is split between these two.
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 54,000, ent.: 25/27
18:30 Quick pot for Massimo Navarra
Massimo opens to 700 from Ep, Stan and Sokol calls. On the flop As Ts Jc Massimo c-bets 1,500 and both opponents smoothly folded.
18:15 Who is already in the house?
I can see Navrátil, Nagy, Lang, Libo, Desset and others already in the tournament.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 50,000, ent.: 27/27
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 150€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Final Day are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
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