Slovak Series of Poker 2022 and it´s Main Event with guarantee of 250,000€ got finished today. There was 935 registrations and that meant Banco Casino Bratislava had to fill remaining 40,000€ into prizepool. Winner after this marathon is known player Sebastian Kotowicz, who took tournament down without any deal and got 55,170€ and luxury watches for champion of Main Event. Since tommorow there is Greek Poker Champions awaiting you and Main Event have guarantee set to 150,000€ with buy in only 175€. Mid-July there is France-Benelux Masters ready, with guarantee 150,000€ aswell. First august week Banco Casino Masters will celebrate 30th birthday, and besides special raffle and birthday cake, guarantee will be set to whooping 250,000€ with buy in only 170€. For more informations check our website and social networks. We are looking forward to see you !
Final day results :
1. Kotowicz Sebastian - 55 170 €
2. Motel Lajos Laszlo - 32 670 €
3. Wacha Rafael - 22 170 €
4. Jovanovic Danjel - 17 170 €
5. Boyer Telmer Florian Wolfgang - 13 670 €
6. Pichler Peter-Ludwig 10 670 €
7. Maceják Matej - 8 170 €
8. Matkovic Christian 5 670 €
9. Heger Pavel - 3 675 €
10. Melichar Pavol - 2 670 €
11. Chollier Alexandre - 2 670 €
12. Pesci Alex 2 670 €
13. Katsikas Dimitrios 2 070 €
14. Ješko Peter - 2 070 €
15. Krchnár Marek - 2 070 €
16. Shcherba Vitalii - 1 725 €
All participants have 170€ ticket for 30th anniversary Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ added to their winnings.
1:40 Second place finish belongs to Lajos Motel for 32,670€
Kotowicz kept putting pressure on his opponent in almost every game. In last hand Lajos completed with Kh 8h and Sebastian made it 1,700,000 from bb. Lajos completed and flop 3c 8s 5h brought bet 1,700,000 from Kotowicz. Motel responded with all in for 13,000,000 and Sebastian snapcalled with pocket jacks. Turn 6s and river Qc changed nothing and Motel is last eliminated player from this year´s Main Event.
Level 36: 250,000 - 500,000 / 500,000, avg. 18,700,000, ent.: 2/935
1:20 Kotowicz going on
On the flop Ah Ad 3c Kotowicz bets 400,000 and Motel calls. Turn 2c was valued at 600,000 and Motel calls again. On the river 8c Kotowicz bets 2,200,000 and Motel calls this bet after short while too. His Kx 9x was no good against Ax 2x held by Sebastian.
1:15 Kotowicz pushing hard
Few good games and Sebastian holds 24,000,000. Motel holds at 13,000,000.
Heads up stacks:
Seat 2: Kotowicz Sebastian - 19,075,000
Seat 5: Motel Lajos - 18,075,000
Level 35: 200,000 - 400,000 / 3400,000, avg. 18,700,000, ent.: 2/935
Short break
00:50 Rafael Wacha eliminated third for 22,170€
Wacha shoved last 8bb with Qh Tc and Kotowicz called off with Kd Jd. Board 7x 4x Kx 4x 4x eliminates Wacha and we are going for heads up !
00:40 Motel substracts from Wacha
Motel opens to 675,000 and Wacha was defending his bigblind. Flop 6x 6x 5x brings c-bet of 900,000 from Motel and Wacha calls. Turn 4x brought another barel, this time for 1,200,000. Wacha calls again and on the river 6x faces bet of 2,800,000. After some time Wacha calls but his 5x 5x cannot beat Qx Qx of his hungarian opponent.
00:30 Jovanovic busts in fourth place for 17,170€
Jovanovic got his about 4,000,000 in with pocket kings against Motel with pocket tens. Board Jx Tx Jx 7x Qx was cruel way to go.
00:20 Wacha ships
Wacha opens to 600,000, Kotowicz raises to 1,600,000. Wacha responded with all in 7,800,000 and game ended with this action.
00:10 Kotowicz taking over
Jovanovic opens buttonu to 600,000, Kotowicz and Wacha both calls from blinds. Flop Kx Kx Tx didn´t brought any action. Turn Qx brought bet of 350,000 from Jovanovic and Kotowicz decided to raise to 1,100,000. Wacha quietly folds, Jovanovic calls. River Jx didn´t bring any action and Kotowicz flipped over Kx Tx. Jovanovic mucked his Qx Jx.
Stacky a seating final table:
Seat 1: Jovanovic Danjel - 5,650,000
Seat 2: Kotowicz Sebastian - 13,700,000
Seat 4: Wacha Rafael - 8,350,000
Seat 5: Motel Lajos - 9,450,000
Level 34: 150,000 - 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 9,350,000, ent.: 4/935
23:50 Smaller one for Sebastian
Kotowicz opens to 400,000 and Jovanovic defends his bb. Flop 5x 3x Qx brought c-bet 350,000 and Jovanovic folds.
23:30 One for Jovanovic
On the turn Qs 7s 6d 9h there was 2,100,000 inside and Wacha bets 750,000. Jovanovic raises to 1,600,000 after short while and Wacha gave up.
23:10 Boyer takes fifth place finish for 13,670€
Boyer jammed 1,300,000 from sb with Ax 8x and Wacha called with pocket fours. Board 3x 9x 5x Tx Qx eliminated Boyer and we are four-handed.
23:00 Pichler got sixth place finish for 10,670€
Pichler shoved his 1,100,000 with pocket fours and Kotowicz found pocket jacks. Snapcalled and after runout Jc 3c 5s 7s 9s Pichler has to leave.
22:55 Kotowicz all in
Wacha opens to 400,000 and Kotowicz rejams to 4,600,000. After little thinking, Wacha folded.
22:50 Luxurious watches for winner !
Level 33: 100,000 - 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 6,233,333, ent.: 6/935
Short break
22:30 Next one for Jovanovic
Jovanovic opens to 325,000 and Kotowicz calls. From bb Wacha decided to defend and flop 4c 4s 2d brought c-bet of 325,000 from Jovanovic. Kotowicz flats and Wacha toss his hand away. Turn Ah both checks swiftly and on the river Qc Jovanovic fires for 525,000. Kotowicz calls with pocket tens but thats not good enough against Ax Qx held by Jovanovic.
21:55 Jovanovic tries Kotowicz
Jovanovic opens to 320,000, Sebastian 3-bets to 900,000 and is facing 4-bet of 1,700,000 from Jovanovic.Kotowicz calls and on the flop 3h 6h 9h Jovanovic fires all in of 5,100,000. Kotowicz folds.
21:45 Boyer ships
Pichler opens to 350,000. Boyer behind him decided to ship 2,500,000 behind the line. After short while Pichler folded.
Stacks :
Seat 1: Jovanovic Danjel - 7,135,000
Seat 2: Kotowicz Sebastian - 10,455,000
Seat 3: Boyer Telmer Florian Wolfgang - 2,810,000
Seat 4: Wacha Rafael - 8,6,95,000
Seat 5: Motel Lajos - 3,375,000
Seat 6: Pichler Peter-Ludwig - 4,680,000
Level 32: 80,000 - 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 6,233,333, ent.: 6/935
10 minutes break
21:00 Wacha strikes again
On the flop Tc 3s 6s Wacha bets 325,000 into 1,300,000, Kotowicz folds and Motel calls. Turn Qd brought two quick checks and on the river 5s Wacha bets again, for 1,300,000.Motel took his time and called with pocket eights. Wasn´t enough against flush in form of Ks Ts.
20:45 Pichler takes one
Pichler opens to 245,000 and Boyer in bb was defending.On the flop 8d 4d Jh Boyer pai c-bet valued at 255,000, but on the turn 9c he faced bet of 300,000 and got rid of his hand.
Banco Casino Masters will celebrate 30th b-day !
Traditional Masters went long way with us and it´s players who will benefit the most. Buy in is 170€ and guarantee set to amazing 250,000€. Add exclusive raffle and juicy side events and cashgames. Mark first august week to your calendar !
Level 31: 60,000 - 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 6,233,333 , ent.: 6/935
20:20 Wacha robs Lajos a bit
On the river 8x 8x Qx 5x 4x there is 1,600,000 inside and Wacha bets 1,200,000 from sb. Lajos in bb calls with pocket kings but can´t beat pocket fives held by Wacha at this time.
20:00 Matej Maceják eliminated on seventh place for 8,170€
Wacha opens and Maceják shoved his 1,600,000 out of bb with Ac 9s. Wacha called with Ad Qd and board As 5s Qc 9d 8s eliminated Matej.
19:50 4-bet !
Wacha opens to 200,000, Pichler calls and Kotowicz makes it 760,000 from bb. Wacha 4-bets to 1,600,000 and both his opponents gave up on their hands.
France-Benelux Masters takes place mid-july and Main Event guarantee is set to 150,000€ !
19:35 First victim of this final table is Christian Matkovic for 5,670€
Motel opens to 225,000 and Matkovic rejammed his 12 bb with Ax Qx. Motel called off with sixes andrunuot Qx 4x 7x 7x 6x eliminates Matkovic in eight place.
Level 30: 50,000 - 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 4,675,000, ent.: 8/935
From now on, live Report will be running with stream.
Stacks and seating final table:
Seat 1: Jovanovic Danjel - 5,560,000
Seat 2: Kotowicz Sebastian - 8,825,000
Seat 3: Boyer Telmer Florian Wolfgang - 1,160,000
Seat 4: Wacha Rafael - 8,075,000
Seat 5: Motel Lajos - 6,105,000
Seat 6: Pichler Peter-Ludwig - 4,065,000
Seat 7: Matkovic Christian - 1,550,000
Seat 8: Maceják Matej - 1,810,000
Before official final table these playerswere eliminated:
9.Heger Pavel - 3 675 €
10. Melichar Pavol - 2 670 €
11. Chollier Alexandre - 2 670 €
12. Pesci Alex 2 670 €
13. Katsikas Dimitrios 2 070 €
14. Ješko Peter - 2 070 €
15. Krchnár Marek - 2 070 €
16. Shcherba Vitalii - 1 725 €
40 minutes break
18:20 Heger busts 9th for 3,675€
Heger went all in with Ax Tx against Wacha with Kx Jx for 860,000. Runout 4x Jx Tx 5x 3x means we are going on official final table !
Stacks and seating final table:
Seat 1: Jovanoic Danjel - 6,585,000
Seat 2: Kotowicz Sebastian - 7,855,000
Seat 3: Boyer Telmer Florian Wolfgang - 1,745,000
Seat 4: Wacha Rafael - 7,340,000
Seat 5: Heger Pavel - 1,110,000
Seat 6: Motel Lajos - 4,990,000
Seat 7: Pichler Peter-Ludwig - 4,265,000
Seat 8: Matkovic Christian - 1,590,000
Seat 9: Maceják Matej - 1,670,000
There we go !
Short break
17:45 Wacha eliminates Melichar and we are moving to unofficial final table
Melichar shoves for 760,000 with Ax Jx and Wacha called of with Kx Qx. Board 9x Qx 5x 9x 8x meant that Melichar takes tenth place and 2,670€ to it.
17:15 Alexandre Chollier eliminated on 11th place for 2,670€
Heger opens to 200,000, Chollier jams 1,320,000 right after him and Kotowicz decides to shove his 5,000,000. Heger called time on himself after couple of minutes and in about half of countdown decided to pass his hand. Chollier held Kx Jx, Kotowicz tabled Kx Kx. Runout Kx Tx 8x Tx 2x eliminated french player.
17:00 Alex Pesci eliminated
On the flop 4x 5x 5x Pesci got his 735,000 in with Ax 2x against Jovanovic that held Ax Qx. Turn 8x and river Kx didn´t help and Pesci is first one to take 2,670€
Greek Poker Champions starts next week and guarantee is set to a whooping 150,000€ !
16:55 Dimitrios Katsikas busto in 13th place for 2,070€
Pichler opens to 130,000 from Co, Maceják calls from button and Katsikas jams 1,150,000 from bb. Pichler rejams with tens, Maceják folds and Dimitrios shows Qs Js. Runout Kd 2d 6s Ks 8d is not any help for this greek player and suddenly there is only 12 players left.
16:40 Chollier in hard spot
On the flop 9c 3c 2s there was 375,000 inside. Kotowicz bets from button 250,000 and Alexandre raises to 625,000. After short while Kotowicz jams probably over two million. Chollier tanks couple of minutes and folds face up Qx Qx.
16:15 Shcherba, Krchnár and Ješko are done after fireworks
Vitalii ended up in 16th place when Pesci jammed from button with Ad 5h and Vitalii called off his remaining 140,000 with Qx 3x. Board 3h 7h Th Ks 2h sent Shcherba to cashdesk instantly. On another table Krchnár shipped his 600,000 with pocket jacks, Wacha called out of button and Ješko rejammed 1,200,000 with Ax Tx. Wacha snapcalls with Ax Kx and runout Kx Tx 5x 3x 2x takes down two more.
14. Ješko Peter - 2 070 €
15. Krchnár Marek - 2 070 €
16. Shcherba Vitalii - 1 725 €
Level 28: 30,000 - 60,000 / 60,000, avg. 2,337,500, ent.: 16/935
From this level there is 44 minutes and 38 seconds left to play. All other levels will be 60-minutes long.
16:00 Players taking their places
Tournament will continue shortly
New 6-Max Champion is Stando, which took 1,870€ after tough battle !
Once we merge to the Final Table there will be livestream. Since that point Live Report will be running with stream.
Stacks and seating in Final Day :
Table 15:
Seat 1: Wacha Rafael - 3,770,000
Seat 2: Motel Lajos Laszlo - 4,840,000
Seat 3: Ješko Peter - 1,230,000
Seat 4: Maceják Matej - 2,700,000
Seat 5: Matkovic Christian - 3,020,000
Seat 6: Katsikas Dimitrios - 1,490,000
Seat 7: Krchnár Marek - 625,000
Seat 8: Kotowicz Sebastian - 4,295,000
Table 14:
Seat 1: Jovanovic Danjel - 2?470,000
Seat 2: Melichar Pavol - 1,655,000
Seat 3: Pesci Alex - 1,020,000
Seat 4: Pichler Peter-Ludwig - 3,355,000
Seat 5: Chollier Alexandre - 2,510,000
Seat 6: Boyer Telmer Florian Wolfgang - 2,170,000
Seat 7: Heger Pavel - 1,305,000
Seat 8: Shcherba Vitalii - 200,000
What´s left to play for:
1 55 170 €
2 32 670 €
3 22 170 €
4 17 170 €
5 13 670 €
6 10 670 €
7 8 170 €
8 5 670 €
9 3 675 €
10. 2 670 €
11. 2 670 €
12. 2 670 €
13. 2 070 €
14. 2 070 €
15. 2 070 €
16. 1 725 €
Main Event 250.000€ GTD
Dátum: 28.6. – 4.7.2022
Buy-in: 225€ + 25€
Starting stack: 40,000
Late reg.: 15 levelov
Blinds: Regular Flight 40min, Turbo Flight 20 min, Hyper Turbo 15 min.
Day 2 – 45 min.
Final Day – 60 min.
Levels: Každý úvodný deň bude mať na programe 14 levelov, po ktorých postúpia do Day 2 všetci zostávajúci v hre
Šampión Main Eventu si odnesie aj exkluzívne hodinky od Banco Casino
Slovak Series of Poker s celkovou garanciou 400,000€ !
TheFestival 500.000€ GTD – garancia 500.000€ prvýkrát na Slovensku:
Greek Poker Champions 150,000€ GTD :
France – Benelux Masters Main Event 150,000€ GTD:
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