In total, 133 players registered for flight 1B, and another thirteen players secured their spots for Day 2. After a long night, Roderick Thart emerged as the chip leader with a stack of 1,072,000. SPPC continues today with its deepstack event at 16:00, where the guarantee is set at 25,000€ with a buy-in of 250€. The Main Event will continue with its flight 1C at 18:00, and the flight 1C – Turbo will begin at 23:00. We look forward to seeing you there!
1B chipcounts:
5:15 Istvan Molnar bubbles out
The final phase didn't go well for Istvan, and Walter Wiesz doubled through him several times. In the last hand, Arkadiusz opened and Istvan pushed his last 90,000 over the line with Ah 6h. Sieracki called with Kx Jx and after the board Qx 2x 5x Jx 6x, flight 1B ends.
4:50 Aren up and down
Aren got into a preflop all-in for 521,000 with Ax Kx against Jx Jx held by Roderick. After a blank board, Roderick doubled up. Following that, Oliver pushed from the SB, and Aren called the remaining approximately 250,000 with sixes. Oliver held 9d 7d and another six appeared on the board.
4:35 Marius Rusu double up
Sieracki opened to 35,000 from EP and Marius from the BB pushed his remaining 63,000 over the line. Sieracki called with Qc Tc and Marius showed Jx Jx. After the board Kx 2x 5x 7x 3x, Marius held.
Level 18: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 380,000, ent.: 14/133
4:15 Michail Nanos double up
Izabela opened to 50,000 and Nanos 3-bet to 175,000. Izabela called and on the flop Tc 3c 3d, Nanos pushed his remaining 117,000 over the line. Izabela called with Qx Qx, but Michail revealed aces. After a blank turn and river, Izabela handed over a significant part of her stack. Shortly after, Izabela lost remaining about 300,000 and we are playing hand for hand now.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 332,500, ent.: 16/133
Break 15 min
3:30 Dawid double up
Dawid keeps firing all-ins at the table. In the latest hand, he pushed 179,000 over the line and Častvan, who slightly covered him, called with Ax 9x. Dawid, however, held Ax Qx and after the board 6x 4x Qx 8x 2x, Častvan fell to a short stack, which he lost in the following hand.
3:15 Ernst Muller eliminated
Ernst opened from EP to 33,000 and Franz from the button pushed about 200,000 with Jx Jx. Ernst instantly called with nines for slightly less and after the board 8x 7x 3x Qx 3x, he exited the tournament area.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 280,000, ent.: 19/133
3:00 Arkadiusz Sieracki gets a lesson
Sieracki opened from EP to 16,000 and Dawid Jedrezejczak, emboldened by a hefty dose of liquid courage, loudly re-jammed for nearly 170,000 behind him. No one else joined, and Sieracki called with Ax Kx. Dawid boldly revealed 8x 7x and after the board 8x 4x 4x 5x 8x, the noise level reached that of a small airport, as Dawid concluded he's playing pretty well.
2:45 Michail Nanos successful
Domagala opened from EP to 18,000, Gajda from the button and Nanos from the BB called. On the flop 7h 6c 6d, Gajda bet 22,000 and only Nanos called. On the turn 4x, Gajda continued for 45,000 and Nanos called again. On the river Ax, both checked and in the showdown, Nanos held 7x 5x. Gajda mucked his cards.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 253,333, ent.: 21/133
2:30 Michal Rutkowski busts
Rutkowski pushed all-in for 55,000 from EP with Ax 5x and Adam called from the button with Tx 8x. After the board Tx 8x 6x 3x 7x, Michal had to say goodbye for today.
2:20 Andreas Roder eliminated
On the flop Ad 6d 7c, there was 65,000 in the pot and Izabela put Andreas all-in for 115,000. He thought for a while and called with Ax 9x, and Izabela showed Ac Jc. After the turn 9c and river 4c, Izabela completed a flush and despite hitting a lucky nine on the turn, Andreas is out.
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 212,800, ent.: 25/133
1:55 Nanos vs Muller
On the flop Qh 8s 3s, there was about 25,000 in the pot and Dimitros bet 11,000. Muller quickly called. On the turn Qx, Dimitros continued for 24,000. Muller didn't find the courage to call this time.
1:45 Izabela unsuccessfully
On the flop Qs Ts Jh, there was nearly 70,000 in the pot and Izabela bet 15,000 from position. Krystian Gajda put her all-in for about 150,000. Izabela responsibly folded her cards.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 204,615, ent.: 26/133
Break 30 min
01:00 Molnar subtle
Vettas opened to 10,000 and Molnar called behind him. On the flop 7s 5h 8c, Molnar bet 15,000 and Vettas folded in frustration. His mood improved significantly when Istvan Molnar showed him Ax Ax after the hand.
00:45 Small pot for Nečas
On the flop 9c 4c 2d, there was about 40,000 in the pot and Ondrej bet 15,000. Babic measured his opponent but eventually folded his cards. Ondrej showed him a nine after the hand.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 149,714, ent.: 35/131
00:35 Weiqiang Hu busts
Hu pushed his last 16,500 from EP with Qd 9d. Istvan Molnar behind him found nines and called, with no one else showing interest. After the board 2x Jx 4x 8x Ax, Hu had to say goodbye to the tournament for now.
00:25 3-bet
Nečas opened from MP to 8,000, Babic called from the SB, and Rutkowski 3-bet from the BB to 33,000. Nečas folded instantly, and Babic took a moment to think but eventually folded his cards.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 123,000, ent.: 40/123
23:50 3-way all in
Lokšo opened from the button to 6,000, Krystian Gajda pushed for about 50,000 from the SB, and from the BB, Kamenko Dujmovic announced all-in for 73,000. Lokšo wasn't thrilled but eventually decided to call with Ad Jd. Krystian held tens, and Dujmovic had jacks. After the board Kd Qh 6c 3c Js, Dujmovic hit a set and secured a sizable pot.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 101,739, ent.: 46/117
23:30 Adam double up
Martin Rus got into a preflop all-in for 20,000 with 5x 5x against Adam's Ax Kx. After the board Tx 4x Jx Kx Tx, Adam secured a double up.
23:20 Arkadiusz Sieracki wins
On the flop Kc Jh 3h, there was just under 20,000 in the pot and all three players checked. On the turn 8c, Dodo Mravík bet 8,500, Sieracki and Mats called. On the river 9s, it was checked, and Sieracki turned over Ax Jx. Both opponents mucked their cards.
23:10 Franz all in
Istvan Molnar limped from EP and a few seats later, Franz Ziegerhofer pushed his stack of about 50,000 over the line. No one joined, and Molnar eventually folded as well.
BANCO CASINO MASTERS 250.000€ GTD for 170€ - 40. th edition & PLO Masters!
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 87,200, ent.: 51/110
Break 30 min
22:15 Tomáš Vojtek wins with a flop bet
On the flop 5s 6s Qc, there was 22,000 in the pot and Tomáš bet 12,500. Muller and Juhas instantly folded their cards.
22:00 Kizzik takes a little too
On the turn 2x 7x 5x Kx, there was 11,200 in the pot and Kizzik bet 10,000. Both opponents folded without a word.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 83,333, ent.: 48/100
21:45 David Kováčik all in
Izabela opened to 4,000, David 3-bet to 8,000, and Vettas called. Izabela called, and on the flop Tc Jh Ad, she immediately bet 20,000. David even more quickly pushed for about 50,000. Both Christos and Izabela instantly folded.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 79,167, ent.: 48/95
21:30 Ondrej Nečas double up
Moghadam opened to 3,500, Izabela Sikora called, and Ondrej Nečas re-jammed for 35,800. Moghadam called with Th 7h, Izabela folded, and Nečas held Ax Tx. After the board 9x 2x 4x 9x Ax, Moghadam lost part of his stack.
21:15 Aneta busts
Aneta got into a preflop all-in effectively for 35,100 with Kx Kx against Ax Kx held by Szabolcs Solymosi. After the board Ax Jx 7x Ax 2x, Aneta fell to a short stack, which she lost shortly thereafter.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 62,400, ent.: 50/78
20:45 Rutkowski wins without showdown
On the turn Jc 7c Q Kc, there was about 11,000 in the pot and Michal bet 4,600. Častvan called, Dujmovic folded, and Moghadam called. On the river 9d, Moghadam immediately led for 7,100, Rutkowski called, and Častvan folded. Moghadam quickly mucked his cards, and Michal took the pot without a showdown.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 63,478, ent.: 46/73
Break 30 min
20:00 Turn bet
On the turn Ah 5h Qc 7c, there was something over 4,000 in the pot and Cohen bet 2,000. However, Tomáš Vojtek instantly folded his cards.
19:50 Toncer receives a gift
On the flop Kh 6h 6c, there was about 12,000 in the pot and Mats went all-in. Vukicevic folded his cards, but Toncer called with his 7,700 holding jacks. Mats held Ax 3x, and after the turn 2x and river 5x, Toncer secured a double-up.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 57,778, ent.: 36/52
19:30 Squeeze
One of the Austrian players opened to 1,000 and received 3 calls. However, Piotr on the SB 3-bet to 5,500 and all opponents folded their cards.
19:15 Bubo survives
On the flop Kc 5c 6c, there was about 5,000 in the pot and Bubo was already all-in. Muller bet 1,100, Stojka called, and the other two opponents folded their cards. On the turn 4h, Muller continued for 2,500 and Nikolas called again. The river 2c was checked, Muller turned over Kx 9x, Stojka showed Ax Kx, and Bubo Jc Js. Nikolas took the side pot, while the main pot went to Bubo.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 59,355, ent.: 31/46
18:45 Bubo splits
On the flop Ad Qs Jc, there was about 4,000 in the pot, and Bubo bet 1,500 from the SB. Andreas Moser called. On the turn 2h, the action repeated with a bet of 3,000, and on the river Jh, Bubo bet 6,000. Moser decided to raise to 17,000, and Bubo pushed about 40,000 over the line. Moser snap-called with Kx Tx, but Bubo turned over the same Kx Tx, and they ultimately split the pot.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 45,882, ent.: 34/39
18:25 Opening C-bet is sufficient
On the flop Qx Jx 8x, there was approximately 6,000 in the pot, and Dawid bet 4,000. His opponent thought for about a minute but eventually folded.
18:15 Tournament started
Dujmovic, Rutkowski, Sinkovic, Macho, Foglar, and others
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 25/25
SPPC Main Event 250,000€ GTD:
- Buy-in: 130€
- Starting stack: 40K
- Late reg.: 12 lvls
- 10% of the field qualify to Day 2
- 10% Fee + 5% Staff deducted from the prize pool
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