Flight 1C attracted 282 entries and we know another 28 names of players in day 2.Chipleader of this flight is Jakub Topa with stack of 983,000. Today at 15:00 we are going to play PPD Turbo side event with buy in of 40€ and guarantee is set to 10,000€. PPC Main Event will continue with flights 1E at 18:00 and flight 1F – Turbo at 23:00. For true card lovers at 22:00 you can try PPD Blackjack Championship. We are looking forward to see you !
Chipcounts 1C:
3:45 Aaaand we are done !
Grzegorz Borowski got his 471,000 behind the line with Qx Jx against Jakub Topa who had him covered by a little bit. Board Ax 6x Kx 9x Ad held better combination and flight 1C is finished.
3:30 Karyna Strizhakova done
Mekinulow opens from Ep and Karyna rejams 175,000 with pocket eights. Nobody else called and Benjamin snapcalled with pocket queens. Board Ax Ax 4x Qx Tx didn´t help Karyna this time and game is slowing down as bubble play approaches.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 352,500, ent.: 32/282
3:15 Miro Mitka triple up
Dominik Skorupski opens to 20,000, Ben Mekinulow calls and Mitucha from bb makes it 100,000. Skorupski jams around 180,000 with Ad 8d, Ben snapcalls and Mitucha rejams for 185,000. Mitucha held aces and Ben pocket queens. Board Kx Tx 6x 3x Kx held for best hand, Skorupski is eliminated and Mekinulow looses part of his stack.
3:00 Vitalii Shcherba out
Vitalii jammed his short with As 8s and his opponent called off with Ax Jx. Board Ax Kx 4x 3x Kx was last for Vitalii in flight 1c.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg.268,571,ent.: 42/282
2:35 Šeffer with quads
On the river Qx Qx 7x 3x 9x Šeffer bets 55,000 into a pot of approximately 120,000. After long thinking his opponent folded and Erik shows pocket queens for flopped quads.
2:20 Miro Mitka double up
Miro got his 92,000 in with Ax Kx against pocket jacks held by Dimitris. Board 3x 3x 4x Ax 7x held non-pair combination at this time and Mitka took full double.
Level 14: 3,000 - 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 201,428, ent.: 56/282
2:05 He didn´t want to overdo it
Strizhakova limped, Šeffer from other side raised to 12,000 and Szetei with Bardolf paid from blinds. Karyna joined and flop Qd 3h 2h and turn Kh was checked by all four players. On the river Ac Szetei bets 9,000, Bardolf calls and Karyna raises to 34,000 that Szetei has behind. Šeffer goes out of their way, Szetei snapcalls and Bardolf folds. Peso tables Jx Tx, but when Karyna flips over Ah 7h for nuts flush, sad melody of life is playing for Peso, as he is eliminated from flight 1C!
1:55 Marcin NIedzwiecki busto
Marcin got his around 50,000 inside with Qh 9h against Matúš with pocket aces. Board Tx 6x 8x 3x 9x didn´t fulfull Marcin´s hopes for a double up and has to leave flight 1C.
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 163,478, ent.: 69/282
Break 30 min
01:05 Szetei double up
Peso jammed his 50,000 from Ep and Dominik Skorupski called with pocket jacks. Nobody else joined and Szetei tabled 8h 4h. Board Tx Kx 9x 4x 4x definately wasn´t good enough for Dominik.
00:45 Lucky river for Jacek
On the river Jx Jx Tx 8x 5x Jacek bets 40,000 into a pot of 80,000 and his opponent called with Jx 9x. Jacek tabled pocket fives for fullhouse and took the pot down.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 138,500, ent.: 80/277
00:30 Vitalii Shcherba out
First Vitalii lost with Kx Tx against pocket threes. Hand later Vitalii jammed remaining 10bb with pocket queens and his opponent called with pocket threes again. Another three in the window and irrelevant board sent Vitalii for reentry.
00:15 Small pot for Ezana Ammann
Preflop three players agreed on 6,000. On the flop Qc Tc 5c Ezana bets 6,500 and both opponents folded.
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 111,579, ent. 94/265
23:45 River raise !
On the river Ax Ax 4x 5x 9x pot was well over 80,000 and Tomek bets 35,000. Jakub tanked for a minute and pulled out a raise to 105,000. Tomek needed some extra time but folded his hand.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 100,392, ent.: 102/256
23:30 Adam Baradziej jams
On the river Td 4s 8s As Ad Adam jams his 39,000 into a pot of about 65,000. Pavel Chalupka thought about it for good while, but folded.
23:15 Pot for Maciej Wylandowski
On the river Ac Kc 3h Qc 5s Maciej bets 10,000 into a pot of 25,000. Anrdzej Wanclaw tanked a bit but decided to fold his hand.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 84,870, ent.: 115/244
Break 30 min
22:25 Marcin Berger double up
Marcin got his short in with Ax Tx against Andrzej Wanclaw with Jx 9x. After board Ax Tx 5x Xx Xx Marcin got his double up.
22:10 Avraham Sisso with a simple bet
On the flop Jh 2h 2s Sisso bets 8,000. Both opponents without a word folded.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 76,333, ent.: 120/229
21:55 C-bet was good enough
On the flop Kx 9x Qx there was around 35,000 inside and Dawid bets 25,000. All three opponents folded slowly.
21:40 Wonderful setup
Lancelot Deguerre got his stack in with pocket kings for about 35,000 against Agnieszka with pocket aces. After blank board Lancelot had to leave his seat.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 66,565, ent.: 131/218
21:20 Turn bet poriešil hru pre Artema
Na rivri Ah 2h 7c 6s bolo v pote asi 35?000 a Artem betol 20,500. Dabrowski a Staniszewski zahodili veľmi rýchlo.
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59,710, ent.: 138/206
21:00 Melcer took multiway pot
On the turn 6s 7d 6d 2d pot was around 10,000 and Melcer bets 2,000. All three opponents folded quickly.
20:45 Cold 4-bet
Sebastian Kotowicz opens to 2,000 from Ep, Stocki 3-bets to 5,700 and Stanojevic cold 4-bets to 15,000. Kotowicz folded and Stocki made the call. On the flop Tx Tx 5x Stanojevic jammed effectively for 27,500 and Stocki snapfolded.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 56,691, ent.: 139/197
Break 30 min
19:55 Michail Illiadis with nice pot
On the river Kh 7h 7d Th 6s there was 25,000 in the middle, Illiadis bets 10,000 and Lokšo after some thinking folds. Michalak decided to call but Illiadis held 7x 6x which was enough.
19:45 Jakub Topa double up
On the flop Jd 7d 9h Jakub bets 5,000 into a pot of 11,500 and Stocki calls. On the turn Ts Topa jams for his 17,400 and Stocki calls with Jx 9x. Topa shows pocket eights for straight and held after river Qc.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, avg. 46,917, ent.: 133/156
19:35 Jaskulski victorious
On the flop Tx 4x 2x Pavel bets 2,200, Frymark calls and Jaskulski raises to 10,000. Deguerre folded, Pavel calls and Frymark folds. On the turn 9d Jaskulski bets 10,000 again and after long time Pavel folded his hand.
19:20 Krzysztof Krawczyk took smaller pot
Ont he flop Qc 5c 9s pot was 4,000 and Krzysztof with Stanojevic checked. On the turn 7d Krzysztof bets 1,200. Stanojevic quietly folded.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 42,712, ent.: 118/126
18:50 Avraham Sisso winning on the river
On the flop 7h 2h 3d pot was around 3,000 and Melcer bets 1,500. Both Sisso and Nowacki paid. On the turn 6h Melcer bets 2,000, Sisso calls again and Nowacki folds. On the river 3s Sisso leads out for 5,000 and gets paid quickly, but Melcer couldn´t beat Ax 3x held by his opponent.
18:40 Ihar Khursin winning a pot
Halicki opens to 600, Skrzeszewski raises to 1,500, Khursin from sb calls and Halicki calls too. FLop 9c 5h 3s and turn js was checked quickly, on the river 9s Khursin bets 1,000 and Skrzeszewski calls. Khursin tabled pocket eights and Lukasz mucked.
Level 2: 100 – 300 / 300, avg. 41,818, ent.: 110/115
18:15 Who is in field already?
Flight 1C starting strong and i can see Scelsi, Gabrhel, Shcherba, Sedláček, Mekinulow and many others in tournament.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 99/99
Polish Poker Days ME 200,000€ GTD:
Late Registration : 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 120€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Banco Casino Championship 150,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 250,000€ GTD:
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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