Flight 1F attracted in total 590 entries and 59 more players took their seats in Sundays day 2. Chipleader of this flight is Adam Borowski with wonderful stack of 1,137,000. Flight 1G – Turbo is still going on and we will inform about results later. Tommorow Banco Casino Bratislava will be under heavy load of action, at 12:00 we are starting flight 1h, at 17:00 flight 1I will kick off and at 17:00 and flight 1J – Turbo at 23:00. If Main event is not satisfying enough for you tommorow at 15:00 there is highroller event to start with guarantee of 25,000€ and buy in 500€. We are looking forward to see you !!!
Chipcounts 1 F:
2:00 aaaand it´s there !
Croatian player Ante Rados got it in with his Ax 7x againt his opponent´s 4x 4x and needed bit of poker luck. After runout 9x 5x Tx Jx Jx Rados is busted and remaining players are bagging their stacks.
1:35 Hand for hand
After chain of „unlucky“ events, floorman announced hand for hand play.
Level 17: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 337,143, ent.:60/590
Break 20 min
00:45 Registration to tommorow´s Highroller event is open
We are expecting lot of players in this tournament, so it´s for sure not the worst idea to buy your seat on our cashdesk today !
00:35 Another flip, another surviving shortstack
Jakub Nowacki got his approximately 95,000 in with pocket sixes against Ac Tc held by Pavel Žikavský. BOard 2s 6s Qh 7d 9h held for pair combination once again.
Level 16: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 298,730, ent.: 79/590
00:10 Flips !
Game is little bit tightening out but on two tables i catched two wonderful flips. Grzegorz got it in for his 250,000 with Ax Qx only to crash only pocket jacks of his hungarian opponent. Blank board held for smaller stack. Next table brought all in for 150,000 from Jaroslaw with pocket eights and his opponent as shortstack called off with Ax Qx. Qx on the river was pretty deadly card and Jaroslaw crashed to last two bb.
Level 15: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 253,763, ent.: 93/590 1G ent.: 135/159
23:50 Frodox jamming
On the flop 8h 3h Kd one of polish players bets 16?000, Frodox calls and third player in hand folds. Turn 4d is checked down and on the river 6s Frodox jams for around 300,000. His opponent instantly folds.
Mystery bounty tournament has finished
There was 562 players registred to this tournament and they created total prizepool of 14,050€. Bounty prizepool was another 14,050€ and winner of this event is Piotr Sawicki, who took biggest bounty of 1,550€ and for first place Piotr took home wonderful 2,315€ ! Good job !
Level 14: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 205,018, ent.: 114/590, 1G ent.: 102/106
23:15 Spyrou Spyros eliminating Sebastian Budnik
Budnik jams his last 20,000 from Ep, Spyrou rejams about 90,000 with pocket eights and nobody else joined. Sebastian held Ax Tx, Spyrou tabled pocket eights and after runout 8x Qx 4x Qx Jx is Budnik eliminated.
23:00 Marek Mazur tried, but it didn´t work out
Mazur bets 5,000 into a pot of 30,000 on the turn Kc Qx Jx 5x. Attila Almási raises to 30,000 and Dzienisz folds instantly. Marek wasn´t happy about it but folded too.
Gallery :
Level 13: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 166,197, ent.: 142/590
Break 30 min
Registration to flight 1F closes after this break
22:10 Maroš Sabo rejams
Kechagias opens button to 8,000 and Sabo in sb rejams for about 70,000. Kechagias doesn´t like that and folds.
22:00 Flight 1G - Turbo starting in one hour !
Turboflight will have all levels 15 minutes long
21:55 Americ Stiller double up
On the river Ah 8h Kc 4s 5d there was about 70,000 in the middle and Jakub Bryla jams for 56,500 that Stiller has behind. It didn´t took very long before Stiller made call with Ad 7d and Bryla sadly shows Qh Th and mucked his hand.
Level 12: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 143,313, ent.: 163/584
21:40 Pot for Marek Mazur
Jakub Topa opens to 11,000 and Mazur calls. Flop 7c 4d 5s was checked, on the turn 2d Mazur bets 18,000 and gets called. On the river Qs Mazur continues for 33,000 but Topa snapfolds.
21:20 Keep it simple
Szafraniec opens to 7,500 from Ep and Zubaj from bb calls. On the flop Kx 2x 9x Szafraniec bets 5,000, but Zubaj folded.
Strong cash game action at Banco Casino Bratislava !
If you want to join us, more information on +421 908 024 024
Level 11: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 120,000, ent.: 190/570
21:00 One c-bet is enough
On the flop Qx 9x 6x there is about 15,000 inside and Constantin Filip bets 6,500. Both opponents folded quickly.
20:45 Wonderful setup
On the flop 8h 3h 5c there was 65,000 in the pot and Krzysztof Juskowiak jams 98,000. Dymnicki calls his about 40,000 with Kh 9h and Lachowski called off his short with set of fives. Juskowiak flips over 9x 9x. Turn 9c and river Tc saved him and created double seat open.
Level 10: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 99,464, ent.: 224/557
20:20 Nice pot for Mateusz Bednarczyk
Mateusz was all in on the flop Ks 7s 3h and there was about 50,000 inside. Krzysztof Juskowiak bets 20,000 and both active players in the hand folded. Mateusz held pocket sevens, Krysztof Kh 2h. Turn Qd and river 5s didn´t help him to eliminate shortstack.
Level 9: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 80,913, ent.: 263/532
Break 30 min
19:25 Krisztiyan Otta jams
On the turn Js Ac 7c 9h Tsakalis bets 7,100 into a pot of 21,000, Ivan Gross folds and Otta calls. On the river Jc Tsakalis checks and Otta jams about 25,000. Tsakalis folded quickly.
19:10 Registration to tommorow´s Highroller event is open
We are expecting lot of players in this tournament, so it´s for sure not the worst idea to buy your seat on our cashdesk today !
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 69,747, ent.: 278/484
19:00 Marek Mazur all in
On the flop Qs Js 6h Mazur bets 6,600, Americ Stiller calls and Niesyto folds. On the turn 9d Stiller bets 3,000 and Mazur instantly shoves. Stiller folds instantly.
18:45 Hrubý giving something back
Bohatyrenko limps, Evy limps, Hrubý opens to 6,000 from Co and Pawlowski calls from bb. Bohatyrenko calls and Evy folds. Flop 9h 4h 6d brought three quick checks, on the turn Qh Pawlowski bets 6,000 and only Hrubý calls. River Kh was checked again and Pawlowski shows Jh Jd. Hrubý mucks Qx.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 62,818, ent.: 291/457
18:30 Martin Hrubý taking it down on the flop
Milosz Bartz opens to 2,500, Evy Albrigtsen calls and Hrubý in position 3-bets to 8,000. Milosz calls and Evy folds. On the flop Jd 2d 2c Hrubý bets 7,000 and Milosz folds quickly.
18:15 Cyprian Nosek valuebetting river
On the river Kx Jx Ax 6x Jx there was bit above 40,000 in the pot and Cyprian bets 20,500. Franco Seban thought about it and made the call but Qx Tx held by Nosek was winning combination.
Day 2 will have livestream:
Level 6: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 59,649, ent.: 285/425
18:00 Laura Crasenco violently
Waldemar Nowak limped and Wojciech Monka raises to 3,500. Laura on the button and Zomerfeld from sb calls, and Nowak calls too. Flop Kd Th 2h brought c-bet of 9,000 from Monka, Laura jammed her 37,100 and all players slowly folded.
17:45 Weak bluff
On the river Th Qh 5c 2c Tc there was 11,000 in the pot and Maciej Czajka bets 4,200. Fabio Fiandra tanked a bit and made the call with Qx Jx, defeating Kx 8x held by Czajka.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 52,230, ent.: 278/364
Break 30 min
17:00 Tzvi Yogev took one
On the flop 6c 3c 9d there was 23,000 inside and Yogev Tzvi bets 14,000. Dariusz Rojek took his time tanking and folded. Stylianos Matsentidis folded his hand quickly.
16:45 Pawel Bebnowski busto
Pawel jammed his 13,000 into a raise of 3,000 from Elia. One of players behind rejammed about 70,000 and Elia tanked for a while. In the end he folded, Pawel shows pocket eights and his opponent Ah 2h. Runout Ax 3x 5x 6x Tx gives a red light to Bebnowski.
Level 4: 300 – 600 / 600, ag. 47,115, ent.: 253/298
16:30 Iurii Tanasiev winning after the river
On the river Kx 9x Qx Jx Jx there was 11,000 inside and all four players checks. Andreas Klugsberger shows Ax Qx, Maté Sándor and another player in pot mucks and Iurii shows Jx 7x to take the pot down.
16:15 Piotr Gosztyla winning pot
On the turn 3x 3x Jx 8x there was 9,000 in the middle and Piotr bets 3,000. Petros Petrou folded.
Level 3: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 44,292, ent.: 233/258
16:00 Peter Studenič with bit of luck
On the turn 8c Ts 3s Tc Studenič bets 2,000 into a pot of 5,500 and Gregor Stermecki raises to 7,000. Studenič calls and river 9c is checked down. Studenič shows Ah 9h and Gregor mucks his hand.
15:45 Aleksander Zielinski took nice pot
On the river 5x Qx Qx Jx 6x Aleksander and his opponent both checked, when there was about 10,000 in the pot. Aleksander flips over Ax Jx and his opponent mucks quickly.
Level 2: 100 - 300 / 300, avg. 42,745, ent.: 204/218
18:30 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
15:15 Jacek and Maciej are friends no more
Not too long after the start on the river Ax 4x 9x Kx 3x Jacek jams for remaining 25,000. Maciej that was covering him snapcalled with his Ax Kx, but Jacek tabled pocket threes for riverred set and took double up. I didn´t understood table talk, but i´d say these two are not friends anymore.
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 40,000, ent.: 150/150
Polish Poker Chapmionship 250,000€ GTD
Late Registration : 12 levels
Unlimited re-entry option
Every Day 1 will be played 10-max
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 100€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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