Flight 1D attracted 119 players and from this flight we got 12 advancing players. Chipleader is Carmelo Romeo with stack of 2,040,000. There is still flight 1E – Turbo running and stack from this flight will be published later. THMC Grand Final Main Event is having MASSIVE overlay of 135,000€ and tommorow there are three flights scheduled. Flight 1F at 12:00, Flight 1G at 17:00 and flight 1H – Turbo at 22:00. Don´t miss your chance to hit huge value at Banco Casino Bratislava ! We are looking forward to see you !
00:47 Aaaand bubbleboy is Ján Petráš
Ján got his 425,000 in with Ax Qx against pocket kings held by David Courselles. Board 4s Js 8x 9x 9x was last one in flight 1D and Petráš is last eliminated player.
00:40 Still nothing !
Action got significantly slower but in last couple of minutes we didn´t saw any all in – call confrontation !
00:25 Highroller reached its final table !
00:10 After the break we are playing hand for hand !
Level 16: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 915,385, ent.: 13/119, HR ent.: 8/32, 1E ent.: 14/31
Break 15 min
23:55 Housni with aces
Housni opens button to 65,000 and Tomáš Nagy calls from bb. Board Qh 3h Qs Ac Jc was checked to the river where Housni bets 100,000. Nagy tanks-calls but cant beat Ax Ax held by french player.
Cashgame action in Banco Casino Bratislava :
Level 16: 10,000 – 25,000 / 25,000, avg. 743,750, ent.: 16/119, HR ent.: 11/32, 1E ent.: 17/28
23:40 Desset loosing with a better hand
Andrej and Alois got stacks in. Andrej held pocket kings, Alois 7x 7x. Board 6x 8x 9x 7x Jx decided that Andrej has to give up on 317,000.
23:30 Maté Sándor busto
On the river 7s 8s 8h Qc 2d there was about 220,000 in the pot and Maté shoves for about 350,000. Courselles tanked few minutes, but decided to make the call with Jx Jx. Maté shows Ax 4x for a bluff and leaves.
Level 15: 10,000 – 20,000 / 20,000, avg. 626,316, ent.: 19/119, HR ent.: 10/31, 1E ent.: 16/23
Turboflight running too
At 22:00 Turboflight started and there is only 23 players in right now. Late registration is open until 1:40
22:55 Desset won with a turn bet
On the turn 6h 9c 3c 7s there was about 120,000 in the pot and Desset bets 75,000. Alois folded quickly.
22:45 Rasťo Antala double up
On the flop 3s Qd 5d Sedláček bets and Antala shoves for his 432,000 with Ad Kd. Sedláček with Ax Qx calls and turn 7h with river 4d brought one of needed outs for Antala.
Level 14: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 517,391, ent.: 23/119, HR ent.: 12/30 1E ent.: 17/23
New year brings lot of poker action !
22:15 Alan Ellis out
On the turn Ax 9x 5x 3x there was bit under 200,000 in the pot and Takacs jammed for 170,000 that Ellis had behind. After couple of minutes Ellis calls with Ax Kx, but needed some help against Ax 5x held by Takacs. River Qx didnt help him and Alan is eliminated from flight 1D.
Level 13: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 457,692, ent.: 26/119, Hr ent.: 15/30
Break 15 min
21:45 Nuler won small pot
On the flop 9d 8d 6s Evy checks and Nuller bets 10,000. Evy folds quickly.
21:30 Maté Sándor took one
On the flop Td Tc 8c Sándor and Courselles both checked. Turn 5d brought a bet of 25,000 from Maté and David paid. On the river 3c Maté asks for 45,000 more and gets snapcalled. Sándor shows Jx Tx and David mucks quickly.
Level 12: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 425,000, ent.: 28/119
Last level for registration and reentry !
21:15 Damiano Nigro out
Damiano had last 10 bb left and got them in with Kx Tx against Ax Kx. Ten on the flop was good for him. Ace on the river... Not so much.
Level 11: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 340,000, ent.: 35/119
20:50 Cold 4-bet? Why not !
Sedlaček opens to 12,000 from Ep, Ilija calls his button, Marušinec 3-bets to 40,000 in sb and Micallef 4-bets to 100,000 in bb. Only Sedláček called and on the flop Qc 7h 2h Štefan fires for 150,000. Matthew fold face up pocket tens.
20:35 Pot for Nuler
On the river 8x Jx 7x 6x 8x there was 65,000 in the pot and Nuler bets 30,000. Hladík tanked a bit and folded.
Level 10: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 264,444, ent.: 45/119
20:20 Pinchas out
Pinchas opens to 12,000, Frommel calls and Housni rejams 285,000. Grigorij calls with Ax Qx for his 120,000, Frommel folds and Housni shows Ax Kx. Runout Kx Tx Qx 5x 9x held for better hand.
20:00 Roeder loosing something
On the flop Ah 5h 9s there was 110,000 in the pot and Benjamin Nuler bets 30,000, Roeder calls after long while, third player folds. On the turn Td Benjamin jams 40,000 and Roeder calls with pocket jacks. Ben shows set of nines and after river Xd Nuler doubles up.
Level 9: 2,000 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 230,000, ent.: 50/115, HR ent.: 18/26
Break 15 min
19:30 Tomáš Nagy double up
Nagy held pocket tens and 140,000, Hladík had pocket queens and considerably larger stack. They got chips in preflop and after runout Ax Tx 5x 6x Ax Nagy took full double up from Hladík.
19:15 Tomčáni out
Tomčány got his about 42,000 in with Ah 4h against pocket eights held by Heisenberger. Board Qx 3x 3x 6x 7x wasn´t lucky for Tomčáni.
Level 8: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 209,434, ent.: 53/111, HR ent.: 18/20
18:45 Set over set
On the river 4x 6x 8x 9x Ax Antala bets 16,000 into a pot of about 50,000. Poluk raises to 45,000 and Antala jams effectively for about 100,000. Poluk calls with set of fours, unlucky for him, Antala tabled set of aces and Daniel is eliminated.
New year brings lot of poker action !
Level 7: 1,500 – 3,500 / 3,500, avg. 167,742, ent.: 62/104 HR ent.: 17/18
18:30 Srdan Martonski with modest bet on the river
River 6d 3d 3h Jc 6s had 25,000 in the pot and Srdan bets 5,000. Milan Krlic slowly folded and Evy Albrigtsen calls with Jx Tx. Srdan tabled 7x 3x and won this pot.
18:15 Pot for Gerhard Bock
On the flop Js 8c 5s Courselles bets 10,000, Bock raises to 25,000 and Carmelo folds. After a little while Courselles calls and On the turn Kh Bock shoves his 41,500. Courselles took his time to think, but folded in the end.
Level 6: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 144,776, ent.: 67/97
18:00 C-bet good for Stopka
On the flop Ac 4c 5h there was 28,500 in the middle and Stopka c-bets for 12,000. Hladík with third player in a hand folded quickly.
17:55 Highroller is running !
Few minutes ago Highroller event with a guarantee of 25,000€ started with only 11 players in. Im sure this tournament will have great value !
17:45 Igor Titov busto after a flip
Titov got last 42,000 in with pocket jacks and Helga held Ax Kx. Ace on the river helped helga and Titov has to leave his seat.
Level 5: 1,000 – 2,500 / 2,500, avg. 135,385, ent.: 65/88
Break 30 min
16:55 Marko Kolozsvari busto
Marko bets 16,000 on the river 8s 9s 5s Jc Qc and there was about 25,000 in the pot. Miloš Hladík shoves effectivelly for about 80,000 and after some time Marko calls with 7x 6x. That wasn´t good enough against Jx Tx held by Miloš and Marko for now is eliminated.
16:45 Sándor Maté lost a bit
Sándor limps, Heisenberger raises to 6,500 and Matthew Micallef calls from blinds. Sándor calls too and on the flop Qc 9c 6d Heisenberger bets 9,500, Matthew folds and Sándor calls. On the turn Ah Heisenberger bets for 31,000 and Sándor folds.
Level 4: 1,000 – 2,000 / 2,000, avg. 115,385, ent.: 65/75
16:20 Rajsek nie je príliš šťastný
Na rivri kx Qx Qx 3x 9x bolo v pote niečo pod 20,000 a Christian Poth posiela jeho 28,000. Rajsek nad tým chvíľku uvažoval ale smutne zahodil. Poth mu po hre ukázal Kx Qx.
16:05 Heisenber vyhráva na turne
Na turne 7c 6d Td 7d bolo v pote asi 17,000 a Heisenber betoval 8,500. Kocian nad tým uvažoval, ale nakoniec karty zahodil.
Level 3: 1,000 – 1,500 / 1,500, avg. 112,963, ent.: 55/62
Polish Poker Championship starts next week !
15:50 Another small pot
On the flop 9c 5c Ks there was about 10,000 in the middle and Igaz bets 3,000 from the Co. Stopka and Cuevas folded quickly.
Level 2: 500 – 1,000 / 1,000, avg. 104,082, ent.: 49/51
15:35 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
15:25 One of the smaller pots for Andreas Roeder
On the flop 7x 3x 6x there was about 7,000 inside and Roeder bets 3,500. Hensler, Desset and Schroeder quickly folded.
15:10 Who is in here already?
Damiano Nigro, Manfred Walter , Daniel Poluk, Nazike and others are already in the tournament.
Level 1: 500 – 500 / 500, avg. 100,000, ent.: 43/43
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
10% of the field qualify to Day 2 / 199€ buy-in back after the conclusion of Day 1
All players qualified for Day 2 are ITM
Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
The Hendon Mob Championship Grand Final 200,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Championship 250,000€ GTD:
Aktuálny BadBeat Jackpot je 76,830€ !
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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