BC Warm-Up 50,000€ GTD ended up with triumph of Marius Rusu who took home after 3-way deal trophy and 6,028€. Tournament attracted 417 players and guarantee has not been met. Since Tuesday, Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD will take a place. For more information check our web and social networks !
ITM finishers:
1.Rusu Marius 6,028€
2.Shcherba Vitalii 6,493€
3.K. U. 6,567€
4.Janicjevic Marjan 3,140€
6.Dobos Jozsef 1,950€
7.Trepka Attila 1,515€
8.Aisov Yury - 1,245€
9. Kienbauer Karl 975€
10.Petrovic Nemanja 760€
11.Senk Petr 760€
12.Riszdorfer Matej 760€
13.Boehm Patrik 595€
14.BUBO 595€
17.Skalos Andrej 470€
18.Pejic Lukas 470€
22.Zaborszki Janos Istvan 345€
23.Raaber Manuel 345€
24.Jaskulski Dominik Szczepan 345€
26.Dobersek Friedrich 300€
28.Walter Manfred Georg 260€
30.Varga Janos 260€
31.Svoboda Miroslav 260€
32.Szetei Pavol 260€
33.Amiri Imal 260€
34.Misenka Marcel 220€
35.Leichtfried Christian 220€
37.Fabian Stefan 220€
38.Gueles Haydar 220€
40.AMIR JUWAN 220€
42.Milisa Snjezana - 220€
9:08 The end
Vitalii held Kx 6x, Marius Ax 3x. Stacks were pretty much even, but Marius held little bit more. After board 6x 2x 4x 3x Ax Marius defeated Vitalii.
9:00 Storm of all ins
Umut is all in every hand, so outcome is right now very unpredictable. In last hand Umut jammed 9x 2x and Marius called with Kx 2x. BOard Jx 2x 8x Ax 7x eliminates Umut in third place and Rusu with Scherba are playing headsup.
8:50 Deal numbers
Umut – 6,567€
Marius – 6.028€
Vitalii – 6,493€
Players are playing out for trophy
8:45 Fourth place and 3,140€ belongs to Marjan Janicjevic
Marjan got it in with Ax Kx for 4,525,000 against Umut with Qx Jx. Board Qx 3x 4x Tx Qx was last one for Marjan and last three players are discussing the deal.
Level 27: 150,000 – 300,000 / 300,000, avg. 6,157,000, ent.: 4/417
8:25 Jozsef Dobos finished in sixth place for 1,950€, Riczák done in fifth place for 2,515€
Jozsef got his 2,500,000 in with pocket eights against Ax Qx held by Vitalii. Runout Ax Ax Jx 5x 5x didn´t gave Jozsef smallest chance to survive. In very next hand Riczák got his short in with Ax 5x against Umut with 4s 4c. Runout Js 8h 5s 9s As eliminated Michal.
8:10 Attila Trepka finishes in 7th place for 1,515€
Attila jammed last 5bb with Jx Tx and Vitalii called from blinds with Ax Tx. Ten on board was nice but kicker problem decided that Attila is another eliminated player from this final table.
8:00 Yury Aisov busto in 8th place for 1,245€
Yury got into preflop all in with pocket tens for his 2,500,000 against pocket eights held by Umut. Magical runout Qx 3x 8x 8x Kx eliminated Yury.
Level 26: 100,000 – 200,000 / 200,000, avg. 3,078,750, ent.: 8/417
Break 10 min
7:55 Marjan Janicijevic double up
Marjan got his 1,840,000 in game with pocket queens against Umut with Ax Kx. Board Kx Qx 6x 8x 3x brought much needed double up to Marjan.
7:45 Umut Konacoglu double up
On the turn Ax Kx 8x Tx there was 1,300,000 in and Umut got 2,500,000 in with set of eights against Joszef Dobos with Ax Kx. River bricked and Umut took fat double up.
Level 25: 80,000 – 160,000 / 160,000, avg. 3,078,750, ent.: 8/417
7:20 Riczák took the pot
On the river 5x 8x Ax 3x 8x there was about 1,200,000 inside and Shcherba bets 475,000. Riczák thought about it for a while and calls. Vitalii shows Ax 4x and Michal won the pot with Ax Jx.
7:05 Karl Kienbauer busto in 9th place for 975€
Karl got his stack of around 1,300,000 in with Qx 9x against Yury with Ax 8x. Board Tx 3x 4x Kx 5x was last one for Karl.
Level 24: 60,000 – 120,000 / 120,000, avg. 2,736,667, ent.: 9/417
6:55 Riczák double up
Yury opens to 225,000, Karl rejams 2,750,000 and Riczak calls about 1,500,000. Yury folds face up Ax Jx, Karl shows Ax Kx and Riczak held pocket queens. Board Jx 6x 7x Tx 6s held for best hand.
6:45 Weird play by Karl
Vitalii opens from Co and Karl calls from bb. On the flop Qd Tc 7h Karl leads out for 100,000, Vitalii calls. On the turn Qc Karl bets 200,000 and Vitalii calls again. River 6c brought a bet of 150,000 from Karl and Vitalii calls with Tx 4x. Karl shows Jx 8x and looses the hand.
6:30 Tournament will continue
Stacks and seating :
Left to play for:
1. 9,010€
2. 5,845€
3. 4,185€
4. 3,140€
5. 2,515€
6. 1,950€
7. 1,515€
8. 1,245€
9. 975€
Tournament attracted 417 players and addon was used 378-times. 50,000€ GTD has not been met and Banco Casino Bratislava had to donate more than 4,500€ to prizepool. Top five players will have in their payout 170€ ticket to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are already included in payouts.
These players were eliminated before final table:
10.Petrovic Nemanja 760€
11.Senk Petr 760€
12.Riszdorfer Matej 760€
13.Boehm Patrik 595€
14.BUBO 595€
17.Skalos Andrej 470€
18.Pejic Lukas 470€
22.Zaborszki Janos Istvan 345€
23.Raaber Manuel 345€
24.Jaskulski Dominik Szczepan 345€
26.Dobersek Friedrich 300€
28.Walter Manfred Georg 260€
30.Varga Janos 260€
31.Svoboda Miroslav 260€
32.Szetei Pavol 260€
33.Amiri Imal 260€
34.Misenka Marcel 220€
35.Leichtfried Christian 220€
37.Fabian Stefan 220€
38.Gueles Haydar 220€
40.AMIR JUWAN 220€
42.Milisa Snjezana - 220€
Short break
6:10 Nemanja Petrovic busts in 10th place and we are going to the final table !
Nemanja jammed his 495,000 from the button and Dobos calls with pocket queens. Nemanja flips over Ah 7h and after runout Kx 6x 4x Ax Qx is eliminated.
Level 23: 50,000 – 100,000 / 100,000, avg. 2,463,000, ent.: 10/417
Break 10 min
5:45 Double seat open
Riszdorfer jammed his 380,000 with Ax 8x, Senk rejammed with pocket sixes for about one million. Kienbauer in bb made the call with Ax 5x. Runout Kx Qx 8x 5x 5x was lucky for Kienbauer and after counting the stacks both players are busted.
5:30 Patrik Boehm eliminated after a flip
Patrik shoves 720,000 from Ep with pocket tens. Joszef Dobos rejams for more than two million with Ah Jh and everyone else folded. Board Qx 5x 4x Ax 8x didn´t held for Boehm and we are one step closer to the final table.
Level 22: 40,000 – 80,000 / 80,000, avg. 1,894,615, ent.: 13/417
Upcoming Banco Casino Masters schedule:
5:15 Bubo out
On the flop 6h 5h 4c there was around 400,000 in the pot and Bubo shoves for remaining 225,000. Yury Aisov made the call and third player in hand folded. Bubo shows Kh 7h, Aisov holding Ac 8c. Turn and river were both blanks and Bubo is done for today.
Level 21:30,000 -60,000 / 60,000, avg. 1,100,000, ent.: 18/417
4:50 Nothing interesting
Boehm got his 700,000 in with Ax Kx, Riczák behind him rejammed about 1,100,000 with ... Ax Kx. Jurga tanked for a bit in bb and folded Ax Qx. Blank board didn´t brought flush for anyone and pot has been split. On next table Čeky lost his stack and is eliminated. We are merging to last two tables.
Level 20: 20,000 – 40,000 / 40,000, avg. 947,308, ent.: 26/417
4:20 Janicijevic double up
Trepka opens to 75,000 and Janicijevic rejams 465,000. Attila snapcalls with pocket sevens and Marjan held pocket tens. Board 6x 4x Qx Jx 3x didn´t change anything and Marjan got his double up.
4:10 Antonino Karman out
On the flop Jx Jx 4x there was around 200,000 in the pot and Nemanja Petrovič bets 65,000. Horvatic folds and Karman after a while shoves. Nemanja with Ax Jx snapcalls and Antonino tabled pocket nines. Turn 3x and river 2x were no help to him and Karman is eliminated.
Mincash belongs to these players:
34.Misenka Marcel 220€
35.Leichtfried Christian 220€
37.Fabian Stefan 220€
38.Gueles Haydar 220€
40.AMIR JUWAN 220€
42.Milisa Snjezana - 220€
Level 19: 15,000 – 30,000 / 30,000, avg. 703,714, ent.: 35/417
Break 15 min
3:35 Rusu eliminating opponent
Marius opens to 50,000 and Matúš rejams 322,000. Marius was tanking for a while and decided to call with Ax Tx. Runout Ax 6x 7x 6x 2x was lucky for Marius and his opponent has to leave.
3:20 Raaber jams
Manuel Raaber shoves his bit more than 250,000 from Ep. Nobody was interested in calling though.
Level 18: 10,000 -20,000 / 20,000, avg. 586,429, ent.: 42/417
3:02 We are skipping hand for hand
Before hand for hand was announced, we lost both István Kovács and Dawid Szpakiewicz. We are resuming normal play before hand for hand begun.
2:50 Flop raise
On the flop 6c 5c Td there was about 100,000 in the pot and Marjan Janicijevic bets 58,000. Miroslav Svoboda raises to 130,000 and after quite some time Marjan folded.
Upcoming Banco Casino Masters schedule:
Level 17: 8,000 – 16,000 / 16,000, avg. 482,941,ent.: 51/417
2:30 Dinosaurs in attack !
Attila Trepka completes his sb and Čeky in bb shoves for about 220,000. Trepka folds and Čeky shows 5x 2x to his table. Not bad for old man, not bad.
2:15 Boehm Vs Fabián
Boehm opens to 30,000 and Fabian calls. On the flop As 9c 5d Boehm bets 35,000 and gets paid. On the turn Ts Boehm jams 141,000 and Fabián tanked for several minutes. After considerable time he decided to fold face up Qx Qx.
Level 16: 6,000 – 12,000 / 12,000, avg. 432,105, ent.: 57/417
Break 15 min
1:50 Peso defending sucessfuly
Karl Kienbauer limped, Raaber raises to 23,000, Varga calls from button and Peso made the call from bb. Kienbauer decided to call and on the flop 9d 4d 9s bets 23,000. Raaber with Varga folded but Peso decided to call. Turn 3c is checked and on the turn 7h Karl ets once again, this time for 33,000. Peso calls and Karl tables Ax 8x. Peso won pot with his 4x 5x.
1. 9,010€
2. 5,845€
3. 4,185€
4. 3,140€
5. 2,515€
6. 1,950€
7. 1,515€
8. 1,245€
9. 975€
10-12. 760€
13-15. 595€
16-18. 470€
19-21. 390€
22-24. 345€
25-27. 300€
28-33. 260€
34-42. 220€
Tournament attracted 417 players and addon was used 378-times. 50,000€ GTD has not been met and Banco Casino Bratislava had to donate more than 4,500€ to prizepool. Top five players will have in their payout 170€ ticket to Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD and these money are already included in payouts.
Level 15: 5,000 – 10,000 / 10,000, avg. 342,083, ent.: 72/417
1:15 Flop raise won a pot for Rusu
Peter Mužík opens Co to 16,000, István Kovács calls from button Rusu from sb and Likavský from bb. On the flop 2c Jd 2d Mužík c-bets 20,000, Kovács folds and Rusu raises to 55,000. Likavský with Mužík folded quickly.
1:00 Simple c-bet is enough this time
Dominik Jaskulski opens to 17,000 from mp and Manfred Walter calls from button. Nobody else joined and on the flop Ah Qd 8s Dominik c-bets 15,000. Manfred smoothly folds.
Level 14: 4,000 – 8,000 / 8,000, avg. 267,717, ent.: 92/417
00:45 Abdul double up
Abdul got his 72,000 in with pocket kings against Kc 9x held by Umut Konacoglu. Board Ac Jc Tc 4x 9x held for Abdul in the end.
00:30 Topi Hysen out
Topi jammed last 29,000 from Ep with Tx 4x. Gašpar Lakatoš called from bb with Qx Tx and after runout Kx Kx Qx Ax 6x Topi is on the leave.
Level 13: 3,000 – 6,000 / 6,000, avg. 234,571, ent.: 105/417
Break 20 min
23:45 Sad fold for Nemanja Petrovič
On the flop As Qs 8d pot consisted of wonderful 70,000 and Petrovič bets 37,000. Lukas Pejic raised to 100,000 with roughtly 200,000 left behind. Nemanja tanked quite a while and folded face up Ax Ks.
Level 12: 2,500 – 5,000 / 5,000, avg. 193,415, ent.: 123/403
Last level for registration and reentry !
23:30 No action
Milan Nižňanský opens to 8,000 from Ep, Patrik Mráz calls and so does Kovács with Raaber from the blinds. Board Qx 9x 9x Ax Ax is checked down and Kovács flips over Qx Tx. Raaber shows Qx 2x and remaining players mucks. Kicker is in play for Kovács and he took down this pot.
23:20 Gašpar Lakatoš jams
On the flop Tc 6d 5d there is 30,000 inside and Lakatoš bets 15,000. Both opponents calls and on the turn 5s Lakatoš jams around 150,000. Both opponents quickly folded.
Level 11: 2,000 – 4,000 / 4,000, avg. 166,3777, ent.: 138/389
23:05 Mark Szabo busto
Mark got on the flop Jc 5s Kd for 8,500 with Horvatic and Karakas. Karakas checks, Szabo shoves for 56,000, Horvatic calls and Karakas folds. Szabo tables Jh Th and Horvatic held Kx 9x. Turn 8x and river 8x didn´t help to Mark and he is eliminated.
22:50 Marcel Mišenka took the pot with a river bet
On the river 9x 9x Jx 3x 3x there was about 100,000 in the middle and Marcel bets 25,000. Both Sulanto and Wellerová folded quickly. Marcel shows Ax Qx after the hand.
Level 10: 1,500 – 3,000 / 3,000, avg. 137,875, ent.: 159/374
22:30 Cuevas late for the bus?
Cuevas opens the button, sb calls and Pavel Ivanov jams covering both. Cuevas after some time moves his around 80,000 inside with Ax 3x, sb folds and Ivanov tables Ax Qx. Runout 6x 9x 5x 5x Jx meant Cuevas has to leave his seat.
22:15 Nice call
On the river 9d 8D 6s 4s Kd there was about 50,000 in the pot and Gyula Rapolti bets 33,000. Anton Sajin was tanking a bit and made the call with pocket sevens. Rapolti mucks his hand.
Break 30 min
21:30 Ivo Barczi winning
On the turn Ax Ax 2x Qx there was about 50,000 in the pot and Tamas Horvath bets 11,500. Barczi jams his 35,200 and his opponent instantly folds.
21:15 Split pot
On the river 9c 3d 9h 3h Ad there was about 25,000 inside and Imal Amiri bets 6,000. Matuský calls and both shows Ax Qx. Neither of them had a flush and they had to split this pot.
Level 8: 800 – 1,600 / 1,600, avg. 103,548, ent.: 186/327
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ will take place in February !
20:50 Gift for Shcherba
On the turn Kh Jh 6c 5s there was 43,000 in the pot and Vitalii bets 20,000. David Orbán calls and on the river Ks Orbán leads out for 25,000. Shcherba jams for 70,000 and Orbán calls with Kx 4x. Vitalii tables Kx Qx and win this pot.
Level 7: 600 – 1,200 / 1,200, avg. 92,694, ent.: 192/304
20:20 Svoboda double up
On the flop 6c 2c 9s there was around 55,000 in the pot and Radoslaw Roslan was all in. Svoboda with Mužík checked throught the flop and turn 9d. On the river 8s Peter jammed 45,500 Svoboda had behind with Ax 5x and Zdeněk decided to call with Qx 8x. Roslan held Ax Kx and chips from both sides went to Svoboda.
20:00 Jusup out
Topi Hysen opens to 2,500 and Jusup rejams his around 40,000. Noone else joined and Topi calls with Jd Td. Jusup held Ad Th and after runout 9c 2d 7d 8h 9h Topi completes his straight to bust Jusup.
Level 5: 400 – 800 / 800, avg. 71,919, ent.: 198/243
Break 30 min
18:50 Benjamin Mekinulow out
On the flop 7x 2x 8x Benjamin called a bet of 7,100 from his opponent. On the turn Qc was Ben facing all in of his 11,000 and made the call with Kx 8x. Against pocket tens held by his opponent it wasn´t enough even after river 3x and Benjamin goes for reentry.
18:30 Manuel Raaber all-in
On the river Ax 9x 8x 6x Kx there was about 80,000 in the pot and Raaber jams his almost 50,000. PInchas, Klugsberger and Kizzik folded their hands.
Level 4: 300 - 600 / 600, avg. 65,193, ent.: 181/202
Banco Casino Masters 32 starting next week !
18:20 Split pot
On the river Ax Kx 8x 8x 9x there was about 40,000 in the middle and Benjamin Schwarz bets 20,000. Tomaszewski folds and Roman Novák made the call. Schwarz shows Ax 6x, Novák tabled Ax 7x and pot has been split between these two.
Level 3: 200 – 500 / 500, avg. 61,299, ent.: 154/161
18:00 Tomáš Ballán took smaller one
On the flop Ac 2s 2h Tomáš bets 1,300 into a pot of 4,000, Cuevas folds and Thomas calls. On the turn 7c Tomáš continuees with a bet of 3,500 and gets paid again. River Ts brought two swift checks and Thomas shows pocket threes. Ballán hit his ten on the river and took the pot with Tx 9x.
17:50 Simple win for Tamás Horváth
On the flop 9d 3d 2s there was about 6,500 in the pot and Tamás bets 3,800. All four opponents folded.
17:40 You can see whats going on at Banco Casino Bratislava at following links:
Banco Casino Instagram: instagram.com/bancocasinoBA/
Facebook profile Banco Casino: facebook.com/bancocasinobratislava
Web page: http://www.bancocasino.sk/web/
Youtube channel Banco Casino:
Level 2: 200 – 400 / 400, avg. 58,828, ent.: 128/128
17:25 Early pot for Milaberský
On the river Ax Tx 4x 7x Kx there was about 7,000 in the pot and Maroš Kanda bets 2,100 and Milaberský raises to 5,100. Maroš made the call but couldn´t beat Kx 7x held by Milaberský.
17:15 Who is here right from start?
Puchala, Ballán, Sedláček, Nemeth, Hofer, Varga, Shcherba Milaberský and others are battling right from the start !
Level 1: 100 – 200 / 200, avg. 59,009, ent.: 111/111
BC Masters Warm-up Weekend 50.000€ GTD
· Start: 17:00
· Starting stack : 50.000 chips
· Special Add-on : 10€ / 10.000 chips
· Special Add-on included in the prize pool
· Soft drinks and dinner are free of charge for all players
· 10% fee + 5% staff deducted from the prize pool
· 9x 170€ ticket to BC Masters ME 250.000€ GTD included in the prize pool
Banco Casino Masters 250,000€ GTD:
Slovak Poker Open 300,000€ GTD:
Polish Poker Days 350,000€ GTD:
Cyprus Series of Poker 250,000€ GTD:
Tanna Delle Tigri 200,000€ GTD:
Banco Lottery v hodnote 150.000€ - vyhrajte každý deň až 1.000€ !
Koleso šťastia „BANCO WHEEL“ rozdáva 100,000€ - zatočte kolesom každý deň!
Každý kto hra výherné prístroje s Banco Kartou bude odmenený až do výšky 10%!

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